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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khasanova Gulsanam Khusanovna

This work is dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of today - the study of the formation and development of the national education system, study and comparison of experience the functioning of educational systems. Based on an analysis of the current state of education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, practical proposals were developed for further improving the prospects of education system based on international experience.

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- Interesting

- Attractive;

- Rough or misleading - word play, use of pen

- To have a "musical" jar with rhythm, rhyme, alliteration;

- Typographic differences in the main text. Font, background, and more.12

The headline is a full-fledged component of the newspaper text, included in it and associated with other components of the whole work. Anticipating the text, the heading carries certain information about the content of a journalistic work. The headlines of the newspaper strip are emotionally colored, arouse reader interest, and attract attention. The headline is perceived as a speech element that is outside the text and has a certain independence. The importance of the title in terms of impact on the reader is determined by the fact that, along with the conception and ending of the text, it occupies a stylistically strong position. It is these components of the work that attract the most attention; information contained in the title, conception, ending, is assimilated in the first place.

In short, people are primarily interested in their problems and needs. If the headline provide directly or indirectly serves those needs, the reader will be more likely to read the caption text. In any case, the title can be specific. But the principles of how the titles affect

the audience are general. Given these principles, your exposure rate will increase several fold.


1. Гуревич С. М. Газета: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Учебное пособие для вузов / С. М. Гуревич, -Москва: Аспект Пресс, 2004.

2. Тураева З. М. Лингвистика текста: структура и семантика: учебное пособие / З. М. Тураева, -Москва: Просвещение, 1986. - 54 c

3. Суворов С. П. Особенности стиля английских газетных заголовков. Язык и стиль: учебное пособие / С. П. Суворов, - Москва: Просвещение, 1965. - 27 c

4. Добросклонская Т.Г. «Язык средств массовой информации»: науч. изд. / Т.Г. Добросклонская, - Москва: «КДУ», 2012. - 48 c.

5. Колесниченко, А. В. Практическая журналистика. Учебное пособие. — М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 2008. — 180 с.

6. Тошму^амедова Л. Сарлав^а услубияти. -Т.: —Фан ва технология, 2008. - Б.33

7. Мелибоев А. Кирк бешинчи бекат. - Т.: Алишер Навоий номидаги Узбекистан Миллий кутубхонаси нашриёти, 2008. - Б.52

8. Colin Macfarlane. Hit the Headlines Exciting journalism activities for improving writing and thinking skills. © 2012.P. 150.

Khasanova Gulsanam Khusanovna

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan



Abstract. This work is dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of today - the study of the formation and development of the national education system, study and comparison of experience the functioning of educational systems. Based on an analysis of the current state of education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, practical proposals were developed for further improving the prospects of education system based on international experience.

Keywords: integration of education, quality of education, science and industry, international analysis, continuity of education, competence, professional skills, labor market.

One of the priorities for reforming, improving and enhancing the quality of education is to share best practices with the world's leading countries, to actively participate in global education, and to overcome the artificial barriers faced by teachers and students.

At the present stage, under conditions of accelerated socio-economic development of the world community, further progress of science, technology and culture, each state pays close attention to improving the requirements for content and quality, forms and methods of teaching in the education system [5].

Today, scientific and technological progress has not only compressed time and reduced distances. It pushed the boundaries in the field of international

communication, contributed to a deep understanding of the world experience in the organization of education. Therefore, starting to reform the Uzbek system of education, it is necessary not only to seriously study the national educational experience, unique and significant in content, which has absorbed the best of the cultural heritage of our peoples, but also the educational achievements of other countries that have centuries-old, progressive in many relationship of tradition [4].

In Uzbekistan from the first years of independence, a special attention has been paid to radical reform of the education system, to the education of our children at the level of international standards, to acquire modern knowledge and skills, to grow up

12 Colin Macfarlane. Hit the HeadlinesExciting journalismactivities forimproving writing and thinking skills. © 2012.P. 150.

physically and spiritually mature, to reveal their abilities and talent, intellectual potential, loyalty and self-sacrifice. Presidential Decree "On the Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan" of 7 February 2017 sets out a set of tasks for the social sphere, in particular, in the areas of education and science [1].

Issues of development of education depend largely on the study of the world experience. The educational system of each country has its own specifics, expressed in actual goals and objectives, methods and forms of training of students, the material basis of features, the system of selection and training of students, staff and others. The world experience of training is useful to study all regardless of the level of material welfare of the population, social and economic development of the country analysis of international experience is becoming the most important resource of modernization of education.

Globalization and international integration are both a joint process of work and a process of struggle of developing countries to protect national interests. The development of education is considered a key objective of strategic socio-economic development. The educational system, programs and teaching methods in the country are changing in order to eliminate any division in schools, to provide modern knowledge, to meet the new requirements of society [11].

In the world, special attention is paid to the study of the development strategy formed on the joint learning strategy, conceptual features and the main directions of modernization of the education system, modern and global trends and reforms in the education system, comparative analysis and the dynamics of education systems. In this context, the need to eliminate errors in the organizational and pedagogical process of education through the exchange of best practices, as well as the development of new approaches, technologies and principles, is explained.

The Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan sets the task of further improving the "education system, increasing the availability of quality educational services, increasing the effectiveness of mutually beneficial cooperation in realizing the tasks of the country's socio-political and socio-economic development" [1].

Given the leading principles and experience of developed countries, Uzbekistan has developed its main directions in the development of education. They include the following [7]:

- identification of specific trends in the development of education;

- the creation of new types of educational institutions adapted to modern technologies, the creation of new e-learning plans, electronic journals and textbooks;

- creation of material and spiritual conditions for the free creativity of youth;

- development of professional skills in the face of changing economic needs;

- integration of Uzbekistan into world educational standards.

The state pays particular attention to further improving the system of continuing education, providing quality educational services, training highly qualified personnel in accordance with modern requirements of the labor market. In recent years, in the process of reforming the education system, a solid legal, organizational, material and technical base has been created in the country, which contributed to the renewal of the education system and the upbringing of the developed young generation [10].

In order to improve education system on the basis of international best practices, to train qualified and competitive personnel for the labor market, a Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 6, 2019 "On additional measures to further improve the vocational education system" was adopted. From the 2020-2021 academic year, a new system of primary, secondary and secondary-specialized, vocational education and differentiated educational programs will be created corresponding to the levels of the International Standard Classification of Education.

The President's Decree "On measures to radically improve the system of general secondary, specialized-secondary, vocational education" of January 25, 2018 identified important tasks in the system of training personnel in the field of vocational education [2]. It is planned to train qualified specialists capable of applying modern information and communication technologies, which are in great demand in the respective sectors. These specialists should be trained taking into account the prospects and priorities of the economy, modern technical and technological trends, and be fluent in at least two foreign languages. In addition, the decree provides for the coordination of the professional skills of graduates of professional colleges with the aim of fundamentally improving the quality of training of specialists in the fields of economics and sectors, taking into account the real needs of the staff, the employer's proposals.

The formation of the pedagogical process aimed at the development of moral and ethical qualities based on the rich scientific, cultural and spiritual heritage of the people, the development of these qualities in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to the ideas of national independence, the formation of the young generation using modern pedagogical technologies and approaches are defined as leading tasks.

The decree also provides for the development of comprehensive cooperation with leading local and foreign educational institutions, the attraction of highly qualified foreign specialists in the field of vocational education for the joint implementation of modern innovative training programs. Compliance with national standards of vocational education in the classification of international education standards, the harmonization of international qualification requirements and the gradual adaptation and recognition of national qualifications to international peers are envisaged. It also emphasizes the importance of effective integration of the non-formal education

system with the state education system, the systematization and further implementation of accumulated experience in organizing a differentiated educational process, as well as vocational training, as well as component general education.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the system of general and professional education in Uzbekistan is characterized by rapid development. The analysis showed that at different stages of the country's development, professional training solved urgent problems. Like any other, the system of professional education with all indicators of its development is a copy of the dynamic changes taking place in society.

Currently, Uzbekistan is implementing reforms based on new approaches, which is an important factor in the development of the professional education sector. This gives each employee of the education system a high responsibility for constantly improving the quality of education in accordance with the modern pace of development of science, technology and production.

At present, international experience in the development of education and vocational training, as well as experience in interacting on these issues, the creation of a more advanced and relevant professional education system in the modern world are needed [10].

The experience of developed countries shows that in the preparation of highly qualified and competitive personnel, the following factors are crucial:

1. Mutually beneficial relations between education, science and industry.

2. A variety of educational institutions and professional education programs, their latest achievements in science and technology, the use of the highest standards and manifestations of economics and technology.

3. Transformation of the vocational education system into a priority and profitable economic zone.

4. Providing educational institutions with modern educational and methodological literature, creating their material and technical base and strengthening their financial indicators.

5. Attracting highly qualified teachers and specialists to the education system.

6. Informatization and computerization of the educational process.

7. Implementation of a quality management system and an objective monitoring system.

8. Conducting psychological and pedagogical research on personality development, measurement, quality and behavior, the ability to evaluate skills and professionalism.

9. Encouraging teachers to provide material support and social protection.

Foreign experience in the field of education and professional training deserves special attention, since a international analysis and identification of specific approaches to the content of education make it possible to highlight the prerequisites and trends in the formation of a single educational space.

The use of foreign experience in national system of training highly qualified personnel will give a positive effect only if the specifics of the Uzbek education are preserved.


[1] Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan", Collection of Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70, Article 20, Article 354, Article 23 , Article 448, Article 37, Article 982.

[2] Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically improve the system of general secondary, secondary special and vocational education". Tashkent, January 25, 2018 People's word. January 26, 2018 №17 (6975)

[3] Узбекистан Обзор системы высшего образования (адаптировано с Европедии/Эвридики) Erasmus+. Февраль 2016 г.-C. 4

[4] Development of education system in Uzbekistan. 2000-2004. UNDP Statistical bulletin. 2005. - P. 9

[5] Khasanova G.Kh. Vocational education systems of Uzbekistan and Japan: a comparative analysis // Handbook - Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019. -P10-11

[6] George F. Kneller. Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1971. -P. 20-21

[7] Yuldashev D. // Education in Uzbekistan.-http://www.tashkent.org/uzland/educate.html.

[8] Mushtaq. S. Contemporary Educational System in Uzbekistan. / International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research. T.: 2015.-P.131.

[9] Education for All 2015. National Review. -


[10] Таълимда илгор хорижий тажрибалар. Укув-услубий мажмуа. ТДПУ. Т.: 2016 йил. - С.22-32

[11] Бюллетень о сфере образования. Выпуск № 11. Март 2017. Реформа среднего профессионального образования (отечественный и зарубежный опыт). Россия. 2017. - С. 21-22.

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