Научная статья на тему 'Role and importance of the education system in the development of human potential in terms of modern globalization in Georgia'

Role and importance of the education system in the development of human potential in terms of modern globalization in Georgia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tsartsidze Murman, Kvirkvelia Ekaterine

The work considers the role and importance of the education system in the development of human potential in terms of the present-day globalization. It underlines the role of education as that of a social-cultural phenomenon and examines the principal problems and challenges in the branch for Georgia. The work proves that in the modern “Age of Enlightenment”, it is the level and quality of the education determining the prospects and economic and social progress of the society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Role and importance of the education system in the development of human potential in terms of modern globalization in Georgia»

Section 8. Education Management

Tsartsidze Murman, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Doctor of Economic Sciences Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business E-mail: murman.tsartsidze@tsu.ge lomi1965@ mail.ru

Kvirkvelia Ekaterine, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Doctoral student of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, E-mail: katia_kvirkvelia@yahoo.com

Role and importance of the education system in the development of human potential in terms of modern globalization in Georgia

"The main virtue bringing the victory to the nation in the battle for existence is knowledge and education".

lakob Gogebashvili

Abstract: The work considers the role and importance of the education system in the development of human potential in terms of the present-day globalization. It underlines the role of education as that of a social-cultural phenomenon and examines the principal problems and challenges in the branch for Georgia. The work proves that in the modern "Age of Enlightenment", it is the level and quality of the education determining the prospects and economic and social progress of the society.

Keywords: education, knowledge, learning, analytical reasoning, human potential.

Modern globalization process in the world is an im- "We need more thorough reasoning", "We must think to petus for the mankind to see the role and importance of acquire thorough knowledge", "It is not sufficient for a the foster and educational system in the development of man to have merely superficial knowledge of the things", social potential and formation of the progressive civilized "Georgia cannot exist without relevant knowledge and social mentality adequate to the XXI century in the new deep reasoning", "I think, we must give a particular im-light. Humanization of public relations and democrati- portance to analytical thinking" [1-3], etc. It is also zation and intercultural and international cooperation worthwhile that the following three most critical issues can be achieved only by means of globalization. An ef- hampering the economic development were identified ficient educational system must ensure the formation of by the government of Georgia aiming at achieving the in-physical, intellectual and moral abilities of a human and clusive economic growth: poor competitiveness of the social-economic development of the countries, includ- private sector, underdeveloped human capital and liming the expansion of relations between them and signifi- ited financial resources. The topicality of the issue be-cant improvement of the quality of people's labor and comes clear if considering that under "The Global Com-of life in the final run. This is why, at present, the prob- petitiveness Report 2013-2014", Georgia ranks the 105th lems of education in Georgia have become the subject of with the Quality of the Educational System and ranks consideration not only for the relevant branch special- the 130th with the Availability of Research and Training ists and governmental bodies, but also for the Church: Services among world countries [4-15]. Therefore, we

think that it is clear that in terms of the present-day environment and severe challenges the country faces, it is the high-quality education being one of the most important factors ensuring the social efficiency, reinstatement, and development and progress of the society. The present-day type of the society is the result of culture and level and quality of education. It is them being the source of the creative potential determining the success of the progressive social reforms. The present century, in addition to the epoch of globalization and integration, is also named as "The Age of Enlightenment" with the knowledge and education as the principal guarantees for human life and activity. This is proved by the fact that "in modern view, education is the process and outcome of acquiring systemic and scientific knowledge. Education means obtaining knowledge by a man and developing skills based on it, as well as purposefully mastering the experience of mankind in a concrete field. Thus, in respect of social culture, the education is a peculiar and necessary form. Without the education, a man can never be a full member of the society" [3-12].

Thus, today, in the XXI century, education is the main factor to develop a human being and whole society. Clearly, education is not the only factor guaranteeing the future, but without it, it would be impossible to solve the global problems of the world society, or bring up a person striving to achieve intellectual, morale, esthetic and emotional development or become a free and conscious citizen. So, in the final run, it may be said that without education, it will be impossible to walk the way of progress and development. Therefore, if considering the present-day reality, it is clear that education has to reach its major objective of developing global self-conscience and reasoning of people, uniting the people by means of dignified, creative and purposeful ideals and ensuring free and solidary lifestyle all over the world.

The efficiency and quality of the education system depends on how well its major functions are realized. The social function of education must ensure the following: promoting political, economic and cultural-technological development of the society; fostering, teaching and developing the state, society and individual persons, and preparing a person for safe and successful work.

In the epoch of globalization, the modern society is very complex, dynamically developing and divergent. Today, an educated person means a person not only with a well-developed world view and high intellect, but also the one prepared and consistently oriented on modern problems of life. Such a person perceives his place in the society, while education and process of education

are the major guarantees for the individual's future. The primary reason is that any society at present is subject to intense changes becoming progressively global with time: both, the nature and the environment change, new forms of civilization are formed, technique and technologies develop, science progresses and new forms of human relations and mutual interaction develop. All these require every individual to have universal knowledge of his own profession and in many other fields. In terms of market economy, in the process of development of democratic values and civil society, a man is an active subject of the economic and political life. Therefore, we have to consider that education at present must equip a man with the abilities assisting him in studying efficiently and gaining the lifelong education to find the clear positions in his life. In doing so, he must be able to focus on the information space, be flexible, cautious, purposeful and communicable and have creative thinking, make conscious choices and be responsible for them. All the above-mentioned allows us to assume that the level and quality of the educational system determine the prospects of the societal development and economic and social progress and that the main value of the society is a human being able to search and master new knowledge.

The problems of education were always topical in Georgia. Ilia Chavchavadze, the Georgian writer, poet and public figure, while studying the social, economic and political situation in the country, as far back as in the second half of the XIX century, noted that "the education, studying and knowledge — are the only means to cure our lives" [2, 128]. Moreover, he considered the lack of knowledge as the major reason for backwardness, poverty and underdevelopment of the society what is even more topical today, in terms of globalization. An absolutely new system of relations is being formed in the modern society with the field of education being an important factor to develop new principal approaches, and new progressive ideas of development and potential. Moreover, the social, economic and political events taking place in the modern world evidence the need for the lifelong focus of world citizens and whole society on the learning ideology. The latter allows the country to successfully react on global social-economic changes and events. This is why, in 2005, the government initiated a new phase of reforms and development in the system of education of Georgia considered as the main priority. As a result, the management, financing and quality models of the educational system and all its structure were changed. Development of foreign relations and the Euro-integration process have supported the development

of a new structural model of the system management, which aims to improve the autonomy of the elements of the educational system, develop a competitive environment based on the principle of equity and improve the education service quality for the sake of developing the knowledge-based economy.

Despite this, there are still problems and challenges in the system of education to thorough analyze and evaluate. This is evidenced by the fact that depending on the general level of education, Georgia, with index 0.770, ranks the 40th among 187 countries [7] and with its education quality, much falls back the developed European countries. Therefore, in our opinion, the further development of the total educational system and vocational training in the first instance, must serve as the basis to develop the labor relations in modern society. Acknowledging the development of the labor and human capital with its focus on the labor market demands as the principal factor for inclusive economic growth under the present governmental strategy for the social-economic developmental of Georgia well-timed [4-7]. Consequently, the further realization of the "lifelong learning concept" (This concept is obligatory to realize and has been accomplished in Georgia under the joint program with the EU since November 14, 2006) has been planned to help a person to become a competitive in using new technologies, improve his social relations, create equal opportunities and significantly improve the quality of the labor life.

The general level and quality of education much depends on the existing system of financing. This is further evidenced by the fact that in 2014, Georgia, with educational expenses, ranked very low among 153 world countries (the 119th). In the recent decade, Georgia spent approximately 2,9-3,0% (3,2% in 2014) of Gross Domestic Product for education, while the same index in Europe was 5,0-6,0% (compare, the indices of the educational expenses in different world countries are as follows: 12.9% in Cuba; 8.7% in Denmark; 7.3% in Norway; 6.4% in Belgium; 5.9% in France; 5.8% in Israel; 5.6% in Great Britain; 5.4% in the USA; 5.4% in Switzerland; 5.1% in Hungary; 5.1% in Poland; 5.0% in Spain; 4.8% in Canada; and 4.6% in Germany; the following indices were fixed in the Post-Soviet countries: 9.1% in Moldova; 6.2% in Kirgizstan; 5.7% in Estonia; 5.7% in Latvia; 5.3% in Ukraine; 4.5% in Byelorussia; 4.1% in Russia; 4.0% in Tajikistan; 3,2% in Azerbaijan; 3,2% in Armenia and 3.1% in Kazakhstan) [8]. As for the budgetary assignments, in 2014, the total finances assigned for education, science and vocational training amounted to 9,02% of the state budget [9],

while the average European index is 11,0-12,0%. The mechanism of financing the educational system, despite significant changes in recent years, particularly during the reforms of the educational system, needs a thorough review today.

In evaluating the state of the educational system and development ofhuman potential in the developed countries, analysis of a Human Development Index (HDI) used in the international practice is particularly important. In 2015, Georgia, with this index (0.754), ranked the 76th among other high-ranking countries [10]. In 2014, this index for Georgia was 0.744 putting the country beside the countries with high HDIs. Georgia, like Brazil and Grenada, ranks the 79th among 187 countries and territories [11]. Such countries, as Norway, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, USA, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, Japan, France, Austria, Baltic countries, etc. have very high HDIs. Among the countries with high HDIs, Georgia looks solid, but still falls back its neighboring countries, particularly Russia and Turkey. The analysis of HDI dynamics in Georgia evidences that the qualification of the country development has changed since 2011 from average HDI-to high HDI-indexed country. This was mostly caused by the change in the Index calculation methods, with changed index limits inter alia. However, as mentioned above, in reality, the HDI of Georgia did improve slightly in 2014-2015 as compared to the previous years.

By considering the modern state of the educational system, specifics of its operation and comprehension of its role and importance one can assume that education itself:

• Is a social-cultural phenomenon of modern society with its goals and objectives identified by the given society, and is a major factor of the societal development.

• Is a complex, multi-spectral phenomenon playing a great role in the formation of the social institutions of the society at present, and is a component of the nation's culture.

• Fosters the sense of responsibility in a person, creates opportunities for him/her and fosters self-confidence and belief in the future and is therefore, the principal motif of an individual's actions.

• Serves as a single, flexible, open, target-oriented and innovative program of educational programs, state standards, educational establishments and relevant management bodies.

Following the above-mentioned, we can unilaterally conclude that education, knowledge, intellect and development ofanalytical and creative thinking is an important

factor to develop the human capital in the society, im- the democratization of the teaching process and foster-

prove its competitiveness and secure the success of the ing system, and humanization and internationalization

state in the final run. This must be promoted through of the process of enlightening.


1. Ilia II, the Catholicos-Patriarch of All-Georgia. Sunday Sermons, Journal Patriarchate Bulletin, N37, 737, October 30 and November 5, 2014.

2. Ilia Chavchavadze, "Our People and Education", Vol. 4, Publicist Letters, - Tbilisi, 2012.

3. Ketevan Chkhuaseli, Ivane Chkhuaseli, General Fundamentals of Pedagogies. Publishing House "Intellect", -Tbilisi, 2012.

4. Ordnance N 400 of the Government of Georgia "On Approval of Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Georgia - Georgia 2020' and Associated Activities" ofJune 17, 2014, -Tbilisi.

5. Ordnance No. 300 of the Prime Minister of Georgia "On Approval of the Reform for Vocational Education (2013-2020)", December 26, 2013.

6. Ordnance No. 732 of the Government of Georgia "On Approval of the State Strategy of Formation of the Labor Market of Georgia and Action Plan for 2015-2018 to Realize the State Strategy of Formation of the Labor Market of Georgia", December 26, 2014.

7. World General Education Rankings. United Nations Development Programme: Education Index 2013. URL: http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/education-index/education-index-info.

8. World Country Rating according to the Educational Expenses. The World Bank: World Development Indicators 2014. URL: http://gtmarket.ru/ratings/expenditure-on-education/info.

9. The Ministry of Finance of Georgia. The indices of general and total budgetary costs in a functional section, 2014, www.mof.ge.

10. The UNO Development Programme: Human Development Index (HDI) in world countries. 2010-2015 Reports. http://gtmarket.ru/news/2014/07/24/6843.

11. United Nations Development Programme. United Nations Development Reports. Trends in the Human Development Index, 1990-2014. http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/HDI.

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