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Ключевые слова
DOC / cluster / gastronomy tourism / wine tourism / and agrotourism. / DOC / кластер / гастрономический туризм / винный туризм / агротуризм.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kumush M, Mirzokulova

in the article, the author suggests as the most effective way to organize and develop agrotourism in the region, the creation of an agrotourist cluster as an informal association of participants in tourism activities and organizations included in the infrastructure complex. There are many state programs for the development of national and international tourism in the republic, but none of them provides for a mechanism for creating a tourist cluster, does not define the core of the cluster (the main subjects of the tourism industry) and the shell of the cluster (infrastructure facilities).

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в статье автор предлагает в качестве наиболее эффективного способа организации и развития агротуризма в регионе создание агротуристического кластера как неформального объединения участников туристической деятельности и организаций, включенных в инфраструктурный комплекс. В республике разработаны много государственных программ по развитию национального и международного туризма, однако ни одна из них не предусматривает механизма создания туристического кластера, не определяет ядро кластера (основных субъектов туристической отрасли) и оболочку кластера (инфраструктурные объекты).



Original paper

© Kumush M. Mirzokulova1^_

1Bukhara State University, Bukhar, Uzbekistan


INTRODUCTION: in the article, the author suggests as the most effective way to organize and develop agrotourism in the region, the creation of an agrotourist cluster as an informal association of participants in tourism activities and organizations included in the infrastructure complex. There are many state programs for the development of national and international tourism in the republic, but none of them provides for a mechanism for creating a tourist cluster, does not define the core of the cluster (the main subjects of the tourism industry) and the shell of the cluster (infrastructure facilities).

AIM: the purpose of the study is to substantiate the role of agrotourism as a promising direction for ensuring sustainable rural development. As the most effective tool for solving these problems, it is proposed to create regional agrotouristic clusters with a synergistic effect and contributing to the multiplicative growth of the economy of an agricultural region, solving a number of socio-economic, demographic and environmental problems, preserving the historical and cultural heritage of the population living on their territory.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: the problem of organizing and further development of agrotourism has become relevant in recent decades against the background of increasing competitiveness of national tourism. The issues of the development of agrotourism as a way to strengthen the competitive position of tourist organizations, as well as the involvement of farms in the promotion of rural tourism are widely covered in the works of foreign and Russian scientists such as O.E.Akimova, K.Dashper, A.I. Tarasenko, V.A.Klitsunov, B.Lane.1

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS: the solution of the tasks of sustainable development of each specific region should be carried out taking into account the specifics of this territory, its resource provision, trends in human development, natural, transport and other conditions that affect the processes of expanded reproduction as a determining factor in

1Акимова О.Е. Особенности мотивации предпринимательской деятельности в сфере туризма на сельских территориях /электронный ресурс/: Региональная экономика: теория и практика. - 2-13.; Dashper K.Rural Tourism: An international Percpective.2014-421 p.; Бизнес в агро- и экотуризме: пособие / Под общ. ред. к.г.н., доц. А. И. Тарасенка. - Минск, 2014; Клицунова В. А. Стр. Агротуризм: учеб. -метод. пособие. - Минск: РИПО, 2014.; Lane B. Tourism strategies and rural development// Organization for economic co-operation and development. -1994.-N94 (49)/-94 p.


achieving socio-economic sustainability. The levers of state and market regulation used in this case should ensure the harmonization of the interests of the regions and the country as a whole within the framework of sustainable development management at the macro level, equality of all forms of ownership, guarantees and incentives for increasing entrepreneurial activity, minimizing destabilizing factors.

CONCLUSION: foreign experience shows that the results of the implementation of cluster policy are an increase in productivity and innovation activity of enterprises forming a cluster, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the growth of direct investment, sustainable socio-economic development of the cluster-based regions. Thus, the development of agrotouristic clusters can contribute to the modernization of the economy and become a "catalyst for economic growth not only at the micro, but also at the macro level.

Key words: DOC, cluster, gastronomy tourism, wine tourism, and agrotourism.



© К.М. Мирзокулова1Н

1 Бухарский государственный университет, Бухара, Узбекистан_


ВВЕДЕНИЕ: в статье автор предлагает в качестве наиболее эффективного способа организации и развития агротуризма в регионе создание агротуристического кластера как неформального объединения участников туристической деятельности и организаций, включенных в инфраструктурный комплекс. В республике разработаны много государственных программ по развитию национального и международного туризма, однако ни одна из них не предусматривает механизма создания туристического кластера, не определяет ядро кластера (основных субъектов туристической отрасли) и оболочку кластера (инфраструктурные объекты).

ЦЕЛЬ: целью исследования является обоснование роли агротуризма как перспективного направления обеспечения устойчивого развития сельских территорий. В качестве наиболее эффективного инструмента решения данных задач предлагается создание региональных агротуристических кластеров, обладающих синергетическим эффектом и способствующих мультипликативному росту экономики аграрного региона, решению ряда социально-экономических, демографических и экологических проблем, сохранению исторического и культурного наследия населения, проживающих на их территории.

For citation: Kumush M. Mirzokulova. (2024) 'Agri-tourism in the sustainable development of clusters in Uzbekistan: the example of italian experience', Inter education & global study, (6), pp. 14-21. (In English).

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №6

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: проблема организации и дальнейшего развития агротуризма стала актуальной в последние десятилетия на фоне повышения конкурентоспособности национального туризма. Вопросы развития агротуризма как способа усиления конкурентной позиции туристских организаций, а так же вовлеченности фермерских хозяйств в продвижении сельского туризма широко освещены в работах зарубежных и российских ученых таких, как О.Е.Акимова, К.Дашпера, А.И. Тарасенко , В.А.Клицунова , Б.Лане.

ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ И РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: решение задач устойчивого развития каждого конкретного региона должно осуществляться с учетом специфики данной территории, ее ресурсного обеспечения, тенденций развития человеческого потенциала, природных, транспортных и других условий, оказывающих влияние на процессы расширенного воспроизводства как определяющего фактора достижения социально-экономической устойчивости. Применяемые при этом рычаги государственного и рыночного регулирования должны обеспечивать гармонизацию интересов регионов и страны в целом в рамках управления устойчивым развитием на макроуровне, равенство всех форм собственности, гарантии и стимулы для повышения предпринимательской активности, минимизацию дестабилизирующих факторов.

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: зарубежный опыт показывает, что результатами реализации кластерной политики является рост производительности и инновационной активности предприятий, образующих кластер, развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства, рост прямых инвестиций, устойчивое социальноэкономичес-кое развитие регионов базирования кластеров. Таким образом, развитие агротуристических кластеров может способствовать модернизации экономики и стать "катализатором экономического роста не только на микро, но и на макроуровне.

Ключевые слова: DOC, кластер, гастрономический туризм, винный туризм, агротуризм.

Для цитирования: Мирзокулова К.М. Роль агротуризма в устойчивом развитии кластеров в узбекистане: на примере итальянского опыта. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №6. С. 14-21.


© K.M. Mirzokulova1H

1Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro, O'zbekiston_


KIRISH: mintaqada agroturizmni tashkil etish va rivojlantirishning eng samarali usuli sifatida turizm faoliyati ishtirokchilari va infratuzilma majmuasiga kiruvchi tashkilotlarning birlashmasi sifatida agroturizm klasterini yaratish imkoniyati mavjud. Respublikada milliy

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2024, ISSUE 6


va xalqaro turizmni rivojlantirish bo'yicha ko'plab davlat dasturlari ishlab chiqilgan, biroq ularning hech biri turizm klasterini yaratish mexanizmini ta'minlamaydi, klasterning o'zagi (turizm industriyasining asosiy sub'yektlari) va turizmning qobig'ini belgilamaydi.

MAQSAD: tadqiqot maqsadi qishloq joylarining barqaror rivojlanishini ta'minlashning istiqbolli yo'nalishi sifatida agroturizmning rolini asoslashdan iborat. Ushbu muammolarni hal etishning eng samarali vositasi sifatida sinergik ta'sirga ega bo'lgan va qishloq xo'jaligi hududi iqtisodiyotining multiplikativ o'sishiga, qator ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy, demografik va ekologik muammolarni hal etishga hissa qo'shadigan hududiy agroturizm klasterlarini yaratish taklif etilmoqda.

MATERIALLAR VA METODLAR: milliy turizmning raqobatbardoshligi oshishida so'nggi o'n yilliklarda agroturizmni tashkil etish va yanada rivojlantirish muammosi dolzarb bo'lib qoldi. Agroturizmni turizm tashkilotlarining raqobatbardosh mavqeini mustahkamlash yo'li sifatida rivojlantirish, qishloq turizmini rivojlantirishga fermer xo'jaliklarini jalb qilish masalalari O.E.Akimova, K.Dashpera, A.I. Tarasenko, V.A Klitsunova, B. Leyn tadqiqotlarida o'z aksini topgan.

MUHOKAZA VA NATIJALAR: har bir aniq mintaqaning barqaror rivojlanish muammolarini hal qilish ushbu hududning o'ziga xos xususiyatlarini, uning resurslarini qo'llab-quvvatlashini, inson salohiyatini rivojlantirish tendentsiyalarini, ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy barqarorlikka erishishning hal qiluvchi omili sifatida kengaytirilgan takror ishlab chiqarish jarayonlariga ta'sir ko'rsatadigan tabiiy, transport va boshqa sharoitlarni hisobga olgan holda amalga oshirilishi kerak. Bunda qo 'llanilayotgan davlat va bozorni tartibga solish qo' llanmalari makroiqtisodiy barqaror rivojlanishni boshqarish doirasida hududlar va umuman mamlakat manfaatlarini uyg'unlashtirishni, mulkchilikning barcha shakllarining tengligini, tadbirkorlik faolligini oshirish uchun kafolatlar va rag'batlantirishlarni, beqarorlashtiruvchi omillarni minimallashtirishni ta' minlashi kerak.

XULOSA: xorijiy tajriba shuni ko'rsatadiki, klaster siyosatini amalga oshirish natijalari klasterni tashkil etuvchi korxonalarning unumdorligi va innovatsion faolligini oshirish, kichik va o'rta biznesni rivojlantirish, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri investitsiyalar hajmini oshirish, barqaror ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishdir. klasterlar joylashgan hududlar. Shunday qilib, agroturizm klasterlarini rivojlantirish iqtisodiyotni modernizatsiya qilishga hissa qo'shishi va "nafaqat mikro, balki makro darajada iqtisodiy o'sish katalizatoriga aylanishi mumkin.

Kalit so'zlar: DOC, klaster, gastronomik turizm, vino turizmi, agroturizm.

With a GDP of roughly 2.01 trillion US dollars in 2022, Italy is the fourth largest economy in Europe and the seventh largest in the world, according to official World Bank figures and Trade Economy projections. Italy's GDP represents 1.68% of the global economy. Though it is a substantial industry throughout the nation, tourism is concentrated

Iqtibos uchun: Mirzokulova K.M. O'zbekistonda klasterlarni barqaror rivojlantirishda agroturizmning o'rni: italiya tajribasi misolida. // Inter education & global study. 2024. №6. B. 14-21.


in some areas of Italy, mainly because of the allure of the country's major art cities and well-known beach resorts. Bringing tourists to a region that is mainly utilized for farming is known as agritourism. In Italy, agritourism was first established in 1965. In order to encourage tourists to stay on farms and learn about rural life from farmers, the official designation for agritourism farms was adopted in 1973.

The agritourism cluster is supported by a number of sectors of Italy's tourism economy, which is said to be diverse and offers more reasons to travel there. The food and wine cluster is the largest of these auxiliary sectors. Italian food is well-known and regarded as some of the greatest in the world. Within the food industry, wine is another cluster. According to Ciaschini and Socci (2005), there are 322 Italian wines having DOC designations in the European Union. Travelers are drawn to Italy and its positive image is strengthened by the food and wine cluster.

The following are Italy's top attractions for wine and food tourists: 825 geographically-tagged products; 5,000 culinary customs; 4 UNESCO-listed gastronomic benefits; 2 enogastronomy-related cities on the UNESCO list; 875 kitchens and restaurants; over 23,000 agritourism destinations; 114 gastronomy-focused museums; 173 distinct wine-making techniques.

A non-profit organization dedicated to advancing wine tourism in Italy, the Wine Tourism Movement (Movimento Turismo del Vino) was founded in 1993 and currently represents around 1,000 esteemed wineries that have been hand-picked in accordance with predetermined standards. The permanent commitment of the Wine Tourism Movement is to promote national wine tourism, which is the primary driver of regional development and an efficient way to preserve the environment. In actuality, the Movement aims to present wine tourists to the offerings and activities of participating wineries while also demonstrating how commerce may be conducted in a way that respects customs, trade, and environmental preservation. The Wine Tourism Movement works on several fronts to accomplish these objectives: it participates in international conferences and trade shows, mostly Vinitali; it collaborates with universities and research centers to conduct research; it works with significant wine industry players, such as Citta del Vino and Enoteca Italiana; it creates brochures, flyers, posters, and guides; and it promotes its initiatives and events in the domestic media. Among the association's objectives: enhancing the image of wine areas and their potential for economic growth and employment; supporting the growth of tourism in all of Italy's wine-producing regions; promoting wine culture through visits to production sites.

In terms of geography, Italy is roughly the size of Arizona, yet only one-third of its land is suited for cultivation. There are currently twenty wine-producing regions, which are determined by various geographic locations of European nations, grape varietals, and other guidelines for the quality control of winemaking. Sicily, Emilia-Romagna, Apulia, and Veneto are the top wine-producing regions in terms of volume.

The Veneto region has well-established clusters for wine tourism, where small business owners provide visitors with a range of experiences including wine tasting, visits

ISSN 2992-9024 (online) 2024, №6

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal Научно-теоретический и методический журнал Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


to vineyards, wine tastings, wine production demonstrations, and gastronomic tourism opportunities. They also assist with event planning.

Veneto is home to small company representatives, or tourist firms, that work in the wine tourism industry. A wine tourism firm is essentially a business that produces wine, has its own vineyard, and gives visitors and guests firsthand experience in planning and overseeing a range of services and goods. These businesses offer a range of services, such as winemaking, cooking classes, tours, catering, and hospitality. Additionally, they may accommodate special events and offer recreational facilities including playgrounds, picnic areas, and conference rooms in addition to local and regional cuisine, handicrafts, and restaurants (Table 1).

Table 1

Vine clusters

History and vineyard area

Types of wine

Tourist options

The Dal Martello family has been producing wine on the Mincana estate since 1914. Currently, 19 of the estate's 60 hectares are used for vineyards.

iSI М1п©С»Г>€1

La Mincana - Dal Martello

Via Mincana, 52 - 35020 Due Carrare (PD), Veneto, Italy P.iva IT 02692580281 Tel.: +39 049 525559 -Fax : +39 049 525499 E-mail: info@lamincana.it http://www.lamincana.it



-Gastronomik turizm;

-50 o'rinli restoran;


-wine tasting;

-kichik konsert "open air"

Merlot, abernet,01/01 ZeroUnoZeroUno Algio, Fior d'arancio, Prosecco, Raboso

Frigus zero vsq metodo


Grappa serprino

Azienda Agricola La Roccola

Via Dietromonte 10, Cinto Euganeo Padova email: laroccola@libero.it Tel: +39 0429 94298

La Roccola Farm is situated at the base of Cinto Mountain in the Euganean Hills Park in the Cinto Euganeo region. 1982 saw the start of wine production. There are twenty vines on volcanic soil and two olive trees on the twenty hectares that make up the F/x region.

Quintus, Rosamunda,

Serprino, Caovila, Epilogo, Maroneria, Il Brigante

- Infotour;

- Agrotourism;

- Gastronomic tourism;

- Small restaurant breakfast and lunch;

- hotel for 40 people;

- wine tasting; -special "menu"


l pianzio di selmin soc. Agr.

Via Pianzio, 66 - 35030 Galzignano Terme (PD) Tel/Fax +39 049 9130422 Cell. 393 699836 info@ilpianzio.it http://www.ilpianzio.it

Twelve of the company's fifteen hectares of land are used for vineyards. The majority of the grapes are grown in the company's headquarters, Valle del Pianzio, which has soft soil mostly rich in red limestone and is ideal for growing white wine.

- Infotour;

- Agrotourism;

- Gastronomic tourism;

- picking grapes;

- barbecue;

- wine tasting

Serprino Frizzante, Merlot,Pianzio Aromatico Moscato IGT Veneto, Cabernet

Sauvignon "Jenio",Corbinello Vino Spumante Rosso, Eremo va boshqalar.

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2024, ISSUE 6

Ilmiy-nazariy va metodik jurnal ISSN 2992-9024 (online)

Научно-теоретический и методический журнал 2024, №6

Scientific theoretical and methodical journal


Borin vini e vigne s.s.a.

di Gianni dott. Borin e C. Via dei Colli, 5 - 35043 Monselice (PD) Tel. +39 0429 74384 Fax +39 0429 75262 mail: info@viniborin.it www.viniborin.it

TURETTA CA' BIANCA Azienda Vitivinicola e Agrituristica Via Cinto 5 - 35030 Cinto Euganeo (PD)

Tel. +39 0429 94288 - Fax 0429 647507 info@turettacabianca.it www.turettacabianca.it

S, Salvan

Azienda Agricola Salvan -Vigne del Pigozzo

Via Mincana, 143 35020 Due Carrare (PD) info@salvan.it +39 049 525841

The Petrarca region's steep hills and foothills are home to The Arch. The Borin family has farmed 30 hectares (75 acres) of grapes and made wine there since 1963. Depending on the local geological features, the structure of the soil beneath the vines varies greatly.

In Cinto Euganeo, the vineyard Turetta - Ca Bianca is situated in the center of the Euganean Hills Regional Park. The 25-hectare family-owned vineyard perched on a slope in the garden highlights the volcanic soil's minerality, appropriate sun exposure, and planting techniques that are grown with the utmost regard for the natural world. Extra wheat, olive oil, sausages, and pasta items are made in addition to wine.

The Po Valley is located in the "Blue Mountains", which stand out like islands. Since 1914, the Salvan family has produced about 70,000 varieties of wine. Currently, the vineyard area is 2,500 hectares.



Bianco Dei Mandorli, Archino, Vigna Bianca, Vigna Costa, Foscolo, Serprino, Fior D'arancio, Rocca Chiara, Coldivalle, Sette Chiesette,

Chardonnay va boshqalar.

Serprino, Fior d'Arancio Secco, Passo Santa Lucia, Fior d'Arancio Passito, Fior d'Arancio Spumante, Serprino Millesimato, Rosato, Rossura dei Briganti, Rittochino 42, Bumagro va boshqalar.

- Infotour;

- Agrotourism;

- Gastronomic tourism;

- wine tasting

- Infotour;

- Agrotourism;

- Gastronomic tourism;

- wine tasting;

- organization of events;

- organization of lunch and dinner;

- restaurant;

- a hotel with few seats

- Infotour;

- Agrotourism;

- Gastronomic tourism;

- wine tasting;

- organization of events;

Table 1: Details of the wine clusters created in Veneto Source: Written by the author following investigation.

There are various reasons behind the growing popularity of agritourism in Italy. It is important to recognize the diverse and distinctive biological, historical, and cultural landscapes that define many rural places. Nevertheless, these components alone won't guarantee success; in order to build a household's own agritourism venture, a particular tourism service basket and a marketing plan tailored for both farms and farms are needed. ought to be a family farm with territorial features that can draw large numbers of tourists. Effective strategic visions frequently involve multiple agents acting in the same region through network initiatives rather than individual farm plans (see, for instance, "wine route" situations). Activities related to agrotourism differ greatly from basic farming in terms of the expertise and management style needed.

The following agritourism activities can be incorporated into regionally focused agritourism programs based on field and comparative research using Italy as an example: 1. Villages' establishment of active recreation areas. Recreation centers need to be set up, especially in remote areas. Horses, camels, hiking, fishing, different sports (tennis, swimming), excursions (vineyards, orchards), climbing, cycling, and other activities can

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2024, ISSUE 6


also be planned; 2. In rural areas, fairs featuring a variety of agricultural products, regional and worldwide conferences, celebrations (holidays, folklore), and crafts can all be organized; 3. The development of culinary tourism in rural regions. Travelers are particularly interested in participating in the making of Uzbek native cuisine and tasting them right away. Village festivities honoring melons, pumpkins, and bread draw more visitors. Starting wine tourism, or wine tasting, in the villages is another way to advance agrotourism. Samarkand and Tashkent. "Wine roads," "cheese roads," and other similar routes seen all over the world can serve as models for establishing networks between farms and agrotourism establishments that specialize in local agricultural goods in order to promote tourism. Packages for travel to rural areas. 4. Planning educational seminars and courses about farming. These courses' structure is connected to the farmer's operations. Tasting classes in cooking, winemaking, gardening, and beekeeping, for instance, can be arranged. Furthermore, visitors are able to take part in the actual process of harvesting crops. 5. The establishment of agricultural museums and natural parks is a significant avenue for agrotourism activities in the nation's rural areas.


1. Tourist Clusters, Destinations and Competitiveness, Theoretical issues and empirical evidence, edited by Francesco Capone, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, London, New York, 2016

2. Székely V., Tourism clusters as a tool for the improvement of rural competitiveness: first experiences from Slovakia, European Rural Development Network Studies, Rural Areas and Development, 2010, Volume 7pp.109-120.

3. Alexandrova A.Yu. Tourist clusters: soderjanie, granitsy, mechanism funktsionirovaniya // Sovremennye problemy servisa i turizma. 2007. No. 1. S. 51-61. DOI: 10.12737/ issn. 1995-0411.

4. https://www.statista.com/statistics/801047/europe-share-of-population-skiing-by-country/

5. https://www.worldwidewinetours.com/italy/


HMirzokulova Kumush Mirshakarovna, mehmonxonalarni boshqarish va tashkil etish yo'nalishi 3-bosqich talabasi, [Мирзокулова Кумуш Миршакаровна, студент третьего курса по специальности "Гостиничный менеджмент и организация"], [Kumush M. Mirzokulova, third-year student of Hotel management and organization specialty]; manzil: O'zbekiston, Buxoro sh., Muhammad Iqbol ko'chasi, 11-uy [Адрес: Узбекистан, г. Бухара, улица Мухаммада Икбала, 11.], [address: 11, Muhammad Iqbal Street, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.]

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