THE ROLE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FAMILY, SOCIETY AND EDUCATION SYSTEM IN FORMING A COMPLETE PERSON Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
society / family / higher education institution / education / upbringing / student / spirituality / pedagogy / globalization. / общество / семья / вуз / образование / воспитание / студент / духовность / педагогика / глобализация.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Nosirov, R.O.

In this article, the role and importance of the family, society and education system, as well as some aspects of the education of students and young people, in the formation of a well-rounded person, are highlighted, and some opinions on this problem are presented in it.

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В данной статье освещены роль и значение семьи, общества и системы образования, а также некоторые аспекты воспитания студентов и молодежи в формировании всесторонне развитой личности, а также некоторые мнения по данной проблеме. представлены в нем.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, (E)ISSN: 2181-1784

educational, natural and social sciences 4 (3), March., 2024

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7 www.oriens.uz


Nosirov R.O.

Professor of TDTrU Phone: +99890 910 28 24


In this article, the role and importance of the family, society and education system, as well as some aspects of the education of students and young people, in the formation of a well-rounded person, are highlighted, and some opinions on this problem are presented in it.

Keywords:society, family, higher education institution, education, upbringing, student, spirituality, pedagogy, globalization.


В данной статье освещены роль и значение семьи, общества и системы образования, а также некоторые аспекты воспитания студентов и молодежи в формировании всесторонне развитой личности, а также некоторые мнения по данной проблеме. представлены в нем.

Ключевые слова: общество, семья, вуз, образование, воспитание, студент, духовность, педагогика, глобализация.


It is known that after the independence of our country, our government began to pay special attention to the issues of raising a generation that is fully mature, mentally and physically healthy. This created an opportunity for our people and our country to rise and join the ranks of developed countries in a short period of time. Also, a number of laws, codes, programs and regulatory documents adopted during the years of independence and others serve as an important legal basis for educating young people, teaching them a healthy lifestyle, engaging in socially useful work, and preventing crimes. .

Nevertheless, the social landscape of the world, which is changing day by day in the process of globalization, requires us to be more alert and alert in the education of the youth who are the owners of our independence. Consequently, education has become an important and urgent issue in life as a continuous process in any social space. We know that over time, the first family stage of child education (at the age of 5-6) gradually begins to pass to the stage of social education (school, high school, college). However, this stage does not completely negate family upbringing, but

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

serves to continue the previous stage in new social conditions on a larger scale. But "Education cannot be separated from education, and education cannot be separated from education - this is an oriental view, an oriental philosophy of life."

Now, let's get to the real point. A student entering a higher educational institution, first of all, seeks knowledge. A student's loyalty to the country, selflessness, and patriotism are manifested in the desire for knowledge, the search for knowledge, the acquisition of knowledge, and the achievement of the heights of knowledge. Gaybullah al-Salam and Saydi Umirov, one of the passionate representatives of our national pedagogy, in their pamphlet "Talibnama" focused on three important aspects of a student's activity at an educational institution - the educational process, living in a dormitory, and community work, and said, "these are o are closely related, adjacent roots, complementing, enriching, purifying each other. In fact, all three are three components of a complex process called education. Long-term experience shows that a student who pays equal attention to these three aspects will become a public figure in the future" .


If we look at the "family-neighborhood-higher educational institution" which has an important place in student education based on this "triad", it is self-evident that there is a close relationship between them. It is known that parents, in the neighborhood, the citizens of the neighborhood, the chairman of the citizens' meeting, the representative dealing with religious issues, the guardians of the neighborhood and the precinct inspector who helps them, and the district governor, who directly deals with the youth in the neighborhood, are responsible for raising children in the family. deputy, vice-rector for youth affairs at a higher educational institution, Department of Spirituality, deputy deans of the faculty for spiritual affairs, tutors of extended groups, Parents' Council, primary of the Youth Union organization and structures such as educators-pedagogues specially established in student residences.

If we talk about the practical aspects of the issue, there is no problem with the role of neighborhood and family in the education of urban students. Students from the region are far from their parents and the neighborhood where they grew up. Therefore, in this place, the group tutors should approach them separately, give them symbolic parentage for a while, so that the student does not feel deprived of parental love. It is extremely important that the real pedagogical skills of the tutor-educator eliminate the distance between the two. At the same time, it is also necessary for alternative structures under educational institutions to take responsibility in these matters. After all, life itself demands love for the Motherland, loyalty to national and universal

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

values, humanity, and nobility, and it is a place of education that ensures the continuation of an independent life. is eating

Neighborhood plays a big role in child education. It is not for nothing that the proverb "Seven neighborhoods parent a child" is said. The neighborhood is an administrative-territorial unit, an association, which has been formed and operated for centuries in certain historical conditions of Uzbekistan, and is directly involved in the education process. However, to be honest, there is not enough communication between the youth living in the beggars' settlement and the neighborhood of this region. However, the student residence is part of this neighborhood administratively and territorially. So, there is a need to fill the gap in this regard. For this purpose, it seems necessary to ensure the active participation of students in the hostel in the activities of the community. So that they do not feel like stepfathers and strangers in the neighborhood. In this case, it is understandable from the point of view of national education that the main initiative should be taken by the people of the neighborhood. In other words, the spiritual values characteristic of our people, formed historically in the localities, emerge as a result of such life-practical activities. First of all, virtues such as kindness, harmony and harmony, wedding-watching, being together in good times and in bad times were formed and developed in the environment of the neighborhood.

We are a family that is a "spiritual stronghold that ensures the eternity of life, the continuity of generations", a neighborhood that is "a place of truly national values" and a center for training high-spirited, mature specialists. We thought as much as we could about the higher education institution.

It is not a secret to anyone that today many ideological attacks have entered our country in various ways, have a negative impact on the consciousness of our youth and try to divert them from the right path. We all understand that it is extremely important to find various means and factors of education in order to protect our youth from such vices and evil eyes. There is no doubt that the improvement of the education system such as "family-neighborhood-higher educational institution" and careful development of its scientific, practical and pedagogical aspects will bring better results in the future.However, "Science, education and upbringing are the cornerstone of development and the force that makes the country powerful and the nation great."


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SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

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