THE ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF THE ESSAY GENRE IN ARTISTIC JOURNALISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
essay / fiction / essayist / fiction / scientific / literary-critical / historical / religious / hilarious / philosophical / didactic / publicist / artistic / popular / очерк / художественная литература / публицист / художественный / научный / литературно-критический / исторический / религиозный / веселый / философский / дидактический / публицистический / художественный / популярный.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nasimova, Iroda

This article deals with the genesis of the emergence of the genre eese, essays of publicists and writers who have written in world and Uzbek literature and their skills, similarities and differences in the genre of essays and badia.

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В статье рассматриваются генезис возникновения жанров, очерков публицистов и писателей, писавших в мировой и узбекской литературе, их мастерство, сходства и различия в жанрах эссе и бадиа.


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Iroda Nasimova,

Journalism and mass media in Uzbekistan University of Communications


This article deals with the genesis of the emergence of the genre eese, essays of publicists and writers who have written in world and Uzbek literature and their skills, similarities and differences in the genre of essays and badia.

Keywords: essay, fiction, essayist, fiction, scientific, literary-critical, historical, religious, hilarious, philosophical, didactic, publicist, artistic, popular

В статье рассматриваются генезис возникновения жанров, очерков публицистов и писателей, писавших в мировой и узбекской литературе, их мастерство, сходства и различия в жанрах эссе и бадиа.

Ключевые слова: очерк, художественная литература, публицист, художественный, научный, литературно-критический, исторический, религиозный, веселый, философский, дидактический, публицистический, художественный, популярный.


Essays are one of the genres that truly demonstrate the skills of a publicist. An essay expresses a subjective opinion about an object or event or person. Well-known writers and publicists make up a significant part of essayists, as writing in this genre requires specific knowledge and training, as well as life experience.

According to M. Epstein, "it is impossible to find among the representatives of world literature of the twentieth century that the creation of images in his works did not lead to the beginning of essay writing." Due to the fact that there is a digital research with the finger, a large part of the audience can imagine an essay or an expression of memories or feelings. In fact, what is the main task of an essay and what is the main difference from other genres?

Numonjon Rahimjonov, U.Normatov, B.Nazarov, Kabardova Kabardova, Marhabo are the most studied in our national literary criticism the genre of essays, which appeared in the Uzbek press in the 60s of the XX century in the form of memoirs, stories, short stories, articles, literary houses. Also, the dictionary of terms of world literature, the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, the Uzbek


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

national encyclopedia, textbooks and manuals on the genres of journalism clarify its classification.1


For the writer and poet of the essay genre, we would like to emphasize that it is a genre of experimentation in understanding the boundaries of life, society and science, as well as an essay as a literary genre and an essay on a free subject written at school. Does this mean that essays and essays, which fall into the genres of fiction, are a bit of a genre? Writer Sh. Kholmirzaev gives a clear opinion on this issue: That is why the author's attitude to this person - the hero - is obvious. That's why most of the essays I've read portray positive people.

As for the "essay", this genre, despite being very young from the genre of story, essay, gives the writer a wide range of freedoms: At the same time, he is able to express his emotions and even his personal thoughts. So, it can be said that the essay genre is a genre-descriptive method that grows out of the middle of an essay and a story, whether the article is scientific or artistic, it still uses the elements of the article, or rather, it takes a long time.2

Now let's clarify another concept. Essays and fiction? This is due to the fact that in our literature there are a lot of essays called "badia". In fact, what is the difference between a fiction and an essay, and does a fiction essentially fulfill the function of an essay? What are the features of these genres, which are formed in the literary life of the East and the West?

The genesis of the essay genre in Uzbek journalism began a little late. A theoretical study, Literary Tours and Genres, published in 1991, provides half a page of essays and fiction. It states: "Essays vary in size and form. It can be a small two -or three-line depiction of a life scene or event, from an aphoristic interpretation of a thought or experience to a major work of the epic genre. " Apparently, in this scientific-theoretical conclusion, the essay is interpreted only as a work of art. However, it is known that the possibilities of the essay are very wide. Literary critic N. Rahimjonov answered this question in his research on essays and art. The scholar said, "... since the 1970s, a great deal of work has been done by our poets and writers on the issues of life and literature. He adds, "And what gives the artist ... the aesthetic integrity of the whole is the artist's 'me', the artist's worldview."

1 Kochkarova M. Artistic speech and spiritual landscapes. T. Editor n. 2015.

2 Kochkarova M. Artistic speech and spiritual landscapes. T. Editor n. 2015.


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Writer Pirimkul Kadyrov, commenting on the genre of art, said: "There are many forms of the word art. While poetic speech is included in poetry, prose speech in the form of fiction articles is called badea in our classical literature. The essay, which is now widely used in Western literature, in many ways resembles a badea ... " Pirimkul Kadyrov recognizes art and essay as a genre similar to the task of artistic-aesthetic, socio-philosophical study of life, reality. Indeed, in the East, the roots of the art genre go back to our classical literature. This is because the word itself is associated with our classical literature. Ancient Oriental literature was the art of writing fiction. In the Concise Dictionary of Navoi's Works, the word badi'a (mostly badoi') is interpreted as "something new, wonderful."1

The most important feature of the essay is that the author preserves the "I" and freely expresses his conclusions and thoughts on each event, such as "in my opinion", "in my opinion". For example, if we analyze only one of S. Ahmad's essays "My Lost and Found", in this work S. Ahmad interprets the free composition of the essay genre on the example of his memoirs. Literary critic Umarali Normatov says: "In my opinion, a writer's nature and talent can be fully expressed only if the genre he chooses corresponds to the form. We know that memory, essay is a subjective and free genre. S.Ahmad, by nature, does not fall into stereotypes, in the words of S.Zunnunova, "does not like demands, does not like fertilizers, is more playful, restless." In this sense, the essay, the memory is very much in tune with his nature."

This means that the essay is based on impressions, has a free structure (various types: scientific, literary-critical, historical, religious, memorial, philosophical, didactic, journalistic, artistic, popular) and, most importantly, a sample of prose based on the author's personal opinions and discussions. while we can easily relate its stages of development to works created in the epochs of our classical literature.

Researcher Marhabo Kukorova says in her monograph "Artistic words and landscapes of the soul": The free expression of the author's thoughts, life experiences, views on nature and society through his "I" corresponds to the heyday of our classical literature. A. Navoi's "Mahbub ul-qulub" and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's "Boburnoma" are bright examples of our thought. In the introduction to the work, Navoi says: It seemed necessary for them to know the nature of each category and the condition of each class."

Literary critic O. Nosirov in his study "Creative personality, artistic style, the image of the author" says about Navoi's work "Mahbub ul-qulub": The theme of the work, the expression of his opinion on the event, helps to shape the work. Apparently, the author studies the form "I" in the work "Mahbub ul-qulub" as a

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methodological direction. In our view, if it were called an essayist methodological direction, the essence would be properly illuminated. "Boburnoma" is a pure memoir, and we can call it an essay because of the fact that historical facts are mixed with personal opinions. Researcher M.Kuchkarova makes the following clear statement in this regard: "The fact that the essay contains such elements of thought as scientific, artistic, journalistic, philosophical, socio-political, personal experience gives us every reason to call Boburnoma an essay-type work. A pertinent question arises. When did the concept of pure eesse enter Uzbek journalism?


After the 1960s, essays emerged in the form of memoirs, short stories, short stories, articles, and literary thoughts. The essays and works of A. Mukhtor, P. Kadyrov, Mirtemir, Zulfiya, Sh. Kholmirzaev created during this period have been analyzed to a certain extent in the scientific research of literary critics. However, these works were still the first scientific observations on the essay, and no specific research on the genre had been created. As he watched the works of the next generation of writers, the essay began to appear in the form of a memoir, a conversation, an art-journalistic article, and a story. In particular, it has acquired a new meaning in the works of such writers as S.Ahmad, P.Kadirov, Sh.Kholmirzaev.


1. Epstein M. The paradox is new. M., 1987.S.366.

2. Kochkarova M. Artistic speech and spiritual landscapes. T. Editor n. 2015.

3. Literary types and genres. Volume I - T .: Fan, 1991. p.23

4. Kogan-Bernstein. F.A. Michelle Monten and ego «Opyty». URL: http://litpamyatniki.ru/library/1542 (data obrashcheniya 07.04.2016).

5. Belinskiy V.G. Selected aesthetic works. T. 2. M .: Art, 1981.

6. Kayda L. Essay: stylistic portrait. M .: Flinta, Nauka, 2008.

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