Научная статья на тему 'The results of theoretical and experimental research of the modern problems of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East in Siberian Federal University'

The results of theoretical and experimental research of the modern problems of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East in Siberian Federal University Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Koptseva Natalia P.

Siberian Federal University, is a regular organizer of research contemporary issues of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. This article summarizes research over the past 4 years. Research scientists, graduate students of the Siberian Federal University have a fundamental and applied nature. The results of these studies are used in the educational process for students. Basic and applied research of the northern territories are based on field research. Currently committed six interdisciplinary expeditions to the northern villages. Based on the research done and provide recommendations for government and municipal authorities. These recommendations should lead to a better quality of life for people living in the northern territories of the Russian Federation.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The results of theoretical and experimental research of the modern problems of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East in Siberian Federal University»

Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 5 (2013 6) 762-772

УДК 911.3:301

The Results of Theoretical and Experimental Research of the Modern Problems of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East in Siberian Federal University

Natalia P. Koptseva*

Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russia

Received 13.10.2012, received in revised form 11.01.2013, accepted 20.03.2013

Siberian Federal University, is a regular organizer of research contemporary issues of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East. This article summarizes research over the past 4 years. Research scientists, graduate students of the Siberian Federal University have a fundamental and applied nature. The results of these studies are used in the educational process for students. Basic and applied research of the northern territories are based on field research. Currently committed six interdisciplinary expeditions to the northern villages. Based on the research done and provide recommendations for government and municipal authorities. These recommendations should lead to a better quality of life for people living in the northern territories of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: northern territories, research indigenous peoples of the North, Siberian Federal University.

The work was fulfilled within the framework of the research financed by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation of Research and Technology Development Support and in accordance with the course schedule of Siberian Federal University as assigned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

1. The systematization and preliminary estimation of the obtained results

At the second intermediate stage of the State Сontract № П 440 from 12 May, 2010, on the project "Culture of the Indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North under the conditions of global changes: foresight-research until 2050 (on the material of analysis of the Yakut ethnical group)", theoretical and experimental research was done. The research was aimed

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* Corresponding author E-mail address: decanka@mail.ru

at developing conceptual and methodological base for conducting foresight-research and eliciting basic models of sociodynamics of ethnic cultural populations as anthropological systems. Experimental verification of the elicited conceptual models was carried out by means of field research—ethno-cultural expeditions into the areas of compact settlement of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North— Tyuchtetskij district, the Evenk municipal district, Turukhansk district of Krasnoyarsk

Krai; an ethno-cultural expedition to the areas of compact settlement of the Yakut ethnic group in the trans-polar settlement (posyolok ) of Essey of Krasnoyarsk Krai has been prepared.

A conception of originating, consolidation, existence and perishing of ethno-cultural population as a result of sociodynamics, which is viewed in the light of the process of formation of ideals, i. e. creating works of art and translating canons, ranging from everyday culture of ethnic groups to basic (primary) ideals of this ethnic group, which form its "hard core". The "hard core" of a culture is surrounded by a "protective belt" of standards, which obligatory have material and spiritual components. In view of this fact, the division of the ethnic culture into material and spiritual should be substituted by reference to the basic ideals of the ethno-cultural group, which have linguistic, religious and artistic aspects, revealing traditional ways of managing a household and specific ways of formation of ideological space of the ethnic culture, within which ethnic identification and self-identification are formed.

As a result of further theoretical research, the classical philosophic and cultural-anthropological models of sociodynamics of ethnic cultural populations, based on philosophic and culturological ideas of W.Windelband, H. Rickert, S. Freud, O. Spengler, A. Toynbee, L. White, A. Kroeber, C. Geertz, were elicited.

The model of sociodynamics of culture was studied in the interpretations of A. Mole, W. Weidlich, H. McLuhan, M. Castells. All these interpretations can, to some extent, be regarded as basis for choosing a methodological strategy for the research of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North under the conditions of global transformations, because they suggest using quantitative (materiatical) methods for modeling dynamics of a complex socio-anthropological system—ethnic cultural

population. Different classes of variables, connected with demographic, economic and sociological characteristics of social dynamics of culture of ethnic populations, typical for the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North, living in areas of compact settlement in the subjects of Russian Federation, are used in these models.

The following models of sociodynamics of ethnic cultural populations, which can be used as effective methodological strategies in the research of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North under the conditions of global transformations and serve as a basis of foresight-research until 2050, can be found in the modern information sources: the model of multiculturalism (by S. M. Fedyanina), the model of indigenuity (by M.S. Kuropyatnik), the model of interdependence of individual and universal factors of the dynamics of culture, the model of dynamics of culture depending on the type of activity of its subjects, the energy model of sociodynamics of culture, the model of indigenous peoples in modern humanitarian and social sciences.

To conduct a foresight-research until 2050 of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North under the conditions of global transformations, it was necessary to study the history and policy of foresight-research in the USA, Canada, the EU countries and Japan, in which foresight-research practices were first developed. The advantage of these foresight-research practices over the other research procedures is that not only theoretical and experimental research is carried out, but also special technologies are implemented, which help to "start" a desirable model of future for realization by social and individual subjects in the direction, set by the foresight research.

It turned out, that socio-cultural processes were not taken into account by foresight-

research of foreign countries (the USA, Canada, Japan, the EU countries). While the foresight-research, conducted in the subjects of the Russian Federation, on the contrary, is characterized by special attention to socio-cultural processes, typical for these regions of the Russian Federation. In this connection, extrapolation of the best achievements of foreign foresight-research is planned in order to forecast the socio-cultural processes, characteristic of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples ofthe RussianFederation. Notwithstanding the close attention of the world community to socio-economic and socio-cultural development of indigenous peoples, foresight-research has not been conducted in these spheres. The prospective foresight- research of culture of IPN will be practically the first of its kind in the world research practice.

To make a preliminary analysis of the real state of cultural processes, characteristic of the modern ethno-cultural groups, belonging to the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North, experimental research was conducted -the field ethno-cultural expeditions, which demonstrated an extremely low level of real socio-economic and socio-cultural development of the indigenous ethno-cultural groups in the areas of their compact settlement in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the processes of active formation of national elites of the indigenous peoples were registered, that act as representatives of their small-numbered peoples, have vast international support, know international and national laws, regulating the conditions of IPN in Scandinavia, China, the USA. These national leaders have formulated a set of demands to the state, the main idea of which is in transition from paternalism to legal equality and economic cooperation. It seems that by means of acknowledging the rights of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples for the areas of their

traditional use of nature, the state authorities can build up a dialogue with financial-industrial groups, that realize their capital investment projects on the northern territories of the Russian Federation and that have big economic possibilities to contribute to real improvement of socio-economic and cultural conditions of IPN, not by "dealing out gifts", but by financing projects, the realization of which will create a favourable economic climate for IPN indirectly, through their participation in these projects.

2. Evaluation of completeness of performance of the tasks and fulfillment of the objectives set

The tasks, assigned for the second intermediate stage, have been performed completely; the declared objectives have been fulfilled. The above mentioned methods were applied, the scope of experimental research was widened considerably in comparison to the one planned. The logic of carrying out the project demanded verification of theoretical schemes, concepts of models with the help of field research, where the necessary cultural-anthropological measurements were taken, which allow to empirically verify the obtained theoretical data, revise and evaluate the quality of the existing philosophical and cultural-anthropological models.

3. Correlating and summarizing the results of the analysis of scientific information sources |and theoretical (experimental) research

Although the conception of culture as formation of ideals has logical and philosophical base inthe existingsources of scientific information and synthesizes the conceptions, characteristic of the previous stages of development of Russian and world philosophy of culture, it seems that the heuristic possibilities of this conception have

not been used to their full extent up to the present time.

For example, inRussian information sources, ethnic culture is still divided into material and spiritual, whereas the theory of formation of ideals convincingly proves that standards, ideals and representatives of a particular ethno-cultural group obligatory have two sides: material and ideal (sign-symbolic). Ignoring this fact leads to incorrect methodological premise, when different humanitarian and social sciences are disconnected and study a specific cultural ethno-population discretely, without taking into account the discoveries and achievements of one another.

At the same time, the conception of formation of ideals and representation of culture through revered things -ideals, standards -- allows to review the results of the previous stages of the research, because a certain artistic, ethnographic, theological and linguistic material, characteristic of culture of northern peoples, has been collected. It is necessary to decipher the sign-symbolic meaning of the collected artefacts. Such kind of research, merely by means of its conducting, contributes to the preservation of a hard core of the unique ethnic cultures of the northern peoples of the Russian Federation.

Besides,the conceptionofcultureasformation of ideals does not contradict, but rather assists the development of theoretical models, characteristic of modern information sources, including the model of indigenuity (M.S. Kuropyatnik) and the model of multiculturalism (S.M. Fedyunina), which possess undeniable heuristic value for solution of the assigned problems.

All-in-all, it should be noted that there are no strongly pronounced contradictions between the results of theoretical research and the critical analysis of modern sources. The urgency of the research topic demands active formation of numerous research approaches, which is being

done at the present time. Besides, it is necessary to mention that the number of research of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North, living in the areas of compact settlement in the subjects of the Russian Federation, is obviously insufficient. Regular field research have not been carried out for a long time; there are no modern instruments for measuring the level of cultural development of the indigenous peoples of the North, which makes ethnological expertise of big investment projects, conducted in these regions of the Russian Federation, much more difficult.

4. The estimation of the effectiveness

of the obtained results in comparison with modern scientific-and-technological level

The obtained results are estimated as very effective because they act as a basis for conducting a unique scientific research—foresight-research of culture of the northern peoples of the Russian Federation.

Complex ethno-cultural field research has not been carried out in the areas of compact settlement of the northern peoples on the territory of some subjects of the Russian Federation since the 1980s. On the one hand, renewal of regular field research and making theoretical research, based on summarizing the empirical material, obtained in the course of field research, is a practice (based on the achievements of British social anthropology and American cultural anthropology), which is in the biggest demand in the world cultural-anthropological community. On the other hand, this allows to effectively prepare for developing of concrete methodical procedures of foresight-analysis, because at the present time there is no information about foresight-analysis for the northern territories.

So, the conducted theoretical and experimental research has a strongly pronounced

innovative character, makes it possible to establish a certain level of the state of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation, and it is also an effective means of preserving of the unique ethnic culture of these peoples.

5. Working out recommendations on the use of scientific research work (NIR) in developing scientific-educational courses

It is recommended to use the results of the second intermediate stage of scientific -research work on the grant project "Culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North under the conditions of global changes: foresight-research until 2050 (on the material of the analysis of the Yakut ethnical group)" in realization of main educational programs of higher vocational education (OOP VPO) in specializations (degree programs) "culturology", "socio-cultural activity", "art studies".

For the specialization (degree program) "culturology" the federal component of the State Educational Standard specifies the following educational subjects as "Theory and methodology of culture", "Sociology of culture", "Philosophy of culture", "Everyday culture", "Management of culture". For these subjects, it is recommended to use the results of scientific research work (NIR) in the following format:

1. To introduce into the educational subject "Theory and methodology of culture" 8 hours of lectures on the topic: "Models of sociodynamics of culture as socio-anthropological system", 6 hours of seminars on the topics: "The model of sociodynaics of culture by A. Moles" ( 2 hours), "The model of sociodynamics by M. Castells" (2 hours), "The model of sociodynamics of culture by W. Weidlich" (2 hours).

2. To introduce into the educational subject "Sociology of culture" 6 hours of class work on the topic "Sociological concepts of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North", 4 hours of seminars on the topics : "The model of multiculturalism" (2 hours), "The model of indigenuity" (2 hours).

3. To introduce into the educational subject "Philosophy of culture" 10hours oflectures on the topics "The philosophy of culture by W. Windelband as a methodological basis for modern cultural anthropological research" (2 hours); "The philosophy of culture by O. Spengler in the context of the Western foreign-civilization pressure on the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation" (2 hours), "The philosophy of culture by A. Toynbee and its conceptual meaning for research of culture of circumpolar territories" (2 hours), "The possibilities of psychoanalysis of S. Freud for creating modern methodological strategies of philosophy of culture" (2 hours), "The philosophy of culture by L. White as a theoretical basis for modern cultural anthropology of northern ethnic groups" (2 hours).

4. To introduce into the educational subject "Everyday culture" 4 hours of lectures on the topic "Everyday culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation on the material of the ethno-cultural expeditions of the scientists of Siberian Federal University in June, 2010".

5. To introduce into the educational subject "Management of culture" 4 hours of classes on the topics: "The specifics of cultural processes in the northern territories of the Russian Federation"

(2 hours), "Cultural-leisure preferences of the population of the northern territories of the Russian Federation in the areas of compact settlement of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North" (2 hours).

For the specialization (degree program) "socio-cultural activity" the federal component of the State Educational Standard specifies such educational subjects as "Socio-cultural activity", "Cultural and leisure activity", "The basics of cultural policy". For these educational subjects it recommended to use the results of scientific research work (NIR) in the following format:

1. To introduce into the educational subject "Socio-cultural activity" 4 hours of lectures on the topic "The specifics of socio-cultural activity in the northern regions of the Russian Federation" (2 hours); "Socio-cultural activity for the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation" (2 hours).

2. To introduce into the educational subject "Socio-cultural activity" 2 hours of lectures on the topic " Measuring materials for monitoring of cultural and leisure needs of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation"; 4 hours of seminars on the topics: "Methods of socio-cultural monitoring of cultural and leisure needs of ethno-cultural groups of the northern territories of the Russian Federation" (2 hours), "Methods of conducting of sociological and cultural research of leisure in the areas of compact settlement of the Indigenous ethnic groups of the Russian Federation" (2 hours).

3. To introduce into the educational subject "The basics of cultural policy" 2 hours of lectures on the topic "The specifics

of cultural policy in the regions of the Russian Federation—in the areas of compact settlement of the Indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East"; 4 hours of seminars on the topic: "Legal provisions for cultural policy by the local authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation" in the areas of compact settlement of the indigenous northern peoples" (2 hours), "Monitoring of effectiveness of cultural policy in the northern regions of the Russian Federation, in the areas of compact settlement of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East" (2 hours).

For the specialization (degree program) "arts studies" the federal component of the State Educational Standard specifies such educational subjects as "History the art of our country", "Decorative and applied arts". For these educational subjects it recommended to use the results of scientific research work (NIR) in the following format:

1. To introduce into the educational subject "History of the art of our country" 4 hours of lectures on the topic "Visualization of the concept "the North" in the works of modern Russian artists" (2 hours), "The specifics of landscape painting on the material of the North" (2 hours), 6 hours of seminars on the topics: "Northern topics in the works of modern Russian artists" (2 hours), "The concept "the North" and its visualization in the art of our country in the second half of the 20 century" (2 hours), " Visualization of the concept "the North" in the art of our country of the first decade of the 21 century" (2 hours).

2. To introduce into the educational subject "Decorative and applied arts" 4 hours of lectures on the topic "Decorative and

applied arts of the northern ethno-cultural groups of the Russian Federation" (2 hours), "religious signs and symbols

in decorative and applied arts of the indigenous peoples of the North" (2 hours).


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Результаты теоретических и экспериментальных исследований «Современные проблемы коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока» в Сибирском федеральном университете

Н.П. Копцева

Сибирский федеральный университет Россия 660041, Красноярск, Свободный, 79

Сибирский федеральный университет является постоянным организатором научных исследований современных проблем коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока. В статье подводятся итоги исследований за последние 4 года. Исследованияученых, студентов, аспирантов Сибирского федеральногоуниверситета имеют фундаментальный и прикладной характер. Результаты этих исследований используются в образовательном процессе для студентов. Фундаментальные и прикладные исследования северных территорий опираются на полевые исследования. В настоящее время совершено 6 комплексных экспедиций в северные поселки. На основании научных исследований сделаны и представлены рекомендации для органов государственной и муниципальной власти. Эти рекомендации должны привести к улучшению качества жизни населения, проживающего на северных территориях Российской Федерации.

Ключевые слова: северные территории, научные исследования коренных народов, народы Севера, Сибирский федеральный университет.

Работа выполнена в рамках исследований, финансируемых Красноярским краевым фондом поддержки научной и научно-технической деятельности, а также в рамках тематического плана СФУ по заданию Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации.

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