Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 4 (2018 11) 679-694
УДК 811.1/.8; 811.511.24
Measures on the Preservation of the Language of the Small-numbered Indigenous Peoples Based on the Results of Field Studies and Scientific Research in the Evenk Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Krai
Julia S. Zamaraeva, Natalia A. Sergeeva and Antonina I. Fil'ko*
Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia
Received 06.03.2018, received in revised form 11.04.2018, accepted 14.04.2018
This article discusses the results of field studies and research carried out during 2017 in Tura settlement of the Evenk Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, among the representatives of the expert community and the residents - native speakers. The research was focused on determining general methodological recommendations on the development of educational materials and fiction books in the Evenk language. Basing on the survey and expert interviews conducted, we determined the measures to preserve the language, which according to the majority, should contribute to the preservation of the unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Evenk Municipal District. The article presents the research results of the analysis of the expert interviews with linguists of Tomsk Pedagogical University who work on the creation of corpus linguistics of northern languages in the laboratory of the Department of Languages of the Peoples of Siberia.
Keywords: the Evenk language, field study, applied cultural studies, children's educational materials and fiction in the Evenk language, indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Krai.
The reported study was funded by Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund of Science according to the research project: «Development of scientific and methodological support for the preservation of a unique cultural heritage for the Ket and Enets ethno-cultural groups of indigenous small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East living on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The reported study was funded by the administration of Evenk's Municipal District of Krasnoyarsk Krai to the research project «Development of scientific and methodological support for the preservation of a unique cultural heritage for the indigenous small peoples of the Evenk Municipal District».
DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0260.
Research area: culturology.
Introduction scientific expedition. The first section presents a
This paper summarizes three analytical summary of the results of a sociocultural study blocks, each presenting the results of the field and conducted by surveying the residents of the Tura
© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected]
settlement of the Evenki Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Krai (August, 2017). Sociocultural public research is devoted to the preservation of the cultural heritage of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. The purpose of this study is to understand the current demand in creating works of children's literature in the Evenk language to preserve the unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Evenk Municipal District.
The second block is devoted to the survey of expert opinion on the measures that can help to preserve the Evenk language. The research method was an expert interview with two groups of respondents: experts and native speakers. The interview concerned the issues of preserving the Evenk language with the main focus on the discussion of the most appropriate model for the creation of children's educational and fiction literature in the Evenk language. We considered the issues of the safety of the language and traditional children's literature, its relevance among the population, the possibility of creating new modern literature in Evenk. In addition, both video and audio recording of live speech in the Evenk language was performed, with translation into Russian. The article provides an analytical overview of the expert opinions. In the end, general scientific and methodological recommendations for the creation of educational and fiction literature in the Evenk language are given.
The third block demonstrates the results of the scientific research with the scientists of the department-laboratory of the languages of the Siberian peoples of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The purpose of the research was to exchange experience on preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East (including the Evenks). The main method of study was an expert interview discussing the specifics of
linguistic research conducted by scientists and the development of scientific and methodological publications on the preservation of northern languages. The formalized interview included several topics: the demand for the creation of children's literature in the languages of indigenous peoples, urgent challenges connected with the study of northern languages, ways to preserve the common and dialect language for various demographic groups of northern peoples.
Material and methods
The research is based on the expedition to the Tura settlement in 2017, where the Evenks reside densely in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. When working in Tura the researchers used the methods of field observation, interviewing and questionnaires.
Research results (a survey among the Tura settlement residents)
The procedure of the survey is divided into stages: the development of questions and the formulation of questions of the questionnaire; determination of the group of respondents; analysis of empirical data, as well as analysis and synthesis and results for the determination of scientific and methodological recommendations in the field of creating children's literature in the Evenk language.
The survey procedure includes the following successive stages:
1) development of questions for the questionnaire (multiple choice), taking into account the analysis of opinions on the problems of preserving the Evenk language by native speakers (the questionnaire includes eleven logically consistent questions);
2) development of the system of selecting respondents was based on the grounds of permanent residence in the Evenk Municipal District and a good level of the Evenk language (100 respondents were surveyed);
3) collection of empirical data, processing (interpretation) of information received. This stage was determined by the following methods of data processing: according to the logic of the development of questionnaires in each, the most and least frequent statements (corresponding to the form of the answer) were calculated, a graphical percentage of responses was given and the results were interpreted;
4) development of the research conclusion is based on the cultural background generalization of research results. This stage is given in detail further.
Question No.1. Do you think books for children in the Evenk language are needed?
In the first question, respondents were asked to choose only one answer from the five proposed ones.
a) No, books for children in Evenk are not needed;
b) Rather not needed than needed;
c) I do not know;
d) Rather needed than not needed;
e) Yes, of course, books for children in Evenk are needed.
The highest percentage of respondents chose the last option "Yes, of course, books for children in Evenk are needed" (40 %). The smallest percentage of responses fell to the first and fourth options (10 % each). It is obvious that residents of the Evenk District see an urgent need to create children's books in their native language, first of all, linking it with obtaining the fundamentals of native speech precisely in childhood.
Question No. 2. Which books for children should be published in the Evenk language?
In the second question the respondents were able to choose several options of answers or give their own answer.
a) Primary school textbooks in all basic subjects;
b) Evenk tales and legends;
c) Cognitive stories about animals;
d) Proverbs and sayings;
e) Works of Russian writers translated into Evenk;
f) Works of foreign writers translated into
The answers to the second question were distributed unevenly (b - 40 %, c - 25 %, d - 25 %, e - 10 %). However, the answers chosen by the respondents are mainly related to the environment of the indigenous peoples of the North (animal world) and northern folklore (Evenk tales and legends, proverbs and sayings), which is not only a part of the original oral tradition of the indigenous peoples, but also an important component in the formation of the ethnic identity.
Question No. 3. From which age, in your opinion, children should be offered to read books in the Evenk language?
In the third question, the respondents were asked to choose only one answer from the ten proposed ones or give their own answer.
a) Starting from the age of 2-3 years -colourful books with many pictures and a few large-type words;
b) Starting from the age of 4-5 years -short fairy-tales with plenty of pictures;
c) Starting from the age of 4-5 years -children's books on basic mathematics (arithmetic);
d) Starting from the age of 4-5 years -children's books on nature studies;
e) Starting from the age of 6-8 years -short fairy-tales and stories with a few pictures;
f) Starting from the age of 6-8 years -children's books on basic mathematics (arithmetic);
g) Starting from the age of 6-8 years -children's books on nature studies;
h) Starting from the age of 9-10 years - not long stories with a few pictures;
i) Starting from the age of 9-10 years -children's books on mathematics (arithmetic);
j) Starting from the age of 9-10 years -children's books on nature studies (basic natural science);
k) Own answer.
In the third question, a whole series of answers was received according to which the ages of children were determined for the creation of books: the highest percentages were received for the first (30 %) and the second (30 %) options. Thus, the respondents express the need to create books in the Evenk language for pre-school children suggesting that they start learning their native language with individual words and short tales accompanied by a large number of pictures. One can note the important fact that the study of the native language should take place not only in preschool, but throughout the school age, with topics related to nature studies and mathematics. In this regard, the respondents indicate in their answers the need for additional creation of books in the Evenk language for children, starting from the smallest age and throughout the school age.
Question No. 4. Should, in your opinion, children's literature in Evenk include a parallel Russian translation (on the facing page)?
In the fourth question, respondents were asked to choose only one answer from the three proposed ones or give their own answer.
a) No, there should be children's books in the Evenk language only, without a word in Russian;
b) No, there should be children's books in the Evenk language only, but with the Evenk-Russian and Russian-Evenk dictionary at the back of the book;
c) Yes, presentation of the text in both languages will allow children to understand the contents more completely;
d) Own answer.
The leading answer among the respondents was the last possible answer: "Yes, combining the text in two languages will allow the children to fully understand the content" (80 %). In this regard, books for children only in one - the Evenk language - will be no longer popular neither among children nor adults, due to the fact that the knowledge of the native language is almost lost. The Evenk language speakers unequivocally point out in their answers to the creation of the body of the text in a bilingual exposition: two languages (Evenk and Russian) should be presented simultaneously in one spread of the book, which will simultaneously allow understanding and learning the native language through simultaneous interpretation while reading.
Question No. 5. Do you think that educational materials for primary school should be published in the Evenk language?
In the fifth question, respondents were asked to choose only one answer from the five proposed ones.
a) Of course, they should be published;
b) Rather should be published than not;
c) I don't know;
d) Rather should not be published than should be published;
e) No, they should not be published.
In the fifth question, there was no negative attitude towards the publication of textbooks for the primary school in the Evenk language. Quite the contrary, the respondents chose the first and second options, which assert an unambiguous agreement with the appearance of textbooks for schoolchildren. The option "Of course, they should be published" received 86 % of the answers.
Question No. 6. Which textbooks for primary school should be published in the Evenk language?
In the sixth question the respondents were asked to choose as many proposed answers as they wish.
a) ABC of the Evenk language;
b) Writing books in the Evenk language;
c) Arithmetic, mathematics;
d) Evenk fiction literature;
e) Natural sciences;
f) Evenk literature revealing the peculiarities of the Evenk traditions;
g) Own answer.
The sixth question is related to the fifth as clarification of the contents of textbooks, which should be published in the native language for schoolchildren. Respondents not only noted each of the answers, but also offered their own in the column "own answer": textbooks of the Evenk language with electronic applications; history of Evenkia. The first place among the answers was "the ABC" (more than 20 %) and "the book about the Evenk traditions" (15 %), which indicates the need to obtain basic knowledge and the foundations of Evenk culture given in their native language to pupils.
Question No. 7. Why do you think there is a demand in children's books in the Evenk language?
In the seventh question the respondents were asked to choose as many proposed answers as they wish.
a) For classes in preschool;
b) For classes at primary school;
c) For family reading at home;
d) For pupil's extracurricular reading;
e) Own answer.
Answers to the seventh question confirmed the need previously stated by the respondents for publishing books in the Evenk language beginning with the preschool age (40 % "for classes in kindergarten"). However,
three more answers were also indicated: "for classes at school" (27 %), "for extracurricular reading" (20 %) and "for family reading at home" (17 %), which expands the use of textbooks in the native language not only within the school curriculum, but also for home reading.
Question No. 8. Do you know any children's books in the Evenk language?
In the eighth question, respondents were asked to choose only one answer from the five proposed ones or give their own answer.
a) No, I have never seen such books;
b) No, I'm not interested in such books;
c) No, I can't read in Evenk;
d) Yes, but I hardly remember them;
e) Yes, I know well children's books in Evenk;
f) I don't know;
g) Own answer.
It is quite interesting how the percentage of respondents' answers to the eighth question was distributed: three options received an equal number of answers, two of which have the advantage of ignorance or lack of familiarity with children's books in their native language ("No, I have never", "Yes, but I hardly remember ... ", "Yes, I know ..." - 20 % each). The affirmative answer about knowing such books was received in the fifth column and in one of the questionnaires the respondent gave their own answer: "I know well the books by Zinaida Nikolaevna Pikunova". In this case, we can note the lack of a clear idea of children's books in the Evenk language among the adult population (possibly due to the absence of these books in the school curriculum during the Soviet era). And at the same time acquaintance with the books of the outstanding Evenk writer Z.N. Pikunova ("Picture Dictionary of the Evenk language", books-fairy tales in Evenk, a book for teachers of the Evenk school, etc.).
Question No. 9. If you are offered to read a children's book in Evenk, you will...
In the ninth question the respondents were offered to agree or disagree with only one answer.
a) Refuse;
b) Agree;
c) I don't know.
In the ninth question the respondents expressed the greatest agreement with the second option of the answer, which indicates an unambiguous desire among the adult population to learn their native language by reading children's books, and at the same time indirectly indicates the minimum level of knowledge of the native language among the residents of the Evenk District. 98 % of respondents agreed with the answer "agree".
Question No. 10. You will refuse to read a children's book in Evenk, because.
In the tenth question the respondents were asked to choose as many proposed answers as they wish.
a) You don't speak Evenk;
b) You don't have free time;
c) You are not interested in children's literature;
d) Own answer.
Answers to the tenth question confirm the low level of the knowledge of the native language, the respondents directly indicated inability to speak their native language or lack of free time: "You don't speak Evenk" and "You don't have free time" received 5 % of answers each.
Question No. 11. If you were offered to read a children's book in Evenk, you would like it to be.
In the eleventh question, the respondents, through a free choice of answers, determined the subject of future books in the Evenk language.
a) A fairy-tale about animals;
b) A book of fairy-tales about the Evenk warriors;
c) A book of stories about traditional Evenk life;
d) A book of fairy-tales and stories of Russian writers translated into Evenk;
e) A book of proverbs and sayings;
f) A book that provides basic school knowledge for the entry level;
g) A book that provides basic school knowledge for basic education (9 grades);
h) A book that gives the basic knowledge in mathematics (arithmetic);
i) A book that provides the basic knowledge of nature studies;
j) A book that gives the foundation for applied knowledge on traditional Evenk activities;
k) Own answer.
The answers to the eleventh question were distributed unevenly, the choice of the book of stories about the traditional Evenk life (35 %) became the leading one. This fact reveals the need to include in the children's literature the facts about the traditional way of life of the Evenks, which indicates the desire to know, first of all, "their" culture, its features, starting from the youngest age. In the second place there were the answers related to the possibility of publishing books on northern folklore (almost 10 % each). School books (basic school knowledge for primary and basic education), books with the information on the Evenk traditional activities (5-7 %) are in the third place.
Question No. 12. Which dialects of the Evenk language do you know?
In the twelfth question, respondents were asked to indicate the number of dialects they know and their names.
Only two answers were received for the twelfth question: "Evenk (settlement of Ekonda)"
and "Northern, southern". These answers point to the dialectal variability of the Evenk language, which can be taken into account when creating books for children (the creation of children's books taking into account the southern and northern dialects).
Basing on the results of the survey of the residents of the Tura settlement of the Evenk Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, we can outline scientific and methodological recommendations for compiling books for children in the Evenk language:
1) In children's books in the Evenk language, the age periods should be taken into account. The initial age is 2-3 years, when children learn their native language in the form of separate words. The maximum age to which children should learn their mother tongue is 9-10 years (based on the specifics of studying other subsequent disciplines of the school curriculum in senior classes). At the same time, the main plots should be related to the northern folklore (Evenk tales and legends, proverbs and sayings) and the environment of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the north (the world of nature, animals). The key content of books should include large-type individual words accompanied by plenty of pictures. The purpose of such books is to get acquainted with the original oral creativity of indigenous peoples, which is an important component in the formation of the Evenk ethnic identity;
2) Children's books in the Evenk language for primary school-age should include: ABC, textbooks on nature studies and mathematics, history and traditions of Evenkia. Therefore, textbooks divided into three thematic blocks should contribute to the formation of the ethnic worldview of children:
a) the study of letters, sounds, individual words and initial sentences in the alphabetic
version of the Evenk language will give a fundamental basis for all subsequent perception and study of Evenk as a native language;
b) thanks to the textbook on nature studies, the child will get acquainted with the geographic, climatic, ecological features, flora and fauna of the Far North; the textbook on mathematics for elementary school will allow to learn how to make descriptions of the forms and properties of an object, to determine the structural relationships, to discover common signs of those things and objects that surround the child in natural conditions. Since mathematics as a fundamental science provides common language tools for other sciences, the passage of those simultaneously in the Evenk and Russian languages will allow to make interconnection and build a unity of language pictures of the world;
c) textbooks on the history and traditions of Evenkia will allow to develop and deepen knowledge about their native culture.
Thus, in the school curriculum for younger children, the knowledge of the native language and native culture should be given as much as possible by means of linguistic natural science and linguistic mathematics in order to form the most complete ethnic identity of a small Evenk and gaining competencies in the language and values of their culture.
The creation of the corpus of children's literature in the Evenk language will be useful for the adult Evenk population as well, since the results of the questionnaire made it possible to record a fairly low level of knowledge of the native language and fluency in native speech. Reading children's books in a bilingual language (Evenk-Russian), their creation, not only for school, but also for home reading, contributes to an increase in the general level of knowledge of the native language, the possibility of independent learning (reading, performing a task in mathematics, nature studies) at any age. The linguistic variability of
the Evenk language (southern, northern dialects) should also be taken into account when creating the corpus (individual textbooks for the school curriculum) due to the fact that a certain dialect is permanently assigned to individual settlement territories. That will allow to unite and preserve the unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Evenk Municipal District.
Results of the expert interviews
The interview experts were the representatives of the Ethnic Pedagogical Centre, Folk Culture House, Culture Department of the Evenk Municipal District, Evenk Local Lore Museum, authors of textbooks, editors of newspapers in the Evenk language, teachers.
In the course of interviewing experts in the field of the Evenk language and culture it was determined that the main problem in creating and preserving literature in Evenk is the problem of preserving and reproducing of the language itself. Modern generation cannot perceive literature in the Evenk language while they do not speak this language anymore.
One of the main reasons is the lack of speaking in the Evenk language in the family and interest in its study. This is partly due to the fact that mixed, not even Evenk families are often created in the region. People in such a family, so as not to offend, each other, it became easier to communicate in Russian, as common and understandable for all residents of our country. Also, the unofficial ban on speaking in one's own language in boarding schools in the Soviet years has contributed here. Since most of the teachers were Russian speakers and did not know the Evenk language, they urged the children to speak at the school in the same way in Russian.
One of the main reasons is the lack of speaking in the Evenk language in the family and interest in its study. This is partly due to the fact that the
families in the region are mixed, not even Evenk sometimes. People in such a family, in order not to offend each other, communicate in Russian, as a common and understandable language for all residents of our country. Moreover, the unofficial prohibition to communicate in one's native language in boarding schools in the Soviet years has had a great impact as well. Since most of the teachers were Russian speakers and did not know the Evenk language, they urged the children to speak in school in Russian.
Another important reason is that typical Evenk activities, which formed the main conceptual core of the language, have disappeared from the life of the Evenks. With the advent of the civilization, the Evenks began to go less and less to the taiga for hunting and fishing, moving more and more to large towns and cities. There has been a decline in reindeer husbandry (although experts note that many activities on its preservation take place now). The Evenk language was specialized for these activities, most of the concepts and words in the language are related to reindeer and nature. With the disappearance of these phenomena from the life of the Evenks, the words denoting them also cease to exist. And those that remain are no longer sufficient to describe the contemporary life of the Evenks. There is no development of the language, the emergence of new words. Instead, more and more borrowings from the Russian language come to the language.
Similarly, experts note the difficulty of learning the language within the school curriculum. The Evenk language textbooks were created long ago, when children were still native speakers from childhood, from the family. The programme they offer is difficult for modern children who do not know the Evenk language and perceive it as a foreign one. The complexity of the grammar of the Evenk language and the presence of several dialects aggravate the situation. Most Evenks deny the literary language. They consider
it alien and imposed, artificial. The Evenks prefer to use their dialects. Experts point out that it is easier for many to understand a foreign dialect than a literary language.
Some experts say that there are no good teaching staff interested in teaching of the Evenk language, despite the availability of a large number of educational and fiction literature. Most teachers do not have a good command of language, sometimes they are not even native speakers. In addition, experts note that the Evenk language today is not in the priority of the school curriculum, which is aimed primarily at preparing children for the passing of unified state examinations. The regional aspect in this case remains non-demanded.
Experts think that it is necessary to create variable literature for all ages starting from the young age. It is important that this literature would be used both at kindergartens and schools within the curriculum, and at home for family reading.
In terms of content it should be focused on nature, animals, Evenk activities: hunting fishing, reindeer breeding, while these phenomena form the core of the language. It is important to connect literature with the environment, pay attention to the common language, which is most clear and used in the everyday life.
Textbooks should be published taking into account that children, which will study are not native speakers of the Evenk language. It is also noteworthy that textbooks and books should be created in various dialects and not in the literary language.
In regard of creating textbooks in Evenk on other subjects the opinions of the experts vary. Some consider that it is necessary to create textbooks for all subjects. But most experts, nevertheless, note that there are many difficulties connected herewith. For example, absence of required words and notions in the
Evenk language and inability of children to speak the language. Moreover, schoolchildren will inevitably face the necessity to pass unified state exams and continue their education at universities in the Russian language. Many experts came to the conclusion that it is possible to create textbooks in Evenk in all school subjects of the elementary school level.
Most experts insist that both educational and fiction literature should be accompanied by translation into Russian, while at this stage neither children, nor adults will be able to read the books.
It would be appropriate to apply new formats in creating literature, to use new technologies. May be CDs, programmes, applications and computer games should be issued. In order to make it interesting for children, it is desirable to create mainly games and interactive forms of literature.
The native speakers of the Evenk language were also interviewed: Tura residents, workers, lawmakers, hunters and reindeer breeders.
It was outlined through the interviews with native speakers that there is literature in the Evenk language and it is preserved, though it is not popular among children and young people. Native speakers determine the same problems in preservation of language and literature as the experts.
Absence of speaking practice in families partly due to the education in boarding schools, which killed the desire to talk among older generation, took them away from taiga and family, from language environment. Moreover, adults who speak Evenk, forget how to read texts in Evenk. Another reason is mixed marriages, when for convenience Russian is used in the family.
Native speakers also note that in schools Russian is more frequently used. It is due to the fact that most teachers do not speak Evenk, and native tongue classes are more and more often reduced to be replaced by other subjects.
Similar to experts, native speakers speak about the changes in the life of the Evenks: being away from taiga, decay of reindeer breeding. Young people do not want to return to taiga and go hunting and fishing, they go to large cities.
Native speakers also note that interest in the language and literature may have disappeared due to the incoming of civilization, new technologies: computers, gadgets, Internet. All this has increased the penetration of the Western culture and loss of interest in the traditional one.
Some respondents note that they are interested in studying their mother tongue and literature, but children are afraid or shy to talk and answer, though they understand well. This can be due to the fact that they are fairly taught speaking and are afraid of incorrect pronunciation.
Native speakers also note absence of well-coordinated work of various institutions responsible for culture and education.
They give the same recommendation as the experts on creating literature.
Literature should be created for children of all ages. There should be literature specially for kindergartens, schools and home (family) reading, interconnected with each other. Such literature should motivate to study and teach the Evenk language, create the language environment for children.
Literature should use common language of everyday life. The main content should include taiga and reindeer breeding. Textbooks and ABCs should include the description of the surrounding world.
Native speakers also note that it is important to create colourful and visually supported textbooks and books in order to make them interesting for children.
Both experts and native speakers outlined the importance of presence of Russian translations of the texts.
The researchers of the department-laboratory functioning within the Chair of Languages of the Peoples of Siberia at Tomsk State Pedagogical University, work primarily in three areas: the analysis of the archives of linguistic and ethno-cultural materials on the disappearing languages of the peoples of Siberia, using modern methodological and technological capabilities (using methods developed by DoBeS, ELAR and SIL); carrying out expeditionary ethnolinguistic studies (field expeditions to places of dense settlement of small peoples); development and publication of scientific and methodical publications (collections of scientific articles on linguistics, theses and materials of scientific conferences, publications on ethnology and folklore of the peoples of Siberia, monographs and lecture courses on the theory of linguistics , dictionaries and teaching aids for ethnic schools, collections of short stories and texts for reading in the languages of the peoples of Siberia).
Basing on the analysis of the expert interviews it is possible to draw up general recommendations on compiling scientific and methodological documents for creating children's literature in the Evenk language.
First, researchers believe that it is necessary to preserve ethnic languages and create literature devoted to the languages of the peoples of Siberia. The problem of preserving ethnic languages is seen in several reasons: in the Soviet years of the 20th century, in the territories of the compact areas in the north, for a long time, schooling was conducted exclusively in Russian, and by the beginning of the 21st century there was a decrease in the level of knowledge and understanding of own ethnic languages among native speakers. The problem of ignorance of the ethnic language as "native" is also seen by scholars in the fact that a shift has occurred in associative thinking: the native language is the one that a person speaks in everyday life and
communicates in this language with other people. The third reason is found in the institution of marital relations: mixed marriages have become traditional for the creation of new families, in which the Russian language is elected as not conflicting with others and dominating in communication. Some families prefer bilingual communication (Russian and Evenk, Chulym, Ket, etc.).
Second, it is necessary to create works for both adults and children with active involvement of the representatives of ethnic communities themselves (discussion and advice from the initial planning stage to the launch of the pilot project). Researchers believe that the lack of motivation on the part of the speakers of the disappearing language or generations that do not know the language is a threat to the complete disappearance of unique and poorly studied languages. There is an opinion that if the desire and initiative to preserve the ethnic language comes from the inhabitants, then it is necessary to discuss the contents of books and textbooks with them. To create a product together with the most comfortable content for acquaintance, study, reading, self-education among residents of both remote and urbanized villages. In order to avoid inaccuracies in methodological guidelines and pedagogical materials, it is necessary to actively involve the representatives of the communities themselves.
Third, when creating literary works and textbooks, it is necessary to take into account the dialectal features of the language not to lose the uniqueness of the dialect variety. For example, parallel texts in the southern or northern dialect, and even in the languages of other Siberian peoples can be offered to the linguistic corpus. Ideally, it is necessary to create books for each dialect (South Evenk, North Evenk, etc.). To popularize among young people and the younger generation modern books in ethnic languages, it is possible to create a mobile application in native languages as a virtual gaming space that
facilitates easy learning. This method has already been tested in foreign linguoethnographic developments. Another method successfully used by New Zealand scientists is the "language nests" method, which allows to transmit live speech and knowledge about one's culture in the format of small groups united around a native speaker. The Evenk language covers a large territory of settlements located apart from each other and is one of the last remaining among nomadic peoples. In this regard, the Evenk language is in the risk zone, effective methods should be applied to maintain its dialectal fragmentation.
Fourth, the study of the national language as a foreign language should begin from an early age using an integrated approach: the combination of theoretical (educational in primary school education) and practical (elective in the senior grades) programmes in the unity of modern and traditional content about the culture and history of a particular ethnic group. To attract the younger generation, perhaps already involved in the world of Internet and game applications, new images of ethnic heroes with ethnic characteristics relevant to the ethnos will be developed. The main content for the game forms should be the ethnic material itself: northern folklore, fairy tales, legends, songs, proverbs and sayings. The scientists emphasize the uniqueness of the complex approach, which consists not in the short-term, but in the long-term plunge of the younger generation in the problems of the history and culture of their ethnos through joint activities with the creators of modern heroic images, communication with native speakers, and discussions of actual solutions for preserving the language with methodologists.
Fifth, the creation of the Evenk language body can be presented in the form of an electronic book, the content of which will be edited in any other format. Such a solution to the problem of preserving the language will allow to minimize cultural and linguistic pressure from the dominant languages, leaving the opportunity to revive
interest in future generations and to allow the linguistic diversity not to be exhausted in the future. In any case, this will leave an opportunity to preserve the languages of the peoples of Siberia as symbols of various ethnic groups. Moreover, multimedia aid, computer educational games (computer linguistics), animation of ethnic themes (names, costumes, household items, features of traditional education), will be a good motivation for children to learn their native language.
Sixth, Tomsk scientists suggest that even with the complete disappearance of the common language (colloquial speech), it is necessary to create literary works in native languages. In the modern world, many languages are on the verge of extinction or "experiencing stress". When creating books, such moments should be taken into account: the content should form a picture of the language (its genetic feature), explain what dialect is used as the basis (to clarify the features of the dialect and emphasize the genetic affinity with other dialects), to demonstrate the uniqueness of its content for speakers of other languages for the purpose of acquaintance and maintenance of linguistic diversity. Corpus linguistics is capable in the future to restore not only the language grammar, but also to reconstruct the proto-languages, to determine their ancestral home, the peculiarities of life and culture. Scientists cite as an example a young generation of American Indians who, when acquainted with works in the ethnic language, show one of the basic needs of ethnic self-identification (the spiritual need to join the family, archaic knowledge). Their books are created in an understandable (not scientific, generally accessible, with translations and photographs) simple common language, so they become a powerful stimulus for studying and immersing in a particular language picture of the world. It is believed that language is not only a means of communication, but also a form of social behaviour. In this regard, any auxiliary means in
the form of little books, books, textbooks and teaching aids, computer linguistics, spontaneous or thematic texts, the corpus of sounding speech or the corpus of linguistic children's works, books in the main language or dialect, etc., will help to preserve the presence of language.
According to the results of the analysis of field studies and research materials the following general methodological recommendations can be given for creating educational and fiction literature in the Evenk language:
1) literature should be created taking into account different ages of children starting with the young age;
2) literature should be aimed at the use in schools and for home reading;
3) content of the books should include the themes of nature, animals, Evenk traditional occupations - reindeer breeding, hunting and fishing, as well as northern folklore;
4) literature should mainly include the vocabulary of the common language used in everyday life;
5) literature should be intended for children who do not speak the Evenk language as the mother tongue;
6) books should be created in dialects of the Evenk language, not in its literary version;
7) for elementary school books should be created in the Evenk language in all subjects, it is especially important to turn to the development of linguistic mathematics and linguistic nature studies;
8) literature should include translation into Russian;
9) game and media formats should be used in creating literature;
10) literature should be accompanied by vivid illustrations;
11) the Evenks themselves should be actively involved into creation of literature.
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Меры по сохранению языка коренных малочисленных народов по результатам полевых и научных исследований в Эвенкийском муниципальном районе Красноярского края
Ю.С. Замараева, Н.А. Сергеева, А.И. Филько
Сибирский федеральный университет Россия, 660041, Красноярск, пр. Свободный, 79
В настоящей статье приведены результаты полевых и научных исследований, проведенных в течение 2017 г. на территории поселка Тура Эвенкийского муниципального района Красноярского края среди представителей экспертного сообщества и жителей - носителей языка. Целью исследования стало определение общих научно-методических рекомендаций по созданию учебной и художественной литературы на эвенкийском языке. На основании проведенного анкетирования и экспертного интервью определены меры по сохранению языка, которые, по мнению большинства, должны способствовать сохранению уникального культурного наследия коренных малочисленных народов Эвенкийского муниципального района. В качестве научного исследования приведены результаты анализа экспертных интервью с учёными-лингвистами Томского педагогического университета, занимающимися научными разработками по созданию корпусной лингвистики северных языков в лаборатории кафедры языков народов Сибири.
Ключевые слова: эвенкийский язык, полевые исследования, прикладная культурология, детская учебная и художественная литература на эвенкийском языке, коренные малочисленные народы Красноярского края.
Исследование выполнено при поддержке Красноярского краевого фонда науки в рамках реализации проекта: «Разработка научно-методического обеспечения сохранения уникального культурного наследия для кетской и энецкой этнокультурных групп коренных малочисленных народов Севера, Сибири и Дальнего Востока, проживающих на территории Красноярского края
Исследование выполнено при поддержке Администрации Эвенкийского муниципального района Красноярского края в рамках реализации проекта «Разработка научно-методической документации по созданию произведений детской литературы на эвенкийском языке для сохранения уникального культурного наследия коренных малочисленных народов Эвенкийского муниципального района.
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