Научная статья на тему 'The representation of written speech in the translation of the languages with different systems'

The representation of written speech in the translation of the languages with different systems Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mirzayeva Iroda

The colorfulness of the speech is affected to a large extent by the variety or the synonymy of the words used in the particular type of oral or written speech. This, in turn, is the main factor that determines the vocabulary richness of certain language. The richness of speech is based on the following principles: conciseness, variety, purity, meaningfulness, clarity and credibility. If the text is written following the provided principles, the reader will definitely be able to comprehend it.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The representation of written speech in the translation of the languages with different systems»

оснащенного всеми необходимыми тренажерами; или же, групповая покупка абонемента. Чтобы проводить физическую культуру в специальных для этого центрах с необходимым оборудованием; а так же интервальные мотивирующие лекции. Ведь спорт делает человека намного красивее и здоровее как в моральном, так и в физическом плане. Спорт - это гарантия долголетия, молодости и красоты. Спорт улучшает работу мозга, избавляет от стресса, заряжает жизненными силами. Систематическая физическая активность дает изумительный результат, а главное предотвращает развитие всевозможных недугов. «Фитнес не только один из ключей к здоровому телу, но и основа динамичности и творческой мысли». Джон Кеннеди

Список литературы

1. Журавлёва И.А., Сизова Н.Н. Фитнес в системе физического воспитания студенток. [Электронный ресурс] // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. 2017. № 4 (58). Режим доступа: https://research-journal.org/pedagogy/fitnes-v-sisteme-fizicheskogo-vospitaniya-studentok/ (дата обращения 20.05.2018).

2. Венгерова Н.Н. Особенности создания проекта учебного процесса в высшей школе по физической культуре для девушек / Н.Н. Венгерова Н.Н., Люйк Л.В.// Физическая культура и здоровье студентов вузов: материалы XI Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, 19 февраля 2015 г. СПб.: СПбГУП, 2015. С. 100-102.


SYSTEMS Mirzayeva I.


Abstract: the colorfulness of the speech is affected to a large extent by the variety or the synonymy of the words used in the particular type of oral or written speech. This, in turn, is the main factor that determines the vocabulary richness of certain language. The richness of speech is based on the following principles: conciseness, variety, purity, meaningfulness, clarity and credibility. If the text is written following the provided principles, the reader will definitely be able to comprehend it.

Keywords: literary translation, colorful shade, written speech, polysemy, synonymy.

It is possible to reflect those features with the help of a word in a text. The valuable works of Alisher Navoi - the founder of Uzbek literary language - the works of Pushkin -the founder of Russian literary language, and the heritage of Shakespeare to whom English people owe their literary language, are a good example for the word power in a written speech. Not only can the idea be expressed with the word, but also punctuation marks can give us a clear sense of the text concept. However, it only depends on the writer's skills.

In fact, the richness of speech finds its way in its variety. It is defined by the polysemy, synonymy, synonymic features and stylistic methods [1]. We should mention the fact that in Uzbek, Russian and English languages, there are a great many cases when one word has more than one meaning. As a matter of fact, it is easier to determine the meaning of a word within a text.

The most significant communicative peculiarities of speech are - richness, colorfulness, and the use of words without repetition. The reader, on his/her part, must have a clear imagination about the language word stock, language norms and its symbols. This enables the reader to understand the purpose and meaning of each word utilized in the text. Otherwise, the concept of the text will be unclear to the reader and he/she will not have a proper comprehension of a particular piece of writing [2, p.67.]. As a consequence, this makes it difficult to translate the text into another language. This is because, in written speech, there is not melody, gesture and the eye contact, which are key components of an oral speech. It is easy to translate the word into another language, only when it is implemented properly.

As a proof of my claim, I can provide American writer Jack London's novel "Martin Eden", which was written in English. Here is a fragment from the novel translated into Uzbek and Russian languages:

"He mopped his forehead dry and glanced about him with a controlled face, though in the eyes there was expressions such as wild animals betray when they fear the trap." ("Martin Eden", Jack London) The phrase there was an expression used in the above sentence has different meanings. Those meanings are expression, facial expression, turn of speech, phrase, pressure, excitement and sensitiveness. Russian translation is as follows:

"Он вытер лоб и посмотрел кругом более спокойно, хотя в глазах еще оставалась тревога, как у дикого животного, опасающегося западни." In the Russian translation, the phrase appears as оставалась тревога (panic remained). Any of the aforementioned meanings were not used, but it was translated based on the sense of the sentence. Here is an Uzbek translation of the text:

"U peshanasini yana artib, xonaga diqqat bilan razm solib chiqdi, lekin uning ko 'zlari qopqonga tushishdan xavfsirayotgan yovvoyi hayvonning ko'zlaridek taka-puka edi, ..." In the sentence, as an alternative version of dependent clause the lexeme taka-puka edi (thumped) has been used. Logically, the hyphenated compound word taka-puka usually refers to the imitation of a heart beat. In my opinion, it would make more sense or would be more appropriate to use the words like olazarak (wandering eyes) or hayajon (worry) when relating to the eyes.

The word has a great power. It plays significant role in expressing our thoughts. The person without rich vocabulary is deprived of delivering his message completely. It is clear from the following example:

"No, she was a spirit, a divinity, a goddess; such sublimated beauty was not of the earth." In the example, the word combination sublimated beauty is used to compare her with the beauty of the goddess. In Russian, it is translated in the following way:

"Нет, скорей она дух, божества, богиня, - такая возвышенная красота не может быть земной." The translator uses the equivalent of the lexeme sublimated beauty, which is возвышенная красота. To my mind, the translation fully matches with the context and the sense the sentence is intended to deliver. However, it is quite different in the Uzbek translation:

"Yo'q, u ilohiy ruh, pari, ma'buda edi - negaki, bunday olijanob nafosat yer yuzida uchramaydi." The lexeme sublimated beauty - возвышенная красота, was translated into Uzbek as olijanob nafosat. In fact, nafosat (beauty) cannot be olijanob (gentle). Therefore, in my point of view, the word combination nafis go 'zallik would convey a more distinctive translation.


1. Головин Б.Н. Основы культуры речи: Учеб. Пособие. М.: Высшая школа, 1980. 336 с.

2. Кузнецов С.А. Большой толковый словарь русского языка. Санкт-Петербург.: «Норинт», 2000. 1534 с.

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