45. Kuznetsova Zinaida M, Ovchinnikov Jury D, Horkova Lubov V. The period of fatigue study in the training process of women-boxers Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie I mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury I sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports], 2017, Vol. 12, no 1, pp. 14-21. Available at: http ://www.journal-science. org/ru/article/720.html. DOI 10.14526/01_2017_177.
46. Kuznetsova Z., Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Khalikov G., Zakharova A., 2015. Athletes preparation based on a complex assessment of functional state. In
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport
Submitted: 30.10.2017 Received: 03.11.2017
Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 156-160 (Scopus)
47. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus)
Parts of this article are adaptations of original works by The World Bank. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the authors of the adaptation and are not endorsed by The World Bank.
Authors information
Darlene A. Kluka - D Phil, PhD, Strategic Sport Solutions, Consultant, e-mail: Anneliese Goslin - D Phil, MBA, Emer. Professor Department Sport and Leisure Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa, e-mail:
Claudia Magaly Espinosa Mendez - MS, Fulltime Professor, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico, e-mail:
For citations: Darlene A. Kluka, Anneliese Goslin, Claudia Magaly Espinosa Mendez. Women, sport and physical activity, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Phycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 33-41. DOI 10/14526/04_2017_263.
DOI 10/14526/04_2017_264
Vahid Bakhshalipour -
Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch,
Siyahkal, Iran. Bisotoon Azizi -
Department of Physical Education, Piranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Piranshahr, Iran
Siavash Khodaparast Sareshkeh -
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Guilan, Lahijan,Iran
Annotation. The application of knowledge management (KM) in organizations needs certain prerequisites. Organizational culture (OC) is one of the most important prerequisites for knowledge management. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management in high school physical education teachers of Guilan Province. Method: This study was a descriptive-survey research. 130 physical education teachers were randomly selected as sample in Guilan province. The instrument for collecting of data is included Denison 's organizational culture questionnaire and Proust's knowledge management questionnaire. The collected data were classified by descriptive statistical methods and were analyzed by ANOVA, t-Test, and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (P<0.05). The SPSS software (version 21) was usedfor data analysis (a<0.05). Results: The output of OC variable was 3.82. The participation subscale (3.98) had the highest score. The flexibility subscale (3.72) had the lowest score. The output of KM variable was 3.21. The maintenance of knowledge subscale (3.34) had the highest score. The knowledge acquisition subscale (2.62) had the lowest score. Conclusion: there was a significant relationship between OC and KM and this in this study. This relationship will be the underlying of successful changes in physical education teachers, so that OC is one of effective factors in the establishment and basis of success in KM.
Keywords: Organizational culture, knowledge management, physical education teachers, high school, education, Guilan
The subject of knowledge is taken into consideration in management studies during the past few decades. Acquisition and development of knowledge are important factors in the success of different organizations (1, 2, 3). The perception of the real role and place of knowledge in organizations can help in the finding of an answer for the question of why are some organizations always success? The perception of this issue that which factors are the underlying of the spirited survival of the organizations seems necessary (4). A collection must recognize its required knowledge and acquire it and save it so that it can be used in required opportunities. Therefore, KM includes the processes of knowledge creation, validation of knowledge, shaping the knowledge, and the distribution and scientific application of knowledge in the organization (5). On the other hand, OC is an important factor that affect the knowledge variable. OC affects all aspects of an organization and it empowers organizations in the basis of common values and beliefs. OC affects the attitude of individual behavior, motivation, job satisfaction and commitment of human resources, structure design, organizational system, goal setting,
formulation and implementation of policies, implementation of strategies, and other components (6). The change and creation of an appropriate and flexibility OC is that can gradually change the interoperable pattern among individuals in the organization and benefit from KM as a competitive advantage (7). KM is a categories of technical and ultrastructural performance, technical and management tools, design for the creation of opportunity, participation, the application of knowledge and related knowledge across all organizations (4). The application of KM in organizations needs certain prerequisites. OC is one of the most important prerequisites for knowledge management (8). Each organization has a unique culture that shows individuals a way of understanding and meaning to events. Therefore, OC can use as a powerful lever to strengthen organizational behavior (9). Organizations do not work on the basis of social capacity, but those were affected by social culture, so that OC includes behavior, performance, and values that people expect an organization and they participate and cooperate (6). OC is as a concept that as a key member of the organization management is to make changes and revised and it is as the glue that attaches socio-cultural to the organization
(8). We can conclude with an astute look into technical issues from a social viewpoint that poor activities of KM is due to lack of the culture that supports KM processes and improves and creates knowledge (10). OC may be the main barrier in the way of KM (11). Organizational culture refers to a pattern of values, learned beliefs and behaviors from the past that comes with the experience that throughout the history of organizations have developed and it tends to be clear in members' major and behavioral arrangements (12). Scientific evidences show that OC affects the sharing process of knowledge as well as it affects the ways that employees of a collection create new knowledge (13). Physical education teachers in education are facing with the training of a large number of male and female students with different physical and mental needs and proper use of their talents and abilities. On the other hand they are facing with the rapid changes and progress in the field of sports science. The coordination with these changes requires the creation of functional and new knowledge and an environment on the basis of oriented culture. Amiresmaeli, et al., (2014) examined the relationship between components of OC and KM (14). They show that organizations should pay special attention to OC to improve effectively the knowledge System. They also found that if OC is stronger, implementation of KM will be carried out more success in a collection (14). Wang, et al., (2011) studied the relationship between OC and KM. This study finds that OC plays a critical role in knowledge creation capability. Specially, collectivism has a positive impact on knowledge creation capability. This study not only contributes to KM research by identifying a key antecedent of knowledge creation capability - OC - but also is of importance to OC literature by demonstrating the proper organizational culture for knowledge creation capability (15). Oliver, et al., (2006) identified ten major factors affecting knowledge culture in organizations in their study. These include leadership, organizational structure, advertisers, reward systems, time allocation, business processes,
recruitment, infrastructure, physical attributes, and the creation of groups and coordinator of knowledge for the development of a culture of KM that each of the indicators is an important and effective factor on a collection (16). Thahir, et al., (2010) examined the role of OC in KM (8). Cultural components were examined with reference to owning management practices in this study. The results showed that the culture of participation increases knowledge creation through the knowledge exchange. The promotion of culture of participation expands by the reduction of fear and the increasing of transparency among members and it makes cooperation and leads to create knowledge in a collection. More people are willing to participate in the knowledge exchange when trust is high and it leads to create knowledge. Learning culture is deeply rooted in knowledge creation and it is a prerequisite for success in the knowledge and knowledge creation (8). Fonglai and Guanglee (2007) studied the relationship between OC and implementation activities of KM 154 Taiwanese companies. The results showed that type of culture is a vital factor for the scientific activities. The results of study also showed that information technology is not enough and does not ensure the quality of knowledge. Amin Bidokhti, et al., (2011) examined the relationship between OC and KM in education of Semnan (18). The results showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between all components of OC and KM (18). Allameh, et al., (2011) studied the Relationship between OC and KM (19). They concluded that that there was a significant relationship between all components of OC and subscales of KM (19). Many studies represent the relationship between OC and KM variables. According to the mentioned contents as well as the importance of education especially groups of physical education in the creation of motivation and juicy and scholar spirit in students through physical activities that in turn requires physical education teachers' proper knowledge. Physical education teachers in education are facing with the training of a large
number of male and female students with different physical and mental needs and proper use of their talents and abilities. On the other hand they are facing with the rapid changes and progress in physical Education. The coordination with these changes requires the creation of innovative ideas and an environment on the basis of knowledge-oriented. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between OC and KM in high school physical education teachers due to rapid developments and the inevitable need for the progress.
materials and methods
This study was a descriptive-survey research. This study was correlation since it seeks to analyze relationships between variables. 130 physical education teachers were randomly selected as sample in Guilan province.
The statistical population of this study was all high school physical education teachers in Guilan province. Instruments and Tasks
The instrument for collecting of data is included Denison's organizational culture questionnaire and Proust's knowledge management questionnaire (24). Denison's OC questionnaire was designed in 2000. This questionnaire had 60 questions and has been developed in the form of a five-item Likert. The validity of used questionnaires has been approved in studies (20, 21, 22). The reliability of Denison's OC questionnaire has been reported %85 and the reliability of KM questionnaire has been reported %94. Procedure
The used questionnaires had subscales so that 1 to 15 questions evaluated the participatory culture component, 16 to 30 evaluated the adjusted culture component, 31 to 45 questions evaluated the adaptive culture, and 46 to 60 questions evaluated the mission component. KM questionnaire was included 21 questions with 5 options that 8 component of KM measured in the basis of the Likert scale. 1 and
2 questions assessed the knowledge goals component. 3, 4, and 5 questions assessed the knowledge identification component. 6 and 7 questions assessed the knowledge acquisition component. 8, 9, and 10 questions assessed the knowledge development component. 11 to 14 questions assessed the knowledge sharing component. 15 and 16 questions assessed the knowledge utilization component. 17, 18, and 19 questions assessed the knowledge maintenance component. 20 and 21 questions assessed the knowledge assessment.
Data Analysis
The collected data were classified by descriptive statistical methods and were analyzed by ANOVA, t-Test, and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (P<0.05). The SPSS software (version 21) was used for data analysis (a<0.05).
The results of this study showed that %47.3 of the sample were men and %52.7 of them were women. Also, %4.1of subjects were student in Ph.D. %51.7 of them had master's degree. %38.4 of subjects had bachelor's degree and %5.8 of them had associate's degree. As well as employment status, %60.2 of subjects were contractual force, %32.1 of them were employment, and %7.7 of them were adjunct teacher. %39.9 of subjects were single and %68.1 of them were married. The results in table (1) showed that the variable of OC is desirable in high school physical education teachers of education in Guilan province and the obtained output from subscales was 3.82. The participation subscale had the highest score (3.98) and the flexibility subscale had the lowest score (3.72). The variable of KM had the desired state (3.21). The knowledge maintenance component had the highest score (3.34) and the knowledge acquisition had the lowest score (2.62). The results in table (2) show the output mean of KM variable in high school physical education teachers of education in Guilan province.
Table1. The output mean of OC variable in physical education teachers
Subscales of OC Mean of subscale Test Value=3.5
Percentage output Numerical output SD P-Value
Adaptation 73.9 3.72 0.619 0.07
Adjustment 71.2 3.69 0.641 0.25
Mission 76.5 3.91 0.621 0.23
Participation 77.3 3.98 0.811 0.001
Table2. The output mean of KM variable in physical education teachers
Subscales of KM Output of mean SD
knowledge development 3.11 0.79
knowledge utilization 3.21 0.82
knowledge acquisition 2.62 0.91
knowledge maintenance 3.34 0.81
knowledge identification 2.87 0.91
knowledge goals 3.28 0.93
knowledge sharing 3.15 0.82
knowledge assessment 3.22 0.89
knowledge management 3.1 0.79
Statistical analysis of OC and KM variables and their subscales showed that there was a significant relationship between these two variables (P-value=0.000).
The results in table (3) show the correlation and relationship between the studied variables in this study shows.
Table3. The relationship between OC and KM in physical education teachers
OC dimensions Flexibility Adjustment Mission Participation
Knowledge Management P-value=0.000 r=0.712 P-value=0.000 r=0.729 P- value=0.000 r=0.711 P- value=0.000 r=0.702
The results in table (3) showed that OC and KM subscales are in desirable state in physical education teachers of education in Guilan province and there was a significant relationship and correlation between variables of this study.
The results of table (4) show the obtained total score of OC and KM variables and the relationship between them.
Table 4. The total score of studied variables and relationship between them
Variables Mean Sig and the rate of correlation
Percentage index Numerical index
OC %74 3.82 P-value=0.000
KM %67 3.1 r=0.78
s s i o n
KM is one of the most important factors in the success of organizations in competitive conditions and era of communication and information. The importance of this issue is so remarkable that a number of organizations measure their knowledge and it constitutes the intellectual capital of the organization and it is a suitable indicator for employees' ranking. Many studies have noted that KM helps people to share information and improve organizational performance. This requires the transformation of individual knowledge into organizational knowledge. On the other hand, organizations must have the appropriate OC to manage effectively knowledge. The results of studies have shown that the static and rigid OC creates destructive mistakes. Also, organizations deprive from competitive advantage with the neglect of knowledge (3, 8, 14). The use of KM system causes that organizations act intelligently and processes take place quickly and effectively so organization will realize significant savings due to the reduction of need for the regeneration of solutions. On the other hand, healthy organizations with the power of knowledge can identify environmental changes and new opportunities and those will maintain their long-term advantages in competitive arena (15, 25). Therefore, we can say that effective management on knowledge capital is the most stable source and it is one of basic needs in organizations of third millennium (26). Knowledge-based management means the increasing of the capability and working knowledge and this is a
way to improve employees' job affairs. Employees for their success and success of organization require knowledge based management to maintain culturally the dynamics of a collection (27). Knowledge management as an essential part in the success of the organization covers a wide range of organizational ideas including strategic, economic, behavioral, and managerial initiatives (23). The status of knowledge is very high as a valuable resource for organizations so that organizations must be able to flourish hidden knowledge in human resources with the efficient management, because only in this way can deal with uncertain environment and achieve goals. In fact, KM is as a reaction to incremental changes of environment (28). Today, smart and knowledgeable employees should be directed a sustainable competitive advantage as the most important assets of an organization with the power of creativity and innovation, the creation of new organizational processes, new technologies, and for activities such as problem solving, dynamic learning, strategic planning, and decision making (29). OC plays an effective role as the character and basis of personality in the establishment of KM and organization must first pay attention to organizational culture to improve knowledge system effectively and promote across the organization (30). If OC be stronger, the implementation of KM will be carried out with more success. OC is one of effective factors in the establishment of KM and the basis of success of KM (31). Knowledge-based culture is one of the most obvious successful factors of a plan. This is perhaps the most difficult condition for the success of a knowledge project from its start to its implementation (11). The tendency and approach of organization should be positive than knowledge. Thus, according to the mentioned results and the results of this study, we can conclude that OC plays a major role in the establishment of KM in an organization and the establishment of KM will be more success if OC be stronger and more efficient deployment (9, 12). The results of this study
show that components of OC were desirable in high school physical education teachers in Guilan Province and OC can be used as a powerful lever to strengthen organizational behavior that various studies have confirmed this (18, 20, 22). Therefore, department of physical education and training must have paid special attention to OC in education of Guilan Province to order the individual, group, and organizational knowledge and promote across the organization. The results of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between adjustment subscale and KM. If the physical education teachers' flexibility is higher, the status of KM will be more efficient than in the past. This result is consistent with the results of Thahir, et al., (2010); Donate and Guadamillas; and Golvani's (2008) study (8, 22, 32). A significant relationship between adjustment and KM confirms that if the stability and integrity upgrade and expand in physical education teachers, success will increase in KM and vice versa. In fact, we can provide grounds for the increasing and successful implementation of KM variable with the increasing of adaptation in high school physical teachers of education. This result is consistent with the results of Song, et al., (2012); Zheng, et al., (2010); and Saeediyan Nejad's (2006) study (3, 6, 33). The results of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between mission subscale and KM in high school physical education teachers of education in Guilan province. This shows that if mission subscale is considered by officials and goals and prospects in the Department of Physical Education and training is clearer and more inclusive, KM level will be promoted more than ever. This result is consistent with the results of Amiresmaeli, et al., (2014); Allameh, et al., (2011); Leiponen and Helfat's (2009) study (14, 19, 28). The results of this study showed that there was a significant relationship between participation subscale and KM in physical education teachers. This confirms that if the commitment and willingness of participation is higher in a collection, the process of KM will be faster and
more successful. We can provide the groundwork for successful and sustainable implementation of KM in the Department of Physical Education and culture organizations with the increasing of commitment for the participation in high school physical education teachers of education in Guilan Province. This result is consistent with the results of Goodarzvand, et al., (2010); Allali, et al., (2014); and Fonglai and Guanglee's (2007) study (12, 13, 17). In general, the results show that the change of culture is one of the most important aspects of any knowledge management system is considered. In general, the results show that the change of culture is considered one of the most important aspects of any KM system. It can be gradually changed the pattern of interaction between individuals in an organization and KM will be as a competitive advantage with the study, change, and creation of a flexible and appropriate OC. an OC with poor quality and lack of flexibility, participation and creativity in organization causes that employees have no intention to innovation, change, and creation of new ideas and on the other hand, they fear from the sharing and exchanging of their knowledge with others. Whereas a dynamic, participation, and flexible OC that its members believe it in a collection they have responded well to changes and set it on the path of progress and prosperity as well. However, KM will bring huge benefits for physical education teachers. The relevant authorities should take steps with the creation of a culture of continuous learning with emphasis on human development through education as a process of improvement and increasing of the capacity and abilities, increasing of knowledge and awareness. Also, physical education teachers be trained with modern techniques, tool applications and new methods of teaching and with the holding and design of courses and educational programs through workshops and practical programs in the basis of physical education teachers' critical, functional, and tangible needs.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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36. Kuznetsov A., Mutaeva I., Kuznetsova Z. Diagnostics of Functional State and Recerve Capacity of young Athletes' Organizm. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology support. SCITEPRESS. P. 111-115 (Scopus)
Authors information:
Vahid Bakhshalipour - Sama Technical and Vocational Training College, Islamic Azad university, Lahijan Branch, Siyahkal, Iran
Bisotoon Azizi - Department of Physical Education, Piranshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Piranshahr, Iran
Siavash Khodaparast Sareshkeh - Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Guilan, Lahijan, Iran, E-mail:
For citations: Vahid Bakhshalipour, Bisotoon Azizi, Siavash Khodaparast Sareshkeh. The relationship between organizational culture and knowledge management in high school physical education teachers of education in Guilan Province, The Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport (Pedagogico-Pshycological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 41-50. DOI 10/14526/04_2017_264.
DOI 10/14526/04_2017_265
Olga V. Morozova - Candidate of Pedagogics Nina A. Zinchuk - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Astrakhan State University, Tatishchev str. 20 a, Astrakhan, Russia 414056
Alexsandr V. Dorontsev - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor Astrakhan State Medical University, Bakinskaya str.121,Astrakhan, Russia 414000.