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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zahra Ahmadizadeh, Mehrdad Hefzollesan, Sohrab Ghalehgir, Robab Yadollahzadeh, Sedighe Heydarinezhad

Purpose : The aim of present study was to investigate the relation between organizational atmosphere and organizational citizenship behavior of Mazandaran province physical education offices staff. Material : This is a correlation and descriptive study, and also a field study. Statistical population of the study was the whole staff of Mazandaran province offices of physical education in 1390 (N=188), that 127 of them were selected randomly and with allocating coordination method. Tools for collecting data were three questionnaires, (1) individual characteristics questionnaire, (2) organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire of Bell and Mangog, and (3) organizational climate questionnaire of Sussman & Deep. To analyze data we used descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient and multi-variable regression). Results : Study results showed a significant positive relation between organizational climate and its factors with staff organizational citizenship behavior (p≤0/01). Also step-by-step multi-variable regression analyze showed that goal and communication factors are good predictors of organizational citizenship behavior of physical education headquarters staff, respectively (p≤0/01). Conclusions : According to results we recommend that sport organizations managers through creating positive organizational atmosphere, goal clarity and more staff interactions, can increase the outbreak of organizational citizenship behavior in staff, and finally improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

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І ПЕДАГОГІКА І та медико-біологічні

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Investigating the relation between organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior in the physical education offices employees in mazandaran province

Zahra Ahmadizadeh1, Mehrdad Hefzollesan2, Sohrab Ghalehgir2, Robab Yadollahzadeh2, Sedighe Heydarinezhad2

Shahid Chamran University ofAhwaz, Iran1 Sahand University of technology, Tabriz, Iran2


Purpose: The aim of present study was to investigate the relation between organizational atmosphere and organizational citizenship behavior of Mazandaran province physical education offices staff. Material: This is a correlation and descriptive study, and also a field study. Statistical population of the study was the whole staff of Mazandaran province offices of physical education in 1390 (N=188), that 127 of them were selected randomly and with allocating coordination method. Tools for collecting data were three questionnaires, (1) individual characteristics questionnaire, (2) organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire of Bell and Mangog, and (3) organizational climate questionnaire of Sussman & Deep. To analyze data we used descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariable regression). Results: Study results showed a significant positive relation between organizational climate and its factors with staff organizational citizenship behavior (p<0/01). Also step-by-step multivariable regression analyze showed that goal and communication factors are good predictors of organizational citizenship behavior of physical education headquarters staff, respectively (p<0/01). Conclusions: According to results we recommend that sport organizations managers through creating positive organizational atmosphere, goal clarity and more staff interactions, can increase the outbreak of organizational citizenship behavior in staff, and finally improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

Key words:

organizational, citizenship, behavior, climate, offices, physical education.

Захра Ахмадизадех, Мехрдад Хеф-золлусан, Сохраб Гхалехгир, Робаб Хейдаринезхад, Седигхе Хейдари-незхад. Дослідження співвідношення між організаційною атмосферою і характеристикою поведінки службовців офісів фізичного виховання провінції Мазандаран. Мета: Метою цього дослідження було вивчення відносин між організаційної атмосферою і організаційною поведінкою службовців офісів фізичного виховання провінції Мазандаран. Матеріал: досліджувалися показники кореляції і описової статистики. Статистичні дослідження були проведені у всіх 139G офісах фізичного виховання (N = 188 ) провінції Мазандаран. 127 з них були обрані випадковим чином. Інструментарієм для збору даних були три анкети: 1 анкета - індивідуальні характеристики, 2 анкета - організаційна поведінка службовців (опитувальник Bell and Mangog), 3 анкета - організаційна атмосфера (опитувальник Sussman & Deep). Для аналізу даних ми використовували описові і виведені статистики (коефіцієнт кореляції Пірсона, множинної регресії). Результати: Результати дослідження показали значне позитивне співвідношення між факторами організаційного клімату і показниками поведінки співробітників (р < G.G1). Також покрокова множинна регресія показала, що цільові установки є надійними комунікаційними факторами і засобами прогнозування організаційної поведінки співробітників штаб-квартир фізичного виховання (р < G.G1). Висновки: За результатами досліджень ми рекомендуємо менеджерам спортивних організацій враховувати, що через створення позитивної організаційної атмосфери, ясності мети і більшого взаємодії персоналу можна підвищити якість організаційної поведінки співробітників, і, нарешті, поліпшити організаційну ефективність та результативність їх роботи.

організаційний, службовці, поведінка, клімат, офіс, фізичне виховання.

Захра Ахмадизадех, Мехрдад Хефзол-лусан, Сохраб Гхалехгир, Робаб Хей-даринезхад, Седигхе Хейдаринезхад. Исследование соотношение между организационной атмосферой и характеристикой поведения служащих офисов физического воспитания провинции Мазандаран. Цель: Целью настоящего исследования было изучение отношения между организационной атмосферой и организационным поведением служащих офисов физического воспитания провинции Мазандаран. Материал: исследовались показатели корреляции и описательной статистики. Статистические исследования были проведены во всех 1390 офисах физического воспитания (N = 188) провинции Мазандаран. 127 из них были выбраны случайным образом. Инструментарием для сбора данных были три анкеты: 1 анкета -индивидуальные характеристики, 2 анкета - организационное поведение служащих (опросник Bell and Mangog), 3 анкета - организационная атмосфера (опросник Sussman & Deep). Для анализа данных мы использовали описательные и выведенные статистики (коэффициент корреляции Пирсона, множественной регрессии). Результаты: Результаты исследования показали значительное положительное соотношение между факторами организационного климата и показателями поведения сотрудников (р < 0.01). Также пошаговая множественная регрессия показала, что целевые установки являются надежными коммуникационными факторами и средствами прогнозирования организационного поведения сотрудников штаб-квартир физического воспитания (р < 0.01). Выводы: По результатам исследований мы рекомендуем менеджерам спортивных организаций учитывать, что через создание позитивной организационной атмосферы, ясности цели и большего взаимодействия персонала можно повысить качество организационного поведения сотрудников, и, наконец, улучшить организационную эффективность и результативность их работы.

организационный, служащие, поведение, климат, офис, физическое воспитание.


Today world is in progress increasingly and this factor shows the necessity of creativity, flexibility, efficiency, and responsibility for organizations if they want to survive. Because of this, new standards must be codified for organizations to be responsible of challenges and provide proper situation for staff to have the most appropriate skills. According to this, psychologists have emphasized the fact that organization staff must act beyond their formal duties. In respect of high interactions with customers and also the nature of services, this

© Zahra Ahmadizadeh, Mehrdad Hefzollesan, Sohrab Ghalehgir, Robab Yadollahzadeh, Sedighe Heydarinezhad2, 2014 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.971133

conception is more important in service sections (7). One of helpful skills in this way is organizational citizenship behavior.

This subject refers to personal behaviors that route from individual intuition, and in addition of increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational performance, it doesn’t encourage directly and through formal testimonial system (9). This behavior is known as staff supportive behavior from social and psychological facets of organization (4). In fact such behaviors are so important and useful for organization that leads to results such as very much effective communications and such a relation leads to cooperation between work groups and also is a basis of desired job distribution between staff (9).

Organizational citizenship behavior can’t be motivated by awards or formal motivations (11). So encouraging staff to show organizational citizenship behaviors and understanding variables that have effect on it, have been an important survey subject scientifically and practically. Generally former studies about organizational citizenship behavior show that personality characteristics, staff attitude, justice conception, leader behavior, and organizational traits (e.g. organizational climate and organizational commitment) act like predictor variables of this factor (10). The way person acts in an organization is dependent on type of his personality, organizational role he has, and his organizational position and situation, also in today’s competitive organizations only organizations can survive which give importance to their staff. Then staff conceptions from their organization which is named as organizational atmosphere, is so important (6).

At the other side organizational climate is known as a critical and basic element in determining organizational efficiency and a set of mental situations that have strong effect on organizational circumstances like systems, structures, and management behavior (13). Organizational climateis a broad structure of multiple aspects that absorb many respected elements as organizational citizenship behavior. It has been referred that organizational climate has influence on individual behaviors, because they try to be consistent to psychological environment to reach vital balance and self-resistance. In general organizational climate that facilitate the reaction norms may increase organizational citizenship behavior events.

Suresh et.al (2010) showed in a study that organizational citizenship behavior is under the influence of personality factors such as organizational climate and individual characteristics (age, sex, and marriage). Organizational climate particularly can be a predictor for organizational citizenship behavior. In another study Duff (2007) indicated that organizational climate has influence on citizenship behavior, and is an important predictor of it. Akhtar Jamali et.al (2009) showed that variables of job satisfaction and organizational commitment have positive effect on citizenship behavior, and organizational climate and job exhaustion have negative effect. And among five variables of organizational climate manager supportive behavior is the only factor that can predict organizational citizenship behavior positively. Sabzipoor et.al (2011) showed that there is no significant relation between organizational climate and citizenship behavior. Also Biswas&Varma,(2007)in a study among 357 staff of duty and industrial portions found that individual conceptions about accurate and creative environment of organization is so important and has positive influence on staff satisfaction. In respect of the fact that physical education organizations and provinces physical education headquarters are the main country trustees in a range from sport for all and educational sport to professional sport and championship, and its performance is a basis to achieve physical education and sport goals, and also with this in mind that in recent years organizations have became more complicated and common characteristics of organizations,

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and also the fact that organizational climate includes person conception from organization and in many studies its effect on citizenship behavior has been reported, thus doing more surveys about internal environment related factors and individual conceptions of that environment and also its effect on staff organizational citizenship behavior and finally organization performance, can be a good response to future problems. Therefore according to the need to investigate organizational climate role in increasing staff organizational citizenship behaviors and organization efficiency, present study aimed at investigating the rate of organizational citizenship behavior outbreak according to organizational climate in Mazandaran province sport and youth offices.


Present study is correlation descriptive and also a field study. Statistical population included whole staff of Mazandaran province sport and youth offices (N=188). Samples determined 127 according to volume of population and Krejcie& Morgantable , randomly and specifically. Tools for collecting data were individual characteristics questionnaire (age, sex, and study field, sport and job antecedents), to evaluate “organizational citizenship behavior” we used standard questionnaire of Bell and Mangog (2002) that has 20 questions in Likert 7-scales that evaluates the organizational citizenship behavior in five aspects including humanism, veneration and humility, magnanimity, job conscience, and civil behavior. To evaluate organizational atmosphere we used standard questionnaire of Sussman& Deep (1989) includes 20 five-scaleLikert types that evaluates organizational climate in five aspects including goal, role, award, procedures, and communications. Reliability of questionnaires through Cronbach’s Alpha was 75% and 85%, respectively. To analyze data we used Pearson correlation coefficient and multi-variable analyze in significance level of a<0/05.


1. the most important personal characteristics of staff are shown in table 1.

As shown in table 1, 72/5 percent of samples were men and 27/5% of them were women. The maximum frequency was related to non-physical education staff (58/3%) in respect of study field. Most of samples were at the age range of25-34 years old (34/2%) and the minimum frequency was related to the age range of 18-24 years old (2/5%). Maximum frequency of job antecedent was for staff with 20 years and more (24/2%) and minimum frequency was for staff with 11-15 years of job antecedent (16/7%). Most of samples (69/1%) have sport antecedent but 30/8% of them have ni sport antecedent.

2. Descriptive data about variables of organizational citizenship behavior and organizational atmosphere are shown in table 2.

As we can see in table 2 veneration and attention aspect of organizational citizenship behavior variable is maximum with mean value of 6/04 and magnanimity aspect is minimum with 2/58. Also the role aspect of organizational climate variable is the most with mean



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Table 1.

Descriptive staff personal characteristics

variables levels Percent

Sex Male 72/5

Female 27/5

Study field Physical education 40/6

Non-physical education 58/3

Age Minimum=18-24years old 2/5

Maximum=25-34years old 34/2

Job antecedent Minimum=11-15years 16/7

Maximum=upper 20years 24/2

Sport antecedent Don’t have 30/8

Have 69/1

Table 2.

Mean and standard deviation of organizational citizenship behavior and organizational climate with their dimensions

Variable statistical indexes mean Standard deviation

Courtesy 6/04 0/62

Conscientiousness 5/33 0/94

Altruism 5/58 0/85

civil virtue 5/51 0/82

Sportmanship 2/58 1/13

Organizational citizenship behavior 5/09 0/48

Role 3/85 0/61

Communications 3/82 0/44

Goal 3/44 0/65

Award 3/39 0/62

Procedures 3/17 0/68

Organizational climate 3/53 0/43

Table 3.

Results of Pearson correlation coefficient between organizational climate and its factors with citizenship behavior

Variables names organizational citizenship behavior

Pearson correlation coefficient Significance level

Organizational climate 0/505 0/001

Goal 0/484 0/001

Role 0/430 0/001

Award 0/198 0/030

Procedures 0/310 0/001

Communications 0/393 0/001

Correlation is significant in level of p<0/05.

Table 4.

Results of step-by-step multi-variable regression for predicting citizenship behavior through organizational climate factors

Statistical indexes Predictor variable model Sum of squares Degree of freedom Mean of sauares F P

Goal Regression 6/58 1 6/58 36/13 0/001

Residual 21/50 118 0/18

Total 28/08 119

R=0/48, R Sauare=0/234

Goal and Communications Regression 8/23 2 4/11 24/36 0/001

Residual 19/85 117 0/17

Total 28/08 119

R= 0/54, R Sauare=0/293

Table 4.

Resulted coefficients of multiple regression

Predictor variable Non-standard coefficient Standard coefficient t P

B Standard error Beta

Goal 0/001 4/79 0/39 0/06 0/19

communications 0/002 3/11 0/25 0/08 0/27

value of 3/58 and procedures aspect is the least with 3/17.

As shown in table 3 there was positive significant relation between organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior of Mazandaran province headquarter of physical education staff (p<0/001, r= 0/505). Also there were significant positive relations between factors of goal (p<0/001, r= 0/484), role (p<0/001, r= 430), award (p<0/030, r=0/198), procedures (p<0/001, r=0/310), and communications (p<0/001, r=0/393) with organizational citizenship behavior.

According to table 4, results of variance analyze and regression statistical indexes showed that among organizational climate factors, goal is a good predictor for citizenship behavior of physical education headquarter staff (p<0/001, df=1, F=36/13). Also goal factor with communications can predict citizenship behavior of staff (P=0/001, df=2, F=24/26).


As noticed earlier organizational atmosphere is defined as a total concept of an organization and personal effect of job environment that has influence on person job behaviors, and is an effective element in organization that may increase organizational citizenship behavior of organization. In this study findings showed that organizational climate and its factors have significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, which is with a positive organizational climate staff outbreak citizenship behaviors. These results are consistent with Suresh et.al (2010), Duff (2007), and Biswas&Varma (2007). According to their findings desired and healthy organizational climate can influence professional relations of staff positively, and make a friendly and close relation between them in respect of cooperation. Also desired and healthy organizational climate probably make a situation in which leadership and management can be successful and staff are more pleased, satisfied, motivated, and responsible. Organizational climate has the maximum effect on staff organizational citizenship behaviors, that is, much opener organizational climate makes more organizational citizenship behavior level; Duff (2007) also indicated this. According to results we can say staffs of Mazandaran province offices of physical education have a mediocre level of organizational climate, because staff make more communications with each other and customers and face little behavioral problems, and also goals and roles are completely well determined.

Organizational climate is defined as an important and fundamental element in determining organization effectiveness and a set of psychological conditions that influence job behaviors of individuals and contacts related

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to job, and it is the basis for staff conceptions about quality and characteristics of an organization, and finally leads to more beneficiaries (Gupta 2008). This result is inconsistent with Sabzipoor et.al (2011), and Akhtar Jamali et.al (2009), they found that improvement in organizational climate factors like independence, support, justice, etc can increase satisfaction, and satisfaction leads to organizational commitment of staff that indirectly we can see the effective role of organizational climate factors on organizational commitment. This inconsistency maybe is because of the difference between organizational climate, tools of data collecting, and statistical populations. Biswas& Varma found that individual conception of right and creative condition in organization is important and has positive influence on staff satisfaction and can involve them with organizational citizenship behaviors; conception of condition and organizational climate motivate staff to outbreak more organizational citizenship behaviors, and increase in such behaviors leads to more responses to customers from staff in respect of veneration and reverence, they help their colleagues more and make organization more efficient.

Findings show multiple relations between various aspects of organizational climate and citizenship behavior of physical education organization staff. Among five subscale of organizational climate, communications and then goal clearance and agreement can predict citizenship behavior for physical education staff more than other aspects. When any of these aspects goes up for staff, they are motivated by their job environment, that is, environment is a pleasant and useful place for them. In fact staff expects a supportive and desired place at first they coming to an organization to secure their needs through it. Therefore it is recommended that managers organize affaires which make staff work honestly and participate in activities. More positive organizational climate leads to easier human relations that increase organizational citizenship behavior and also organization efficiency and effectiveness. According to results of present study we can improve citizenship behavior among organization experts through creating aspects of organizational climate. For example, we can increase staff citizenship behavior levels with clarifying goals and roles in organization and make agreement about them, proper and staff related efforts, awards and activities, creating satisfaction and agreement about procedures and way of doing duties, and also effectiveness of communications among staff, and can also make organization more efficient and achieve desired results for physical education organization.

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Information about the author:

Zahra Ahmadizadeh: ORCID: 0000-0002-0526-1387; sedighe_ [email protected]; Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz, Iran; PO.BOX 51335/1996 New Sahand Town, Tabriz, Iran

Mehrdad Hefzollesan: ORCID: 0000-0002-6022-3930; hefzollesan@ sut.ac.ir; Sahand University of technology; PO.BOX 51335/1996 New Sahand Town, Tabriz, Iran

Sohrab Ghalehgir: ORCID: 0000-0002-9739-6464; ghalehgir@sut. ac.ir; Sahand University of technology; PO.BOX 51335/1996 New Sahand Town, Tabriz, Iran

Robab Yadollahzadeh: ORCID: 0000-0001-9220-223X; n_

[email protected]; Sahand University of technology; PO.BOX 51335/1996 New Sahand Town, Tabriz, Iran

Sedighe Heydarinezhad: ORCID: 0000-0002-7681-4137;

Heydarinezhad @mail.ru; Sahand University of technology; PO.BOX 51335/1996 New Sahand Town, Tabriz, Iran

Cite this article as: Zahra Ahmadizadeh1, Mehrdad Hefzollesan, Sohrab Ghalehgir, Robab Yadollahzadeh, Sedighe Heydarinezhad. Investigating the relation between organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior in the physical education offices employees in mazandaran province. Pedagogics,psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2014, vol.5. pp. 74-78. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.971133

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en).

Дата поступления в редакцию: 1З.01.2014 г. Опубликовано: 25.02.2014 г.

Информация об авторе:

Захра Ахмадизадех: ORCID: 0000-0002-0526-1387; sedighe_ [email protected]; Университет Схахид Схамран Ахваз; п/я 51335/1996, г. Новый Саханд, Табриз, Иран

Мехрдад Хефзоллусан: ORCID: 0000-0002-6022-3930; hefzollesan@ sut.ac.ir; Университет технологий Саханд; п/я 51335/1996, г. Новый Саханд, Табриз, Иран

Сохраб Гхалехгир: ORCID: 0000-0002-9739-6464; ghalehgir@sut. ас.к; Университет технологий Саханд; п/я 51335/1996, г. Новый Са-ханд, Табриз, Иран

Робаб Хейдаринезхад: ORCID: 0000-0001-9220-223Х; п_

[email protected]; Университет технологий Саханд; п/я 51335/1996, г. Новый Саханд, Табриз, Иран

Седигхе Хейдаринезхад: ORCID: 0000-0002-7681-4137; Heydarine-zhad @mail.ru; Университет технологий Саханд; п/я 51335/1996, г. Новый Саханд, Табриз, Иран

Цитируйте эту статью как: Захра Ахмадизадех, Мехрдад Хефзоллусан, Сохраб Гхалехгир, Робаб Хейдаринезхад, Седигхе Хейдаринезхад. Исследование соотношение между организационной атмосферой и характеристикой поведения служащих офисов физического воспитания провинции Мазандаран // Педагопка, психолопя та медико-бюлопчш проблеми фізичного виховання i спорту. - 2014. - № 5 - С. 74-78. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.971133

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Received: 1З.01.2014 Published: 25.02.2014

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