THE PROS AND CONS OF ONLINE EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
online education / communication / technology / territorial freedom / lack of control / lack of confidence in diplomas. / онлайн-образование / коммуникация / технологии / территориальная свобода / бесконтрольность / недоверие к дипломам.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Achilova Ra’No

Today, many individuals are studying online: taking courses, learning new programs, and even changing their profession. Technologies are developing at a rapid rate, so it makes no sense to ignore the opportunities for rapid development. In addition, these are times of fierce competition, and entrepreneurs are forced to master new tools and technologies in order to stay ahead of their competitors. For this reason, distance learning, which will be discussed in this article, is rapidly developing. We will not talk about the pros and cons of distance education for students, but will consider the advantages and disadvantages of online courses for entrepreneurs.

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Сегодня многие люди учатся онлайн: проходят курсы, изучают новые программы и даже меняют профессию. Технологии развиваются быстрыми темпами, поэтому нет смысла игнорировать возможности быстрого развития. Кроме того, сейчас времена жесткой конкуренции, и предприниматели вынуждены осваивать новые инструменты и технологии, чтобы опережать своих конкурентов. По этой причине дистанционное обучение, о котором пойдет речь в этой статье, стремительно развивается. Мы не будем говорить о плюсах и минусах дистанционного обучения студентов, а рассмотрим преимущества и недостатки онлайн-курсов для предпринимателей.

Текст научной работы на тему «THE PROS AND CONS OF ONLINE EDUCATION»

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423


Achilova Ra'no Uzbekistan State World Languages University

Abstract: Today, many individuals are studying online: taking courses, learning new programs, and even changing their profession. Technologies are developing at a rapid rate, so it makes no sense to ignore the opportunities for rapid development. In addition, these are times of fierce competition, and entrepreneurs are forced to master new tools and technologies in order to stay ahead of their competitors. For this reason, distance learning, which will be discussed in this article, is rapidly developing. We will not talk about the pros and cons of distance education for students, but will consider the advantages and disadvantages of online courses for entrepreneurs.

Keywords: online education, communication, technology, territorial freedom, lack of control, lack of confidence in diplomas.

Аннотация: Сегодня многие люди учатся онлайн: проходят курсы, изучают новые программы и даже меняют профессию. Технологии развиваются быстрыми темпами, поэтому нет смысла игнорировать возможности быстрого развития. Кроме того, сейчас времена жесткой конкуренции, и предприниматели вынуждены осваивать новые инструменты и технологии, чтобы опережать своих конкурентов. По этой причине дистанционное обучение, о котором пойдет речь в этой статье, стремительно развивается. Мы не будем говорить о плюсах и минусах дистанционного обучения студентов, а рассмотрим преимущества и недостатки онлайн-курсов для предпринимателей.

Ключевые слова: онлайн-образование, коммуникация, технологии, территориальная свобода, бесконтрольность, недоверие к дипломам.


The pandemic has suddenly engulfed the entire world. Today, all educational institutions of our country and many others are closed for quarantine. This is how the government of different states tries to reduce the threat of mass spread of a new type of virus (Covid-19). And this can be understood. But the question arises, what should a healthy population do? How can people spend their time for the benefit of the future?

After all, it is not worth counting on the fact that technical schools, institutes and universities will open in the near future. Government institutions are trying to use various mobile applications such as Viber to bring the year to its logical end. However, advanced training courses, learning professions, languages, and other


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courses have problems and are completely blocked due to the ban on movement and

Do not get upset and postpone your studies indefinitely. Today, the choice of educational programs is huge. Everyone can enroll in online courses of interest, take various distance learning programs. Such a format allows a huge number of people who do not have enough time and money to get a higher education in a classical way to master their favorite specialty. Online education is especially relevant in the light of recent events, when the world is waiting out a pandemic. That's just worrying about the constant debate about the benefits of remote learning. How accessible and effective is it?

For several years, the state has allowed remote training. The format is accessible to large segments of the population. Everyone can master the right program. Courses with the possibility of credit at the university are also offered. There are even online schools offering secondary education services to children. It is much more difficult to organize a child, but this is an option for parents working abroad and traveling with the whole family.

After graduating from school or if you want to find a profession, people solve the dilemma — to learn or earn. After all, the classical student has no income and is only forced to hope for future profits. Basic survival often becomes a priority, especially in young families. By the way, online training will be combined with work.

The ability to communicate via the Internet opens up opportunities not only for students, but also for teachers. The alternative attracts both categories and has two sides of the coin.

Flexible schedule

Students ' freedom of choice in universities is often limited to a few courses. There are mandatory subjects for delivery, far from preferences.

The next inconvenience is the daily morning rise. By choosing the form of study online, the schedule can be changed for yourself, the choice of subjects is up to you. The student is not required to strictly follow the schedule. You can watch lectures at night or take a lesson on the road using your smartphone.

Not everyone can go to the capital to enroll in popular universities. Travel involves huge costs, and the competition for a place is huge. Today, most universities



Who is suitable for online education?

Clear advantages of distance learning

Communication with the best teachers

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have prepared various disciplines in the format of distance courses. Therefore, it is really possible to get knowledge from experienced professionals, and have a diploma from a prestigious university, without leaving the walls of your home.

Even the budget department pulls a decent amount of money. Students from other cities pay for food and accommodation. If you are lucky enough to study in your own city, you will not be able to work and get a salary sufficient for life. But distance learning allows you to fully work and the cost of courses is much cheaper than classical education.

Territorial freedom also applies to existing managers who live in remote regions. Today, many people improve their skills. It is quite difficult to go to face-to-face seminars or trainings. Online products have occupied a worthy niche, as they are convenient for organizers and participants.

The opportunity to study for any category of citizens

Thanks to the online form, people with disabilities have the opportunity to find a profession. There is a category of the population that is difficult to tolerate close communication. It is easier for shy students to learn from home. There is no peer pressure, no need to think about the appearance.

The ability to choose the pace and channels for information exchange

Now any difficult topic can be seen in the record. You will be able to skip unnecessary information altogether to save time. You can also choose the appropriate format. These are online webinars or Skype conferences. Messengers are designed to communicate and resolve issues at any time, and e-mail will allow you to get a manual and other documents.

Teachers also use the advantages of online learning. They can achieve high results and efficiency using convenient tools. These include: tests, presentations, videos, streams, screen displays, and chats. The student gets the opportunity to review a difficult lesson many times to learn. It is easier for the teacher to track the progress of students. For this purpose, special programs are developed with convenient tests, evaluation and statistics. Having the knowledge, experience and desire to teach, there is an opportunity for additional earnings.

Courses and webinars in electronic form — a lifesaver for managers of organizations. It is possible to train staff cheaply, without experiencing difficulties with the temporary absence of employees. This approach is particularly popular in enterprises where there is a staff turnover. By creating your own training course or

Affordable prices

What are the interests for teachers?

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 5

educational, natural and social sciences O ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

using the services offered, you will not need to register and constantly pay for the position of a coach. Also worth noting is the ability to work from anywhere without losing the professional look. Even if you are late for a lecture, you can always connect to the class using your smartphone and mobile apps.1

Disadvantages of online learning

The attractiveness of distance learning is undeniable and has a lot of advantages, but you can not leave aside the obvious disadvantages. Theoretically, people of any age can learn using the Internet, but it is fair to note that the older generation often does not have the necessary user skills. Consider other negative aspects.

Lack of control

The factor can be either a plus or a minus. Not everyone works well without a supervisor in the form of a boss or a professor. There is no one to shift the responsibility to. The person is fully responsible for diligence and timely delivery of tests, materials. There is no support in the form of friends who can whisper the correct answer and remind you to do your homework. An online student should have maximum self-organization and willpower.

Lack of confidence in diplomas

Communicating with the tutor, there is no way to make sure that the authorship of the tasks belongs to you. Therefore, many organizations are suspicious of the received online certificates. To solve the problem, serious educational institutions use a number of verification methods: they conduct video conferences, special programs, and require original student documents. Such difficulties are more often related to final tests. But any essay or course work, students can order on special resources that offer these services. The trick also applies to traditional education.

Quality of services

The described verification problem, unfortunately, works in two ways. The student is also limited in the preliminary assessment of the proposed material. Often, after paying for courses and several classes, an understanding comes about their low-grade. Careful attention to the choice of programs, the study of reviews and ratings will help to solve the problem.

Do I need practice?

There are specialties that cannot be mastered without practical skills. Doctors, engineers, and biologists are a prime example. A surgeon or a test pilot will not be able to practice using only theoretical knowledge. However, distance learning is

1 E-learning: Learning with online technologies (2012) by J. Zounek a P. Sudicky (in Czech).


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developing and field sessions are being introduced to master the practice. But is it worth studying in absentia?

By describing a lot of tools in a rainbow light, we assume that speakers are able to use them. E-learning platforms require some knowledge. In addition, you will need to learn and implement effective methods of conducting remote seminars. It is important to keep the students ' attention and the methods are very different compared to direct contact. The teacher who has not mastered the exciting ways of online learning, pushes students to the temptation to turn off the computer and do more interesting things. Each task will have to be prepared not only in the range of information delivery, but also in terms of technical parameters.

In universities, there may be problems with attracting experienced teachers. Because of the need to study technical issues. The experienced older generation may be wary of such an idea.

In conclusion, he effectiveness of online education has two sides and cannot be regarded unambiguously. E-learning is in the process of rapid development and has a lot of advantages! There are also many disadvantages, although they can be found in traditional methods. The modern way of life requires specialists who are ready to learn constantly. Therefore, remote forms will not lose their appeal!

1. Bates, T. (2005). Technology, e-learning and distance education. London: Routledge.

2. Ellis, A., and Goodyear, P. (2009). Students' Experiences of E-learning in Higher Education. New York: Routledge.

3. Fee, K. (2009). Delivering e-learning: a complete strategy for design, application and assessment.London: Kogan Page.

What disadvantages does the organizer experience?



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