FORMS OF CONDUCTING AN ELECTRONIC LEARNING COURSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
education / e-learning courses / webinar / technologies / software.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Laziza Azam Kizi Akhtamova

This article will focus on the forms of creating and implementing e-learning courses used in the learning process. The problems of implementing e-learning courses in the educational process, solutions, and conclusions, as well as the advantages of using e-learning courses in modern education will be considered. Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for e-learning courses for students has increased. The article analyzes the technical and psychological training of teachers and students to use e-learning courses, as well as the need to consider new opportunities for more effective use of educational electronic resources.

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Предварительный просмотрDOI: 10.24411/2181-1385-2021-00050
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ISSN: 2181-1385


Laziza Azam kizi Akhtamova

Master student of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute


This article will focus on the forms of creating and implementing e-learning courses used in the learning process. The problems of implementing e-learning courses in the educational process, solutions, and conclusions, as well as the advantages of using e-learning courses in modern education will be considered. Currently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for e-learning courses for students has increased. The article analyzes the technical and psychological training of teachers and students to use e-learning courses, as well as the need to consider new opportunities for more effective use of educational electronic resources.

Keywords: education, e-learning courses, webinar, technologies, software.


The introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process has led to its methodological, organizational, didactic, and on the other hand, updating. The use of modern learning tools has increased. The need caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the development and implementation of e-learning resources to a new level. As a result, the forms of creating and implementing e-learning courses (ELC) are becoming more diverse.

In most cases, all ELC materials can be submitted on CD-ROMs, by email, or posted on an educational server (on a local network or over the Internet) at any time when you want to provide the reader with an email. Modeling programs, systems designed for final testing, etc. Their work may be excluded if it is based on the use of server information resources. For example, testing systems hosted on a server can process results that are received through all the intended feedback channels. The reader can send them by email, provide them on disk, or test them using interactive software available over the Internet.

Naturally, for each type of electronic educational and methodological tool mentioned above, you will have to choose your ways and forms of presenting knowledge, organizing the user interface, transmitting material, and testing methods. Methods of delivery and feedback of electronic educational materials are selected depending on the capabilities of the ELC user: on an educational server on the Internet

or a local network using e-mail to provide prompt feedback; an offline electronic textbook on a CD-ROM.

Currently, in practice, the following technologies are mainly used in the design of ELC:

* design in a high-level programming language combined with database technologies • including multimedia);

* hypertext technologies;

* designing with the use of specialized instrumentation tools.

When using high-level programming languages, the textbook is implemented as a software package and is a separate executable module that provides the use of didactic materials stored in the database. Such a product will be highly protected from both reproduction and unauthorized access to the test system. The main advantage of this approach is that the use of high-level programming languages (Pascal, C++) and powerful database management systems allow you to implement any author's ideas. Other technologies make this thing too difficult or almost impossible.[1] Also, the program interface (window type, the layout of elements inside it, fonts) will always be the same, while the appearance of a hypertext document may differ significantly when it is used for viewing from different programs. Updating the tutorial needs serious work professionals to change the program code, modern software, necessary for training programs in high-level languages, is quite an expensive product. At the same time, the preparation of ELC using programming technologies requires that highly qualified programmers participate in the project, who not only sew their solutions to the teacher but are also ready for a constructive dialogue with him. Also, each electronic textbook becomes a unique and expensive product, which will focus on solving purely technical problems. Such activities are appropriate only if there is a special unit for the preparation of electronic textbooks in the structure of an educational institution or training center.

It provides the most extensive opportunities for creating a full-fledged electronic training course on hypertext technology. The necessary information can bring many advantages of a modern hypertext EQ, which is characterized by a convenient learning environment, with which you can easily find and return to the mentioned material. When developing such a textbook, you can rely on the ability of the human thinker to link information and use it adequately based on an associative solution. In this case, the EUC is a text document that can also have dynamic hypertext added to it. It is created using HTML, javascript, VBScript, Perl, PHP, and additional software tools that facilitate the tutorial development process: visual editors, compilers, and so On. The advantage of a textbook created using this technology is that the resulting product

does not depend on the platform (software), as well as the universality of its provision to readers: the textbook can be written to a floppy disk or CD-ROM, distributed via the Internet or the local network of the educational institution. Also, these textbooks are easy to improve, the content of which changes very quickly (computer science, legal issues) for academic disciplines, this is very important.

Although in practice, some degree of protection of the ECM from unauthorized reproduction and decryption of test keys is possible, the lack of full protection is a disadvantage of this technology.

The specificity of the third approach is determined by the intermediate state. At the same time, the design of an electronic textbook is carried out using special tool software. In this case, before creating an electronic textbook, a special program is developed that allows you to bring the pre-structured materials of the instrumental tool-EQ to the intended form.[2] In most cases, this tutorial is essentially a multimedia database management system. The main functions of this system are to save special languages intended for searching for the necessary information for special requests, as well as to provide the information found in a form that is convenient for the reader.


The development of an e-course can be divided into three main stages:

Designing a training course Design is fundamental in the development of an e-course. It is at this stage, based on the analysis of the available funds and resources with the costs of publishing the course, a conclusion is made about the possibility of implementing the project. The first step in designing a course is creating a pedagogical script. A pedagogical scenario is a methodically constructed, purposeful, personality-oriented sequence of pedagogical methods and technologies to achieve pedagogical goals and techniques. The pedagogical scenario of the course gives an idea of the content and structure of the educational material, the pedagogical and information technologies used to organize the educational dialogue, the methodological principles and techniques on which both the educational material and the system of its support are built. At the same time, pedagogical technologies of distance learning are understood as technologies of pedagogical communication, methods of organizing the cognitive activity of students. Information technologies of distance learning are

understood as technologies for creating, transferring and storing educational materials, organizing and supporting the educational process of distance learning. The pedagogical script reflects the author's idea of the content side of the course, the structure of the multimedia course required for its study. [3]

Preparation of textual material Selected primary educational information provided in electronic form, when preparing a multimedia course, should be combined into interactive training frames so that, on the one hand, the student has the opportunity to choose the pace and, within certain limits, the sequence of studying the material, and with on the other hand, the learning process remained manageable. This stage - the construction of a detailed technological scenario of the course - is the most responsible, because it is he who allows you to find the optimal combination of pedagogical tasks and the most appropriate technological solutions for them. Preparation of illustrations The need to include static illustrations in electronic educational tools is primarily due to their methodological value. The use of visual materials in the learning process contributes to an increase in the level of perception, the formation of stable associative visual images, and the development of students' creative abilities. Static illustrations -drawings, diagrams, maps, reproductions, photographs, etc., accompanying textual material, even in their "classical" understanding, can significantly facilitate the perception of educational information. Computer technologies make it possible to enhance the effects of using visual materials in the educational process. So, unlike a book, where illustrations must always be present simultaneously with the text, in the computer version they can be called as needed using the appropriate elements of the user interface. It should be noted that the quality of electronic illustrations is many times greater than the quality of book illustrations. Also, a computer illustration, like computer text 11, can be made interactive. Therefore, the author of the e-course experiences much fewer restrictions in the visual means.

Compilation of the material into a single software package The primary educational information (text, graphics and multimedia) developed by the author and translated into electronic form should be arranged in accordance with the author's ideas into interactive training cadres so that, on the one hand, the student has the opportunity to choose the pace and, within certain limits, the sequence of studying the material, and on the other hand, the learning process remained manageable. This stage - building the technological scenario of the course - is the most responsible. An electronic textbook can be viewed as a complex graph, the nodes of which are individual blocks of educational information, and the connections between the blocks determine the possible educational trajectories. The schematic representation of the course in the form of a graph can facilitate its coding and subsequent study of the course by the

student. As noted above, the script implements the author's view of the content and structure of the course, its methodological principles and techniques. The author's idea of the course also reflects the user interface - the visual presentation of the material and the organization of access to information at different levels.


Depending on the form of e-courses can be divided into the following types:


Synchronous and asynchronous online learning.

Synchronous learning is a real-time meeting between teacher and students. All students communicate in the online classroom at the same time. They may even engage in a discussion with their teacher. This lesson is similar to a traditional lesson. But its important difference is that the teacher cannot assess the reaction of the students.

Asynchronous learning is a method of distance learning in which the student does not meet or interact with the teacher. For example, these could be e-courses, blogs, CD courses, screen recordings, YouTube videos.


D-learning, (distance learning from English) distance learning is a method that allows distance learning. Not to be confused with e-learning. The student does not meet the teacher or other students in real-time. But even so, two-way communication between them is needed. You can, for example, communicate via email, Skype, and even use traditional mail.


E-learning is the type of distance learning that is often chosen for courses. For this type of teaching, the student needs the Internet and a computer. Thanks to e-learning, you can attend seminars, courses, or even universities without leaving your home. E-learning is suitable for both small group lessons and groups of thousands of students.

M- learning.

If distance-learning uses a mobile device with a stable Internet connection, then it is already English m-learning, ie mobile learning.


B-learning or blended learning is a mixed teaching method that combines traditional and distance learning. Depending on the objectives of the course, different forms of communication with the teacher are used. If the topic requires practical skills, students will come to class. However, some information will be sent via email or posted

in the form of a video report. From time to time, students meet online with a teacher to conduct webinars or training.


A webinar is a presentation, lecture, seminar, or training organized using web translation technology. Webinars provide two-way communication between teachers and students. This technology is very suitable for synchronous learning because during the webinar you can not only send and receive information in real-time but also conduct discussions, questionnaires and mental attacks. You need a web room for a meeting.

A webinar room is a web page where a webinar, conference, or meeting is held. We can say that this is an analog of a conference room or auditorium, the size of which can be easily changed if we wish.

The presenter can demonstrate additional materials as in a normal class, leave notes on a special interactive whiteboard, and use a pointer. Students can communicate freely with the teacher through conversation or by asking questions using a microphone.

Automatic webinar for online learning

An automated webinar is a technology that allows you to partially or completely automate the teaching process, which allows you to give lectures without the direct involvement of the teacher. But keep in mind, this is not a sudden solution. Automated webinars can help you gain new clients or students, but more effort is required to retain them.

This does not mean that a webinar in general is just a form of training that is convenient for the organizer. Students can also use automated webinars. Such a course will be much cheaper or even free. Also, listeners have more options in choosing the right time for themselves, as automated webinars can be held several times a day.

But an automated webinar only simulates a "live" webinar. And many participants who realize this feel cheated. We therefore recommend that you prefer to record a webinar or webinars on-demand.

Webinar on-demand.

An on-demand webinar is the recording of a webinar that can be accessed after registration or payment. This tool has advantages like Automated Webinar, but participants know for sure that this is a post. There is no cheating or discrimination here - the user knows exactly why they are paying.


In recent years, various software packages have been developed and popularized that extend the capabilities offered by HTML technology. Their advantage is that they

are easy to learn and allow teachers to create professional hypertext tutorials directly. In addition to programs from the mass Microsoft Office Suite (Microsoft Word, Microsoft FrontPage) that allow you to easily convert various documents into hypertext documents, there are also tools specifically designed for creating e-books with a convenient navigation and information system.

In addition, we may use the following software to create online courses and webinars.

Webinar and online course creation tools allow the teacher to transfer their lessons online. Questions, tests, screening, full-fledged communication with students -these are the possibilities of platforms for webinars and online courses, thanks to which you can conduct traditional meetings and seminars without leaving your home.

Online classes can take place either live when the teacher speaks to the students in real-time; or as pre-recorded activities. The second option assumes that all lessons and assignments are prepared in advance, and the student starts them at a convenient time.

Articulate 360 is a complete set of tools for creating online courses. The program can be classified as a top designer for creating electronic courses.

Adapt learning

Not all eLearning builders are expensive. There are also completely free ones. For example, the Adapt Learning program was created to create courses in HTML and HTML5 format, where the picture is also adapted for mobile devices.

Moodle is an open-source content creation software for e-learning classes. Access to the Moodle platform is free, and its main task is to popularize e-learning systems and help teachers, tutors, educational courses.

Any operating system that supports PHP allows Moodle to be used. Moodle works on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux. It is one of the most popular distance learning tools used by schools, companies and universities.

MyOwnConference —An online training and webinar platform. It can be used for teaching large classrooms and small groups. Perfect for replacing regular lessons at the time of departure, quarantine, or for another reason when there is no opportunity to meet with students in the classroom.

In addition, online courses can be fully conducted on the platform on an ongoing basis. It is possible to organize several lessons at the same time.

You can schedule a class and download materials in minutes. Students do not need to install anything - to enter the online class, just click on the link on a computer or any mobile device.


Modern world education is characterized by the following trends:

> the evolution of knowledge into the main source of value in the information society;

> the formation of education as the most important factor in overcoming backwardness in the development of most of humanity;

> transformation, expansion of the concept of education. Education ceases to be identified only with formal schooling and even university education;

> the transition from the concept of functional training to the concept of personality development;

> the concept of lifelong education and development of adult education;

> transformation of knowledge into a commodity and development of market relations in the field of education;

> the integration of educational systems and the transition of education to the category of global priorities.

The listed tendencies determine the main directions in the development of a new educational system, which is focused on realizing the high potential of computer and telecommunication technologies.

It is the technological basis of new information technologies that makes it possible to realize one of the main advantages of the new educational system - distance learning or, as it is called otherwise, distance learning.

Distance learning (DL) is a new form of organization of the educational process, based on the principle of independent student learning with the help of developed information resources. The learning environment is characterized by the fact that students are mostly, and often completely, remote from the teacher in space and/or time, at the same time, they have the opportunity to maintain a dialogue at any time using telecommunications. [4]

DL systems are economically beneficial to the state, educational institutions and the trainees themselves due to the following main factors.

The use of high-quality training programs, materials, information resources by the widest range of students reduces the cost of training.

The ability to concentrate intellectual and financial resources on the creation of widely replicated high-quality educational materials and programs determines a high level of professionalism of the trained, which is economically beneficial for the whole society.

Due to the absence of "walls" in open educational institutions, the costs of maintaining buildings and hostels are reduced.

There are no or significant reductions in travel expenses to the place of study and residence.

The ability to combine production activities and training make it economically possible to train that part of the population that cannot or does not want to interrupt production activities.


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4. Khaitova I.I, S.S Olimov. (2020) The Main Problems Of Studying Electronic Information And Educational Environment Of The High School: Experience Of Analysis Of Scientific Literature. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 2 (12), 127-131.

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