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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zotova Tatiana Alexandrovna

The relevance of the experimental study is due to the fact that in the conditions of the development of knowledge-intensive production in the modern Russian economy the key resource is the personnel responsible for the results of their work and their engineering professional activities. The rapidly growing demand for educational services dictates the need to search for innovative models of education. This ensures the competitiveness of universities, and the students of the railway university, the choice of an individual educational trajectory, which they determine independently. The problem of the quality of education becomes relevant in connection with the entry of the Russian Federation into the international educational space. All this determines the requirements for the academic maneuverability of young people and the education of their responsibility for self-study. This problem is relevant and little researched. In this regard, the search for conditions for the formation of professional responsibility of railway university students is relevant and insufficiently developed. Before a future railway engineer starts his highly professional activity on the railway, it is necessary that the educational process at the institute be aimed at forming their understanding of the consequences of their professional actions, responsibility for these actions. In this regard, students need to be equipped with a system of knowledge about rights and obligations, values, morality, norms and rules of behavior, morality, as well as unacceptable social actions.

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С педагогической позиции формирование у обучающихся ценностных ориентаций гармоничного взаимодействия с природой требует поиска заданий, новых методов и технологий, позволяющих использовать приемы, направленные на ускорение процесса становления чувства сопричастности к миру природы:

- изучать созидательное творчество природы при создании новых образов и решений на основе природных форм;

- учиться бережному отношению к ценному природному материалу посредством его творческого преобразования для вторичного применения;

- контролировать и оценивать собственную деятельность ориентируясь на экологическую целесообразность;

- уметь проводить сравнительный анализ результата деятельности с позиции экологии и воплощения замысла в объекте творчества.

Важно воспитать у обучающихся:

- осознание важности сохранения природы и управления природными ресурсами;

- понимание того, что каждый из них является частью этого удивительного, многообразного мира природы;

- сформировать чувство личной ответственности за результаты своей деятельности перед миром природы.

Выводы. Подводя итоги проведенного исследования важно отметить, что ценностные ориентации гармоничного взаимодействия с природой наиболее эффективно формируются в процессе творческих занятий экологической направленности. В результате, приобретенное отношение к природе проявится и определит в дальнейшем подход к предметно-преобразовательной деятельности в социуме с позиции экологической целесообразности, мотиваций и моделей поведения, поддерживающих использование и защиту окружающего природного мира.


1. Волкова, E.H. Внутренняя мотивация деятельности современной молодежи как условие высоких достижений в сфере программирования: к вопросу определения понятия / E.H. Волкова, О.М. Исаева, А.Н. Морева // Вестник Мининского университета. - 2022. - Т.10, №2. - С. 11.

2. Гирусов, Э.В. Экологическая культура как высшая форма гуманизма / Э.В. Гирусов // Философия и общество. -Выпуск №4(56). - 2009. - URL: https://www.socionauki.ru/authors/girusov_e_v/ (дата обращения: 10.11.2022).

3. Евдокимова, Т.Г. Теоретико-методологические основания изучения ценностных ориентаций / Т.Г. Евдокимова // Вестник РГГУ. Серия «Философия. Социология. Искусствоведение». - 2018. - № 1(11). - С. 65-75

4. Исаева, З.М. Экологические ценности современной молодежной культуры / З.М. Исаева, Р.М. Абакарова // Юг России: экология, развитие. - 2010. - №5(1). - С. 170-173

5. Малинин, В.А. Формирование духовно-нравственных качеств личности обучающихся в условиях современного образования / В.А. Малинин, Ф.В. Повшедная, А.В. Пугачев // Вестник Мининского университета. - 2022. - Т. 10, №1. -С. 2. - URL: https://doi.org/10.26795/2307-1281-2022-10-2 (дата обращения 10.11.2022).

6. Симонова, И.К Экологическая культура как феномен современного высшего технического образования / И.К Симонова, О.В. Варникова // Современные проблемы науки и образования. - 2015. - № 1-1. - URL: https://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=17965 (дата обращения: 15.11.2022)

7. Портал Госпрограмм. Охрана окружающей среды. - URL: https://programs.gov.ru/Portal/programs/passport/12 (дата обращения 10.11.2022)

8. Яницкий, O.H. Экологическая культура России XX века: очерки взаимодействия науки и практики / О. H. Яницкий // Ин-т социологии РАК - М.: Шука, 2007. - 270 с.

9. Syrova, N.V. Aesnthetik learning space and its influence on value orientations of studendents / N.V. Syrova,. E.K. Zimina, N.S. Petrova, M.A. Abdullina, I.S. Aboimova, A.A. Dolmatova, A.V. Shapoval. - Ad Alta. - 2021. - Т. 11. - № 1. - S. 19. - URL: Журнал "Ad Alta" - содержание выпуска Т.11 № 1 S19 за 2021 год (elibrary.ru) (дата обращения 16.11.2022)


UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical Sciences Zotova Tatiana Alexandrovna

Orenburg Institute of Railways - branch of «Samara State Transport University» (Orenburg)



Annotation. The relevance of the experimental study is due to the fact that in the conditions of the development of knowledgeintensive production in the modern Russian economy the key resource is the personnel responsible for the results of their work and their engineering professional activities. The rapidly growing demand for educational services dictates the need to search for innovative models of education. This ensures the competitiveness of universities, and the students of the railway university, the choice of an individual educational trajectory, which they determine independently. The problem of the quality of education becomes relevant in connection with the entry of the Russian Federation into the international educational space. All this determines the requirements for the academic maneuverability of young people and the education of their responsibility for self-study. This problem is relevant and little researched. In this regard, the search for conditions for the formation of professional responsibility of railway university students is relevant and insufficiently developed. Before a future railway engineer starts his highly professional activity on the railway, it is necessary that the educational process at the institute be aimed at forming their understanding of the consequences of their professional actions, responsibility for these actions. In this regard, students need to be equipped with a system of knowledge about rights and obligations, values, morality, norms and rules of behavior, morality, as well as unacceptable social actions.

Key words: professional responsibility, university educational process, personality orientation, conditions for the formation of professional responsibility, extracurricular activities.

Аннотация. Актуальность экспериментального исследования обусловлена тем, что в условиях развития наукоемкого производства в современной российской экономике ключевым ресурсом является персонал, ответственный за результаты своего труда и свою инженерную профессиональную деятельность. Быстрорастущий спрос на образовательные услуги диктует необходимость поиска инновационных моделей образования. Это обеспечивает вузам конкурентоспособность, а студентам железнодорожного вуза, выбор индивидуальной образовательной траектории, которую они определяют самостоятельно. Проблема качества образования становится актуальной в связи с вхождением Российской Федерации в международное образовательное пространство. Все это определяет требования к академической маневренности молодежи и воспитанию у нее ответственности за самообучение. Данная проблема является актуальной и мало исследованной. В связи с этим, поиск условий формирования профессиональной ответственности обучающихся железнодорожного вуза является актуальной и недостаточно разработанной. Прежде чем, будущий инженер путей сообщения приступит к своей

высокопрофессиональной деятельности на железной дороге необходимо, чтобы учебно-воспитательный процесс в институте был направлен на формирование у них понимания последствий своих профессиональных действий, ответственности за эти действия. В связи с этим студентов необходимо вооружить системой знаний о правах и обязанностях, ценностях, морали, нормах и правилах поведения, нравственности, а также о недопустимых социальных действиях.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная ответственность, образовательный процесс вуза, личностная ориентация, условия формирования профессиональной ответственности, внеучебная деятельность.

Introduction Attention and requirements to the level of professional training of specialists in the railway industry are increasing. The training of a railway engineer - a responsible professional is of key importance at a railway university. The experimental study was carried out for 3 years from 2018 to 2021 on the basis of the Faculty of Higher Education of the Orenburg Institute of Communication Routes - a branch of Samara State University of Railways. The choice of experimental methods is due to the purpose, tasks of the study. The study used the following complementary methods: theoretical: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of research, the study of normative and programmatic documents (national level, in the field of education, industry), comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, pedagogical modeling; empirical: study and synthesis of advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation, study of the products of students, pedagogical experiment.

The relevance of this experimental study is due to the ongoing changes in society (economic, social, etc.), which ultimately exacerbates the problem of the intensive formation of professional and personal qualities, consciousness and behavior of the future specialists in the railway industry, as a responsible subject of the realities of the surrounding world.

In the educational process of a university it is necessary to form the professional responsibility of a student holistically, forming a set of knowledge, beliefs, skills, needs on the basis of a humane position of the individual that constitutes the basis of the successful professional activity of the future engineer. This requires special attention to the organization of the educational process of the railway university, integrating the educational, extracurricular and practical activities of students.

Based on the above the authors conduct research that allows determining the directions and guidelines for the formation of professional responsibility among students of the Institute of Railways, including in the educational process various methodological techniques for organizing the educational process, as well as in non-audit activities. As a result of experimental research based on the scientific and methodological study of literary sources and using the results of experimental work a model for the formation of professional responsibility among students of a railway university was developed. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Higher Education of the Orenburg Institute of Railways, for 3 years, from 2018 to 2021. The results of experimental work were provided, which made it possible to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the built and implemented model of formation of professional responsibility of a railway university student.

Presentation of the main material of the article. Rail transport is an important factor in the economic development of the Russian Federation, since it ensures the functioning of the country's economic system, its security, the preservation of territory, and also represents the possibility of regional development. Competent and qualified personnel potential is the basis of stable railway transport. As a result the training of a future specialist - professional engineer of railways is important at a railway university. In this regard special attention should be paid to the education, education and professional development of future professionals. Today the production situation requires engineers to make responsible decisions, they are not afraid to build, to implement complex technical projects and to offer innovative solutions in the field of railway transport. All this requires updating the labor functions of a university teacher.

The formation of students' professional responsibility lies in the peculiarities of the orientation of the person, character, temperament, abilities, and motives of behavior, the level of knowledge, skills, intellectual and social activity, which forms the internal basis for the development of responsibility [1].

The formation of professional responsibility of a railway university student takes place only when responsibility has become a significant value, when the necessary positive dynamics in experience, attitude to duties, professional duty occur. Compliance with responsibility must be an active motive for conduct. If it is observed formally, then the formation of students' professional responsibility is slow, and with the systematic occurrence of negative emotions, an irresponsible attitude towards educational activity and the future profession can develop. If there is insufficient knowledge of the requirements of professional responsibility of the future railway engineer, the lack of skills to fulfill its instructions and norms, one cannot talk about a sufficient level of personal development.

Thus the formation of the professional responsibility of future railway engineers with a sense of duty, responsibility is the most important task of technical universities.

The analysis of the real educational practice of training personnel potential for the railway industry determines the main contradiction - between the new positions of the requirements of the modern situation of the engineering industry, to the ability to innovatively, qualitatively, efficiently, economically and economically solve professional problems and the insufficient development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of the professional responsibility of the future engineer with these positions of skills.

This problem is topical and little studied. In this regard, the faculty of the Department of General Education Disciplines of the Orenburg Institute of Railways set itself the task of developing a model for forming the professional responsibility of students at a railway university.

The concept of "professional responsibility" is of particular importance in this research. Therefore by analyzing the scientific works of theory and practice on the issue of professional responsibility we define the working concept given by T.A. Mantsurova "professional responsibility is a personal characteristic of a specialist, reflecting a special social and moral and legal attitude to the fulfillment of his duty and professional duties to solve professional tasks within the framework of personal norms and rules of activity, which implies strict fulfillment of the requirements and obligations, anticipating the results and possible consequences of the activity [5].

The analysis of the concept of "professional responsibility" allowed us to move on to the next stage of our work - the definition of conditions and strategies for the successful formation of professional responsibility. Experimental work during the study was carried out according to a purposefully developed program and provided for a set of research methods which provide a scientific-objective and evidence-based verification of the correctness of the hypothesis substantiated at the beginning of the study. The logic of experimental work was as follows:

- on the basis of the selected criteria for the formation of professional responsibility of a railway university student, a model was developed;

- with the help of the research tool and the logical structure "Students' Questionnaire" developed during the experimental work, the level of professional responsibility of the student was diagnosed;

- interpretation of the results was carried out, which made it possible to distinguish the levels of development of the studied quality from students of a railway university;

- in accordance with the results an experimental program "Professional" for the formation of students' professional responsibility was developed taking into account its individual characteristics, motives, knowledge, skills and value attitude to the process;

- testing of the program and step-by-step diagnosis of the results of formation of students' professional responsibility during its implementation was carried out in experimental groups of the faculty of higher education, studying from the 1s to the 5 courses in the specialty 23.05.04 Operation of railways [3].

65 full-time students of the Orenburg Institute of Railways participated in the experimental study.

At the initial stage the study showed that 43.5% of students have a low level of professional responsibility. The average level when knowledge is unstable was observed in 31.5% of respondents, and 25% of students have a sufficient amount of professional knowledge. According to the results of the recording stage three groups of students were identified, with whom work of the formation of professional responsibility was carried out throughout the experiment.

During this experimental work a set of measures aimed at increasing the level of professional responsibility was developed: the program "I am Professional", which included participation in non-audit activities, software and methodological support, independent work, volunteer activities.

An important condition for the development of professional responsibility was the enrichment of general professional disciplines of the professional training program for the profession of engineer, which contributed to the creation of an indicative basis for responsible actions. The content of topics included in the work programs of general vocational disciplines has expanded students' perceptions of the relationship of the normative framework of professional activity with forms of responsibility, for the quality, results and consequences of their own and collective work. For example the topics "Environmental Responsibility", "Responsibility for Violation of Rules, Norms and Instructions for Safe Road Work" were included in the Engineering Ecology work program. Teachers held problematic lectures on this topic (videos, video situations), which contributed to increasing the degree of understanding of the fundamentals of labor organization and increasing the importance of a valuable attitude to the results of their work.

Along with the audience work considerable attention was paid to the independent work of students - future railway engineers. The tasks were both individual (preparation of reports on proposed topics) and group (solving situational exercises, participation in business games and trainings). The results of the independent work of students were discussed at lecture classes and were presented during scientific conferences.

The field for the formation of students' professional responsibility was also extracurricular activity: participation in educational events of the faculty, the student council, student groups operating at the Faculty of Higher Education of the Institute of Railways. Taking part in their work future railway engineers served as mentors to the organizers, public figures, etc. These roles required students to be responsible in fulfilling their tasks, as well as to show such qualities as responsiveness and the desire for cooperation. The pedagogical support of teachers was very important at this stage, the essence of which was to help the future specialist overcome a particular obstacle, to solve individual problems and to help in carrying out a particular activity. It should be noted that in order to enrich professional responsibility with new essential properties, the pedagogical actions of the teacher, who organizes, orientates, supports the student throughout the entire training period become important [4].

Actualization of responsibility as a significant professional quality, awareness of its importance in professional activity contributed to the student's transition from a passive-response position to an active, independent one.

It was important not only to assimilate knowledge as such, but to extract from the mass of information our own, personal knowledge; not using an externally proposed estimate, but building its own estimate judgment; not performing a given activity, but developing its individual style, method of self-expression through this activity.

Only now a student can be productive at a high level of competence to realize the responsibility for solving such fundamentally important tasks as selecting the content for educational classes, choosing the most effective teaching methods for certain conditions, diagnosing and predicting the development of the student's personality, creating the entire system of conditions that ensure the personal development of the future railway professional, when he will master new pedagogical thinking, flexible pedagogical technologies.

Students' independent work along with the classroom was one of the forms of the educational and educational process and was an essential part of it. Students' independent work is designed to form skills for independent work in educational, scientific, professional activities, the ability to take responsibility, independently to solve the problem, to find constructive solutions and to get out of a crisis situation.

The volunteer movement united students on a voluntary basis. Students gathered toys, clothes and books to help and to support the children of the orphanage, as well as students of faculty provide assistance to the animal shelter. The driving forces of voluntary assistance to those in need were mercy and the desire to help their neighbor, the opportunity to assert themselves and to realize their abilities.

The full formation of students' professional responsibility of the Institute of Railways was impossible without the deliberate organization of cultural and leisure activities. Leisure activities are very important for students. For the future specialist of the railway industry the development of creative thinking, the ability to think non-standard, anticipate the results of his work is important.

The creative activity combined the focus on the development not only of the individuality of the future specialist of the railway industry, but also the ability to work in a team and to evaluate his actions and opportunities through the prism of joint creative activity. Theoretically this type of activity was based on the need of the individual for self-expression, self-realization, i.e. "lenses" of the personality of his "Self11 in forms of life and professional activity [5].

Experimental work showed that the process of forming the student's professional responsibility takes place effectively during the integration of student research classes, which increased interest in learning, ensured the student's free self-determination, presented the opportunity for self-realization and the ability to be himself. Significant was the accumulation of his own practical experience in the process of training, training and production practices organized on the basis of railway institutions. This raised the level of its own theoretical and practical research, as a significant aspect of the student's extracurricular activities.

Experimental work was carried out for three years from 2018 to 2021 on the basis of the Faculty of Higher Education of the Orenburg Institute of Railways. The experimental study involved 65 full-time students of the Faculty of Higher Education, studying from the 1st to the 5th courses in the specialty 23.05.04 Operation of Railways.

During the experimental study, a model was developed for the formation of students' professional responsibility at a railway university. In the course of experimental work various methods and forms of educational work were developed and tested, aimed at forming the professional responsibility of students. To control the formation of professional responsibility of students, high, medium and low levels and levels are allocated. The obtained results make it possible to track the change in the level of formation of

professional responsibility at the beginning and at the final stage of experimental work. An analysis of the results concluded that the number of students at low levels had fallen to zero through redeployment between middle and high levels [6-8].

Conclusions. At the end of the analysis of the results of this research we can draw the following conclusions:

1. The process of developing professional responsibility represents a dynamic process of learning new knowledge, generating new ones based on them, acquiring professional experience; leading to the development of individual competencies, involving continuous development and self-improvement.

2. A model for the formation of professional responsibility of railway university students has been substantiated and developed. This model of formation of students' professional responsibility contains characteristics of the investigated phenomenon, integrating target, content, operational and effective components, and acts as technological basis of educational process organization.

3. Strategic directions for the development of students' professional responsibility at a railway university are determined: software and technological support for the formation of professional responsibility through the introduction of the "I am Professional" program in line with the development of educational disciplines throughout the entire period of study at the university; socio-psychological and pedagogical support for the formation of professional responsibility by updating relations with representatives of the employer in various forms of scientific and practical cooperation at conferences, round tables, scientific and practical seminars, master classes, competitions, etc.; stimulating professional self-determination and self-development of the student by obtaining additional working specialties of the railway industry on the basis of the department of additional professional education during training at the university.


1. Andrienko, E.V. The Independent Work of Students as a Factor of Their Socialization in the Context of Comparative Studies / E. V. Andrienko. - 2019. - № 4 (56). - Pr. 5-12

2. Egorova, Y.N. Pedagogical Support of Students, Professional Self-Realization in the Railway University / Y.N. Egorova, Y.A. Genvareva, T.A. Zotova, I.A. Nalichnikova, A.A. Yartsev. - CITISE. - 2021. - № 1 (27). - P. 130-139

3. Egorova, Y.N. Professional Self-Realization of a University Student: Features, Factors, Conditions / Y.N. Egorova, Y.A. Genvareva, T.A. Zotova, I.A. Nalichnikova. - CITISE. - 2020. - № 2 (24). - Pp. 180-190

4. Egorova, Y.N. Professional Adaptation of Traffic Engineers/ Y.N. Egorova, E.V. Sinkina, Y.A. Genvareva, T.A. Zotova. -CITISE. - 2019. - № 1 (18). - P. 14.

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6. Lezhneva, N.V. Development of professional responsibility of future aircraft technicians in the process of their training in college / N.V. Lezhneva, T.F. Rymareva // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - №2. - Pp. 110-111

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8. Pak, V.V. Project method as a way to form generalized design skills of students of engineering universities / V.V. Pak. -Pedagogical education in Russia. - 2016. - № 1. - Pp. 68-74

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УДК 378.17

кандидат биологических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой биологии, экологии и безопасности жизнедеятельности Ибрагимова Эвелина Энверовна

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Республики Крым «Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова» (г. Симферополь)


Аннотация. В статье обосновывается важность использования практико-ориентированного метода обучения приемам и правилам оказания первой помощи на уроках школьного курса «Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности». На основании результатов сравнительной оценки результатов обучения старшеклассников правилам оказания первой помощи в теоретическом аспекте, а также на основе практико-ориентированного обучения установлено, что практико-ориентированное обучение способствует лучшему формированию умений.

Ключевые слова: первая помощь, практические навыки, обучающиеся, безопасность жизнедеятельности, травмы, неотложные состояния.

Annotation. The article substantiates the importance of using a practice-oriented method of teaching the methods and rules of first aid in the lessons of the school course "Fundamentals of Life Safety". Based on the results of a comparative assessment of the results of teaching high school students the rules of first aid in a theoretical aspect, as well as on the basis of practice-oriented learning, it was found that practice-oriented learning contributes to a better formation of skills.

Key words: first aid, practical skills, students, life safety, injuries, emergencies.

Введение. Здоровье является наивысшей ценностью каждого человека, которая определяет не только качество жизни, но и ее продолжительность, являясь универсальной, природно-жизненной и социальной ценностью. Как правило, большинство людей в полной мере не осознают того, что угрозы здоровью и жизни могут возникнуть в любой момент, когда необходимо оперативно принять правильное решение и предпринять элементарные действия или мероприятия для спасения собственной жизни или людей, попавших в экстремальную ситуацию. Как правило, в большинстве случаев в экстремальных ситуациях возникает необходимость спасения жизни пострадавших путем оказания мероприятий первой помощи. Основная задача оказания первой помощи при несчастном случае - сохранение жизни пострадавшего до прибытия спасательных служб или медицинских работников. Эта аксиома неоспорима, но на практике имеет место явная беспомощность большинства очевидцев происшествий, что подтверждает важность и необходимость обучения правилам помощи, которыми должен обладать каждый человек. В этой связи формирование умений и навыков оказания правил первой помощи является одной из приоритетных задач обучения.

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