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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nikolaeva Nailyatagirovna, Nalichnikova Inna Anatolievna

The problem, raised in the article is relevant due to the change in the nature of education, engineering, production, technological and other activities in modern, fast changing world, which explains the high demand in the personnel capable of implementing large-scale scientific and technical projects, generating innovations and business ideas on a scientific basis to solve complex production problems. This demand meets the needs of both industry and education, especially in modern conditions. Based on this, the authors conduct a number of studies to determine the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist at a university, including methodological methods for organizing training sessions. Using the results of experimental work, on the basis of a scientific and methodological study of literary sources, a model for the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist at a university was developed. The study was conducted for two years from January 2020 to May 2022. The experiment was held on the basis of the department "General Educational Disciplines" of the Orenburg Institute of Communications as well as on the basis of several departments of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The results of experimental work are presented in the article. The effectiveness of the constructed and implemented model made it possible to evaluate and implement it in the professional training of a future specialist at a university.

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UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor Nikolaeva NailyaTagirovna

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Orenburg state pedagogical University» (Orenburg);

candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Nalichnikova Inna Anatolievna

Orenburg Institute of Railways, branch of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Samara State University of Railways» (Orenburg)



Annotation. The problem, raised in the article is relevant due to the change in the nature of education, engineering, production, technological and other activities in modern, fast changing world, which explains the high demand in the personnel capable of implementing large-scale scientific and technical projects, generating innovations and business ideas on a scientific basis to solve complex production problems. This demand meets the needs of both industry and education, especially in modern conditions. Based on this, the authors conduct a number of studies to determine the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist at a university, including methodological methods for organizing training sessions. Using the results of experimental work, on the basis of a scientific and methodological study of literary sources, a model for the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist at a university was developed. The study was conducted for two years from January 2020 to May 2022. The experiment was held on the basis of the department "General Educational Disciplines" of the Orenburg Institute of Communications as well as on the basis of several departments of the Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The results of experimental work are presented in the article. The effectiveness of the constructed and implemented model made it possible to evaluate and implement it in the professional training of a future specialist at a university.

Key words: professional competence, future specialist, model, professional training.

Аннотация. Проблема, поднятая в статье, актуальна в связи с изменением характера образовательной, инженерной, производственной, технологической и других видов деятельности в современном, быстро меняющемся мире, что объясняет высокую потребность в кадрах, способных реализовывать масштабные научно-технические проекты, генерировать инновации и бизнес-идеи на научной основе для решения сложных производственных задач. Этот спрос отвечает потребностям как промышленности, так и образования, особенно в современных условиях. Исходя из этого, авторы проводят ряд исследований по определению формирования и развития профессиональной компетенции будущего специалиста в вузе, включая методические приемы организации учебных занятий. Используя результаты экспериментальной работы, на основе научно-методического изучения литературных источников была разработана модель формирования и развития профессиональной компетенции будущего специалиста в вузе. Исследование проводилось в течение двух лет с января 2020 по май 2022 года. Эксперимент проводился на базе кафедры "Общеобразовательные дисциплины" Оренбургского института связи, а также на базе нескольких кафедр Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета. В статье представлены результаты экспериментальной работы. Эффективность построенной и внедренной модели позволила оценить и внедрить ее в профессиональную подготовку будущего специалиста в вузе.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная компетенция, будущий специалист, модель, профессиональная подготовка.

Formulation of the problem. The level of development of the state economy depends on the effective operation of all its systems, including not only industry and production, but education and upbringing as well. In the light of the foregoing, the importance of professional training of the future specialist is obvious. In our research we will pay our attention to the modern stage of the development of transport industry and education. The transport industry and education also respond to socio-economic changes in the country and the world, and, therefore, make their own requirements for the level of specialist's training. The current production situation requires future engineers of a railway university, who are not afraid to build and implement complex engineering and technical projects, to develop business ideas for the implementation of complex production and railway tasks. We also need creative and competent teacher at schools, capable to train and educate future specialists. Due to the above mentioned reasons there is a vital necessity in updating the organization, content and methodology of the educational process of a university. When analyzing scientific research in the field of management of educational programs of a new generation, it is also necessary to update the labor functions of a university teacher in the direction of transforming activities.

Among the main requirements of UNESCO for an engineer of the XXI century are the desire for constant personal and professional improvement and development of their intellectual potential [6]. Satisfaction of these requirements directs employers in the industrial and pedagogical sectors to create conditions for career growth, professional and personal self-development and creative self-realization of future specialists, which increases the attractiveness of the engineering and educational professions. Based on this, the process of educition at a university plays a significant role for modern branch technical universities that have a historically close connection with the transport system through educational and research activities. Also, the practice of training future specialists in accordance with changing requirements has not yet been developed in such universities, and mechanisms for interaction with industrial enterprises of the industry that meet the new conditions have not yet been established.

In the indicated context, the creation of conceptual foundations for the formation and development of the professional competence of a future engineer in a railway university is an urgent and little-studied problem of the theory and methodology of vocational education.

Statement of the main research material. After analyzing the scientific literature, practical solutions, strategic and regulatory documents devoted to the study of professional competence, we consider it right to use the definition of L.V. Maslennikova: The professional competence of a future engineer is an integrative dynamic professional and personal quality that characterizes the ability of an individual to creatively solve the problems of functionally determined, externally regulated engineering and production and technological activities in a particular industry, guided by established norms and regulations, realizing personal responsibility for the results.their actions; assuming identification with this industry and being sensitive to the changes taking place in it [3].

The successful formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialists in a university is determined by three interrelated and interdependent structural components. The motivational-value component is the basis for identifying the future specialist with a specific industry and corporate environment; the functional-activity component forms the operational and technological basis of the professional competence of the future specialist in the form of a set of knowledge (resource, pragmatic, design, evaluation), skills (cognitive and transformative activities), competencies (research-analytical, production-technological, innovative-design, organizational - managerial, communicative and personal) and initial production experience in the industry, which correlate with each other according to the principle of nesting; the reflexive-evaluative component ensures that the

consciousness of the future engineer is directed towards himself in order to understand and evaluate the available opportunities and boundaries for making effective decisions, creative self-realization and self-improvement in two interrelated types of activity -subject-practical (knowledge of the subject content of the activity) and social (self-awareness in interpersonal interactions in a corporate environment).

Agreeing with A.I. Subetto, the functional-activity component is considered an internal component of the future specialist's professional competence, and the motivational-value and reflexive-evaluative components are its external components that stimulate the transition from a potential state to an actual one [7]. The foregoing represents the static aspect of the professional competence of the future specialist. Its inherent dynamism is realized when answering the question of how this professional and personal quality becomes and develops at the university level.

Sharing the views of M.G. Yanova, we consider the formation and development of the professional competence of a future engineer in a university as self-sufficient, interconnected, complementary and reinforcing processes of transforming the personality of a future specialist under the influence of external influences (pedagogical, socio-professional, industrial and technological, etc.) and their own active efforts aimed at self-improvement and self-realization in creative activity, leading to the formation of this professional and personal quality and its continuous improvement throughout an active working life associated with a particular industry [5].

At the same time, formation is the process of acquiring professional competence by a future specialist with fixing the results of ongoing transformations, and development is a process of continuous, irreversible, regular, progressive changes that are not cardinal, leading to the transformation and strengthening of an already stable professional and personal quality.

From the standpoint of integrative-developing and individually differentiated approaches, based on the content of the processes of formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university, the authors' periodization is proposed, which is represented by the following stages:

• the emergence of new essential properties of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university;

• consolidation of the acquired new property of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university;

• stabilization of the changes that have taken place (correlate with the process of formation in junior courses);

• expansion of the individual professional resource of the future engineer, its enrichment (correlated with the development process in senior courses).

The process of gradual acquisition of professional competence by a future specialist is accompanied by a change in the nature of the activity performed - fom familiarization and orientation (the first year of study) to simulation and performance (the second year of study), then to productive and creative (third and fourth years of study) and then to creative and transformative (fifth and sixth years of study).

It is determined that different students at different times can go through the selected stages, depending on the accumulated changes and the success of overcoming crises that arise in connection with the denial of the usual forms of activity. To determine the individual dynamics of the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university, the hierarchical levels of its manifestation (critical, low, medium and high) are identified, which are consistent with the system of corporate requirements for the competence of employees of large industry corporations, making it possible to establish a connection between education and production [1-2].

In the course of the scientific and methodological study of the problem of the formation and development of professional competence, the authors have developed a dynamic model that reflects the progressive nature of the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university. A feature of the dynamic model is the stages of formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university; In view of this, we present each stage as a micromodel that reflects changes in professional competence in a certain period of time. We recorded changes at the entry point of each stage in order to understand the dynamics of increasing the student's individual professional resource and make decisions about the need for a correction procedure. Thus, the developed dynamic model of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university reflects the purposeful process of the phased formation of this competence.

In the course of experimental work, the authors worked out and used various methods and forms of educational work, aimed at the formation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university. The design method seems to be the most effective. Having studied the structure and content of the project as an area of creative pedagogical activity, we are impressed by the position of S.L. Troyanskaya, which highlights the interdisciplinary nature of projects, which activates the self-educational activity of students [8]. Project activities in various forms, acting as a universal activity within the framework of mastering university disciplines, are used at all stages of the professional training of a future specialist at a university.

At the Orenburg Institute of Communications - a branch of SamGUPS, through the electronic information educational environment of the university, a "Program Project" was created, within which various types of projects are organized and implemented: educational projects aimed at developing project skills in specific pedagogical tasks; "mono-disciplinary" projects implemented within a specific discipline; multidisciplinary projects aimed at solving complex problems at the request of the employer, carried out in senior courses; as well as individual and group projects.

The interaction of participants within the framework of the "Program Project" takes place using videoconferencing (VCS): Big Blue Button, as well as through the exchange of electronic messages. Each student, by writing a message to the teacher within the framework of the "Program Project" of the electronic information educational environment of the university, can receive information on preparation, obtaining additional information, skills, and implementing a specific project in open time. Within the framework of this form, with the help of video conferencing, the preparation, discussion and implementation of many projects are organized, the participants of which are remotely remote, or the employers who determine the request for the preparation of the project act as participants.

The relevance of organizing a "Project Office" in a remote format is due, on the one hand, to socio-economic conditions that require a quick response to the challenges and requests of the industry, the rapid inclusion of all subjects of interaction and the production process (students, teachers, scientists, employers) in finding the optimal mechanisms for solving production tasks; on the other hand: the challenges of modern society, limiting the contact interaction of all subjects of the production cycle in a pandemic.

The above-described form of the "Program Project" testifies to its effectiveness and efficiency in the preparation of various projects that develop in the learning process into a comprehensive strategy for mastering new knowledge, professional competence to solve urgent problems of the modern society.

The purpose and objectives of the work, which require solutions at the theoretical, methodological and practical levels, defined the choice of methods of this study. Thus, the authors used the following complementary methods in the study:

1. Theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem, study of regulatory and program documents (national level, in the field of education, sectoral), semantic analysis, content analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, pedagogical modeling;

2. Empirical: study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation, self-observation, questioning, testing, peer review, conversation, study of the products of students' activities, pedagogical experiment, generalization of empirical material;

3. Methods of data processing and systematization: methods of mathematical statistics, scaling, databases, graphical representation of data processing results.

A significant strategic direction for the development of professional competencies of students at a railway university was the stimulation of professional self-determination and self-development of a student by obtaining additional working specialties of the railway industry on the basis of the department of additional professional education during their studies at the university.

In the course of training in the main educational programs of higher education, students were actively involved in mastering the skills of working specialties in the railway industry. The request from students in obtaining additional working specialties determined the timeliness of the development by the teaching staff of programs for working specialties, the mastery of which was organized on the basis of the department of additional education. Such a strategy for the development of professional competencies determined the development of projective actions for orienting future specialists towards identification with the industry, corporatism, generation in joint activities with scientists, practitioners, teachers of new knowledge that meets the growing, changing requirements and challenges of modern society, the needs of the industry.

In the complex implementation of the above strategic directions for the development of professional competencies of the future specialist, the essential properties of professional competencies were enriched.

It should be noted that professional competence in the process of preparing a future specialist as a multifunctional professional and personal quality was considered from the position of a person's readiness for professional activity, the indicators of which were personal, theoretical, and practical readiness.

To control the creation and development of the professional competence of a future specialist, we have proposed the following periodization: the emergence, consolidation, stabilization, expansion of the essential properties of the professional competence of a future specialist in a university.

Results. Based on the experimental work done, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. We consider the process of formation and development of the professional competence of a future engineer in a railway university as self-sufficient, interconnected, complementary and reinforcing processes of transforming the personality of a future engineer under the influence of external influences.

2. A dynamic model has been substantiated and developed that reflects the progressive nature of the formation and development of the professional competence of a future engineer in a railway university, a feature of which is the phasing of the above processes.

3. Within the framework of the studied form of the "Program Project", through the electronic information educational environment of the university, the effectiveness and efficiency of its use in the preparation of various projects that develop in the learning process into a comprehensive strategy for mastering new knowledge, professional competence for solving urgent problems of the transport system have been proven.

The implementation of the main strategic directions for the development of professional competencies of a future engineer determines a qualitative change and enrichment of the professional and personal properties of students as future specialists: the systematic use of knowledge, orientation towards professional and corporate values, an active position in overcoming difficulties, enriching the experience of modeling educational and production tasks, active and responsible planning of their actions, the ability to present and discuss the chosen solutions, critical reflection on the results of their activities, the generation of new ideas, approaches to solving personal and production problems.


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