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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nikolaeva Nailyatagirovna, Nalichnikova Inna Anatolievna

The relevance of the study is due to fundamentally new tasks of higher educational institutions within the framework of Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (FSES HE 3++), aimed at the formation and development of students' creative thinking, creative activity and independence. The modern stage of the development of the Russian higher educational system is characterized by the urgent need to mobilize university students to master creative ways of solving life problems, self-education, self-development. Based on this, the authors conduct a number of studies that make it possible to determine the conceptual basis for the formation and development of students' creative thinking at technical universities within the framework of the modernization of FSES HE 3++in practical classes of a foreign language. As a result of the experiment, on the basis of a scientific and methodological study of literary sources, as well as using the results of experimental work, a functional and meaningful model of students' creative thinking at technical universities was developed. The study was conducted for 3 years from 2019 to 2021 on the basis of the Department of General Education Disciplines of the Orenburg Institute of Railways (Orenburg, Russia). The results of experimental work are presented, which made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the created and implemented functional-content model, its implementation in the professional training of the future engineer at a transport university.

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формированию гражданственности. Для успешного формирования гражданских ценностей личности также необходимо поднять авторитет педагога, чтобы он считался благополучным и успешным человеком, и тогда эффективность гражданского воспитания также поднимется. Однако трудно выработать универсальные механизмы определения эффективности гражданского воспитания.

Для повышения эффективности гражданского воспитания, в быстроменяющемся мире, в условиях цифровизации общества необходимо воспитывать гражданина-патриота российского государства, и имеющего высокие нравственные качества, а также являющегося грамотным в правовом и политическом отношении, владеющего умением жить в поликультурной среде, осознанно относящимся к личной самоорганизации и человека, обладающего современными компетенциями.


1. Горбунов, В.С. Воспитание гражданина-патриота: системный подход / В.С. Горбунов // Воспитание школьников. -

- 2010. - №1. - С. 10-20

2. Никифоров, Ю.Н. О понятии «гражданственность» / Ю.Н. Никифоров // Вестник Воронежского госуниверситета. -2007. - №2. - С. 155

3. Николаев, М.В. Гражданская социализация детей с ОВЗ в современной цифровой образовательной среде / М.В. Николаев, А.С. Семенова // Актуальные проблемы педагогики и психологии: вызовы XXI века: сб.научн.тр. - Москва, 2021. - С. 448-452.

4. Разенкова, Н.Е. Системно-деятельностный подход в организации педагогических практик студентов высших профессиональных учебных заведений / Н.Е. Разенкова, Е.Д. Рукавицина // Сибирский педагогический журнал. - 2010. -№7. - С. 167-181.

5. Сазонова, В.В. К проблеме профориентации выпускников специальной (коррекционной) школы / В.В. Сазонова, Е.Ю. Фирсова, О.Ю. Крылова // Перспективы науки. - Тамбов. - 2019. - №2 [113]. - С. 181-191.

6. Салихова, Р.М. Развитие гражданского воспитания в России. (Историко-педагогический аспект) // Исторические, философские, политические и юридические науки, культурология и искусствоведение. Вопросы теории и практики. - 2013.

- № 9. - Ч.1.

7. Семенов, К.Б. Теоретические основы гражданско-правового воспитания / К.Б. Семенов, И.А. Карабашев, А.Ю. Коломиец// Современные проблемы психолого-педагогического образования: Материалы 4-ой Регион.науч.-практ. конференции (к 100-летию профессионального педагогического образования в Дагестане). - Махачкала, 2017. - С. 195-201.

8. Семенов, К.Б. Некоторые аспекты развития идей компетентностного подхода в теории и практике образования / К.Б. Семенов, А.С. Семенова// Актуальные проблемы педагогики и психологии: вызовы XXI века: сб.научн.тр. - Москва, 2020. - С. 164-170.

9. Цуруев, Ш.М. Нравственное воспитание учащихся в условиях семьи и школы / Ш.М. Цуруев, А.С. Семенова // Актуальные проблемы педагогики и психологии: вызовы XXI века: сб.научн.тр. - Москва, 2021. - С. 178-185.

10. Games for Change [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: http://www.gamesforchange.org/ (дата обращения: 24.11.2021).

11. Official website of the Department of Homeland Security. Welcome to Ready Kids! [Электронный ресурс]. - URL: https://www.ready.gov/kids (дата обращения: 23.01.2021).


UDC 378.2

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Nikolaeva NailyaTagirovna

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Orenburg state pedagogical University» (Orenburg);

candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Nalichnikova Inna Anatolievna

Orenburg Institute of Railways, branch of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Samara State University of Railways» (Orenburg)


Аннотация. Актуальность исследования обусловлена принципиально новыми задачами высших учебных заведений в рамках Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования (ФГОС ВО 3++), направленного на формирование и развитие у студентов творческого мышления, творческой активности и независимости. Современный этап развития российской системы высшего образования характеризуется острой необходимостью мобилизации студентов вузов на овладение творческими способами решения жизненных задач, самообразование, саморазвитие. Исходя из этого, авторы проводят ряд исследований, позволяющих определить концептуальные основы формирования и развития творческого мышления студентов технических вузов в рамках модернизации ФГОС ВО 3++ на практических занятиях по иностранному языку. В результате эксперимента на основе научно-методического изучения литературных источников, а также с использованием результатов экспериментальной работы была разработана функционально-содержательная модель развития творческого мышления студентов технических вузов. Исследование проводилось в течение 3 лет с 2019 по 2021 год на базе кафедры общеобразовательных дисциплин Оренбургского института путей сообщения (г. Оренбург, Россия). В статье представлены результаты экспериментальной работы, позволившие оценить эффективность созданной и реализованной функционально-содержательной модели, ее внедрение в профессиональную подготовку будущего инженера транспортного вуза.

Ключевые слова: креативное мышление, функционально-содержательная модель, концептуальная основа, творческая деятельность.

Annotation. The relevance of the study is due to fundamentally new tasks of higher educational institutions within the framework of Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (FSES HE 3++), aimed at the formation and development of students' creative thinking, creative activity and independence. The modern stage of the development of the Russian higher educational system is characterized by the urgent need to mobilize university students to master creative ways of solving life problems, self-education, self-development. Based on this, the authors conduct a number of studies that make it possible to determine the conceptual basis for the formation and development of students' creative thinking at technical universities within the framework of the modernization of FSES HE 3++in practical classes of a foreign language. As a result of the experiment, on the basis of a scientific and methodological study of literary sources, as well as using the results of experimental work, a functional and meaningful model of students' creative thinking at technical universities was developed. The study was conducted for 3 years from 2019 to 2021

on the basis of the Department of General Education Disciplines of the Orenburg Institute of Railways (Orenburg, Russia). The results of experimental work are presented, which made it possible to assess the effectiveness of the created and implemented functional-content model, its implementation in the professional training of the future engineer at a transport university.

Key words: creative thinking, functional-content model, the conceptual basis, creative activity.

Formulation of the problem. In accordance with the modernized Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (FSES HE 3++), the modern system of higher vocational education should be considered as the most important institution of personality socialization, in which education and upbringing are a single process aimed at training highly educated, widely erudite, cultural, creative specialists. In the student years young people are more actively participating in the cultural events, more intensively expanding the circle of communication, which is facilitated by a special way of life of higher education, where the promotion of creativity, initiative and self-acquisition of knowledge is a significant feature. Currently, higher educational institutions within the framework of FSES HE 3++ are facing fundamentally new tasks aimed at the formation and development of students' creative thinking, their creative activity and independence [1], [3]. In institutions of higher professional education in the training of future engineers the main thing is not the assimilation of ready-made knowledge, but the formation and development of graduates' ability to master the methods of knowledge, which allow them independently to obtain knowledge, to use it creatively on the basis of known or created methods of activity.

In scientific discourse the search for ways to improve the processes of formation and development of students' creative thinking has always been of great interest for many Russian and foreign scientists. The most effective works with scientific significance are conducted by D.B. Epiphany, E. de Bono, J. Guildford, V.N. Druzhinin, Yu.N. Kulutkin, A.M. Matyushkin, A.Ya. Ponomarev, B.F. Sorokina, E.P. Torrens,A.T. Shumilina, M.G. Yaroshevsky [6, P. 133].

Together with the scientists A.V. Brushlinsky, J. Dewey, V.T. Kudryavtsev, I.Ya. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov, V.Okon, YA.Ponomarev, S.L. Rubinstein [7, P. 171] we consider it legitimate to clarify our scientific understanding of the essence and structure of creative thinking, by which we understand the process of formation and development of subjectively new and nonstandard ways of activity, as well as the ability to create original ideas.

Statement of the main research material. In the context of the ongoing experimental work we consider it legitimate to clarify our scientific understanding of the essence and structure of creative thinking, by which we understand the process of formation and development of subjectively new and non-standard ways of activity, as well as the ability to create original ideas.

Having studied, analyzed and clarified our understanding of the concept of "creative thinking", we are moving on to the next stage of our research - determining the goal of the successful formation and development of creative thinking among future engineers at a technical university as a part of the modernization of FSESHE 3++ in foreign language classes. The aim of the present study is to introduce a functional-content model of formation and development of students' creative thinking at technical universities in foreign language classes, i.e. its development, theoretical validity and experimental proof. We believe that the success of the formation and development of students' creative thinking at a technical university within the framework of the modernization of FSESHE 3++ in foreign language classes will depend on:

- Pedagogical conditions that promote the creative thinking of students;

- Criteria that allow to identify the levels of formation of students' creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes [8].

The technological approach to setting and implementing a common goal requires its decomposition through a set of specific tasks that allow us to describe the expected results in educational practice [1, P. 14].

The above described object of the present study is achieved by solving the following set of problems aimed at:

• essence and structure of creative thinking;

• analysis of research's state of the problem of the formation and development of students' creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes and determination of pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative thinking;

• checking the effectiveness of the model of formation and development of students' creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes;

• development and implementation of scientific and methodological recommendations for the formation and development of students' creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes.

In this experimental study the concept of creative thinking becomes important. During our experimental work the main process of implementation of objectives becomes the formation and development which are understood as the organization of teacher's and students' activity in process of upbringing, education and training (B.C. Bezrukova) [9, P. 98].

Thus, proposed by us the functional-content model of the development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes takes into account the essence, structure of creative thinking, as well as the peculiarities of the formation and development of their creative thinking. The model consists of interconnected blocks, which in its entirety and in interaction represent a holistic model for the development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes.

The choice of methods of this study is due to the purpose and tasks of the work, which need to be solved at both the theoretical -methodological and practical levels [3, P. 131]. Thus, the study used the following complementary methods:

• theoretical: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problem of research, the study of normative and programmatic documents, semantic analysis, content analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, pedagogical modeling;

• empirical: study and synthesis of advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation, self-observation, questionnaire, testing, expert assessment, conversation, study of students' activities, pedagogical experiment, synthesis of empirical material;

• methods of processing and systematization of data: methods of mathematical statistics, scaling, databases, graphical representation of data processing results.

Our experimental work was carried out for three years from 2019 to 2021 on the basis of the Department of General Education Disciplines of the Orenburg Institute of Railways - a branch of Samara State Transport University. The study involved 86 full-time students of the Faculty of Higher Education of the first and second courses in the specialties: 23.05.03 Rolling stock of railways, 23.05.04 Operation of railways, 23.05.05 Train support systems, 23.05.06 Construction of railways, bridges and transport tunnels.

During the study a functional-content model of the development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes was developed, ensuring the successful formation and development of their creative thinking. In process of our experimental work various methods and forms of educational work were worked out and used, aimed at the formation and development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes. The most effective technologies were project activities, information and communication technologies, mentoring technologies.

The revealed results allow us to track the change in the level of formation and development of student's creative thinking at a technical university at the beginning and at the final stage of work on the project. The data obtained and interpreted in the course of

experimental work made it possible to conclude that the effectiveness of the formation and development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes increases with the implementation of a functional-content model, which proves the prospect of using the scientific idea of research in educational practice as a direction of modernization of the process of training future engineers in modern branch technical universities [8, Р. 600].

The technology of implementing our functional-content model of the formation and development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes was carried out in stages. We have identified the diagnostic, organizational -designing, activity, control - correction stages.

1. Diagnostic stage. Its goal is to identify the initial level of formation of student's creative thinking through the collection and processing of information, and then analysis of the received information.

2. Organizational - designing stage. The purpose of this stage is to set the goal and objectives of the project activity for the introduction of a functional-content model for the formation and development of student's creative thinking at a technical university in foreign language classes, as well as in choosing pedagogical conditions for the formation of their creative thinking.

3. Activity stage. The purpose of this stage is to master the algorithm for solving creative problems during the project activity.

4. Control - correction stage. At this stage the level of formation of student's creative thinking was analyzed after the introduction of our functional-content model of formation of student's creative thinking in foreign language classes.

At the fourth stage conclusions are drawn, appropriate correction of the process of formation and development of student's creative thinking is carried out, a new goal is specified and the next steps are planned to increase the effectiveness of student's creative thinking activities at a technical university in foreign language classes.

All stages of the functional-content model are sequentially connected to each other. None of them can be skipped or repositioned in the workflow.

Results. Based on the completed experimental research we can draw the following conclusions:

1. The aim of the present study is the effective implementation of a functional-content model of formation and development of student's creative thinking at technical universities within the framework of modernization of FSESHE 3++ in foreign language classes, i.e. its development, theoretical validity and experimental proof.

2. Under creative thinking we understand the process of formation and development of subjectively new and non-standard ways of activity, as well as the ability to create original ideas.

3. Within the framework of the modernization of FSESHE 3++we substantiated and developed a functional and meaningful model for the formation and development of student's creative thinking at technical universities in foreign language classes.

4. Technological support for the formation and development of student's creative thinking at technical universities includes: Project Office Technology, information and communication technologies, mentoring technologies. The principles of problem learning are most optimally implemented by using the design method in the educational process (particularly in foreign language classes).


1. Боровинская, Д.Н. О некоторых методологических проблемах исследования креативного мышления как процесса / Д.Н. Боровинская // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Философия. Социология. Политология. - 2017. -№38. - С. 7-14.

2. Волегжанина, И.С. Роль междисциплинарных образовательных проектов в становлении и развитии профессиональной компетентности работников «цифрового транспорта» / И.С. Волегжанина // Современные подходы в отечественном о зарубежном образовании, под ред. А.Ю. Нагорнова. - Ульяновск: Зебра, 2018. - С. 255-265.

3. Егорова, Ю.Н. Педагогическое сопровождение профессиональной самореализации обучающихся железнодорожного вуза / Ю.Н. Егорова, Ю.А. Генварева, И.А. Наличникова // ЦИТИСЭ. - 2021. - № 1 (27). - С. 130-139.

4. Кукушкин, С.Г. Проблема инженерной креативности и перспективы ее решения / С.Г. Кукушкин, М.В. Лукьяненко, Н.П. Чурляева // Высшее образование в России. 2011. - № 1. - С. 91-95.

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9. Соловова, Н.В., Суханкина Н.В. Конкурентоспособность образовательных программ: вызовы общества и ответы университетов / Н.В. Соловова, Н.В. Суханкина // Образование и саморазвитие. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 97-108

10. Суюндикова, М.К. Предпосылки, определяющие траекторию творческого мышления / М.К. Суюндикова, Е.О. Жуматаева, Е.И. Снопкова // Образовательно-научный журнал. - 2021. - Т. 23. - № 3. - С. 75-100.


УДК 378.018.43

кандидат филологических наук, доцент Петренко Наталья Анатольевна

Евпаторийский институт социальных наук (филиал) федерального государственного

автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования

«Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского» (г. Евпатория)


Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению широкого применения дистанционного обучения с использованием современных электронных средств и сети Интернет. Автор сравнивает дистанционное обучение с традиционным, рассматривает их преимущества и недостатки. Отмечено, что современные информационные технологии открывают новые перспективы для повышения эффективности образовательного процесса. Однако, несмотря на то, что обучение следует рассматривать как непрерывный и динамический процесс, недопустимо полностью перейти на дистанционное образование.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение, образование, информатизация образования, инновационные технологии, технологии дистанционного обучения, Интернет.

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