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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Volodina Olga V.

Introduction. In the modern educational context of knowledge society, the strategies of intellectualization of education are put forward as priorities. Fostering of personal intellectual culture is an actual purpose of the professional education of future teachers. The important condition of the process of intellectualization of foreign language education in higher school is the stipulation of the development of speech-thinking activity. The motivational factor of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students is connected with the actualization of the motives of communication, social interaction, self-realization, self-regulation, as well as the formation of meaning-making motivation for performing speech-thinking activity. The purpose of this study is to identify the pedagogical conditions for formation of meaning-making motivation in the process of learning a foreign language to ensure students’ speech-thinking activity as the means of fostering of personal intellectual culture. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research are the principles of the concepts of intellectualization of education and fostering of personal intellectual culture, motivation, speech-thinking activity and systemic, activity-based, communicative-cognitive, polysubjective, personality-developing, personality-oriented approaches. The research methods: modeling of the process of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education; the analysis of educational technologies for the formation of cognitive, social and meaning-making motives. Research results. The potential efficiency of applying the educational technologies and methods of the symbolic-modeling type of activity (the method of role-playing games, the method of scenarios, art technologies, the technology of cognitive travel, etc.) as the practical tools for implementing the conceptual-theoretical foundations of the motivational aspects of the strategy of intellectualization of foreign language education has been analyzed and revealed. Conclusion. Meaning-making motivation is related to professional and creative self-educational activities, self-actualization of the personal potential and the demonstration of the cognitive independence of future teachers.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Дата публикации: 30.08.2021 УДК 378.14; 372.881.111.1

О. В. ВолодинА

Формирование смыслообразующей мотивации обучающихся бакалавриата в процессе изучения иностранного языка

Введение. В современном образовательном контексте общества знания стратегии интеллектуализации образования выдвигаются приоритетными. Развитие интеллектуальной культуры личности является актуальным ориентиром профессионального образования будущих учителей. Важным условием процесса интеллектуализации иноязычного образования в высшей школе признается обеспечение развития речемыслительной деятельности. Мотивационный фактор развития интеллектуальной культуры личности обучающихся педагогических направлений подготовки бакалавриата связан с актуализацией мотивов общения, социального взаимодействия, самореализации, саморегуляции, а также формированием смыслообразующей мотивации для выполнения речемыслительной деятельности. Целью данного исследования является выявление педагогических условий формирования смыслообразующей мотивации в процессе изучения иностранного языка, обеспечивающей выполнение обучающимися речемыслительной деятельности как средства развития интеллектуальной культуры личности.

Материалы и методы. Методологическую основу исследования составили положения концепций интеллектуализации образования, развития интеллектуальной культуры личности, мотивации, речемыслительной деятельности, а также системный, деятельностный, коммуникативно-когнитивный, полисубъектный, личностно-развивающий, личностно-ориентированный подходы. Методы исследования: моделирование процесса развития интеллектуальной культуры личности обучающихся педагогических направлений подготовки бакалавриата средствами иноязычного образования и анализ образовательных технологий для формирования познавательных, социальных и смыслообразующих мотивов.

Результаты исследования. Раскрыта потенциальная перспективность применения технологий и приемов символико-моделирующего типа учебной деятельности (метод сюжетно-ролевой игры, метод сценариев, арт-технологии, технология познавательного путешествия и др.) в качестве практического инструментария для осуществления концептуально-теоретических оснований мотивационных аспектов стратегии интеллектуализации иноязычного образования.

Заключение. Смыслообразующая мотивация связана с профессионально-творческой самообразовательной деятельностью, самоактуализацией личностного потенциала и проявлением познавательной самостоятельности будущих учителей.

Ключевые слова: интеллектуализация образования, интеллектуальная культура личности, речемыслительная деятельность, смыслообразующая мотивация, символико-моделирующие технологии, социально-ориентированные технологии, самообразовательная деятельность

Ссылка для цитирования:

Володина О. В. Формирование смыслообразующей мотивации обучающихся бакалавриата в процессе изучения иностранного языка // Перспективы науки и образования. 2021. № 4 (52). С. 220-237. сМ: 10.32744^.2021.4.14

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive21/21-04/ Accepted: 12 April 2021 Published: 30 August 2021


Formation of meaning-making motivation of undergraduate students in the process of foreign language education

Introduction. In the modern educational context of knowledge society, the strategies of intellectualization of education are put forward as priorities. Fostering of personal intellectual culture is an actual purpose of the professional education of future teachers. The important condition of the process of intellectualization of foreign language education in higher school is the stipulation of the development of speech-thinking activity. The motivational factor of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students is connected with the actualization of the motives of communication, social interaction, self-realization, self-regulation, as well as the formation of meaning-making motivation for performing speech-thinking activity. The purpose of this study is to identify the pedagogical conditions for formation of meaning-making motivation in the process of learning a foreign language to ensure students' speech-thinking activity as the means of fostering of personal intellectual culture.

Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research are the principles of the concepts of intellectualization of education and fostering of personal intellectual culture, motivation, speech-thinking activity and systemic, activity-based, communicative-cognitive, polysubjective, personality-developing, personality-oriented approaches. The research methods: modeling of the process of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education; the analysis of educational technologies for the formation of cognitive, social and meaning-making motives.

Research results. The potential efficiency of applying the educational technologies and methods of the symbolic-modeling type of activity (the method of role-playing games, the method of scenarios, art technologies, the technology of cognitive travel, etc.) as the practical tools for implementing the conceptual-theoretical foundations of the motivational aspects of the strategy of intellectualization of foreign language education has been analyzed and revealed.

Conclusion. Meaning-making motivation is related to professional and creative self-educational activities, self-actualization of the personal potential and the demonstration of the cognitive independence of future teachers.

Keywords: intellectualization of education, personal intellectual culture, speech-thinking activity, meaning-making motivation, symbolic-modeling technologies, socially-oriented technologies, self-educational activity

For Reference:

Volodina, O. V. (2021). Formation of meaning-making motivation of undergraduate students in the process of foreign language education. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 52 (4), 220-237. doi: 10.32744/pse.2021.4.14


he strategies of the intellectualization of professional training are focused on fostering

of personal intellectual culture of students of higher education establishments (A. I.

Subetto [19], G. I. Egorova [10; 11], etc.); these strategies are put forward as priorities in the modernization of Russian education to ensure the training of highly qualified specialists with a deep understanding of actual social and economic problems, who are capable and ready for innovative activities in the scientific, industrial and educational spheres for the dynamic development and formation of a knowledge society.

Fostering of intellectual culture is the actual goal of professional education of future teachers; its achievement is ensured by means of all academic subjects of educational programs, including foreign language education. Social order to higher educational establishments for the quality of training specialists in the field of teaching and upbringing of the younger generation is determined by the need of the state and the society in teachers with a wide general cultural, psychological and pedagogical skills, creative and active teachers with firm moral principles and the active life position, competent in the field of intercultural communication and capable to plan and to implement speech-behavioral strategies of communication by means of the foreign language to solve personal and professional problems in a knowledge society and the transition to the innovative education stimulated by post-material motivation that focuses on the orientation of the educational process to the ideal, spiritually attractive image of the future, the cultivation of genuine human values and needs. Intellectual culture is a component of personal culture; N. L. Khudyakova, A. B. Nevelev and V. S. Neveleva define it as the goal of lifelong developmental education [21].

The important condition for ensuring the implementation of the goals of intellectualization of education at university is the development of personal motivational qualities of a future specialist (A. G. Asmolov [2], A. A. Verbitsky [5], N. M. Minyaeva [14], etc.). The motivational phenomena that acquire personality traits include the motive of achieving success, the motive of avoiding failures, the internal logus of control (inner search for the reasons for your own behavior and responsibility), self-esteem (your capabilities, qualities, advantages and disadvantages, your place among other people), the level of aspirations (the desired level of the individual self-esteem); the personality is characterized by the need for communication, affiliation, altruism and the other motivational manifestations of social orientation [18, pp. 433-434]. Cognitive motives are exposed in the orientation towards broadening your horizons, the deep study and understanding of the subject of the study, the development of erudition. The meaning-making function of the motive is associated with the personal meaning of goals and the subjective significance of the performed actions, their objective and procedural contents.

The motivational factor in the process of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education is associated with the actualization of the motivational potential and the disclosure of the motivational qualities of students, the manifestation and formation of meaning-making motivation to ensure the effectiveness of the integral educational process aimed at the development of speech-thinking activity as a means of forming the foreign language professional communicative competence. The aim of the study is to identify and to analyze the pedagogical conditions of stimulating, maintaining and strengthening the meaning-making

motivation of students to perform speech-thinking activities in the foreign language and fostering of personal intellectual culture in future teachers by means of foreign-language education.

The motivational sphere is a significant reserve and incentive for improving the quality and productivity of the educational process at university, including foreign language education; a high level of tendency to self-knowledge and self-development characterizes an intellectually and socially mature person. The source of self-stimulating motivation should be the student himself: due to the motives of self-actualization and the focus on achieving success, the active subject does not depend on the social context of the external circumstances. The complex, multicomponent and dynamic structure of the motivational sphere of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education is associated with the formation of such motivational qualities as a) the achievement motivation - the desire to set difficult goals, to overcome difficulties and failures, to achieve what was planned; b) the motive of self-actualization - the desire to reveal and to use all the abilities of the organism, the need for self-development, self-expression and self-realization; c) the creative activity - an active attitude towards the world, activity "above the threshold of the necessary", the personal initiative for obtaining and transferring new knowledge, a way to satisfy a person's needs for new knowledge, striving for transformation or creation of new values, self-generation of a personality as a subject by taking responsibility for the unknown outcome of the activity [6]. The stability of the motives of self-realization and self-development in students is ensured through regular independent work at all the stages of the process of learning a foreign language; I. E. Abramova and E. P. Shishmolina note that it contributes to the formation of self-organization and self-assessment competencies with personal responsibility of students for the performed actions and the critical assessment of the obtained results [1]. The demonstration of social motives associated with self-identification and the formation of value and meaningful orientations as stable life-meaning regulators ensures the socialization of the student; E. G. Belyakova and I. G. Zakharova formulate it as "a meaningful way in the profession" due to the individualization of the educational process [3]. I. A. Kokh and V. A. Orlov emphasize the importance of self-affirmation motivation for professional self-determination of student youth [13]. I. Zh. Feyzrakhmanov notes the influence of the teacher and the nature of interpersonal relations in the educational environment both on the academic progress and the social involvement of students [20]. The appeal to the role of the teacher in the formation of meaning-making motivation in undergraduate pedagogical students is necessary and essential. Relying on the theory of meaning formation, A. S. Robotova pays attention to the "inner side of the teacher's activities", the ethical meaning and "the intellectual beauty" of activities; she discusses about the need to comprehend the personal meaning of the teacher's profession, the overcoming of the epistemological difficulties of teaching through self-observation and introspection, "the inner contemplation of oneself", the comprehension of an individual educational path and self-education [16]. Among the factors of the professional development of future teachers, E. E. Rukavishnikova notes the polyphonic nature of motivation; she distinguishes the educational and cognitive motive, the professional motive, the social motive, the motive of prestige, the communicative motive, the motive of avoiding failure, the motive of creative self-realization for intellectual, moral, communicative and emotional development and improvement [17].

In modern foreign studies the motivation issues in the process of foreign language education are considered in the context of academic performance, the quality of educational

material perception, increasing the level of language proficiency for the prospects of long-term career growth [25]; the theory of self-determination [26]; motivational autonomy and control of motivational behavior of students [24]; manifestations of conscious empathy and responsiveness as motivational reactions [22], regulation of the emotional and motivational attitude of students in cooperative learning and other forms of group work [23], etc.

While considering the problem of formation of meaning-making motivation in the process of learning a foreign languages at university in order to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of fostering of personal intellectual culture in future specialists in the field of teaching and upbringing of the younger generation, we should rely on the principles of positive psychology; their practical significance is underlined by E. R. Porshneva and M. A. Krasnova [15] - they are associated with the disclosure of positive personal qualities (self-confidence, optimism, hope, perseverance, flexibility, resilience, etc.) and the accumulation of "psychological capital" - a resource of conscious self-regulation (manifestations of self-presentation, self-control, self-adaptation and self-organization). The importance and necessity of formation of individual positive meanings for the implementation of strategies for the intellectualization of education at university have determined the relevance of the study of meaning-making motivational stimuli in the process of learning a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to analyze the pedagogical conditions for stimulating, maintaining and strengthening the meaning-making motivation to ensure the implementation of speech-thinking activity in the foreign language as a means of fostering of personal intellectual culture in future teachers.

Materials and methods

In the study of the problem of the formation of meaning-making motivation of undergraduate students in the process of learning a foreign language to ensure fostering of personal intellectual culture in future specialists in the field of teaching and upbringing of the younger generation, we relied on philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological concepts: intellectualization of education and fostering of personal intellectual culture, the development of personal motivational qualities, communication, modern concepts of foreign language education, including the formation of the foreign language professional communicative competence, the development of intelligence and thinking abilities of students in the process of learning a foreign language, the development of speech-thinking activity and speech-thinking practice.

In the system of professional training of future teachers by means of foreign-language education in order to ensure the formation of meaning-making motivation as the condition for fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students, systemic, personality-developing, activity, personality-oriented, communicative-cognitive, polysubjective approaches to the organization of the educational process have been implemented:

• The systematic approach presupposes the consideration of the object of the research (intellectualization of foreign language education at university) as a complex process that cannot be comprehended by summing up the knowledge about the individual structural components; it is necessary to consider systematically the internal functional-hierarchical relationships of the constituent elements, including the role of the motivational component, and to analyze their interdependence with the external non-systemic factors in order to

organize the process of intellectual and general cultural development and improvement of undergraduate pedagogical students in the process of learning a foreign language.

• The principles of personal developmental education are based on the laws of educating a student as the subject of his life and the development of the subjectivity of the future teacher as the life-creating potential.

• The activity-based approach to the problem of the formation of meaning-making motivation of students as the condition of fostering of personal intellectual culture by means of foreign-language education is based on the recognition of the student as the subject of activity, the self-development and self-realization occur in the process and as the result of one's own actions, objective activity and creativity, initiated by the individual motives, needs, actively-positive motivation and personal meanings that are revealed, transformed and comprehended in the process of active interaction.

• Personally-oriented foreign-language education allows to humanize the entire educational process; the implementation of the personality-oriented approach for the formation of meaning-making motivation of undergraduate students by means of foreign-language education is focused not only on the revealed abilities and the formed components of the student's personal experience, but mainly on "the zone of proximal development" (L. S. Vygotsky) - the potential opportunities and prospects for the further personal development of future teachers.

• The communicative-cognitive approach to the process of studying a foreign language at university within the personality-oriented concept of foreign language education focused on fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students is the methodological basis for the system of foreign language education, speech and communication development as the factors of successful intercultural and interlingual communication and interactions. The cognitive orientation of the process of learning a foreign language is related to the development of the linguistic aspects in accordance with a) the basic laws of the cognitive activity process that includes rational-logical and sensory-sensual stages of perception, assimilation, structuring, processing, storage and application of information; b) consideration of the linguistic material and the use of linguistic means as tools for forming the picture of the world in the minds of students, expanding their linguistic and metalinguistic experience.

• The implementation of the subjective position of undergraduate pedagogical students in foreign-language education is done due to the polysubjective approach; it provides empathic communication and understanding, psychologically favorable interaction, the positive attitude towards another person, acceptance of the world of another person, revealing meaning-making motives in communicative interaction, etc.

The following research methods were used in the study of the problem of forming meaning-making motivation of undergraduate students in the process of learning a foreign language:

• the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research topic;

• modeling the process of studying a foreign language at university for fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students;

• the analysis of the technologies of the symbolic-modeling type of activity, based on the affective (empathic) personal qualities of students, to stimulate and to strengthen the cognitive, social, meaning-making motives for speech-thinking activity in simulated imitative (scenario) contexts of spoken and written communication in the foreign language classroom.

_Research results

Modeling as a method of scientific cognition allows to convey the objective holistic view of the studying complexly organized system [8]; it limits the volumetric depiction of the research object to an experimental-theoretical model. The study of pedagogical and methodological phenomena through the creation of descriptive, logical-semantic, causal, structural-functional and other types of models as the generalized theoretical or materialized systems of the visual display and representation of the object of modeling allows us to explain: a) the genetic aspect of the system (the stages of emergence, dynamic development, stagnation, transformation, transition to a qualitatively new level); b) the structural-functional aspect (the separate components of the system and their specific positive or negative impact on the whole system). The requirements for modeling the conceptual model are: a) the meaningful description of the system, its goal and the exact result, the explanation of the necessary pedagogical conditions and educational technologies for the implementation of the goal of the designed model; b) the correspondence to the original, the explanation of the differences from the originally designated object under study; c) the possibility of using the model instead of the original in the research process; d) the ensured possibility of systematic searches and obtaining new knowledge about the original.

The model of the methodological system of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education is a demonstrative, specific, objective, materially realizable system that reflects the process of the intellectualization of foreign language education in higher school [7]. According to the systematic approach to the research process modeling, the determination of the boundaries of the projected model is associated with the setting of the object and the subject of modeling. In this study, the object of modeling is the process of the intellectualization of foreign language education in higher education; the subject is the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education.

The model construct includes the target, content, organizational and diagnostic components (Table 1).

1) The target component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education includes the specific setting for designing the methodological system for the development of speech-thinking activity of students through the actualization and demonstration of cognitive, mental, communicative, regulatory, creative, reflexive abilities in the process of studying a foreign language at university; as well as the long-term goal related to the further continuous (lifelong) autonomous self-improvement of students in the implementation of the actual operational goals for the formation of motivational-value, content, operational-activity and reflexive-evaluative competencies [8].

2) The content component of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education contains: a) the subject aspect (cognitive, epistemological, axiological, intersocial); b) the procedural aspect (communicative, emotional-evaluative, reflective, professional). The content of foreign language education at university contains not only a set of linguistic and grammatical forms but mainly the integral system of culturally related process of learning a foreign language that builds the

cultural experience of the obtained values, norms, orientations, the productivity of speech thinking and communicative activity in various spheres, the experience of emotional-value relationships and the experience of creative activity [9].

3) The organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education reveals the logic of forming and controlling the systemic, continuous, person-centered learning process of foreign language education at university that provides both the formation of the foreign language communicative competence of students, as well as the professional formation and intellectual education of future teachers, revealed in the development of rational knowledge and cognitive thinking, erudition, understanding of the priority of universal human values, ideological conviction, creativity as a way of life. In accordance with the leading components of the activity presented in the model of M. S. Kagan [12, pp. 175-176] and the components of the personal experience of students, put forward by E. V. Borzova as the content base for the development of the foreign language communicative competence and key competencies [4, pp. 59-76], the organization of comprehensive and gradual practical implementation of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education begins with the motivational stage; and it is followed by the intellectual-informational, personal-active, creative, reflective-evaluative stages.

4) The diagnostic component is associated with the organization of control, the identification of criteria and indicators for assessing the dynamics of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education. As the generalized criteria for assessing the results of intellectual and personal development by means of foreign language education, the integrative subsystems of the complex and multi-structured phenomenon of intellectual culture such as cognitive culture, communicative culture, culture of reflective thinking, culture of creativity, worldview culture of future teachers are put forward; they perform a complex of interrelated and interdependent functions (cognitive, epistemological, hermeneutic, humanistic, regulatory, communicative, informational, educational-upbringing, social-normative, the function of forming creatively thinking personalities, compensating, correcting). The key indicators of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education are associated with a) the demonstration of intellectual skills, the cognitive style and the mental experience in the process of perception, comprehension, systematization, transformation of information; b) the correctness of foreign language speech, communicative purposefulness, readiness for communicative partnership and the ability to conduct the detailed, reasoned and meaningful verbal communication; c) goalsetting, self-motivation, self-determination, introspection, self-regulation, self-organization, self-esteem and self-control in the process of learning a foreign language; d) creativity and readiness for innovative activities, the development of creative abilities, the formation of an independent creative position, the intention for creative self-improvement; e) the formation of a wide range of situations to reveal the level of education and erudition, integrity of knowledge, stable value and meaningful orientations, social activity, including the future professional activities in the field of teaching and upbringing.

The subjects in the designed model are pedagogical students and university teachers who are involved actively in defining the target strategies, selecting and adjusting the educational means, methods and forms of learning a foreign language. In addition, this model in its modified variations can be used to foster personal intellectual culture of

students of all educational levels. In this case, the potential subjects of the transformed inversions of the model are students of secondary schools and schools of foreign languages in-depth study, students mastering the basic educational programs of higher education of bachelor's, master's and specialist's programmes not only of pedagogical, but also of a wide range of technical and humanitarian areas of training.

Table 1

The model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education

THE TARGET COMPONENT I. The specific goal - the development of speech-thinking activity (cognitive, mental, communicative, regulatory, creative, reflexive abilities) II. The long-term goal - the continuous (lifelong) autonomous intellectual development III. The operational goal - the formation of motivational-value, content, operational-activity, reflexive-evaluative competencies

THE CONTENT COMPONENT I. The subject aspect

1. cognitive 2. epistemological 3. axiological 4. intersocial

II. The procedural aspect

1. communicative 2. emotional-evaluative 3. reflective 4. professional


1. The motivational stage 2. The intellectual-informational stage 3. The personal-active stage

4. The creative stage 5. The reflective-evaluative stages


1. Cognitive culture - intellectual skills - the cognitive style - the mental experience 2. Communicative culture - correct foreign language speech - communicative purposefulness - communicative partnership 3. The culture of reflective thinking - self-motivation - self-regulation - introspection

4. The culture of creativity - creativity - independent creative position - creative self-improvement 5. The worldview culture - integrity of knowledge - value orientations - social activity

The motivational stage is the initial stage of the organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education. The purpose of the motivational stage of the organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education is associated with a) actualization of the motivational potential of students (a set of internal driving forces that induce a person to do purposeful and effective actions); b) the development of the motivational qualities (fixed and favored ways of forming motives) at the junction of cognitive and personal resources for the implementation of speech-thinking activity in the foreign language; c) stimulation, maintenance and strengthening of meaning-making motivation to ensure the personal significance of the foreign language learning process and the speech-thinking activity. The meaning-making motivation is associated with the professional and creative self-educational activities of undergraduate pedagogical students, their desire for professional self-improvement, perfecting moral, mental and physical qualities, mastering pedagogical skills, the qualitative transformation and improvement of the art of teaching, upbringing and self-development.

The pedagogical tasks of the motivational stage of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education are associated with the development of the integral complex of the motives of communication, achievement, self-realization, self-development, social motives.

1. The motive of communication: 1) the creation of pedagogical conditions for stimulating productive interaction of the subjects of the educational process and their desire to cooperate; 2) creating the emotional background for foreign language communication; 3) the desire of students to participate in social communication (spoken, written, electronic, etc.), to understand and to be understood in the process of foreign language communication; 3) the formation of the need for verbal expression of thoughts in the foreign language; 4) responsibility of the students for their foreign language speech behavior; 5) demonstration of altruistic motives such as the need to interact and to help other participants of the educational process on the voluntary basis.

2. The motive of achievement (motivation to an action, the direction of activity, control and maintenance): 1) the development of aspiration to set complex goals and to overcome difficulties in order to achieve them; 2) the clear and precise formulation of goals based on the desires and needs of the students to understand accurately the target activity guidelines of their activities; 3) the formation of stable incentives for effective and regular intellectual activity; 4) the management of one's own externally expressed and internal behavior to ensure the effectiveness and productivity of functioning, the success of individual and cooperative activities in the process of learning a foreign language.

3. The social motives: 1) the creation of the information and educational environment in the context of learning a foreign language at university to influence the motivational sphere of the personality of students, to induce them to perform learning activities consciously (formulation of the problem, choosing the problem solutions, control, assessment, reflection, etc.), to perform speech-thinking activity; 2) ensuring the success of socialization and cultural self-determination of future specialists in the conditions of the motivational environment of foreign language education at university; 3) the self-identification of students, the formation of the self-image of future teachers (the lucid idea of oneself), the picture of the world and the future profession; 4) students' awareness of the social significance of their future professional activities; 5) the formation of normative value and meaningful orientations of students by means of the subject contents of the foreign language education that corresponds to the society needs, the tasks of personal and professional development; 6) the desire of the subjects of the educational process to transform and to create new values as meaningful regulators and guidelines for educational and professional activities.

4. The motive of self-realization and self-development: 1) manifestation of volitional efforts in educational activities, conscious active self-determination, mindful voluntary regulation of one's own purposeful activity through thinking and speech; 2) the sustained efforts and diligence to achieve the desired goals in educational and other activities; 3) revealing the motives of self-actualization (the need for self-development, self-expression, self-realization); 4) the actualization of the mechanisms of internal reward such as internal motivation for stimulating speech and thinking activity in the foreign language; 5) fostering and strengthening the desire for self-education, the psychological need for continuous lifelong self-improvement, personal and professional self-development.

At the motivational stage of the implementation of the conceptual and methodological system of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education the technologies of the symbolic-modeling type

of activity are used; they are based on the affective (empathic) qualities of the personality of students; they stimulate and strengthen cognitive, social, meaning-making motives for speech and thinking activities in simulated imitative (scenario) contexts of spoken and written foreign language communication in the classroom. The methods of the role-playing game, the method of scenarios, art technologies, the technology of cognitive travel refer to socially oriented technologies and techniques. Technologies are algorithms, projects of cooperative activities of the subjects of the pedagogical process; these are step-by-step formalized structures that are developed according to the certain requirements and the conditions of their application; they have specific targets and means, as well as the possibility of reproduction in similar conditions. Special techniques are units of technologies; these are specific operations of interaction of participants in the educational process in the implementation of technologies; techniques allow to experience the created speech situations by revealing and realizing the personal potential of students for the development of social norms and roles, standards of speech behavior.

The method of the role-playing game is based on the educational effect of cooperative actions of students; it is used to motivate (to induce initiative, conscious activity, purposeful actions to solve the assigned tasks) and to stimulate (through the external influence on the activity of students, the third-party support) the involvement of students in expressive educational activities. Various role-playing games in foreign language lessons as the student group cooperative activity under the guidance of a teacher are organized to solve educational problems using the game modeling of specific real problem situations that are socially and professionally determined. The use of the dramatization technique is expedient and efficient for the formation of meaning-making motivation of students in the process of learning a foreign language; this form of psychodrama requires active participation in order to mobilize the linguistic, social and cultural, special professional knowledge, social and communicative skills and abilities, personal experience to match the roles, to comprehend their actions, to choose the adequate and most correct strategies of behavior. The identification of the student with a specific role according to the game scenario contributes to the development of the communicative and emotional experience of interpersonal relations, the personal qualities that are important for future teachers (empathy, kindness, openness, authenticity, directness, etc.), the acquisition of new activity experience, i. e. the improvement and the increase of social and emotional intelligence. In comparison with a spontaneous discussion, games involve the necessity to follow the given algorithms of actions given to the participants, the norms and parameters of right and wrong decisions. The game as an operational, interactive type of activity; according to psychological criteria it is correlated with the method of analysis and solution of problem situations. Role play in the foreign language lesson provides an opportunity to assess the ability of students to analyze and to cope with typical tasks in the field of personal, social and professional relationships. In the process of foreign language speech interaction, different games (simulated domestic, social, business, etc.) allow to recreate and to experience situations of real communication of the representatives of different social and professional groups.

The use of the scenario method in the context of the motivational stage of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education is acceptable and appropriate according to the educational, didactic and methodological aspects, psychological principles of this method of organizing educational activities. The script method is similar to the role-playing method. The sequentially performed tasks of scenarios are united by single storylines that are developed by students

together with the help of a teacher who is a consultant and a tutor. The tasks involve a communicative intention as an incentive for the active revealing of the need and the desire to conduct a foreign language conversation. The tasks also have specific goals and strategies for conducting speech interaction according to the communicative situations that determine the speech-thinking activity and speech behavior of students in order to achieve the planned result of the communication. The students' behavior is not exclusively receptive and passive; it is not only the imitation of the offered circumstances but the cooperative active and constructive process of the specially organized and regulated role-playing of integral and complex situations. The scripting method is actively used in teaching the professionally oriented foreign language; this methodical and didactic method of action provides speech communication of students in the professional sphere for the development of appropriate language and speech skills, mastering new knowledge in the form of cognitive schemes (complex information blocks) that are united by one object, episode, the sequence of actions. Spoken and written foreign language communication in the educational conditions similar to the reality of professional interaction allows to play, to experience, to feel various typical communication situations associated with the future professional activities of students. The development of scenario schemes (choosing scenario topics, goals, roles, storylines, and a set of speech actions according to the scenario) requires a careful consideration and preparation, as well as taking into account various organizational factors. The choice of educational material is made according to its further application in practice-oriented tasks, the development and fixing in professional orientation communicative and interactive (quasi)activities.

Art technologies are used to increase the motivation and creative self-realization of students in the process of learning a foreign language aimed at fostering of personal intellectual culture in future teachers. Art technologies are associated with the use of basic techniques with various types of arts for educational purposes. In particular, for illustrating and visualizing the studied material, the techniques related to fine art are used, such as the method of magazine collage and the method of "group fresco" when students make pictures on a particular topic.

The content of foreign language education as a means of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students includes the educational materials about the sights, traditions, history, life and work of famous public figures, the representatives of culture and science of other countries. For this purpose in the classroom virtual excursions in the countries of the learning language are organized, as well quizzes and game lessons. The results of "educational trips" are collected and presented by the students in their electronic and paper portfolios where their drawings, photographs, impressions and stories about the places of virtual and real travel are placed. By means of game techniques and visualization, electronic educational resources (video materials, video texts, etc.), information and didactic materials, fiction and reference material, students are actively involved in "educational trips" and choose their own route of gaining knowledge. In the context of the implementation of the open education tasks (giving students the right to choose the forms of the educational process, the control of independent work, access to information resources, the development of educational mobility and cultural literacy of students), the use of the technology of "cognitive travel" in the process of learning a foreign language is relevant and expedient. The practice-oriented organization of the "cognitive travel" is associated with self-knowledge and self-improvement of students in the process of independent cognitive activity while studying

the social and cultural material about the foreign countries of the learning language. The use of the "educational travel" technology contributes to the development of students' skills of building a dialogue with the world around them, to integrate into the society, to gain value experience; it leads to personal transformations through active perception and comprehension of what the student sees, hears and studies. Like any journey, the "educational travel" expands the boundaries of the known; it forms and broadens the cognitive interest.

Simulation modeling and immersion in the situation of using the studied language, the use of art technology and technology of "cognitive travel" allow activating the emotional experiences of students and contributes to the meaningful consideration and comprehension of the studied problems. These types of group activity represent a set of spoken and written tasks aimed at communication, expanding the boundaries of consciousness, discovering new visions of problems, actualizing mental reserves, creativity and self-knowledge of students. The techniques, methods and technologies of foreign language education used at the motivational stage of the educational process fulfill the following functions: a) developing (harmonious emotional and personal development of students); b) communicative (unification and communication of game participants); c) formative (the formation of the ability to control attention, the development of memory, forms of modality of information perception and presentation in thinking and memory (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), skills and abilities of the foreign language verbal-thinking activity and speech interaction); d) educational (the development of personal qualities in game models of life circumstances); e) psychotechnical (strengthening the physiological state of the body for obtaining and studying a large amount of information and for more efficient and productive work); f) relaxation (relieving emotional stress in the learning process).

The level of formation of meaning-making motivation of undergraduate students demonstrates independence in the foreign language education through multipurpose personal states:

1) self-motivation - the demonstration of cognitive motives, emotional and volitional qualities at study; interest in the opinion of other people, attention to the experience of specialists; a strongly marked and active interest and a constant steady desire to enlarge knowledge, to expand the experience of applying the gained skills and abilities; passion and creative attitude to the subject of study; the desire to go beyond the given and learned material; willingness to participate in research work; activity and motivation for constant cultural, professional and personal development and self-improvement;

2) self-efficiency - self-belief, self-confidence, self-awareness as a successful personality; self-understanding, self-organization, mobility, self-criticism, self-respect, reflexivity; constant work on the improvement of self-esteem and self-acceptance;

3) self-regulation - independence in organizing and controlling one's own activities; initiative and activity in communication and other activities; conversation involvement, the readiness to ask questions, to give comments, to speak out without external motivation; the use of supporting aid, graphic methods of organizing information as auxiliary activity means; activation of various aspects of personal experience; independent vision of situations and various options for solving problems;

4) self-organization - self-regulated planning of activities; coordination of actions with the behavior of other people; consideration and application of various options for solving problems in order to choose the best one; activity in choosing methods of self-educational activity in accordance with personal motives and goals;

5) self-determination - the independent implementation of consistent, logical and reasonable choices of active behavior and rational action models; expressing your opinion and personal attitude; the convincing, reasoned and evidence-based defense of your position; the intension to influence other people and to convince them; initiative and activity in group interaction;

6) conscious goal-setting - consideration of your activities from a practical point of view; definition and formulation of goals; the ability to set priorities, to keep the goal in focus, to direct your actions to achieve what you want; accurate understanding and vision of the desired result; the independence in choosing the direction of self-development.

The functions of the teacher at the motivational stage of the implementation of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education: the teacher has an incentive effect on students; the teacher initiates and activates the interaction and verbal foreign language communication of the participants in the educational process; the teacher inspires students to be active in speech-thinking and creative activity; the teacher supports and provides assistance; the teacher motivates the students and creates the situations of success; the teacher supports the desire of students to study and to work actively and fruitfully; the teacher denotes and represents the positive prospects for achieving educational goals.

The preliminary result of the motivational stage of the organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education: a) activating the motivational potential of the educational environment of foreign language education at the university to ensure the positive dynamics and sustainable development of the intellectual, personal and creative abilities of the subjects of the educational process; b) the formation of the stable meaning-making motivation of students for their intellectual activity by means of the foreign language, intention for gaining knowledge, creative self-realization, identifying and developing their intellectual and personal potential [6].

Research discussion

In the presented model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education the motivational stage is associated with the actualization of the motivational potential of students and the development of the integral set of motives in the educational environment (the motives of communication, achievement, self-realization, self-development, social motives), the manifestation of the motivational qualities of the individual in the process of the formation of meaning-making motivation that ensures the personal significance of the process of learning a foreign language and the activation of speech-thinking activity.

The realization of the target, content and technological tasks and strategies of the motivational stage of the organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education (Table 2) such as actualization of meaning-making motives of speech-thinking and communicational activity that provide the improvement of quality and efficiency of foreign language education at the university is the condition for the formation of the foreign language professional communicative competence.

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Table 2

The motivational stage of the organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture in undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-

language education

The objectives

• actualization of the motivational potential of students;

• development of motivational qualities;

• stimulation, maintenance and strengthening of meaning-making motivation

The pedagogical tasks

The motive of communication:

• stimulation of productive interaction;

• creating the emotional background;

• social communication;

• verbal expression of thoughts;

• responsibility for speech behavior;

• developing altruistic motives

Achievement motive:

• setting challenging goals and overcoming difficulties;

• precise formulation of goals;

• stability of incentives for intellectual activity;

• control of your own behavior

Social motives:

• creation of the information and educational environment;

• socialization and cultural self-determination;

• self-identification; the formation of the self-image, the picture of the world and the future profession;

the value and meaning orientations

The motive of self-realization and self-development:

• volitional efforts, conscious and active self-determination;

• diligence and conscientiousness;

• self-actualization;

• internal award;

• self-education and self-improvement

The technological condition

symbolic and modeling types of activity : role-playing games, the method of scenarios, art technologies, technology of "cognitive travel"

Criteria and indicators

• self-motivation (cognitive motives, interest and attention, desire for knowledge, expansion of experience, passion and creative attitude);

• self-efficacy (self-believe, self-confidence, self-respect, self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-organization, mobility, self-criticism, reflexivity);

• self-regulation (independence, initiative, activity, personal experience, independent opinion);

• self-organization (planning, coordination of actions, independence in making choices and self-educational activity;

• self-determination (choosing models of rational actions and behavior, independent personal attitude, argumentation of one's position, initiative and activity in group interaction);

• conscious goal-setting (understanding your activities, defining and formulating goals, the ability to keep the goal in focus, the direction of your actions, independent choice of self-development)

The functions of the teacher

initiation and activation of interaction and verbal communication, assistance and help, creating the positive perspective of the educational process, control

The preliminary result

• activation of the motivational potential of the educational environment;

• formation of stable meaning-making motivation;

• sustainability of the need for knowledge, creative self-realization, the desire to identify and to develop the intellectual potential

The result of forming the meaning-making motivation of students, by means of foreign-language education as well, is the necessary condition for the implementation of cognitive, epistemological, hermeneutic, humanistic, regulatory, communicative, informational, social-normative and other functions of the intellectual culture on the individual level in the process of professional and creative self-realization of future teachers because it predetermines:

a) the manifestation of students' value attitudes as their life-meaning regulators and guidelines for educational, cognitive and future professional activities;

b) the rational personal sphere of the subjects in the learning and cognitive process that presupposes the ability to form and to formulate their own concepts, judgments and conclusions;

c) the irrational sphere (feelings, sensations, intuition, emotional and volitional manifestations of students), since the emotional component is important in the educational

process, as well as the process of learning a foreign language in higher educational establishments, for the development of thinking abilities of students, including critical and reflective thinking;

d) the identification and manifestation of creative characteristics, the creative potential and mental abilities of students to reveal their phenomenological abilities for divergent (creative) thinking;

e) the formation of personal psychological culture of students associated with such reflexive determinants of behavior as self-understanding, self-acceptance, self-esteem and self-regulation;

f) the involvement of students in the worldview, philosophical and ethical issues of life, the desire to understand the world and the awareness of the purpose and the responsibilities of every person for the process of the globalization of the world community.

These conclusions are relevant to the opinion of G. I. Yegorova about the intellectual personal culture as the integral multi-structural system that encompasses the culture of mental work, the culture of reflective thinking, cognitive culture, communicative culture, culture of creativity, philosophical culture, etc. [11]; it suggests the interconnectedness of the motivational-value, content-culturological, procedural-activity aspects of the process of intellectualization of education and the actualization of meaning-making stimuli at all the stages of fostering of personal intellectual culture in future specialists.

We share the opinion of E. V. Borzova about the importance of developing speech-thinking activity in the process of learning a foreign language [4]. In this study, the author focuses on the pedagogical conditions for stimulating, maintaining and strengthening meaning-making motivation through the appropriate technological tools of the foreign language education for the implementation of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the motivational aspects of the strategy of intellectualization of foreign language education at university.


The formation of meaning-making motivation is an important task; its solution ensures the effectiveness of the subsequent application of a set of techniques, the means and technologies of learning a foreign language at the intellectual-informational, personal-active, creative and reflective-evaluative stages of the implementation of the organizational component of the model of fostering of personal intellectual culture undergraduate pedagogical students by means of foreign-language education.

Meaning-making motivation is firmly associated with professional and creative self-educational activities, self-actualization of the personal potential and the manifestation of the cognitive independence of future teachers, the desire for professional self-improvement, the development of moral, mental and physical qualities, mastering and growth of pedagogical skills and the pedagogical culture, the qualitative transformation and improvement of the art of teaching, upbringing and self-development. Along with research and project activities, reading and studying literature and the other types of independent practical work, learning a foreign language is one of the main types of intellectual self-education. Self-educational activity presupposes the formation of motivational, intellectual, psychophysiological and emotional personal mechanisms; it helps to develop the readiness for lifelong education and self-education, the ability to perceive and master large amounts of information actively and effectively. The subject of self-educational activity implements implicitly the goal-

setting, planning, self-organization, self-regulation and self-management of the actions, the comparative analysis of the obtained results with the set goals, the transformation of self-development incentives, the development and improvement of personal and socially significant qualities and values.

Each person is obliged to be responsible for the lifelong self-development and self-improvement. The individual intellectual potential is actualized and revealed by the person himself in the process of searching, testing and improving various models of behavior; it is the result of a careful choice of the individual style, moral values and attitudes, the personal aesthetic claims and preferences.


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Информация об авторе Володина Ольга Васильевна

(Россия, г. Петрозаводск) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков естественно-технических направлений и специальностей Петрозаводский государственный университет E-mail: volodina@petrsu.ru

Information about the author Olga V. Volodina

(Russia, Petrozavodsk) Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of Natural and Technical Directions and Specialties Petrozavodsk State University E-mail: volodina@petrsu.ru

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