THE PROBLEM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH AT RETIREMENT AGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Dudko S.V., Kurilovich M.A.

The article is devoted to the problem of psychological health at retirement age. Retirement age is treated in the framework of Clayton Alderfer’s three-component ERG model of needs. At retirement age the level of the components of psychological health falls. It is suggested that pensioners should do some mental work to improve their inner world by means of self-cognition.

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Dudko S. V. nurse of general practice Barcelona, Spain

Kurilovich M.A., candidate of psychological sciences Russian State social University (Minsk Branch)


Summary. The article is devoted to the problem of psychological health at retirement age. Retirement age is treated in the framework of Clayton Alderfer's three-component ERG model of needs. At retirement age the level of the components of psychological health falls. It is suggested that pensioners should do some mental work to improve their inner world by means of self-cognition.

Key words: psychological health; vitality; communicative attitude; self-treatment; self-assessment of psychological state; positive mental activity; self cognition.

Older age as a social phenomenon is associated with retirement, with the change of a social status and social role of a person. A successful overcoming of the social criterion of the transition to the old age is the key to a long and valuable life of an elderly person. Empirically, meaning and happiness are almost independent components of success. A sensible life is characterized by the feeling of purpose and confidence in the meaningfulness of life. Happiness is impossible if there is no sense in life. Although meaningfulness cannot guarantee the high level of positive emotional wellbeing, the lack of meaningfulness and purpose in life is a sign of unhappiness. Wellbeing is directly connected to the meaningfulness of life and, as a result, with high vitality. Vitality provides the ability of a personality to stand a stressful situation preserving the interior balance without reducing a person's successful activity. The ability to see life as it is closely connected with the second important component of vitality - the ability to find meaning in current circumstances no matter how hard they are. Some people consider themselves victims and do not learn life lessons. At the same time people with high vitality find a constructive element in their sufferings, thus, feeling, their life and the lives of others with meaning. Doctors Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe studied the dependence of some illnesses and different stressogenic factors of life. They made a conclusion that some mental and physical illnesses are preceded by serious changes in a person's life that lead to physiological or emotional excitement.

N.N. Konopljov suggests treating psychological health basing on three-component ERG model of needs (attitudes) classification of Clayton Alderfer: 1. A person's (an organism's) biological - a subject's activity is caused by the need

of self-preservation, the indicator of which is health. 2. On psychological level it includes the elements of a person's biological and social. The activity is governed by the need to belong to community, in being accepted as a part of this community. To be accepted by other people reflects in self -treatment. 3. On social level it includes a person's activity and is determined by the need to work (self-realization). Constructive thinking of a personality can be diagnosed by studying the level of his positive and negative attitudes [7; p.52, 53].

Attitude is the readiness of a subject for a particular situation in accordance with their vision of the reality and their attitude to it. Attitude is the source of psychological energy which, with the help of a personality's immanent need, is drawn from the real world at the very first meeting with it, with the object of its satisfaction. As attitude not only transforms the energy of an exterior stimulus into the need in this or that particular object and, later, into an activity, but it also makes it possible, by means of consequent objectification, to transform this need into consciousness [4; p.42].

Psychological health is a state of harmony between physical and social components of a person's life, which is manifested in the ability and capability to plan and realize one's activity, to control one's behavior in a social environment, to adequately react to the appearance of complicated situations and changes of life circumstances. Psychological health at retirement age depends largely on the successfulness of the socialization periods a personality went through. A person's lifestyle wholly depends on their vision of themselves, of the world, of the attitude to the world, and because of that a huge resource for effective and long life of a personality lies in this vision and outlook [6, p.48].

A man gets old and dies for the lack of perspective of spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is a process of self-cognition on the basis of creative mental activity of a man. It is supposed that creation of an educational course on self-cognition at retirement age could facilitate the development of positive qualities of an elderly person. It is not for nothing that the state frees an elderly person from work. What for? It can be for them to be able to improve their inner world. The basic activity at this age should be self-improvement work (psychological growth). Maybe time has come to exchange in our collective mind the expression describing retirement age like "Getting old is no fun" into a more positive description of this period of man's life [5, p. 27].

Comparing health conditions of working and non-working pensioners before 65 years of age with the help of Hans Jürgen Eysenck's method "Self-assessment of psychological conditions", N.N Konopljov makes the following conclusion: "non-working pensioners are more likely to show unprovoked hostility towards other people and the surrounding world, which resulted from their unsatisfied need to be socially important, there can be observed a lower level of the ability to adjust to the changing conditions of their social environment. Non-working pensioners have difficulties connected with changing aims, ambitions and behavior in a new social situation of a personality development" [3,


Comparing self-assessment of working and non-working pensioners before 65 years of age with the help of "Personal Semantic Differential" method adapted in V.M. Bekhterev's institute the scholar confirms the hypothesis about non-working pensioners' self-assessment level decline and explains it as follows: "The method of personality differential diagnoses self-assessment on the level of a social individual, which is based on the need of a person to belong to a community, in his recognition by this community. An elderly person relates himself to the image of a pensioner which was formed by social norms and rules, customs, regulations absorbed by the individual. While diagnosing the components of psychological health to form the image of a pensioner questions were asked about what the pensioners do and what they say about pensioners. The analysis the questionnaires made it possible to describe a general image of a pensioner: "Old age is no fun; illnesses; sadness; loneliness; decline. What they do as pensioners: helping children, grandchildren; garden; village. It is clear that the influence of a society-formed pensioner's image affects a personality negatively. As a result a vital importance for a person to be accepted by other people is reflected in self-assessment, which is the planting the attitude of others inside" [2, p. 34].

Comparing vitality and communicative attitude data of working and non-working pensioners with the help of "Vitality test" (D.A. Leontjev, E.I. Rasskazova), "Communicative attitude diagnosis" (V.V. Boiko) the above mentioned author states that the level of positive attitudes is getting lower and the level of negatives ones is getting higher by non-working pensioners and gives qualitative analysis of the statistics: "This can be explained by the fact that to fulfill the social need some means of communication are required. The expression of dissatisfaction in something is an instrument or a link for establishing a communicative situation. Retirement brings along the aggravation of a personality's interior contradictions connected with the social deprivation" [1, p. 7, 8].

The results of factorial analysis of working and non-working pensioners younger than 65 years of age samples fulfilled by N.N. Konopljov indicate differences in the structures of interrelations between the studied variables of psychological health. While the first factor by working pensioners is the vitality factor, for non-working ones it is the factor of a negative communicative attitude. The qualitative conclusion - an active attitude to life, high communicative activity is more characteristic of working pensioners.

Non-working pensioners are more likely to make negative conclusions about most people around, to experience rigidity. Both, working and non-working pensioners are characterized by an active attitude to life. Together with it non-working pensioners find the problems of self-respect very important. The hypothesis about the difference in the structures of psychological health factors put forward in the research was confirmed [8].

The development of positive personality attitudes included into the notion of vitality can become the basis of a positive outlook of a person and the growth of their life quality; can turn obstacles and stress situations into the source of growth and development. It is suggested that pensioners develop their knowledge of a man to unfold their inner potential for creative activity directed to their inner world perfection. Wisdom is a psycho-social quality of a personality, thanks to which a person accepts the relativity of knowledge acquired during their life. Wisdom is gained only in the process of self-cognition. Only activity can make it possible create a positive image of a pensioner. If the state frees a pensioner from physical work, it should then be replaced by mental work. Mental work develops during the process of studies, and studying should be the major activity at retirement age.

Использованные источники:

1. Коноплёв Н.Н. Анализ жизнестойкости и коммуникативной установки у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Universum: Психология и образование: электрон. научн. журн. 2014. № 3 (4). URL: http://www.7universum.com/en/psy/archive/item/1088

2. Коноплёв Н.Н. Анализ самоотношения у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет [Текст] / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А.Курилович // Психологические науки: теория и практика: материалы II междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, март 2014 г.). — М.: Буки-Веди, 2014. — С. 33-35.

3. Коноплёв Н.Н. Анализ самооценки психических состояний у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет / Н.Н.Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Личность, семья и общество: вопросы педагогики и психологии.- Сб. ст. по материалам XXXVII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 2 (37).- Новосибирск: Изд. «СибАК», 2014. - С. 131-135.

4. Коноплёв Н.Н. Множественный линейный регрессионный анализ самооценки психических состояний, жизнестойкости, негативной коммуникативной установки и самоотношения у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет [Текст] / Н.Н. Коноплёв // Психологические науки: теория и практика: материалы III междунар. науч. конф. (г. Москва, июнь 2015 г.). — М.: Буки-Веди, 2015. —

С. 42-47.

5. Коноплёв Н.Н. Стратегии консультирования в аспекте жизнестойкости и психологического здоровья личности в пенсионном возрасте [Текст] / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Современная психология: материалы II междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, июль 2014 г.). — Пермь: Меркурий, 2014. - С. 26-28.

6. Коноплёв Н.Н. Характеристики психологического здоровья у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет (одна и та же выборка) [Текст] / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Современная психология: материалы III междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, октябрь 2014 г.). — Казань: Бук, 2014. — С. 48-52.

7. Коноплёв Н.Н. Характеристика компонентов психологического здоровья работающих и неработающих пенсионеров [Текст] / Н.Н.Коноплёв // Актуальные вопросы современной психологии: материалы III междунар. науч. конф. (г. Челябинск, февраль 2015 г.). — Челябинск: Два комсомольца, 2015. — С. 52-55.

8. Коноплёв Н.Н. Факторы психологического здоровья у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет [Текст] / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А.Курилович // Молодой ученый. — 2014. — №18. — С. 743-745.

Kohlmann S.E. magister of pedagogical sciences, English teacher Düren, Germany

Kurilovich M.A., candidate of psychological sciences Russian State Social University (Minsk Branch)

Minsk, Belarus


Summary. The article deals with the problem of tolerant consciousness development formation in spouses at different stages of a family life cycle. Such components as the ability to empathy, communicative tolerance, satisfaction in marriage, rigidity are viewed as the components of the tolerant behavior of spouses. The description of the components of tolerant behavior of spouses at different stages of their family development will make it possible to provide effective consultation service to married couples during different periods of their family lives.

Key words: tolerant consciousness; family life cycle; ability to empathy; communicative tolerance; marriage contentment; mental rigidity.

Marriage relations have always been of special interest for researchers, as the family presents one of the fundamental society institutions. The state of a family serves both as a consequence of and a reason for a number of developments taking place in a modern society. The family does not only experience a powerful influence of all factors of social dynamics, but it also determines and reproduces these factors.

To love and to be loved is the basic human demand, which is realized in family creation. The notion of a family is inseparably connected with procreation and traditions. The traditions are formed according to the social status of a family. Its social status is determined by the function of its members in the structure of the society. A family member personal qualities development depends on vertical and horizontal relations between its structural elements. A family like any other living organism has its normal dynamics; its stability is based on the psychological understanding of the behavior logic of the family members involved. Emotional

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