PROBLEM OF PERSONALITY IN RETIREMENT AGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Nechayeva V.V., Kurilovich M.A.

The article is devoted to the problem of the person's development in the retirement age. The process of the person's socialization in a positive way ends with the retirement. The primary activity in the retirement age must be an activity for self-knowledge and the improvement of his inner world, by including of the person in the educational process. There is a need of creating of the educational humanitarian programs for persons of retirement age with the aim to continue the personality socialization process by the positive mental activities method.

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with the different social status of the children in the family structure [Text] / L.S. Konopleva, M.A. Kurilovich // Modern psychology: Materials of III International. scientific. Conf. (Kazan, October 2014). - Kazan: Beech, 2014. - p. 52-60. 11.Barcai A. Normative family development / A. Barcai // Journal of the marriage and the family therapy 1981. - Vol.7. - № 3. - p. 353-358.

Nechayeva V. V. social manager Belarus, Novopolotsk;

Kurilovich M.A., Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Associate Professor Russian State Social University (In Minsk Branch) Belarus, Minsk


Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of the person's development in the retirement age. The process of the person's socialization in a positive way ends with the retirement. The primary activity in the retirement age must be an activity for self-knowledge and the improvement of his inner world, by including of the person in the educational process. There is a need of creating of the educational humanitarian programs for persons of retirement age with the aim to continue the personality socialization process by the positive mental activities method.

Keywords: personality; socialization; social stereotype; retirement age; social deprivation; psychological health.

The Chinese hieroglyph denoting the crisis is translated in two ways, as a danger and as an opportunity.

The social psychology, using the definition of the person, which gives the general psychology, finds out in which specific groups of individuals, on the one hand, learns the social influences, and on the other - in which specific groups it realizes its social essence of the activities.

Today, there are the following socio-psychological studies of the personality: the selfhood in all its variety of manifestations; socio-cognitive activity aimed at self-realization and comprehension of the world, the formation and demonstration of the social experience; social explanation as a finding of the causal origins of what is happening and its' understanding, social thinking, aimed at deepening of the representations of themselves in the world and the world of himself, the exit beyond of the immediate experience and the formulation of guidelines of the future developments; prosocial behavior; social prejudices; social

ecology and others.

In the near future, the development of research in the social psychology is connected with the addition with the addition of the traditional triad personalitysituation with the third element - it is the activism (activity, behavior). Any shift towards the side of some particular basic category leads to one-sidedness in understanding of the human social life.

It is quite obvious the influence of the activity on the situational context and on the very identity. Similarly, the situational context influences on the identity and on its nature of the activity. Finally, in the similar way the impact of the personality is also very essential on the situational context and on the realizing activity.

So many years a negative attitude had been secretly formed to old age in our country. Therefore, a public stereotype of the passive elderly person had appeared. According to that, the elderly person is always in the need of the constant care, which is the additional unnecessary burden for the healthy people, and which contributes to the appearance of the old peoples' guilt.

Retirement is a complex, multi-faceted social event and a social process. It consists of the preparation stage of the work leaving, of the termination phase of the direct decision about the termination of the employment and adaptation to the new stage of the social roles and the lifestyles.

The social and psychological consequences of the cessation of the work are the following: retirement is seen as a departure from the public life; characteristically a sense of hopelessness; a fall of the authority and prestige in the family; deteriorating of the health and of a financial situation.

The social stereotype and the prejudice involve the assessment of the particular object (the elderly) and their emotional color (the relationship to them), other words, the cognitive and affective elements in the amount with the behavioral one give the special attitude (the setting to "older").

The negative stereotypes of "older" and the attitudes towards them say that the society has not been able to find the adequate forms of interaction with them.

The term "discrimination" is also close in content to the concept of the term "prejudice". This unnecessarily negative behavior in relation to the group or its members often have a negative attitude of the bias in its basis that is of the prejudice. People acquire prejudices in the process of socialization. The adults transmit the children attitudes and stereotypes, reflecting a system of the social relations and the status of the group to which they belong. Initially young children do not have prejudices but assimilate them through their social learning.

In many cultures the old age is venerated, especially those in which big families are stored. The old people are revered there as the wise teachers and leaders. In many other countries, which are dominated by the small families this tradition has become uncharacteristic and the old age starts to cause the irritation. In these countries the youth is more valued than the older people who cause more negative stereotypes. They are also regarded as the cumbersome and infirm

members of the society. They are deprived of many social rights and their special needs are ignored. Social psychologists have only recently drew their attention to this problem by the launching a systematic study the phenomenon of the ageism.

The phenomenon of the self-satisfying prophecy is received a wide fame in social psychology that appears in the formation of reality, that appropriates to the formed and stable ideas about themselves. If these ideas are coordinated with the negative social stereotypes so the result will be a negative self-attitude leading to which leads to the determination of the external evidence of its validity [8].

The social deprivation is a spiritual crisis that means a man's death without the prospects for spiritual growth. In our case, the social environment of urban space is not formed for the development of the pensioner's individuality. A person's development and the formation of the definite personal qualities are possible only in some activity, in labor and in a certain society. This is a positive mental activity for a pensioner so as a state has released him from any physical work.

In order to understand the dynamics of the social and psychological situations due to retirement, it should refer to the theoretical views of humanistic psychology of the innate quest for self-realization of the personality. Self-realization is a tendency to actualize (to develop) the thing the person is peculiar in the aspect of activities in the social environment. The demanded person in society can be named as the attained one self-realization. K. Alderfer empirically could only identify three needs: a self-realization; the social needs; a basic primary need. Campbell D.T. and Luts von Rosenstiel are also confirmed later the classification of the author's needs. The scientist also proposed four principles of the increase/decrease motives: 1. The unmet need dominates (the classical hypothesis of frustration). 2. If the demand is not satisfied, then the lower-demand one begins to dominate (the regression hypothesis) that differs from the position of A. Maslow. 3. If the need is satisfied, it activates a higher demand (the hypothesis of progression). 4. Defeat (failure) can boost the higher needs. Based on the hypothesis of regression, it is logical to assume and to explain the decline in the viability of the pensioners who have not reached the needs for self-actualization. Inability to meet the social-term needs of the full retirement is leading to the regression of requirement to the level of satisfaction of the primary needs. Those pensioners who were able to retire to achieve self-realization remain vital and popular in society [1].

Psychological health is a broader concept and it includes a biopsychosocial model of understanding of the man's functioning. According to a systematic approach and the principle of hierarchy (the lower obeys higher) in first place in the above model is the human social dimension, including the concept of the identity and her function in society (work). The counseling strategy founded on the biopsychosocial model is based on the development of the positive personality traits which evolve as a result of the positive activity. Positive mental activity of a man, of course, begins with the active involvement of the individual in the

educational process that leads to a change of the activity (occupation), social status of a person. The rejection of the way of knowledge is a departure from the positive person's traits development. A person engaged in the positive mental activities can serve as a way of the psychologically healthy person [2].

In the first place of the mental health is a social human co-constitute -personality. Work is needed to man in order to change and to develop positively his mind. With the retirement and the termination of employment the components of psychological health, such as the viability (decreasing), the negative communicative setting increases [3]. The pensioner's relation to himself in not working is reduced [4]. The self-concept of the mental states is deteriorating [5].

During to the study of the mental health components to identify the pensioner image were formed by the questions about what people are doing in the retirement and what they say about the pensioners. After analyzing of the personal data it can be described the formed image of the pensioner: old age - no joy; disease; sadness; loneliness, wilting. What people do in the retirement: help children, grandchildren; country house; garden; village. Pensioners in the "3D": eats, wears, live. It is clear that the image formed by the society negatively influence on the pensioners and their identity. As a result, the vital importance for the subject to be accepted by others is reflected in the self-attitude, that is the transfer into the attitudes of others. In the retirement age it is actually becomes the direction of the energy of consciousness on self-consciousness. Self-knowledge is possible only with the participation in the learning process where a picture of yourself (personal qualities), about the world and the attitude with the world. According to the concept of resilience there is more full adequate self-image will allow a new perspective to see the world and to build a positive attitude with that world [6].

In every man there is a need for self-improvement, which can be met only through creative positive activity. Anyway, there is any activity in order to develop a self-identity and not for the production of wealth. In the forefront, especially there is the development of the personal qualities of the person so it is necessary to design labor according to the human factor, it is the culture of production. Personality in the labor process must not suffer the humiliation, fear, and so on. D. The purpose of the state should not be to rob and to distribute and co-building the conditions for self-realization of creative potential of the person. It is impossible to manage the economy, this is an illusion, you can control only the economic interests of the people. In any profession it is needed the priority of the human factor. Professional loves his work, the sailor should love the sea, the doctor - the people, the teacher - the children, etc. Any well functioning structures of different directions take into account the human factor. The retirement age for a person opens an opportunity for self-improvement, self-knowledge, improve their internal world, self-consciousness. So ultimately the goal of life may not be the objects of the material world. Self-concept is related to the fact that a person becomes a professional, his work, creativity demanded in society, and the material

award is the result of (a side effect) of the creative work. The pensioners are invited to develop the knowledge of a man to unleash your inner potential for the creative activities aimed at improving their inner world. Wisdom is a psychosocial quality of the person, by which one recognizes the relativity of knowledge acquired throughout the life. Wisdom is acquired only in the process of self-knowledge [7].

The prejudices act as the rigid setups of bias. Accordingly, the development of critical thinking and reflective human culture can lead to the decrease of his prejudice. The reflexion develops through the ability to decentration, departing beyond their own position. This dialogical attitude toward himself as a person, as a subject. The dialogue presupposes the existence of at least two semantic positions. The interaction of several positions is a condition of overcoming prejudice, subjectivity because it allows you to extend the experience to acquire new knowledge. Consideration of the situation from different perspectives leads to a more complete and appropriate its understanding, creating the preconditions for successful overcoming prejudices. By getting rid of prejudices helps education, the development of identity and intensive self-knowledge, the formation of self-esteem which does not allow disparage others. You can talk about the two directions concerning the overcoming of the stereotypes. One of them focuses on the possibilities of the change of the social bias installations that prevailing in the society. It is developing the appropriate programs for implementation through the education system and the media. The second approach is to focus on social and psychological specialists work with people who became the object of prejudice, and their immediate surroundings. Obviously, the work should do in this and in the other direction.

Использованные источники:

1. Коноплёв Н.Н. Психологическое здоровье в пенсионном возрасте / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Личность, семья и общество: вопросы педагогики и психологии.- Сб. ст. по материалам XXXVI междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 1 (36).- Новосибирск: Изд. «СибАК», 2014.- С. 212-218.

2. Коноплёв Н.Н. Стратегии консультирования в аспекте жизнестойкости и психологического здоровья личности в пенсионном возрасте [Текст] / Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Современная психология: материалы II междунар. науч. конф. (г. Пермь, июль 2014 г.). — Пермь: Меркурий, 2014. - С. 26-28.

3. Коноплёв Н.Н. Анализ жизнестойкости и коммуникативной установки у работающих и неработающих пенсионеров до 65 лет /

Н.Н. Коноплёв, М.А. Курилович // Universum: Психология и образование: электрон. научн. журн. 2014. № 3 (4). URL: http://www.7universum. com/en/psy/archive/item/1088

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С. 131-135.

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Азитова З.Ш. crn преподаватель Академия управления "ТИСБИ" факультет среднего профессионального образования

Карелина М.В. студент группы ГС 152/1 направление «Гостиничный сервис» факультет среднего профессионального образования


Аннотация: в статье рассматривается важнейший аспект бизнес-общения - невербальные элементы коммуникации. Делается вывод, что для успешного и конструктивного бизнес - общения во время переговоров, важно следить за реакцией партнера и за своими жестами.

Abstract: The article considers the most important aspect of business communication - non-verbal elements of communication. The conclusion is that a successful and constructive business dialogue during the negotiations, it is important to monitor the reaction of the partner and their gestures.

Ключевые слова: бизнес - общение, бизнес-партнер, жесты, мимика, информация.

Keywords: business - communication, business-partner, gestures, facial expressions, information.

Проблема делового - общения стала объектом обсуждения в учебной и популярной литературе, так как современные люди большую часть своего времени проводят на работе. Изучение основных психологических особенностей бизнес-общения дает возможность понять направление для самореализации в общественной жизни, «с подъемом интереса к культуре своей страны, родного края повысился уровень культуры в социальных и политических сферах. Все это, безусловно, повлияло на признание

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