THE PROBLEM OF OVERCOMING COMMUNICATIVE BARRIERS IN TRADE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Savelyev A.V., Pizov Sergey Viktorovich, Dmitrienko N.A.

The article deals with the problem of people's interaction (of sellers with consumers) and the ways of overcoming communication barriers. The concept of «communication barriers» is considered in adaptive conditions of trade communication. The main communication barriers influencing the effectiveness of sales are pointed out. The article describes the main methods and communicative technologies for increasing sales profitability.

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УДК 339.138

Savelyev A. V.

Pizov Sergey Viktorovich Institute of service and business (branch) DSTU, in. Shakhty

Dmitrienko N.A.

Associate Professor

Institute of service and business (branch) DSTU, in. Shakhty THE PROBLEM OF OVERCOMING COMMUNICATIVE BARRIERS IN


Abstract. The article deals with the problem of people's interaction (of sellers with consumers) and the ways of overcoming communication barriers. The concept of «communication barriers» is considered in adaptive conditions of trade communication. The main communication barriers influencing the effectiveness of sales are pointed out. The article describes the main methods and communicative technologies for increasing sales profitability.

Keywords: Communication barriers, factors, article, increase sales.


The relevance of this research is explained by modern requirements, perspective and need to attract a great number of consumers to the shopping centers aimed at increasing sales profitability. The problem of the study is based on the social contradictions between the consumers' interests, motives and sellers' needs and the requirements; inability to overcome communicative conflicts and desire to get profits. The tasks of the work are to define the key terms, to determine the main communicative barriers in the trade sphere, to compare the views of different authors to ways of overcoming barriers. The varieties of definitions of communicative barriers and the ways of overcoming them can be explained by different scientific approaches and scientific tasks. The article is aimed at analyzing main communicative barriers as the ways of increasing profitability.

Analysis of theoretical aspects related to communication barriers in


The life in modern conditions is characterized by a variety of complexities and barriers based on a numerous interaction of people with each other. The main thing is to understand communicative partner is not a fundamentally new in spite of differences explained by the level of knowledge, mental abilities, professional and life experience. Therefore, it is not always easy to find a compromise with the consumer or come to a conclusion due to various communication barriers for managers of hypermarket.

Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to find out how the authors consider the concept of "communicative barriers". In the scientific literature, there are various definitions of the concept describing "Communication barriers". So, the author Yu. Chmutova points out that "the development of a new typology of communicative barriers in modern pedagogy" thus using a definition that was

originally introduced by the author Zalyubovskaya E. V, who believes that the communicative barrier - is one of the few phenomena presented in the structure of psychological and pedagogical problems. They are quite diverse, based on multifaceted, sometimes contradictory information about the essence, reasons, causes and factors. Such barriers should be understood as an absolute or relative obstacles on the way to effective communication results , subjectively experienced or actually prove in a communication situation [1, p. 160 (2)]. According to Igebaeva F. A. communication barriers are psychological difficulties that arise in the process of direct communication. It usually serves as a cause of conflict, leading to misunderstanding or false interaction [2, p. 89].

Sokolov A.V. believes that communication barriers are obstacles to the meaning from the communicant to the recipient [3, p. 68]. In the article of the author V. A. Tishchenko states communication barriers in electronic communication, A. M. Zimichev states that «communication barriers", are based on personal and social factors to cause or contribute to conflicts [4, p. 2].

The difference in the concept "Communication barriers" by Radugin A. A. and Radugin O. A. is likely to state the problems in communicative situations caused by the participants of the communication process, but the differences of a deeper plan existing between the partners [5, p.313].

Based on the above pointed comparison of the concept, it should be stated that the authors of various papers and articles have a common ground in the definition of "communication barriers", but they differ in analyses of communicative effectiveness.

It is worth saying that the "communicative effectiveness " by Pavlova L. G., Kashaeva E. Yu. . Communicative effectiveness is stated as" such interaction of the participants of the communication process, where the information is transmitted by the sender who is adequately perceived, understood and evaluated by the recipient to achieve the communicative goal, solve the tasks and get a concrete result (for example, reaching agreements on any issues, making a joint decision, signing documents, and in our case, the effective implementation of sales, attracting consumers) [6, p.9]. So communicative effectiveness is supposed to be very important.

Factors affecting the communication barriers

There are a lot of factors that cause communication barriers, and different scientists, authors of the works have their own views on this matter. It is necessary to list several causes (factors) of conflicts and determine the most basic ones.

Paying attention to the article by Y. S. Chataway " the development of a new typology of communicative barriers in modern pedagogy" can be noted if based on the concepts of M. Forburga. Understanding communication barriers as factors hindering communication, the scientists classify them as follows:

— barrier appeared from different understanding the situation;

— misunderstanding due to the lack of necessary context;

— the barrier in communication due to the lack of nonverbal means of communication-intonation;

— barriers caused by the recipient due to the content of communication;

— barriers that appeared due to the mechanism of communicative projection

— barriers caused by the content and form of communication: abstract, syntactically complex speech, its style, non-emotionality, verbosity ("redundancy of communication"), etc.;

— interference, caused by the difference in socio-cultural attitudes or positions;

— the barriers between people belonging to different ethnic, socio-demographic, sex, age group due to the conceptual barriers of communication [7, p. 161 (3)].

As it turned out, one of the main factors of successful sale of goods and products is self - confidence in the seller and products, mood and positive views of selling process. After all, the interaction among people can demonstrate that any adequate person who is going to a meeting, can predict communicative steps to reach personal aims. Each buyer pays attention to self-confident and politeness in sellers who have positive associations, for example, when the seller knows the business well and has a desire to serve a customer. So, effective communication is based on trust, sympathy and confidence.

As a result, it is very important that sellers, and managers, work out their personal styles , their attitudes towards themselves, self-esteem, speech and culture of behavior. And for the implementation of all of the above pointed measures, there are many ways, such as: training courses, self-study as a way of obtaining knowledge from the top management from more experienced and professional specialists.

Main types of barriers and examples of their manifestation

Basically, the "communication barriers" include five types of barriers, which are presented below in the diagram.

Figure 1-Classification of types of communicative barriers

In addition, Chmutova Y. S. points out that "development of a new typology of communicative barriers in modern education" identifies the following types of factors communication barriers.

They can be transformed and adapted to the trade industry. After analyzing the information it can be found in the Internet web, tutorials, articles identified the following main reasons for the emergence of communication barriers in the trading sector. These reasons are the following:

— poor or lack information from the buyer to the seller;

— inability to help the buyer, to show where the goods are, to tell about special characteristics;

— inattentive attitude of the employee of the enterprise to what his administration speaks, during internship;

— insufficient vocabulary, ignorance of professional terms (active sales, dumping, etc.));

— personal qualities of the seller (perseverance, stubbornness, aggression, rudeness);

— use of obscene language, complex and unrelated sentences, abbreviations, jargon;

— speed in consumers' service, or registration of sale.

It is important to pay attention to the examples given by the author of the article "Conflict situations in the sphere of trade", where A. Panova mentioned all situations of effective communication strategies.[8, р. 243 (2)].

Effective speech tactics, methods and strategies to eliminate communication barriers can be mentioned if based on the analyzed information, the main technologies can be a tool to improve the efficiency of sales.

Sellers must organize their proposals without using imperative words like you have! you need it! you should!. They are known to affect the consumers as the need to express defensive mechanisms.

In all sources, the authors advise using phrases that allow the consumer to feel a certain freedom of choice, their importance, personal values. These phrases include the following: Can I help you?, You can it is up to you... etc.

The use of such speech patterns encourage consumers to effective understanding and to buy something,

Another technology is positive answer.

The presence of various discounts, coupons, promotions, burning prices for goods, draws always play a great role. Sellers must offer discounts, talk in details about the systems of discounts, discount cards.

It is also necessary to note one of the main methods of active sales, i.e. to "take accents." It is used if the seller needs to draw the consumer's attention to the most important details of the product, to mention the benefits in the event of acquisition. For example:

The seller says:

— Take a look, we have a wonderful laptop, it has a beautiful and unique backlit keyboard with 7 colors.

When working with customers it is also very effective "perspective principle", which is known as follows: the buyer responds more to the possibility of something to save, than the prospect of winning. For example, from two options:

Table 1 - Pros and cons "of the perspective principles". "minus" "plus"

By purchasing the pair of sneakers for 5,500 rubles, you get a gift as a set of insoles.

These sneakers cost 5,500 rubles and, as you know, a product of this quality will serve you for a long time,.

The second option is a stimulating impulse to buy, because it proves the buyers' wishes of saving energy, time and money.

Based on the fact that it is important for many consumers to know the benefits of a particular product and its features, it will be important to place "conventional notes" for sellers, which will list the parameters and benefits of each product. Sellers can only learn to memorize the text and apply it to communicate with the buyer.

The notes can be placed in a prominent place, for example in the salesmen's lounge. The information should be updated before the arrival of a new product.

It is possible to carry out not less than 1 time in 6 months training in rhetoric and acting skills for sales personnel of the shops. All the skills and knowledge gained in the course of such training is more useful than the classic training program.

Sometimes the top management in the sales area of the store for a few hours

watching a sales beginners to record all of the most dangerous (from the point of view of the emergence of objections) phrase in the future, for example, at morning meetings, to analyze these situations. Having made the list of the most effective "selling" phrases, it is necessary to distribute this information to all who communicate with buyers.

Also, it will be correct if the seller can perform the following actions in order to increase sales:

— Creative communication;

— Often agree with users;

— Use simple and distinctive language;

— Know about peculiarities of similar products and products -competitors, In general, there are a huge number of communication barriers, they can be

eliminated by the above methods, which should be practiced and improved. It is very important for sellers, and managers to work out their personal styles, their attitudes towards themselves, self-esteem, speech and culture of behavior.

There are only few ways of reaching effective communication and overcoming communicative conflicts in trade.


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