Научная статья на тему 'The problem of correlation between information rights and information freedom of man in the contemporary world'

The problem of correlation between information rights and information freedom of man in the contemporary world Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Danilyan Oleg Gennadiyvych, Dzoban Olexander Petrovych

The article substantiates that the guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the information sphere are among the most important principles of the formation of a lawgoverned state and civil society. It is shown that law is a tool which with the help of special legal methods makes it possible to realize the information freedom of a person. Being the product and the result of the natural development of the whole society, law has to take into account interests of both the whole society and the individual. Law gives a person a number of opportunities which can be used to exercise information freedom intrinsic to man

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В статье обосновывается, что гарантии прав и свобод человека касательно информационной сферы относятся к числу важнейших принципов формирования правового государства и гражданского общества. Показано, что право является средством, позволяющим с помощью специальных правовых методов реализовать информационную свободу человека. Будучи порождением и результатом естественного развития всего общества, право должно учитывать интересы как всего общества, так и индивида. Право дает человеку ряд возможностей, воспользовавшись которыми он сможет реализовать присущую ему информационную свободу.

Текст научной работы на тему «The problem of correlation between information rights and information freedom of man in the contemporary world»


UDC 1:316.4

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21564/2075-7190.36.123053

Danilyan Oleg Gennadiyvych, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Philosophy Department, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,

Kharkiv, Ukraine e-mail: odana@i.ua ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-5308-4664 Dzoban Olexander Petrovych, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Professor Philosophy Department, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law

University, Kharkiv, Ukraine e-mail: a_dzeban@ukr.net ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-2075-7508


The article substantiates that the guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the information sphere are among the most important principles of the formation of a law-governed state and civil society. It is shown that law is a tool which with the help of special legal methods makes it possible to realize the information freedom of a person. Being the product and the result of the natural development of the whole society, law has to take into account interests of both the whole society and the individual. Law gives a person a number of opportunities which can be used to exercise information freedom intrinsic to man.

Keywords: freedom; law; information; information society; information rights; information freedom.

Problem setting. The guarantees of human rights and freedoms in the information sphere are among the most important principles of the formation of


© Danilyan O. G., Dzoban O. P., 2018

a law-governed state and civil society. These rights are also included in the effective mechanism of public administration in a democratic society. This determines ensuring the protection of human rights and freedoms in the information sphere as one of the most important goals of information security, and an individual as its main object. The man is a free being, who a priori possesses freedom of activity and behaviour, has freedom of choice, even related to his/her own life, because he/ she can choose between life and death. However, man as a living being cannot exist outside society, but each individual has his/her own amount of freedom, so it becomes necessary to find a common for everybody measurement of civil freedom, within which personal freedom would be exercised. Effective ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens can be achieved only when the structure, forms of activity, the style of work and an attitude towards an individual are optimal in terms of perception and quick response to any negative aspects that restrain in this or that case the practical realization of rights and freedoms, as well as legitimate interests of members of society.

The analysis of basic research and publications shows that the rights and freedoms of man and citizen were the main slogan and the greatest achievement of any known revolutions and wars. It was found long ago that there is a close interconnection between information, freedom, justice and law, not accidentally in the VIII century BC there were rules governing human information activity. Due to the development of society caused by technological progress, there was an intensive development of the sphere of human information activities. Technology-related development led to the formation of a new type of society - information society, entailing distinguishing a special type of human freedom - information freedom, and a special class of rights - information rights.

Despite the available research works in this field, the philosophical analysis of the problem of the correlation between information rights and information freedom of man in the modern world is not given due attention. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to consider some philosophical aspects of the dyad «information rights - information freedom» in the context of its conceptualization.

The main research material. Each state should provide for a person who is on its territory the opportunity to exercise information freedom. At the same time, the state has to limit itself by law as well as by natural and information rights of man [1, p. 297].

Information rights play a special role in information freedom. By establishing the interdependence of proper and possible behaviour, the unity and equality of mutual rights and obligations, law, delineating the boundaries of freedom, appears as a positive aspect of freedom, which eliminates arbitrariness, tyranny and oppression of an individual.

Especially it should be noted that positive law as a system of rules is designed to regulate people's behaviour in various ways. The initial stage of adjusting people's behaviour using law is informing people about the components of law and about the content of rules. Knowing the content of rules, a person will act in accordance with them (an ideal case). Moreover, this feature is organically intertwined in the very essence of law, law itself is informative, it cannot exist without information relations between people. Only being a part of the information that people exchange, law is able to achieve expected results.

Law is a tool which, with the help of special legal methods, makes it possible to realize the information freedom of a person. Being the product and the result of the natural development of the whole society, law has to take into account the interests of both the whole society and the individual. Law gives a person a number of opportunities which can be used to exercise information freedom intrinsic to man.

The body of rules, which is enshrined in law and realizes the information freedom of a person, is called information rights. Let us pay attention to the fact that the interpretation of information rights of man is often given low priority. The concept of information, in turn, is also interpreted only partially. Some researchers in fact generally narrow the right to information down to freedom of information [2-3]. Information rights are primarily designed to realize the individual information freedom, including also dissemination of information.

Various researchers make attempts to divide the right to information into two components: the right of access to information and the right to information activities [4-6]. However, in our opinion, this approach is not quite correct, since information rights all together are called upon to realize the information freedom of a person, thus, their division and moreover contrasting will make this task difficult to implement. This division will not facilitate studying information rights since they are interrelated and it is impossible to study them separately.

Information rights today require such an interpretation, in which, first of all, their main component - information freedom - will be taken into account. If to consider it, information rights of a person are a set of rules protected by public authority, which establish the principle of equal rights for people, establish the priority of human freedom and protect human freedom in the field of receiving, producing and transmitting information. It includes both the body of information rights and the influence of human freedom, the fundamental role of information freedom in the implementation of information rights.

Information rights consist of different sets of rules, differing in their legal force, in the territory where they are valid, in their normative force and so on. According to the Constitution of Ukraine (Article 34), information rights consist of the following rights: freely collect, store, use and disseminate information verbally, in

writing or in any other way - at a person's discretion [7]. This composition of information rights differs from the body of information rights adopted at the international level. At the same time, the difference between the bodies of information rights of Ukraine and Europe is quite understandable. Information rights should guarantee the realization of the entire cycle of information freedom of a person. In Europe, legislation is aimed mainly to legitimise the bodies of two information rights: the receipt and dissemination of information. This is due to the fact that the receipt of information means the search for it and its distribution means processing, including the production of new information based on the previously obtained one. But the totalitarian past of Ukraine does not allow us to limit ourselves to a minimum set of information rights in the Constitution, prioritising morality and customs of the society as well as legal awareness.

Information rights cannot be united in any particular group, as they are used by a person in all spheres of life, at different stages, which emphasizes the importance of information rights, their significant place in the life of each person.

In addition to the rights that directly realize information freedom, there are «related rights», which mean a group of rights that promote the realisation of a number of rights and freedoms, as well as information freedom of a person, information rights. This is the right to petition, to appeal to government bodies, to freedom of the media, the right to receive information about the environmental situation, etc. Information rights do not duplicate them and are correlated as a whole and a part. It means that information rights regulate information processes in the spheres, which are not regulated by other information laws. Information rights organically enter the structure of other rights and freedoms, order information processes. But when using all the rights related to the issues of provision of information, it is first of all necessary to focus on the principles of information freedom of a person which occupies a prominent place and establishes the principles of using rights related to information processes.

Since information freedom determines a combination of certain possibilities of information rights, it is information freedom that should be spoken about in modern society, it is necessary to study and interpret information rights from the standpoint of information freedom [8-9].

In all modern definitions of information law, the emphasis is on the information itself, it is the main subject which relations are subject to regulation. Information is considered almost independently, without reference to any subject. At the same time, the issues of information freedom of a person are closely connected with information, the information freedom of a person solves dilemmas in which information is present. This makes the body of rules relating to the information freedom similar to the body of rules which is a part of information law. But the former cannot exist by itself, without a person, without the complex interrelated

structure of his/her rights and freedoms. Information freedom of a person should be considered in the context of other rights and freedoms, usually taking into account the rules dealing with information.

In information law, information plays a crucial role, regardless of who is its carrier, producer and so on. The study of information freedom shows that freedom but not information has the key functions, although information is a component of information freedom. It is important to correlate information freedom and other rights and freedoms, to construct their hierarchy, interrelation and interdependency. Thus, information freedom of a person, a body of rules that regulates it, is not included into the subject of information law and should be studied separately.

When exercising information freedom, a person receives information about various objects of the material and ideal world, and also exchanges information with various objects, creates new information. The acquisition of information about objects and its transmission occurs through the interaction with information carriers that can both have information about a single object and accumulate information about a variety of objects, transform it.

The concept of «information carrier» is somewhat similar to the notion of «subject of duties» in the information sphere. The latter has information that is interesting for a person, and is obliged to help a person in the realization of information freedom. An important feature of an information carrier is that it is obliged not only to transmit information to a person, but also to perform other functions that contribute to the information freedom of a person: to receive information from a person, to facilitate its transmission, production, etc. [1, p. 300].

Thus, the realization of information freedom in modern society is one of the most important tasks. At the same time, Ukraine has some difficulties with this realization due to the fact that existing legal framework is not properly developed, there is a lack of economic, political, ideological and social guarantees for the realisation of information freedom. Unfortunately, our state is unable today, due to immanent factors and asymmetric information influences on the part of the aggressor state, to develop in the direction of information openness, therefore the role of the functional impact, the expansion of the role of civil society in the processes under consideration in the current conditions, is growing rapidly.

At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the information freedom of a person is not absolute. The right of each state and the system of values adopted in society presuppose their own ways of limiting the information freedom of a person.

Restriction of information freedom is provided for at the international level, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in which Article 29 states [11]:

1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Thus, the information freedom of a person exists up to a certain limit, after crossing which a person by his/her actions begins to violate rights and freedoms of other people. The most difficult issue that society faces is establishing the limits within which a person can enjoy freedom. The problem, according to A. Krotov's just remark, is as follows [12, p. 57]:

- in different historical periods of society development people established different levels of permissible freedom which influenced the further development of society;

- it is impossible to establish a constant level of realization of permissible freedom, as it changes as society itself changes;

- the level of freedom is not established by one or several regulations, it is a complex phenomenon that is regulated by various social phenomena.

It is impossible to establish the potential level of freedom even nowadays. The permissible degree of freedom is influenced by international and national law, the mentality of the population, the level of culture, upbringing, education, events in the social and cultural environment, etc.

Restrictions on information freedom are established, in particular, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 19): «Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice. The exercise of the rights carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary: (a) for respect of the rights or reputations of others; (b) for the protection of national security or of public order, or of public health or morals» [13].

The European Convention on Human Rights, in turn, has provided the restriction of freedom of information rights (Article 10): «The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the

disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary» [14].

Information freedom restricts activities aimed at maintaining order, in some cases, keeping state secrets and information about the environmental situation. This permits at the state level providing more restrictions on information freedom than it is permitted under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Restrictions, caused by the status of state secrets, are related, in general, to the possibility of transmitting information, which can be carried out only under certain conditions; permission of the public authority to transfer information; observance of a certain amount of information; availability of appropriate access for citizens (which permits carrying out various actions with information pertaining to state secrets).

The use of information related to state secrets entails a number of restrictions on human rights and freedoms:

- the right to travel abroad for a period specified in the employment contract (agreement) when registering a citizen's access to state secrets;

- the right to disseminate information constituting a state secret, and to use discoveries and inventions containing such information;

- the right to privacy while conducting verification activities during the period of registration of access to state secrets.

Expressing the desire to get access to information related to state secrets, a person deliberately deprives himself/herself of a number of rights and freedoms. The problem is that the list of information that can be classified as a state secret, makes it possible to restrict freedom of information with respect to a large body of information, which is a violation of the information freedom of a person. In addition, many actions related to state secrets are not regulated by law, but are subject to regulation by departmental acts, and also entail a violation of human rights and freedoms.

The realization of information freedom is carried out not only by the introduction of restrictive measures. Protective function of law, which guarantees the protection of information freedom both by a person as self-defense and by the state, is important.

Thus, as a conclusion, it should be noted that in the information society the information context of human rights and freedoms becomes especially important, therefore, awareness of the correlation between information rights and information freedom in their dialectical unity is a worldview problem of our time. A comprehensive study of information freedom of an individual and information law is required at the level of philosophical reflection, and it is the prospect of further scientific research in this area.


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Данильян Олег Генадшович, доктор фшософських наук, професор, завщувач кафедри фшософп, Нацюнальний юридичний ушверситет iменi Ярослава Мудрого, м. Харюв, Укра'на

Дзьобань Олександр Петрович, доктор фшософських наук, професор, професор кафедри фшософи, Нацюнальний юридичний ушверситет iменi Ярослава Мудрого, Харюв, Укра'на


Постановка проблеми. Гаранты прав i свобод людини щодо iнформацiйноi сфе-ри належать до найважливiших засад формування правовоi держави та громадян-ського сустльства. Ц права включен i до дieвого мехатзму державногоуправлтня в демократичному суспiльствi. Це визначае забезпечення захисту прав i свобод

людини в тформацтнт сфер1 одшею з найважливших цыей тформацтног безпеки, а саму людину - найголовншим гг об'ектом.

Аналiз останшх до^джень та публiкацiй св1дчить, що права i свободи людини та громадянина були основним гаслом г найбгльшим здобутком будь-яких в1домихреволюцш i воен. Давно виявлений т1сний взаемозв'язок тформацп, свободи, справедливост1 7 права. Не випадково ще в VIII ст. до н. е. ¡снували норми, як регулювали тформацтну д1яльмсть людини. Однак, незважаючи на наявм науко-в1 доробки у дамй царим, ф1лософському анал1зу проблеми ствв1дношення ¡нфор-мацтних прав та тформацтног свободи людини в сучасному свШ1 не придтяеть-ся належног уваги.

Метою статтi ерозгляд окремих фтософських аспект1в д1ади «¡нформацтт права - тформацтна свобода» в контекст7 гг концептуал^зацИ.

Виклад основного матерiалу. Ефективне забезпечення прав, свобод 7 законних ттереЫв громадян може бути належним лише за умов, коли структура, форми ди яльност1, сам стиль пращ, ставлення до людини будуть оптимальними у плат вгд-чуття та швидкого реагування на будь-як негативм моменти, як стримують у тому чи 7ншому випадку практичне здтснення прав 7 свобод, а також законних ттереЫв члемв сустльства. Виняткову роль в тформацтнт свобод1 в1д1грають тформацтю права людини. Встановлюючи взаемозалежтсть належног й можли-вог поведтки, едтсть 7 р1вмсть взаемних прав та обов'язюв, право, окреслюючи меж свободи, виступае як позитивне буття свободи, яке виключае свавтля, при-гмчення особистост1 тощо. Показано, що право е засобом, який за допомогою спещальних правових метод1в дозволяереал1зувати тформацтну свободу людини. Право повинне враховувати ттереси як сустльства, так 7 ¡ндив1да. Воно надае людим низку можливостей, скориставшись якими, вона зможе реал1зувати при-таманну гй ¡нформацтну свободу. 1нформацтш права людини складаються зр1зно-го комплексу норм, що в1др1зняються своею юридичною силою, територ1ею дИ, нормативмстю тощо. Звертаеться увага, що ¡нформацтш права регулюють т-формацтш процеси у сферах, ям не врегульован тшими правами, щорегламентують тформацт. 1нформацтн1 права оргамчно входять у структуру тших прав 7 свобод, упорядковують тформацтю процеси. Наголошуеться, що при використанн вах прав, як належать до питань тформування людини, необх1дно перш за все ор1ен-туватися на принципи ¡нформацтног свободи людини, яка займае чтьне м1сце 7 встановлюе принципи використання прав, що в1дносяться до тформацтних про-цеав.

В1дзначаеться, що осктьки ¡нформацтна свобода зумовлюе сукупшсть певних можливостей тформацтних прав, то у сучасному сустльств1 саме про ¡нформацтну свободу сл¡д вести мову, з позицт ¡нформацтног свободи сл¡д вивчати ¡ тлу-мачити тформацтю права людини. В тформацтному прав¡ виршальний акцент робиться на тформацп, причому незалежно в¡д того, хто нею володiе, виробляе, транслюе тощо. При до^дженн ж тформацтног свободи людини визнаеться, що ключовi функцп належать саме свободi, а не тформацп, хоча тформащя i е скла-довою тформацтног свободи.

Шдкреслюеться, що тформацтна свобода обмежуе дiяльнiсть, спрямовану на тд-тримання порядку; у деяких випадках державног' таемнищ; iнформацiю про екологiчну обстановку. Це дозволяе на рiвнi держави обмежувати тформацшну свободу быьшою мiрою, тж це допускаеться Конвен^ею про захист прав людини i основних свобод.

Обгрунтовуеться теза, щореалiзацiя тформацтногсвободи будуеться не тшь-ки шляхом введення обмежувальних заходiв. Важливою е охоронна функщя права, гарантоватсть захисту тформацшногсвободи, причому як самозахисту, так i охо-рони тформацтног свободи за допомогою держави.

Висновки. В тформацшному суспiльствi особливо актуалiзуеться тформацшний контекст прав i свобод людини, тому усвiдомлення спiввiдношення тформацтних прав i тформацшног свободи в ант дiалектичнiй едностi е свтоглядною проблемою сучасностi. 1нформацшна свобода людини й тформацшне право вимагають комплексного вивчення нарiвнi фтософськог рефлексы, у чому i вбачаеться перспектив-тсть подальших науковихрозвiдок у дант царит.

Коротка анотаця до статтi

У статтi обгрунтовуеться, що гаранты прав i свобод людини щодо тформа-цтног сфери належать до найважливших засад формування правовог' держави та громадянського сустльства. Показано, що право е засобом, який за допомогою спещальних правових методiв дозволяереалiзувати тформацшну свободу людини. Будучи породженням iрезультатом природногорозвитку всього сустльства, право повинне враховувати ттереси як усього сустльства, так i iндивiда. Право надае людиш низку можливостей, скориставшись якими, вона зможе реалiзувати при-таманну гй тформацшну свободу.

Ключовi слова: свобода; право; тформащя; тформацшне сустльство; тфор-мацтю права; тформацтна свобода.

Данильян Олег Геннадиевич, доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой философии, Национальный юридический университет имени Ярослава Мудрого, г. Харьков, Украина

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Дзебань Александр Петрович, доктор философских наук, профессор, профессор кафедры философии Национальный юридический университет имени Ярослава Мудрого, г. Харьков, Украина


В статье обосновывается, что гарантии прав и свобод человека касательно информационной сферы относятся к числу важнейших принципов формирования

правового государства и гражданского общества. Показано, что право является средством, позволяющим с помощью специальных правовых методов реализовать информационную свободу человека. Будучи порождением и результатом естественного развития всего общества, право должно учитывать интересы как всего общества, так и индивида. Право дает человеку ряд возможностей, воспользовавшись которыми, он сможет реализовать присущую ему информационную свободу.

Ключевые слова: свобода; право; информация; информационное общество; информационные права; информационная свобода.

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