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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Suleymanova Sh.

the article puts forward a number of necessary provisions concerning the place, role and significance of the use of didactic games in the formation of artistic creative abilities of younger schoolchildren, reflects practical examples. The article reveals the essence of the concept of artistic creativity, interprets its content. The article also contains scientifically and didactically based judgments on increasing the level of talent and giftedness of students in the formation of their artistic creative abilities. The article also provides practical examples of how students with artistic and creative abilities subsequently grow up and become famous as talented people.

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Suleymanova Sh.

Suleymanova Shahla - Teacher of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute, Dissertation Student,


Abstract: the article puts forward a number of necessary provisions concerning the place, role and significance of the use of didactic games in the formation of artistic creative abilities of younger schoolchildren, reflects practical examples. The article reveals the essence of the concept of artistic creativity, interprets its content. The article also contains scientifically and didactically based judgments on increasing the level of talent and giftedness of students in the formation of their artistic creative abilities. The article also provides practical examples of how students with artistic and creative abilities subsequently grow up and become famous as talented people.

Keywords: didactic games, younger schoolchildren, artistic creativity, creative ability, talent, giftedness, student-oriented.

In the primary grades of secondary schools, didactic games are considered one of the most important means of forming the artistic creative abilities of younger schoolchildrenren. This is due to the fact that if the organization of didactic games, on the one hand, along with aesthetic and artistic taste, ensures the physical health of younger schoolchildren, then, on the other hand, it creates ample opportunities for the formation of their artistic creative abilities. Poetic samples, printed materials, songs, dances, game plots, illustrations, samples of fine art, as well as tablets, slides, stencils used in the organization of didactic games played an exceptional role in the formation of students' most necessary artistic creative abilities. Because every opportunity is being created to identify artistic creative abilities instilled in students. That is, poems used in didactic games develop in younger schoolchildren such artistic creative abilities as the ability to tell poems, prose samples, master the culture of speech, dance, dance, exemplary demonstrate elements of national dance, and visual art materials-to draw, paint, enjoy works of painting. Actually, didactic games organized for younger schoolchildren have an impact on the disclosure and development of their artistic creative abilities.

Generally speaking, artistic creativity manifests itself in the life of every person in certain degree. The concept of "artistic creativity" includes, first of all, aesthetic beauty, richness and emotionality of works of art. "Artistic creativity" is also understood as those qualities of artistic creativity that are inherent in a person, a team. And such qualities of artistic creativity can be regarded as qualities arising from such skills as the ability to hear, perceive and appreciate beauty in nature, society and art. Artistic creativity in children, including younger schoolchildren, is more evident during didactic games. Artistic examples used in didactic games lead to the revealing of artistic creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

During the organization of didactic games, primary school students get acquainted with mass scientific material corresponding to their age, acquire artistic creative abilities. Through didactic games, they receive the most necessary information about the vocabulary of Azerbaijan. They acquire the appropriate skills related to expressing their opinion on this issue orally. Along with process of gaining the knowledge about nature, society, art, they also enjoy cultural recreation. They are able to apply in life the most necessary mathematical knowledge obtained through didactic games. In the process of didactic games, they learn to


describe what they observe, to differentiate them by characteristic features. Didactic games teach students to communicate, cooperate, and compete in the form of healthy competition. Through didactic games, students acquire many moral qualities related to behavior. All this is considered a benchmark of performance achieved through didactic games.

Today, in the period of gaining our independence, an approach to the organization of didactic games in accordance with the requirements of the educational directives of our independent state is considered necessary. Based on this necessity, a creative approach to the organization of didactic games in primary schools is becoming more relevant. Firstly, because in accordance with the requirements of the curriculum successfully implemented in our country, it is considered important that primary school teachers approach the process of teaching subjects on the basis of competencies. The concept of didactic games has two sides. It is known that the word "didactic" in the first part of this concept, cames from the word "didactics". The word "didactics" comes from the Greek word "didactikos". And the word "didacticos" means "I teach". So, if "didactics" is considered a "teaching", "training" theory, then the word "didactic" is also used in the meaning of "teaching one", "training one". The word "game" is a nationwide word and has different meanings. These meanings, including children's games, national folk games, social games, political games, economic games, deceiving games, provocative games, sports games, theatrical games, comedy games, guard games, and so on., are used as different shades of meaning. Didactic games are games based on educational materials.

In the learning process, the didactic games are directly involved in revealing the potential artistic abilities in children. Being the individual, psychological characteristics of children, artistic creativity includes those beauties that exist in nature, society and art. Considered as "artistic and creative abilities", this terminological style of expression is understood as the acquisition of appropriate abilities of people, including younger schoolchildren, with the help of artistic samples in the process of their creative activity.

In general, every person is born with certain abilities. In scientific literature, such opportunities are shown as natural opportunities.

Natural possibilities are multifaceted. Depending on the nature of the requirements imposed on the activity, different abilities can be developed on the basis of the same natural capabilities.

Thanks to the study of nature and the essence of natural possibilities, science takes the first steps. So far, the negative material related to this problem surpasses the positive - it contains more scientific material about the disadvantages of these opportunities than about the structure of productive manifestations of natural opportunities. Thus, severe brain abnormalities (oligophrenia) acquired in congenital or early childhood become an almost lifelong defect of natural abilities and, thus, slow down the development of abilities (9, p. 477). Therefore, in order to reveal the natural abilities of children in the family, it becomes necessary to observe them for a long time. Identifying the talents of children at an early age is an important issue. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the child's family, his ancestral, and also take into account the hereditary abilities that they have.

It is not accidental that among famous personalities of our country there are those who stand out for their abilities, which are passed down from generation to generation. For example, Polad Bulbuloglu, the son of the famous Azerbaijani singer Bulbul, Faraj Garayev, the son of the outstanding composer Gara Garayev, who became outstanding composers like his father, or the sons, grandchildren and descendants of Ashug Gurbankhan from Salyan, who became musicians.

The foundation of creative activity is laid in primary school. Didactic games organized in elementary grades become the basis for identifying and forming the artistic creative abilities of younger schoolchildren during parties, meetings, mass events related to various holidays. Primary school students, distinguished by their artistic creative abilities, occupy high positions in high school as well. The fact that some of them occupy high positions in the field of artistic creativity makes them famous and even elevates them to the level of


genius. We can justify our opinion more exactly addressing to school experience. For example, in the middle of the last century at a competition organized among Baku young schoolchildren for starring in the film "Stepmother" (Ogey ana). A child, who differed by his creative abilities in didactic games and events related to artistic creativity organized in the elementary classes of one of the Baku schools, finds himself in the center of attention of artists. That child was Jeyhun Mirzayev. The narrators take turns attending Baku schools and begin to select such children. Jeyhun Mirzaev, who is in the center of their attention, plays a leading role, because he differs from children in his artistic abilities. Performing the role of Ismail with great skill, Jeyhun Mirzayev is unique for his acting abilities, physical performance, high flow of words in scripts according to orthoepic norms, singing, dancing and other dynamic movements assigned to him. Because Ismail, who more dynamically mastered all the skills instilled in him and made them a habit, was distinguished by special abilities. In fact, the special abilities of Jeyhun Mirzayev were shining as his talent. After skillfully playing the roles assigned to him in various feature films, Jeyhun Mirzayev graduated from the then Theater Institute with honors. Then he conducts producer courses in Moscow. He begins to shoot films as a famous producer. His film "Scream" (Faryad) is on a high level in the rating of World Film Critics. The film's screenplayer Jeyhun Mirzayev also takes the lead role. The patriotism, national pride and invulnerability of the Azerbaijani soldier, their resistance to torture and courage were highly appreciated by the representatives of the growing generation. It inspires people to stand guard over our lands. The fact that Azerbaijanis are distinguished by their struggle, invulnerability, perseverance of struggle and patriotism can be shown especially thanks to such films. In addition to the films, the activities organized in the school, the didactic games are an indicator of moral and aesthetic education.

Thus, the representatives of the growing generation, who enjoy examples of artistic creativity, are also distinguished by their moral and spiritual qualities. This means that the involvement of young schoolchildren in didactic games and the formation of their artistic abilities in these games is of great importance. That means that the artistic creative abilities gained by young schoolchildren in didactic games show their dynamic impact on their individualized development. Because the artistic creative abilities laid the foundation of didactic games develop, improve and show their dynamic impact on their formation as a personality in the future. Some of such students, even once can bturn into historical personalities.

Let's try to explain our thoughts on the basis of a school experience once more. in one of the Baku schools Seyavush Shafiyev, who was very active in didactic games as a primary school student and distinguished with his artistic creative abilities, develops these creative abilities in the upper classes as well. As his special abilities in the associations of self-education classes at school differs him from other students, soon assigned to develop the scenarios for all events at school, performs directing, conducts it and plays all the difficult roles. It soon caught the attention of Moscow government. Seyavush Shafiyev, who studied directing in Moscow, is also invited to the Moscow State Circus because his great athletic abilities. So, Seyavush Shafiyev's special abilities helped to reveal the level of his talent. However, this level of talent turns into brilliant talent at a higher level. Taking into account his high artistic abilities, Baku cinematographers called Sayavush Shafiyev play the lead role in their films - "Two boys from one neighborhood" and "Where is Ahmad?". In these films, a number of his artistic abilities, including acting skills, caused both films to be met with great love and affection by the audience. The richness of Sayafush's talent does not escape the attention of Nikulin, the world-famous russian comedian, director of the Moscow State Circus. He invites Sayavush to his Circus. Sayavush works in the circus as an actor, acrobat and producer. Therefore, Nikulin wants to see Sayavush Shafiyev as the general producer of the Moscow State Circus. Nikulin submits Sayavush Shafiyev's documents to the current ministry. The ministry appoints Shafiyev as the general producer of the Moscow State Circus.

It is an undeniable fact that hundreds of young talents like them appear during school period. In this way, the correct orientation of the teachers, revealing their talents by using didactic types of games will create conditions for the development of creative people in all areas in the future.

Teachers can organize didactic games in the teaching process and monitor the development of artistic creative abilities of students according to the level of efficiency.

For example, based on the results of training in the primary school, a student who has completed primary education should be able to:

- to read literary, scientific-mass and informational texts according to his age in accordance with the established procedure;

- comprehend the main content of the text and express his / her opinion;

- use dictionaries, information resources, computer equipment;

- to express their opinions clearly orally and in writing;

- to think logically, to put forward ideas, to express the opinion of others;

- to apply the necessary mathematical knowledge in life, to perform simple algorithms;

- to describe the observed objects and events, to distinguish them according to their characteristic features;

- to communicate, cooperate, act as a team, collective;

- follow simple, cultural behavior, personal hygiene and necessary safety rules (10, p. 15)

As we can see in the process of artistic creation, during the organization of didactic games, the discovery, development and formation of artistic creativity of young schoolchildren leads to their recognition as talented individuals in the future. In the language of psychologists, such people rise to the level of genius with their high talents.

Students also acquire the necessary communication skills during didactic games.

Communication skills are the basic skills that every person needs. The formation of communication skills in students is one of the important goals facing the teacher. The ability of communication is formed when the student presents the tasks he / she has performed, reacts to any situation, describes what he / she has remembered or seen, solves problems during work with the group or couples, explains his / her choice, gets involved in various discussions, etc..

The student's ability to draw, dance, use gestures and mimics while speaking, running, writing and other such activities ensure the development of psychomotor skills in them. This is also the basis for the formation of personality. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the development of student orientation of young schoolchildren. Because in the process of organizing didactic games, there are ample opportunities for their student-oriented development.

Student-oriented activities in the field of education serve the benefits, interests and needs of students, the development of their potential (10, p. 14). From this point of view, in the organization of didactic games, students acquire both theoretical knowledge and relevant skills, as well as acquire elements of physical culture by mastering physical movements, that is, if they read, perform, show dance elements, gain aesthetic and artistic taste.

To solve these tasks in a way that meets the requirements of the day, it is considered expedient to develop and apply new models of didactic games in order to achieve the creation of a new content of personality-oriented education in the teaching process. First of all, because the formation of students' artistic creativity during the organization of didactic games in the learning process is important. Because, it is the most important actual issue to organize didactic games in the learning process to raise the level of individualism of students and to reveal artistic creative abilities of children during this process. Therefore, in our country, there are wide opportunities for the formation of artistic creative abilities of students in the process of teaching subjects in curriculum education. However, it should be noted that the Azerbaijani language lessons are more extensive in several aspects. First, there are all the opportunities for the organization of didactic games in the lessons of the


Azerbaijani language. It should be noted as a good case that these factors are necessary for the organization of didactic games in the lessons of the Azerbaijani language. Second, the foundation for the comprehensive development of aesthetic education of young schoolchildren is laid. Third, there are ample opportunities to identify the main factors that influence the discovery, development and formalization of students' artistic creative abilities during didactic games in Azerbaijani language lessons. Because in the process of organizing didactic games, first of all, there are many factors that contribute to the discovery of the most necessary creative abilities of students. Most important matter is that the system of knowledge, skills and habits gained from the organization of didactic games provides an increase in the level of personality of students. All this shows that during the organization of didactic games, the artistic creativity of young schoolchildren can be revealed and formed at the level of the day.

In conclusion, it should be noted that didactic games play a great role in the formation of artistic creative abilities of young schoolchildren. Therefore, the participation of young schoolchildren in didactic games had a significant impact on the discovery, development and formalization of their artistic creative abilities. The recognition of students whose artistic creative abilities are revealed, developed and formalized as a personality, their transformation into historical personalities characterizes the importance of purposeful, planned and organized work carried out in this field.

Scientific innovation of the article. The article contains a number of scientific-pedagogical approaches and didactic directions on the role and importance of the use of didactic games in the formation of artistic creative abilities of young schoolchildren which could be considered the scientific innovations of the article.

Practical importance and application of the article. The article also discusses practical examples of the formation and development of artistic creativity of young schoolchildren participating in didactic games. Primary school teachers, school principals, specialists in this field and researchers on the problems of artistic creativity can benefit from practical examples of the formation of children in the future as prominent personalities, whose artistic abilities are revealed in didactic games.


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