Научная статья на тему 'Development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren'

Development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
success / activity / creativity / activity / schoolboy / teacher / dynamics / child / успех / активность / творчество / активность / школьник / учитель / динамика / ребенок

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ergasheva Sohiba Sharobiddinovna, Urinboeva Iqboloy Alijonovna, Karimova Anora Murodjonovna, Jalolova Gulnoza Tursunalievna

in order to successfully activate the creative activity of younger students, the teacher needs to monitor the dynamics of the creative activity of each child. This scientific article is about development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. Creative abilities are individual psychological features of an individual, which are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, abilities, skills that have already been developed in students. The element of creativity can be in any kind of human activity. Creative activity of the student increases his involvement in the educational process, contributes to the successful assimilation of knowledge, stimulates intellectual efforts, selfconfidence.

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для успешной активации творческой активности младших школьников учителю необходимо следить за динамикой творческой активности каждого ребенка. Эта научная статья о развитии творческих способностей у младших школьников. Творческие способности это индивидуальные психологические особенности личности, которые связаны с успехом любой деятельности, но не ограничиваются знаниями, способностями, навыками, которые уже были развиты у студентов. Элементом творчества может стать любой вид человеческой деятельности. Творческая активность студента повышает его вовлеченность в учебный процесс, способствует успешному усвоению знаний, стимулирует интеллектуальные усилия, уверенность в себе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren»

DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE ABILITIES OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN Ergasheva S.Sh.1, Urinboeva I.A.2, Karimova A.M.3, Jalolova G.T.4 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Ergasheva567@scientifictext.ru

1Ergasheva Sohiba Sharobiddinovna - primary education Teacher, SCHOOL № 14; 2Urinboeva Iqboloy Alijonovna - primary education Teacher,

SCHOOL № 27; 3Karimova Anora Murodjonovna - primary education Teacher, SCHOOL № 30; 4Jalolova Gulnoza Tursunalievna - music Teacher, SCHOOL № 23,


Abstract: in order to successfully activate the creative activity of younger students, the teacher needs to monitor the dynamics of the creative activity of each child. This scientific article is about development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. Creative abilities are individual psychological features of an individual, which are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, abilities, skills that have already been developed in students. The element of creativity can be in any kind of human activity. Creative activity of the student increases his involvement in the educational process, contributes to the successful assimilation of knowledge, stimulates intellectual efforts, self- confidence.

Keywords: success, activity, creativity, activity, schoolboy, teacher, dynamics, child.



Эргашева С.Ш.1, Уринбоева И.А.2, Каримова А.М.3, Жалолова Г.Т.4

(Республика Узбекистан)

1Эргашева Сохиба Шаробиддиновна - учитель начальных классов, школа № 14;

2Уринбоева Икболой Алижоновна - учитель начальных классов, школа № 27;

3Каримова Анора Муроджоновна - учитель начальных классов, школа № 30;

4Жалолова Гулноза Турсуналиевна - учитель музыки, школа № 23,

Норинский район, Наманганская область, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: для успешной активации творческой активности младших школьников учителю необходимо следить за динамикой творческой активности каждого ребенка. Эта научная статья о развитии творческих способностей у младших школьников. Творческие способности - это индивидуальные психологические особенности личности, которые связаны с успехом любой деятельности, но не ограничиваются знаниями, способностями, навыками, которые уже были развиты у студентов. Элементом творчества может стать любой вид человеческой деятельности. Творческая активность студента повышает его вовлеченность в учебный процесс, способствует успешному усвоению знаний, стимулирует интеллектуальные усилия, уверенность в себе.

Ключевые слова: успех, активность, творчество, активность, школьник, учитель, динамика, ребенок.

Under abilities are understood individually-psychological and motor characteristics of the individual, which are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that have already developed in the child. At the same time, success in any activity can be ensured not by a separate ability, but only by the peculiar combination that characterizes the individual.

Scientists A.N. Leontiev and B.M. Teplov was engaged in studying of abilities, from different points of view. The focus of attention of B.M. Teplov was individually-psychological preconditions of uneven successful development of various functions and abilities; A.N. Leontief was interested in, mainly, the way of the natural assumptions on the basis of the structures of human activity occurs efficiently mental functions and processes [1].

Neither denied the inherent inequality of makings, on the one hand, and the ambiguous relationship of these makings with the final success of complex forms

of activity, on the other, but the emphasis differed, as did the use of concepts. B.M. Teplov in the context of differential psychophysiology linked the concept of abilities is primarily a bio logically determined differences, A.N. Leontev, in the context of a systemic understanding of psychological functions and their development has carried this word to the complex, cultivated, "which became the" human functions [2].

Thus, creativity is an activity that results in new material and spiritual values; the highest form of mental activity, independence, the ability to create something new, original. As a result of creative activity, creative abilities are formed and developed.

P. Torrens by creativity (creative ability) understood the ability to sharpened perception. In the structure of creative activity he singled out:

• perception problems;

• finding solution;

• emergence and formulation of hypotheses;

• hypothesis testing;

• their modification;

• finding results [3].

In the creative activities play an important role such factors as temperament, ability to learn quickly and generate ideas.

The essence of creativity, According to S. Mednik, in the ability to overcome stereotypes at the final stage of mental synthesis and the use of a wide field of associations.

Creative abilities are individual psychological features of an individual, which are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, abilities, skills that have already been developed in students. The element of creativity can be in any kind of human activity.

Many psychologists associate the ability to creative activity with the peculiarities of thinking. Okay, well- known American psychologist J. Guilford found that creative individuals tend to have so-called divergent thinking.

Divergent thinking lies at the heart of creative thinking, which is characterized by the following basic abilities:

• speed (ability to Express the maximum number of ideas)

• flexibility (ability to Express a wide variety of ideas)

• originality (ability to generate new non -standard ideas)

• completeness (the ability to improve your "product" or give it a finished look). Creative activity of the student increases his involvement in the educational process, contributes to the successful assimilation of knowledge, stimulates intellectual efforts, self- confidence.

In order to successfully intensify the creative activity of students, the teacher needs to see the effectiveness and productivity of heir work. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of creative activity of each child.

Creative activity is activated in a favorable atmosphere, with friendly assessments from the teacher, the encouragement of original statements. Creative activity can be stimulated through the implementation of inter - representative ties.

Creative activity promotes development of creative abilities, increase of intellectual level. Thus, under he creative abilities we understand the set of properties and qualities of the individual, necessary for the successful implementation of creative activities, allowing in the process of discovering new, seek and make original non- standard decisions.

References / Список литературы

1. Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Intellectual activity as a problem of creativity. Rostov-on-Don, 2000. 96 p.

2. Vinokurova N. The best tests for the development of creative abilities: a book for children, teachers and parents. M.: AST - PRESS, 2001. 127 p.

3. GlickmanI.Z. Theory and methods of education. Moscow: Vlados, 2002. 241 p.

POSSIBILITIES OF USING THE THEORETICAL HERITAGE OF HEYDAR ALIYEV IN LITERATURE LESSONS Ibrahimli Kh.N. (Republic of Azerbaijan) Email: Ibrahimli567@scientifictext.ru

Ibrahimli Khagani Nizami - Methodist in the Azerbaijani language and literature, EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF THE KALBAJAR REGION, KALBAJAR, REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN

Abstract: the article describes the ideas of the great leader Heydar Aliyev about Azerbaijani literature and the work that he did to develop it. The historical phenomenon of the personality of the national leader Heydar Aliyev is unique. In his opinion, "literature is a prerequisite for the deeper layers of our history, the subtleties of our language, our spirit, our literary and cultural monuments." The great leader treated with great respect and care for literature, for the artistic and literary heritage, for modern masters of words, and with foresight he eliminated the mistakes made by history.

Keywords: literary and artistic heritage, teaching of literature, historical past, Heydar Aliyev's heritage, folklore, classical heritage, modern literature.


Ибрагимли Хагани Низами оглы - методист азербайджанского языка и литературы, отдел образования Кельбаджарского района, г. Кельбаджар, Азербайджанская Республика

Аннотация: в статье повествуется об идеях великого лидера Гейдара Алиева об азербайджанской литературе и о работе, которую он проделал для ее развития. Исторический феномен личности общенационального лидера Гейдара Алиева уникален. По его мнению «литература является предпосылкой для более глубоких слоев нашей истории, тонкости нашего языка, нашего духа, наших литературно-культурных памятников». Великий лидер относился с большим уважением и заботой к литературе, к художественно-литературному наследию, к современным мастерам слова и с дальновидностью устранял ошибки, допущенные историей.

Ключевые слова: литературно-художественное наследие, преподавание литературы, историческое прошлое, наследие Гейдара Алиева, фольклор, классическое наследие, современная литература.

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