THE PLACE AND ROLE OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN MODERNIZATION OF ECONOMY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
marketing / innovation / modernization / satisfaction / marketing communications / relationship marketing / enterprise competitiveness

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Giyazova N.B.

Today, marketing specialists need to put much more effort to attract and retain the interest of consumers to any kind of goods or services, because an important factor in the successful and effective functioning of the enterprise are communications. The article reveals the marketing support of innovative modernization of the national economy, shows the role of interaction marketing and marketing from the consumer in the management innovation process. The paper gives a classification of marketing communications; the Association of the enterprises discussed the various concepts of marketing.

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UDC 336.289.2

Giyazova N.B. teacher


Abstract: Today, marketing specialists need to put much more effort to attract and retain the interest of consumers to any kind of goods or services, because an important factor in the successful and effective functioning of the enterprise are communications. The article reveals the marketing support of innovative modernization of the national economy, shows the role of interaction marketing and marketing from the consumer in the management innovation process. The paper gives a classification of marketing communications; the Association of the enterprises discussed the various concepts of marketing.

Keywords: marketing, innovation, modernization, satisfaction, marketing communications; relationship marketing; enterprise competitiveness

Renewal and modernization of our country is the requirement of an era. In these days occupying a worthy place in a number of countries, supplement ofcompetitiveness of national products in world markets, in this base increasing the capacity of export indicate modernization based on reequipping existent sector and net in terms of techniques and technology. Taking into consideration changes of need and demand in world market developing structural unit in our economics, for this purpose it is necessary to create and rapidly develop new and contemporary nets.

The strategy of modernization of national economy should be considered as a continuous process that requires appropriate marketing software that allows not only to form and justify the strategy, but also to ensure its implementation, to organize the tracking of dominant at this time period of strategic priorities, timely forecasting and determining the need and time of change of one development strategies or priorities by others.

The science of marketing economics is perceived as an indispensable part of the practice of conducting economic affairs in market economics.

It is accelerated the process of step-by-step transition to market relations of socially directed economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as implementation of newly evolved technologies of marketing communication in differential aspects of socio-economical life of our well-developed scientific-technological society.

The purpose of marketing communication is basis of all sectors of market specialized to meet need complex of society. They serve the main means of communicating commercially with society.

Мировая наука" №4(25) 2019


The term "modernization" means bringing into the modern state. Innovation is the main method of modernization. Under the innovation means a new order, a new custom, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. Thus, with the moment of acceptance for distribution innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes an innovation (innovation). Innovation (innovation) - this is the final result of innovation, which has been implemented in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, new or improved process used in practical activities.

Modernization strategy should be considered as a continuous process, requiring appropriate marketing support, which it allows not only to form and justify the strategy, but also to ensure its implementation, organize tracking dominant in the period timing of strategic priorities, timely forecasting and identification need and time to change one strategy or priorities the development of the other. Marketing based on relationships and connections consumers, is the catalyst of modernization of production, the main means of organizational and structural reorganization of its management and technological renovation of the economic complex of the country.

Innovative marketing is typical for organizations that establish its activities on the principles of innovative competition, releasing on the market products with fundamentally new consumer properties. R. Foster not only states this theoretically, "but also illustrates many examples from the history of American business: mistakes in acceptance solutions for the renewal of production related to innovation occurred due to lack of knowledge of customer needs and lack of commitment to update» [1, 39]

Nowadays marketing communications is an essential tool of marketing for providing enough information about an enterprise to consumers.

With the way of providing efficiency of enterprises in a demanded degree, informing, reminding, ensuring and creating image it is important to analyze factors influencing on recognition, popularity, shaping preference and increasing the volume of sales.

The basic factors of communication in enterprises are - estimation of market potential in one's business, determination of potential of product, price and sales in firm's communication system - to determine responsibility and culture of the company and to provide highly qualified services in it. The task of estimation of efficiency of communication is solved with the comparative analysis of expanses and profit in the scale of enterprise and in the scale of separate marketing cases (participation in exhibitions, online regulation of business part, procedure of society communication, expansion of sales, advertising, organizing private sales etc.).

With the development of marketing communication efficiency, enterprise's communication potential is shaped, and this is untouched part of a company which is about to provide an image of product or service in the concept of competitive, integrated marketing communication.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(25) 2019 science-j.com

The efficiency of marketing communication is estimated with indicators such as image, reputation, friendliness, increasing of activeness degree before product, additional client involvement to consume, increasing repurchasing products by a regular customer, proper use of marketing communication types according to product's life-cycle, creativity, quality, additional profit with newly created communicative technology.

According to specialized direction of marketing communication organization there is difference between the sale efficiency (expansion of place in market and increasing sale capacity) and communication potential - psychological influence of the communication tools (advertisement, reminding and etc.). The psychological influence is efficient as they attract potential consumers to buy product. That is why the sale efficiency of marketing communication is connected with psychological influence.

Marketing approach to the management of innovative change reflects knowledge of consumers and predetermines the use of breakthrough technologies in innovative activity. As a result of innovation - creation and the production of goods and services that are useful, necessary and sufficient and offer consumers benefits, the degree of novelty in the light of future needs clients'.

The effect of the emergence of new products is achieved primarily at the micro level (organization). So the specific the task of innovation policy is to create a new incentive integration mechanism "science-business-production-sales-service» basically, the link of the market economy in the form of innovative services.

In fact, we are talking about the formation of a new economic strategy growth-innovation, in which the key role is played by innovation. Interaction between the producer and the consumer is seen in the interactive form, making the consumer the Creator of the future goods, services, ideas, freeing it's from a limited selection framework. Thereby the contradiction is resolved between mass production and individual consumption - occurs "mass production on demand" appear in the virtual company, saving on non-production costs. thanks to Internet the whole philosophy of marketing is changing. There is a transition from the study large groups of consumers to personalize the products and services that the consumer is and his order affect the configuration of products. Economic assessment of the ability of the product to meet the specific needs of society during this period, the information service should provide. Certain information or planned image of joint economic processes at consumers and suppliers will allow to carry out their production only if and only to the extent that information about the manufactured product adequate information on the increased need for it.


1. Allard, E. (2002). Doubtful advantages of the concept of modernization. Socis, 9

2. Gawel, A. (2010). The Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Unemployment in the Business Cycle. Journal of International Studies, 3(1), 59-69.

"MnpoBaa HayKa" №4(25) 2019 science-j.com

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