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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ziyaeva Mukhtasar Mansurdjanovna

This scientific article examines the necessity and tools of application of innovative marketing strategies in the consumer goods market. It also explains the formation of marketing strategies in the context of modernization of the economy, the possibility of identifying and incorporating into the marketing strategy innovative measures aimed at increasing economic efficiency and ensuring the company’s long-term competitive advantage.

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Section 1. Marketing


Ziyaeva Mukhtasar Mansurdjanovna, DSc., Associate Professor, Tashkent state university of economics


Abstract. This scientific article examines the necessity and tools of application of innovative marketing strategies in the consumer goods market. It also explains the formation ofmarketing strategies in the context of modernization of the economy, the possibility of identifying and incorporating into the marketing strategy innovative measures aimed at increasing economic efficiency and ensuring the company's long-term competitive advantage.

Keywords: consumer goods market, wholesale, retail, consumer goods, innovative marketing, marketing strategy, marketing planning.

Introduction production and consumption of goods and services

Countries with economies in transition are char- [2]. The capacity of the consumer goods market is de-

acterized by an underdeveloped consumer market termined by the indicator of retail turnover (sales) at

system, which begins to slow down the development the district, city, regional and national levels. of trade relations and limits the prospects for achiev- From the first days of independence of Uzbekistan

ing socio-economic growth. The market of consumer [3], the development of the consumer goods market,

goods is the socio-economic basis of the national the introduction ofmodern methods oforganizing its

economy, on the basis of which almost all commer- retail sales, the creation of equal conditions for legal

cial activities are based. entities and individuals in retail trade, regulation of

The study of the consumer market requires any trade in markets, as well as protection of rights and

enterprise, both direct producers and sellers, on the interests Targeted strategies are being identified. one hand, flexibility, the ability to adapt to the ef- But by the 21st century, demand and attitudes

fects of objective market factors, on the other hand, toward the factors that ensure the competitive ad-

to look for ways to target them using various complex vantage of the consumer market have changed. From

research methods. the production of consumer goods, its sale, advertis-

The study ofthe consumer goods market is first of ing, after-sales service became impossible without

all reflected in determining the demand of the popu- the intervention of information and communication

lation for suitable goods. The demand study should and digital technologies. This process has led to the

reflect the market capacity and composition, data that need to reconsider the tools for shaping innovative

help to predict possible changes in the processes of marketing strategies in the consumer goods market.

Literature review

The issues of organization and effective management of the movement of goods and materials in the production line in the conditions of innovative economy have been widely studied in the scientific work of foreign scientists. In particular, Langley C. J. studied a wide range of activities associated with the effective organization of the movement of consumer goods in the supply of raw materials on the production line. K. Oliver and M. Webber formulated the concept of business logistics as an integral tool of business management in the organization of the movement of goods and materials, as well as showed that there are significant fundamental differences in the functions of marketing and logistics in distribution channels [4]. The term Supply Chain Management began to be used in the United States in the early 1980 s. The first use of the term was proposed by American designers K. Oliver and M. Webber in the framework of an integrated strategy called the delivery of raw materials to manufacturing enterprises, the management of supply chains from manufacturing to the final consumer [5].

Analysis and results

The consumer goods market includes:

• non-durable goods (food, personal hygiene products, cosmetics, detergents, etc.);

• durable items (furniture, home appliances, cars, office equipment, musical instruments, clothing, etc.);

• products obtained as a result of the provision of relevant services (individual sewing of clothes or shoes, typing on a computer, etc.).

The last link in the channels of movement of consumer goods is retail chavdo. Retail trade is all types of business activities related to the sale of goods and services directly to meet the individual needs of consumers.

Many manufacturing companies, wholesalers, service companies are engaged in retail trade. However, the bulk of retail sales fall on the contribution of retailers.

A retailer is an organization or individual, the main activity of which is retail.

The main volume of retail sales is in retail stores, out-of-store retail, direct sales to the consumer, and sales using vending machines.

In the course ofcenturies ofpractice in the organization of retail trade, various types of retail stores have emerged. Below is a description of the most common types of retail stores in the world practice of trade.

In self-service stores, shoppers can choose the goods they need by comparing them with each other, without using the services of sellers. This allows buyers to make purchases.

Shops with a limited level ofservice are those stores that provide any assistance to customers in purchasing goods. For example, providing information about goods or providing loans is typical of this type ofstore.

Stores with a full level of service are characterized by the assistance provided by sellers at each stage of the purchase of goods. These services, in turn, lead to higher purchase prices for goods.

The stores that sell on the basis of catalogs are well-known brands of production, offering high-quality goods at low prices, the range of which changes frequently. Here, buyers select goods on the basis of a catalog, fill out order forms for the selected goods, and make purchases in the same warehouses where the goods are placed.

In recent years, the widespread use of such types of retail trade as direct marketing by mail (direct marketing by mail), catalog-based marketing, telemarketing, television marketing (television marketing), e-commerce (электронная торговля) has led to a wide range of consumer goods. plays an important role in meeting the demand.

Another important type of retail is vending machines. Vending machines sell cigarettes, beverages, sweets, newspapers, groceries and other groceries. There are a number of advantages to organizing sales using vending machines compared to retail stores. Vending machines operate 24 hours a day, do not require the participation of vendors, goods are less

damaged, and they require less sales space. However, due to the fact that special equipment is required to make sales here, the price of goods sold through vending machines will be 15-20% higher than the price of similar products sold in retail stores.

This whole set of tools, methods and actions, which is the process of marketing planning, is based on a single document - the strategy for innovation (also called a business plan in some companies), according to which the innovative activity of the enterprise is organized later. Marketing innovation is characterized by the introduction of constant research and constant change of needs, updating the range, giving new features to the product and achieving new levels of satisfaction, using new forms of communication, new methods of sales and delivery. The fact that the growing number of consumers in the world recognizes the quality of goods and services, their ease of purchase and consumption over price parameters encourages such research.

Recent work illustrates how ICT affects the components of the marketing mix. However, they do not fully take into account the complex impact of ICT on the elements of «8P», the creation of innovation chains that can change all components of the marketing activities of the enterprise.

As a result of the use of ICT in the implementation of marketing strategies, there is an opportunity to conduct marketing research remotely. For example, in the process of studying consumer markets, conducting surveys via the Internet, finding partners through the Internet, getting acquainted with the activities of competitors through their sites, and more.

The consumer goods market is so complex and wide-ranging that it is possible to reduce time and money spent by applying innovative tools of marketing strategy. For this reason, major consumer goods manufacturers such as Apple, Danone, Coca-Cola or consumer goods retailers such as IKEA actively use innovative tools based on ICT and digital systems in the implementation of marketing strategies [12].

Conclusion and recommendations

The development of ICT, the construction of an innovative economy requires significant changes in the organization of marketing activities for companies producing consumer goods.

Among the most important are:

• Systematic approach. In order to gain significant competitive advantages from the use of ICT, marketing is seen as an integral part of company management systems designed and implemented.

• Competence-based approach. The introduction of innovative tools implies not only the ability to collect and present marketing information, but also the ability to solve business problems in times of crisis, to respond quickly to changes in market conditions.

• Focus on innovation. The development of innovative tools in marketing activities allows to identify competitive sources at an early stage, predict the development of innovative chains, achieve competitive advantages through the application of innovative solutions in the field of services emerging in the market.


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