THE MAIN ADVANTAGES OF INTERNET MARKETING AND DIFFERENCES FROM TRADITIONAL MARKETING Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
internet marketing / traditional marketing / digital marketing

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khurramov O.K., Kasimova H.J.

This article discusses the main advantages of internet marketing and differences from traditional marketing.

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- increasing energy efficiency of production, widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies and the development of energy, based on renewable energy sources;

- the widespread introduction and accelerated development of information and communication technologies and the enhancement of their role in the economy;

- the continuation of reforms in the areas of health and education;

- activation of activities in the field of environmental protection and ecology, including in the Aral Sea zone and other regions with a complex environmental situation, development and implementation of green economy technologies.


1.Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Action Strategy for the Five Priority Development Areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" of February 7, 2017 No. UP-4947.

2.The materials of the video-selective meeting devoted to the state of implementation of investment projects in industries and regions, analysis of the results of attracting and developing foreign direct investment. June 21, 2018.


UDC 339.138

Khurramov O.K.

lecturer Kasimova H.J. student


Abstract: This article discusses the main advantages of internet marketing and differences from traditional marketing.

Keywords: internet marketing, traditional marketing, digital marketing.

The Internet as a marketing communications channel is part of the so-called "new media". In addition to the World Wide Web, digital television, cellular telephony, CDs, etc. are also included. The term "new media" is used to distinguish traditional ways of delivering information to consumers and methods based on the use of the latest digital technologies.

The Internet is a very suitable place for establishing personal contacts with representatives of the target audience and further individualizing the company's commercial offer for each individual client.

"Мировая наука" №4(25) 2019


As practice shows, despite the obvious advantages of using the "one sender - one recipient" model in the Internet, not all companies that have their own websites use it. There is a huge variety of so-called "static" sites that only place a certain set of information about themselves on the Web, without taking into account the specifics of the communication channel used.

In addition to the extensive potential of using the single-sender-one recipient communication model (personal selling method), the Internet also provides ample opportunities for using the many-senders-many recipients model. This concept considers the Internet itself as an equal participant in the process of exchanging information on a par with organizations and consumers. The model "many senders -many recipients" is very typical for the Internet due to the interactive nature of the World Wide Web.

Thus, the Internet allows you to use the most effective of the existing communication channels with minimal cost.

When using "traditional" communication channels, the organizations concerned provide consumers with the information that they think they need. In the case of using the Internet, the situation changes dramatically: here the consumers themselves are looking for the information that interests them. The advantages of this approach for consumers are obvious: they do not need to take all the marketing messages in a row. For companies operating on the Internet market, there are increased requirements, i.e. increasing social responsibility of organizations.

The Internet allows for the highest content individualization, i.e. content of the website provided to consumers. Using specialized tools that are integrated into web pages (forms, software scripts), it is possible with minimal expenses to provide each target segment with individual information necessary for this particular category of consumers.

When using means of individualization in the Internet, it is necessary to remember about one negative aspect of this concept. As shown by studies conducted both in our country and abroad, consumers are very concerned about the issue of confidentiality of personal information transmitted through the Network. On the one hand, they understand all the advantages of personification and are ready to provide the necessary information about themselves. On the other hand, consumers are frightened by numerous scandals related to cases of "hacking" corporate networks and disclosing information about customers (credit card numbers, addresses, metrics) and are afraid to report any information about themselves. Therefore, in order to successfully use the AOT concept, it is necessary to make maximum use of "hidden" means of obtaining information about consumers (such as, for example, log files) and directly ask only a limited number of the most important questions.

Interactivity is one of the main advantages of the Internet over the "traditional" means of communication. This advantage is based on the ability to receive, process

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and respond to consumers' requests in the shortest possible time (about a few minutes or even seconds). Thus, an operational bidirectional dialogue of the company with the consumer is established.

It is extremely difficult (and often impossible) to achieve a similar effect in a "real" market. The use of such "traditional" means of communication, such as telephone communication, only partly allows one to get closer to the ideal of interactivity. In reality, not every large organization can afford to have a round-the-clock call center, and the costs associated with it may override the benefits of its existence. The Internet allows you to abandon the costly and inflexible in the management of the call center in favor of only a few (and often only one) qualified operators who respond promptly to consumer requests.

An extension of the interactive nature of the Internet is the ability to automatically process incoming requests. In the case of simple or standardized consumer requests, specialized software performs all the functions of analyzing the contents of the request. finding the right answer and sending it back to the consumer. The use of this approach can significantly reduce the burden on the operators of the feedback service and save money for the organization.

Thus, due to its interactive nature, the Internet is an ideal means of establishing long-term partnerships with consumers.

The main advantage of the Internet over the "traditional" market in the matter of creating a corporate image (brand) is increased consumer involvement in this process. Of particular importance here is the Internet interactivity concept described above, since consumers have the constant opportunity to engage in dialogue with the company. The consumer in this case is no longer just an autonomous object of the application of marketing efforts, but a partner of the organization. Through the feedback system, customers and ordinary visitors to the website have the opportunity to express themselves on any aspects of the firm's activities, attracting management's attention to the problems and thus improving both product parameters and the organization's image.

In the realities of the Internet market, consumer interests are becoming more significant for the company. The consumer not only performs the functions of purchasing products from the organization, but also helps it to improve its activities. Internet companies must understand this specific feature of the network business and encourage consumers to engage in constructive dialogue with the organization. This, in turn, means the firm's greater responsibility to its customers, because dissatisfied consumers on the Web are much easier to spoil the company's image than in the case of the "traditional" market. Thus, it turns out a "vicious circle" in which the consumer and the company are interconnected and interdependent.

Summarizing the above, we can distinguish two main features in the role of consumers in the online business:

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1) the consumer as a traditional object of the application of marketing efforts of the company;

2) the consumer as a partner of the company, who through mutually beneficial cooperation helps it to achieve its goals.

Thus, the Internet broadens the scope of "traditional" marketing thinking. In the realities of the Network, a transformation of the organization's traditio nal views of the consumer as an object of influence occurs, translating it into the category of partners. A consumer in an online business makes a much larger contribution to product creation than within the real one.

Under the conditions of the Internet, the subjective-personal characteristics of consumers (way of thinking, value system, features of perception) become more significant. Consumers with similar characteristics unite in the so-called online community to exchange information. Therefore, organizations in the process of segmentation of the target market face a problem that is even more "sensitive" than identifying these parameters in the context of a "real" market.

For organizations doing business in the Internet, there are no obstacles for attracting consumers from any countries to their website (of course, where there is Internet infrastructure). At the same time, the company doesn't care where its target consumer is geographically located - a marketing message sent by e-mail or posted directly on the corporate website will be delivered to it. The only significant obstacle to the internationalization of business with the use of Internet technologies (as in the case of "real" business) is the need to deliver the physical component of the product to the consumer. However, companies engaged in the provision of "clean services" (for example, consulting services) do not provide their clients with any physical components and therefore are free to carry out their activities anywhere in the world.

The development of information technologies, the emergence and rapid growth of e-commerce have become the basis for the emergence of a new direction in the modern concept of interaction marketing - Internet marketing, which means the theory and methodology of marketing in the Internet. The epoch of Internet marketing is characterized by the following distinctive features: globalization of business areas; the final transition of a key role from producers to consumers; personalization of interaction and the transition to marketing "one-to-one"; reduction of transactional and transformational costs.


1. Uspensky I.V. Internet marketing Tutorial.- SPb .: Publishing house of SPGEEIF, 2003.

2.Golubkov E.P. Internet use in marketing. (www.dis.ru/market/arhiv/2002/3/9.html)

3.Mamykin A.A. Internet marketing strategy and tactics. (www.dis.ru/market/arhiv/2000/2.html)

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