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Ключевые слова
"self" / individual / distance education / self-development / civilization / process / society / personality / interaction

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zarrinа Kurbonovna Yusupova

Self-development of the individual in distance learning of a foreign language can be defined as a conscious purposeful process for the effective formation of the processes of ";self" in the interactive cooperation of teachers and students with each other and with the means of teaching using modern information technologies for the purpose of cultural and language education.

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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285


Zarrina Kurbonovna Yusupova

Teacher of the Department of English language and literature Samarkand State Institute of foreign languages


Self-development of the individual in distance learning of a foreign language can be defined as a conscious purposeful process for the effective formation of the processes of "self" in the interactive cooperation of teachers and students with each other and with the means of teaching using modern information technologies for the purpose of cultural and language education.

Keywords: "self", individual, distance education, self-development, civilization, process, society, personality, interaction.


In the modern conditions of the world's development, when the world community solves objectively set tasks of self-preservation and development, there are profound changes in almost all spheres of the organization of its life, the search for ways and principles of organizing a single world community, a single cultural space is becoming increasingly important. In this situation, the role of education, which is the main imperative, the driving force of the development of the entire human civilization, is significantly increasing. With the increasing role of humanization of education, increasing attention to the world of the individual, self-development becomes a priority, in particular, in the context of distance education. It is necessary to thoroughly study the concept of "self-development in distance learning": to determine the main characteristics, basic and generated processes; to clarify the conditions, factors and barriers to implementation; to highlight the features of goals and methods - that is, to build its complete hierarchical structure.


In the current conditions, the problem of self-development of the individual becomes particularly relevant. In the context of this problem, the interest of modern science in the study of the processes of the "self" in the works of ancient philosophers

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

(Heraclitus, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, Plotinus, St. Augustine, etc.), in the concepts of Enlightenment thinkers (Zh. - Zh. Rousseau, I. Herder, K. Helvetius, D. Diderot, etc.), in the philosophical theories of subjective idealism (I. Kant, L. Feuerbach, I. Fichte, etc.) and existentialism (A. Camus, J. Sartre).

In connection with the above, the essence of the process of self-development appears in different philosophical systems as a spiritual and practical activity aimed at internal self-improvement, at acquiring high adaptive and subject-transforming abilities, at spiritual self-ascension, etc. At the same time, the most adequate human nature seems to us to be the understanding of self-development as a spiritual and practical activity aimed at self-building for life goals, carried out as an ascent to the fullness of one's human essence. Self-development is the main path of a person's movement to personal maturity, one of his essential needs.

Exploring the phenomenon of self-development of the individual, it is necessary to consider the sources of self-development. The genetic source of the need for self-development lies, according to P. V. Simonov, in the primordial, vital needs of a person - the need for self - protection, which requires sophisticated self-adjustment, and, in the future, conscious spiritual and practical self-change. Also, the need for self-development lies in the need for knowledge, which encourages efforts to enrich one's inner world, and, later, to consciously establish deeper and more complex connections with the outside world.

There are three approaches to the consideration of the concept of " self-development»: 1) through the concept of "development", 2) through the identification of self-development and self-movement; 3) discrete. Here is a philosophical understanding of the original concepts. In the context of the first approach,

" development " in the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary is defined as " irreversible, directed, natural change of material and ideal objects " [1; p.561]. Philosophers emphasize the necessity of the simultaneous presence of all three of these properties. Without going into philosophical analysis, we note that there are obvious inconsistencies. For example, G. Hegel defined the source and mechanism of development - the emergence and struggle of opposites - which contradicts the encyclopedic definition, which prohibits reversibility, spontaneity of changes. These contradictions, in our opinion, are eliminated by A. M. Miklin, taking into account the polarity of the processes: development is " a system (connection) of changes: these are both progressive and regressive, irreversible and reversible

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

(repetitive), discontinuous (qualitative) and continuous (quantitative) changes, the continuity of changes, the invincibility of the new, and so on."

If the differences regarding the term "development "are overcome by its categorical understanding, fixed in the philosophical and psychological reference literature, then the absence of the concept of " self-development " in solid publications gives rise to many changes in its meaning. It is understood as: 1) spontaneous nature-conditioned process of self-realization of the individual; 2) socio-cultural process of conscious self-education of the individual; 3) activity of the subject to change abilities; 4) activity to create their own individuality, the development of the «self»; 5) the search for one's place in society, the development of the universal in everyone; 6) the condition and result of self-education, etc. The interpretations of this term are often polar: "process" - "result"," socio " - "bio"," self " - "society" - the concepts of

" individual"," personality"," individuality'V'subject" are freely mixed.

When analyzing the concepts of" development "and" self-development", the most common is the explanation of self-development through a broader and universal "development". According to this point of view, development and self-development in different philosophical schools relate ambiguously. However, the most reasonable is the understanding of the entire process of development as self-development at the level of integral individuality - in different planes of human formation: biochemical, neurophysiological, psychophysical, socio - psychological. The individual independently forms his own personality, using his inner potential (subjective factor). Development as a whole is influenced by objective factors. The most important factor in the self-development of the individual is considered freedom, while emphasizing not so much the value of freedom from, but freedom for.

The process of self-development, based on the solution of constantly complicated creative tasks by the individual, has a number of essential features, the main of which are:

- changes in the personal sphere are determined not from the outside, but under the purposeful influence of the individual on himself;

- changes occur not only in the motivational, cognitive and intellectual spheres of the individual, but also in the processes of the " self»: self-knowledge, self-determination, self-improvement, self-regulation, self-realization.

Without denying the deep relationship of these concepts, such an approach is not entirely legitimate: there is an illusion of direct transfer of development to a new

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

ground of independent activity of the individual without any rethinking, that is, the individual continues to act as an object, and not as a subject of development. It is not quite correct to define development as specific changes that occur exclusively under the influence of external factors, and self - development-respectively internal. The category of "development" in the broad sense of the word is more general, meaning a system of any changes without specifying the nature of the influencing factors, but the traditions of the educational system have formed a stereotype according to which human development is carried out mainly by external influence, and the internal activity of the individual is the prerogative of self - development. Nevertheless, there is a third, integrating position, which reflects the dialectical process of interaction of external and internal determinants in the formation of personality. This position is characterized by the idea of the transformative role of internal laws: the content of self-development is the result of the internal work of the individual himself, in the process of which the content of external factors is "internalized" and becomes an instrument of the individual's activity. Sharing this idea, we add that internal factors, along with external ones, perform not only a transformative function, but also a creative, co-creative one.


There are also alternative approaches. For example, N. S. Chinkina and T. V. Galuzo share these concepts according to the degree of awareness: self-development is a conscious motivated process of purposeful self-change, while development occurs spontaneously as a result of resolving internal contradictions and is accompanied by changes in personality qualities that are not realized by it.

Note that the concept of "self-development" is close to the concept of "self-education". Thus, E. A. Klimova believes that self-education is a conscious long-term, systematic work on oneself in order to form and strengthen valuable personal qualities [2]. L. I. Ruvinsky defines self-education as a human activity with the aim of changing one's personality.

At the same time, it is impossible not to agree with T. V. Galuzo that self-development is much broader than self-education, because self-development covers psychological, physiological, pedagogical, intellectual and other processes of the individual, while self-education reflects only pedagogical aspects. Summarizing, it can be noted that self-education is one of the components of self-development. Speaking of self-development, we represent quantitative or qualitative changes that

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

occur on the basis of creative activity aimed at finding original creative ideas and solutions for transforming oneself.

In the context of the second approach to the analysis of self-development, self-movement is "a philosophical category that expresses the change of an object under the influence of inherent contradictions, factors and conditions". For us, it is important to focus on the internal causes of change. It is noteworthy that self-movement in philosophy "is considered in relative contrast to the movement that occurs under the influence of only external factors." That is, by analogy, and self-development should be in some way opposed to development, and not identified with it. We are interested in the features of self-movement at high levels of its expression, in open and holistic systems (people, society), where self-movement can be accompanied by a transition to a higher level of organization. Self-development can then be interpreted as the highest stage of self-movement in the dialectical-materialist understanding.

The third, discrete approach uses the description and analysis of individual "self' skills and abilities of the individual as components and mechanisms of self-development. In the literature, the following concepts are most often used as "elements" of self - development: self-knowledge, self-organization, self-awareness, self-improvement, self-realization, self-management, self-determination, etc., but without their generalization or structuring. For example, the ideas of self-knowledge for the purpose of self-development are key in the philosophical system of Socrates; the teaching of Aristotle about internal goal-setting as a source of self-movement was developed by G. A. Tolstoy. Leibniz, F. Schelling, Kant, Hegel, Teilhard de Chardin, etc.; humanistic orientation and anthropocentrism of the Renaissance to the fore derive self-expression, self-realization, self-affirmation of the personality in the work, directly linking the process of self-development with the creative process; the philosophical system of Descartes based on the internal source of reason, it is the only reliable basis - consciousness which becomes the source of all the essential forces of person. I. F. Isaev indicates three stages of self-realization [3]. At the first stage, self-knowledge is distinguished (including self-assessment, self-observation and self-analysis of the individual) as a desire to test yourself, to realize your intellectual, moral, creative and communicative capabilities. The second stage is in the initiative and the self - materialization of knowledge and skills of the individual in practice, which seemed to imply a certain level of self-organization methods, formation mechanisms of self-expression and self-actualization. The third stage is

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

self-affirmation, which includes a higher level of assessment of the manifestation of their abilities, which closes the cycle, forming a new need for self-realization.

The analysis of the "self' can be combined into four functional blocks - self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization. Accordingly, self-organization, building on the mechanisms of self-knowledge, is exclusively conscious (reasonable) in nature: the internal goal is realized and formed directly by the individual; there is awareness, consideration and development of attitudes to external goals and influences, as a result of which they may or may not acquire internal significance for the individual; finally, is the choice of subsequent behavior personality, based on the degree of importance for the internal and external purposes, the degree of activity and practical actions to achieve these goals.

Further, self-realization, based on self-knowledge and self-organization mechanisms, includes the processes of self-determination, self-actualization, self-improvement, self-expression, self-affirmation, implies self-confidence, consistency in achieving goals, adequate and flexible behavior, meaningful for yourself and others, etc. The last functional block of self-development mechanisms is self-education, which includes the processes of self-learning and self-education. In this aspect, we understand" self-education "as a process of conscious development and improvement of the individual's essential and potential forces: physical, mental, creative, moral qualities, intellectual and social abilities in order to" complete " himself to the ideal image as a complete person capable of self- realization .

Having characterized the content of the process of personal self-development, we define self-development in the context of a discrete approach as a conscious process of personal development with the goal of effective self-realization based on internally significant aspirations and external influences.

In the integral structure of the functional blocks of self - development, creativity and intellectual and pedagogical activity of the individual, aimed at itself, are considered as ways of implementation. The latter implies a high level of motivation; awareness of the need for self-development; goals, ways and methods of the corresponding process, the degree of one's own readiness for it, etc., that is, a certain level of psychological and pedagogical training, as well as a high degree of intellectual and reflexive activity.

Let us dwell in detail on the psychological aspect of personal self-development. In this situation, it seems appropriate to consider the different views of foreign and domestic psychologists on the problem of personal self-development from the point

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

of view of the peculiarities of their approach to the phenomenon under study. All modern studies of personal self-development can be conditionally divided into the following areas:

- functional (causal), which considers a person primarily as a purely functional being in all spheres of his life activity;

- subject-target, focusing primarily on the value-semantic characteristics of the individual, placing it at the center of cultural ideals;

- systematically, combining the two previous approaches based on the principle of system determination of any event, thus providing a holistic view of the phenomenon under study [4]. In the light of this approach, "the search for internal mechanisms of regulation of human behavior in the sphere of its subjective personal relations to the world, other people and oneself" is a traditional branch of scientific psychological research.

The psychological subject of the analysis of personal self-development in the subject-target direction of research is the semantic formations of the individual, the needs and interests of self-actualization, personal meanings. Motivation, the object of activity in the subjective experience of a person exists in the form of motivation and the need for activity. The motive leaves its specific mark in the life experience of the individual, forming personal meanings of life circumstances and actions assumed in them. Changing motives transforms and deforms the entire field of a person's readiness for various events [5]. Potential aspirations are realized by the psychological relationship of the motive with needs and emotions. In an adult, motives and meanings are formed into stable motivational-semantic formations (what motivates + why you need + how to achieve).

At the same time, the center of a single semantic education, the core of the personality, is recognized as a cross-cutting system of personal meanings or a reflection in the consciousness of relations: motive and goal, motive and emotion, motive and will, and other motivational relations. Consequently, the subject of personal growth is reflected in semantic formations and is found in the change in the structure of self-consciousness.

Abroad, the concept of personal growth is intensively developed by representatives of various, mainly humanistic, trends and schools. We are also talking about the creation of a new direction -"health psychology", which aims to preserve, strengthen and develop all components of human health (spiritual, psychological, social, somatic).

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

Foreign psychology (R. Berne, S. Buehler, T. Greening, W. James, A. Maslow, R. May, G. Allport, K. Rogers, V. Franki, etc.) in the light of the subject - target direction of research, much attention is paid to motivation, self-awareness, and internal prerequisites for the implementation of the process of self-development. The self, according to representatives of humanistic psychology, can change through self-awareness, as a result of which it is possible to imagine the individual as a process and an infinite ability to grow and self-development.

In humanistic, phenomenalistic psychology, K. Rogers defends the thesis of the positive nature of man and the possibility of his self-actualization; the human being has a tendency to move towards greater "congruence", to more realistic functioning and maturity. Congruence is defined as the degree of correspondence between one's feelings, their perception, and statements about them. Personal growth or actualization of the "I", according to K. Rogers, is expressed in the desire to become more competent and capable as much as possible biologically, and to the extent that it strengthens the body and the "self". The self is an organized, connected gestalt that is constantly in the process of forming and defining the self-view [6]. An essential addition to the understanding of personal growth is the views of A. Maslow. Personal growth is considered by him as a consistent satisfaction of the "higher" needs on the basis of the achieved basic ones. Personal growth, according to A. Maslow, does not consist of a single achievement, it is a special relationship with the world and oneself [7].

Planning skills, choosing the optimal solution, concentration of will, patience, constant self-control reinforce the stereotype of life activity in the system of solving more and more complex tasks of identifying and implementing individual abilities. In this light, there is a process of their continuous deployment, stimulated by the duty and responsibility of the individual to himself and others. Achieving success through a clear organization of the business allows you to get joy and pleasure from self-realization. The need for constant self-development, continuing throughout the life of the individual, is stated. Nevertheless, the results of sociological studies show that constant self-improvement is very rare. The cessation of development leads to the establishment of a system of mechanical reproduction of acquired skills. It no longer requires the effort of will, the ability to make informed choices, to plan for the future. When life again forces you to learn, to engage in more complex work, for a short time there is a transition to the mode of development, and then again a return to a state of stable existence.

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

The lack of continuous development of personal qualities significantly weakens the individual's self-realization, his creative potential, the appearance of will, patience, the ability to plan and achieve goals. We are not talking about the tasks that are associated with a specific type of activity, but about the ability to work on yourself. In the current situation, according to A.V. Merenkov, those who make more and more demands on themselves are viewed as "cranks, not realizing that humanity has already moved into a mode of very active change in both the system of relations with nature and man as a whole" [8; p.168].

The mechanism of self-development of the individual is understood as a complex system of interconnected external influences of society and internal reactions of the individual. They are aimed at ensuring its gradual transformation from primarily an object of development, based on the ideas of others, into a subject of self-improvement, and then into a subject of development of various communities and individual individuals. The scientist believes that all the elements of the mechanism of development and self-development change, enrich in content and forms of manifestation throughout a person's life.

Thus, based on the above analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, we consider it necessary to give our own definition of the concept of self -development of the individual in the context of our research.

So, in the psychological aspect, personal self-development is a socio-cultural process of conscious formation of a personally significant meaning of activities for the development of individual abilities under the influence of external factors of influence. In the pedagogical process, we define the self-development of the individual as a conscious purposeful process for the effective formation of the processes of "self' in the joint activity of the subject orientation. The use of modern information technologies in the educational process for personal growth is supported by the fact that V. V. Robert, exploring their role in education, explains the process of becoming a person in this way: "The disclosure of nature's inherent capabilities and abilities for knowledge, creative initiative, their systematic development, improvement and timely implementation-this is the path that ideally should be followed by every person in the process of becoming a person. Modern sociological, psychological and pedagogical studies convince us that a person who has realized himself, his creative potential, is a miscellaneous person. And this, at least, is a necessary condition for the comfortable existence of both the person himself and society as a whole for further movement on the path of improvement and self-

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

improvement" [9; p. 3]. In this regard, formed an information culture of personality, which is defined as a complex system as a personality, which is a combination of humanistic ideas, value-semantic orientations, position and properties of the personality and manifested in the implementation of universal methods of cognition, interaction, relationship, activities in the information environment, and determines the holistic person's willingness to learn a new way of life on an information basis.

Distance learning (DO) is a purposeful process of interactive cooperation of teachers and students with each other and with learning tools, invariant (indifferent) to their location in space and time, which is implemented in a specific didactic system [10].

Distance learning, which organizes students ' learning activities with the help of computer technologies, allows students to supplement their full-time training, strengthen their active role in their own education, and realize their creative potential in accordance with their existing abilities. The combination of full-time and distance learning is not a mechanical combination of two activities, but a certain organization of the process of self-development of the student's personality, in which the functions of full-time and distance learning are mutually enriched through different channels and aspects. If new cognitive motives are actualized in full-time training, then properly organized distance learning serves as a source of their satisfaction. The acquired knowledge and skills in the course of the distance learning process acquire a personal meaning for the student. It is important to emphasize that the development of the student's personality in the context of the integration of full-time and distance learning manifests itself as the transfer of new formations (motives, skills, knowledge, skills, etc.) from distance activities to full-time educational activities and back.


At the same time, there are obvious positive aspects of distance learning, which is designed to solve specific tasks related to the development of the creative component of education and difficult to achieve in ordinary education:

- strengthening the active role of the student in their own education: in setting educational goals, choosing dominant directions, forms and rates of learning in various educational areas;

- a sharp increase in the volume of available educational arrays, cultural and historical achievements of mankind, access to the world's cultural and scientific treasures for users from any locality that has a tele-connection;

Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

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DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

- getting the opportunity to communicate with professional teachers, with like-minded peers, consulting with high-level specialists, regardless of their territorial location;

- increasing the heuristic component of the educational process through the use of interactive forms of classes, multimedia training programs;

-more comfortable, compared to traditional, conditions for creative self-expression of the student, the opportunity to demonstrate the products of their creative activity to students for everyone, wide expert opportunities for evaluating the creative achievements of children;

- the ability to compete with a large number of peers located in different cities and countries by participating in distant projects, competitions, and Olympiads. Nevertheless, both traditional and distance learning forms require a purposeful, scientifically-based organization of training.


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Academic Research in Educational Sciences VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 10 | 2021

ISSN: 2181-1385

Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF) 2021: 5.723 Directory Indexing of International Research Journals-CiteFactor 2020-21: 0.89

DOI: 10.24412/2181-1385-2021-10-1274-1285

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