Научная статья на тему 'The peculiarities of training means planning taking into account chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes’ functional development'

The peculiarities of training means planning taking into account chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes’ functional development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
young track and field athletes / chronogram / physical qualities / planning / physical working capacity / maximal oxygen consumption / potentialities

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Sergey R. Minabutdinov

The article considers the questions of planning sports training means of young track and field athletes, taking into account the factors, which condition the effectiveness of sports training. In terms of age-related aspect young track and field athletes are able to differentiate movements according to time indices of the step, support and repulsion. It is the base for biomechanical characteristics of the running step formation in sprinting. Planning training among young track and field athletes taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of quickness, speed development in accordance with the necessary range of physical working capacity and aerobic productivity demonstration is an urgent problem. Materials. Theoretical effectiveness substantiation of the training means planning among young track and field athletes, taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of quickness, speed and physical working capacity development. Research methods. Information sources, normative documents analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The main indices of the strongest sprinter model are physical qualities and the tempo of their change and also the functional indices. They provide young track and field athletes’ morpho-functional status change. Using the model characteristics of an elite sprinter became the base for planning the training loads taking into account the chronology of favorable periods of young track and field athletesphysical qualities development. Conclusion. Planning training means taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletesphysical qualities and functional state development helps to estimate and correct the training tasks. It should be noted that physical working capacity changes are closely connected with the level of physical qualities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The peculiarities of training means planning taking into account chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes’ functional development»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-20-25

The peculiarities of training means planning taking into account chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes' functional development

Sergey R. Minabutdinov*

Udmurt State University Izhevsk, Russia 0000-0002-3327-8602, rifkatgandbol@mail.ru*

Abstract: The article considers the questions of planning sports training means of young track and field athletes, taking into account the factors, which condition the effectiveness of sports training. In terms of age-related aspect young track and field athletes are able to differentiate movements according to time indices of the step, support and repulsion. It is the base for biomechanical characteristics of the running step formation in sprinting. Planning training among young track and field athletes taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of quickness, speed development in accordance with the necessary range of physical working capacity and aerobic productivity demonstration is an urgent problem. Materials. Theoretical effectiveness substantiation of the training means planning among young track and field athletes, taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of quickness, speed and physical working capacity development. Research methods. Information sources, normative documents analysis and summarizing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The main indices of the strongest sprinter model are physical qualities and the tempo of their change and also the functional indices. They provide young track and field athletes' morpho-functional status change. Using the model characteristics of an elite sprinter became the base for planning the training loads taking into account the chronology of favorable periods of young track and field athletes' physical qualities development. Conclusion. Planning training means taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes' physical qualities and functional state development helps to estimate and correct the training tasks. It should be noted that physical working capacity changes are closely connected with the level of physical qualities. Keywords: young track and field athletes, chronogram, physical qualities, planning, physical working capacity, maximal oxygen consumption, potentialities.

For citation: Sergey R. Minabutdinov*. The peculiarities of training means planning taking into account chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes' functional development. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 17-21. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-20-25


The questions of planning sports training among young track and field athletes become urgent in terms of the necessity to reconsider normative indices of special running training taking into account functional readiness and the chronogram of favorable periods of physical qualities development. Early revelation of young track and field athletes' potentialities helps to determine the potential of each athlete. The following problem is very urgent: using favorable periods of physical qualities development and the tempo of their increase from age to age as the condition of a timely special physical, functional and technical readiness estimation among young track and field athletes in order to correct training effects [1,2,3,4,5,6].

The chronology of favorable periods of physical qualities development, where natural periods of motor display and biomechanical systems organization in the running step mastering are the most important, is the condition for an

effective sports training planning among young track and field athletes. 12-14 year-old athletes are able to differentiate movements according to the indices of time for the step fulfillment, the support and repulsion. It is the base for biomechanical characteristics of the running step formation for sprinting. In the opinion of the specialists, one of the main conditions for an effective level of sports training achievement is the ability to select the means and methods of physical qualities development. They provide a rational technique of running formation and necessary physical qualities improvement [1,2,3,6].

An important component in the structure of sports training among young sprinters is also a functional training. Yu.V. Vysochin in his work "Modern notions of physiological mechanisms of an urgent athletes' organism adaptation to physical loads effects" underlines the necessity to take into account functional reactions of an organism to physical loads, especially neuromuscular system reactions.

He underlined that optimal volumes of physical loads and the zones of their intensity are determined by the level of influence on the functional systems of an organism of the athletes and their age. It is the base for a successful competitive training [7, p. 28-30]. There is lack of characteristic concerning means and methods selection for training young track and field athletes taking into account favorable periods of quickness and speed demonstration at the stage of the initial sports specialization in modern information sources [2,3,4]. In the works of the specialists there is the information connected with the use of the accelerated muscles stimulation. It increases the power of hip extensors. The work of lower extremities muscles stimulation can be organized owing to the exercises at the training simulators (exercises for hip, shin, foot flexors). It has a positive influence on the techniques in sprint distances. In our opinion, muscles stimulation by means of the accelerated work leads to constraint of running and leads to tension accumulation. We see functional level of muscles readiness decrease and athletes' physical working capacity, especially when people are young [4,5,8,9,10].

The aim of the work is the following: theoretically substantiate the effectiveness of planning training means of training young track and field athletes taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of quickness, speed and physical working capacity development.

Materials and methods

The research was organized in terms of sports school of Izhevsk (The Republic of Udmurtia, Russia). Track and field athletes at the age of 12, 13, 14, who train at the training groups, took part in the research. The division according to age groups was held according to Martin. For example, 11 and 6 months and 12 and 6 months, these are 12 year-old athletes. We studied normative documents and the conditions of sports training of young track and field athletes. We studied the main components of the model characteristic of a young sprinter in the chronology of favorable age period of physical qualities development taking into account such functional indices, as physical working capacity and aerobic productivity.

Results and Discussion

Scientific -methodical sources analysis and research works of the specialists helped to reveal a favorable period for sports training of young track and field athletes. It was within the following range: 10-12 and 12-14 years-old. Sports training organization among young track and field athletes (sprint distances) was realized in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law (FZ 04.12.2007 N 329-FZ) "On physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation", the

normative legal acts of the Ministry of sport in the Russian Federation, federal standards of sports training according to the corresponding kinds of sport.

In the normative documents we see the age for the systematic classes beginning in track-and-field disciplines - 9-10 years-old (sports-health improving group). Lessons in the training groups start since 12 years-old. Age zones of involvement into systematic classes in sprint disciplines (100 and 200 m) can be broadened, adding the age of 7-10 years-old. It is important to demonstrate speed of motor action (tempo, frequency of movement, speed, frequency of the step), speed abilities and quickness of reaction.

Quickness in 7-10 year-old children is demonstrated in maximal values with the increase till 13 years-old. Sense of rhythm, which is an important quality for a sprinter, starts to form at the age of 7-8 and significantly increases since the age of 9, achieving maximal values at the age of 1112. Undoubtedly there are recommendations for the coaches, age related norms, mentioned in the methodical recommendations for kinds of sport. The attempts to turn the first year of training into sports-health improving kind of training don't give an opportunity to solve the questions of further sports specialization selection and specification among children and 12-14 year-old teen-agers. It is known that junior children have more vivid motor abilities. They should be taken into account from the first day of athletics classes. High potentialities of an organism in physical abilities demonstration and high tempo of increase can become the base for estimating the potential of young track and field athletes. The existing theoretical and practical models of the world strongest sprinters help to reveal the characteristics of the future elite sprinters of the world. The main indices in this case form physical qualities and the tempos of their dynamics and also the functional indices, which provide morpho-functional status change of young track and field athletes.

The model of the strongest sprinter considers all sides of sports training: morphological characteristics, age and sport experience of athletes. At the same time, there are some difficulties in defining the factors, which form the success of competitive activity in sprint. In this connection it is necessary to take into account the chronology of favorable periods of physical qualities development in model characteristics of an elite sprinter (International level).

They can form the base for pedagogical effects in a long-term sports training of young track and field athletes. Taking into consideration the separate characteristics of a functional state, especially physical working capacity and an aerobic productivity in terms of chronogram of favorable

periods of physical qualities development, it is possible to plan the training means in the basic and training microcycles of training.

The table presents the range of young 12-14 year-old athletes physical working capacity and aerobic productivity model characteristics.


The range of model characteristics of physical working capacity and aerobic productivity of 12-14 year-old

track and field athletes

№ Indices Young track and field athletes (age range)

12 years-old 13 years-old 14 years-old

B (n=13) G (n=9) B (n=13) G (n=9) B (n=13) G (n=9)

Physical working capacity, kgm/min/kg 12,3 -13,6 11,9 -12,7 13,7 -14,2 12,7 -13,2 14,3 -16,6 13,3 -14.1

Maximal oxygen consumption, ml/min/kg 39,1 -41,8 38,3 -39,7 42,7 -51,3 40,1 -42,9 52,5 -54,3 43,7 -52,3

Presented in table 1 indices should be considered as model characteristics of physical working capacity and maximal oxygen consumption of 12-14 year-old track and field athletes. They can be used for correction of the of the aerobic, mixed and anaerobic orientation training means. The presented indices have age related dynamics and differences between boys and girls. It is obvious that model characteristics of physical working capacity among boys and girls since 12 to 13 and 14 years-old become more specific in terms of their high values. The received results can be used in a practical work and functional diagnostics for the individual indices comparison and estimation. We also underline the dependence of physical working capacity of boys and girls on their biological maturation (retardants, mediants, overgrown teenagers) and it should be taken into account while training effects planning and realization. The existing range of physical working capacity and aerobic productivity indices variation proves that the indices can influence many factors. In order to get more objective information dynamic observations are necessary. Young track and field athletes of one age have differences both in absolute and relative values of physical working capacity and maximal oxygen consumption. That is why in order to select more gifted children for sprinting distances it is important to take into consideration the ratio of functional indices increase and the tempo of physical qualities increase.

Age-related dynamics of a maximal oxygen consumption as the index of oxygen capacities of an organism during muscle activity increases. Positive dynamics is the indicator of physical working

capacity increase. It characterizes potentialities of young track and field athletes to realize physical loads.

Thus, physical working capacity and aerobic productivity control and estimation, the tempo of physical qualities increase among young track and field athletes together can form the criteria of potentialities for high results achievement.

The basic organizational-methodical principle of sprinters' model indices use is the indices, the peculiarities of their demonstration revelation and the level of achievement prediction in chosen competitive distances.

Correctly oriented training means organization provides favorable organism adaptation among young athletes. It is mentioned that in case of low values of physical working capacity and aerobic productivity it is necessary to control the duration and character of rest between the training tasks and between the training classes in general.

For example, multiple short distances running, such as 40,50,60,80 m, with a maximal speed till 95-100% can solve the training effects of speed orientation, if the interval of rest corresponds with the readiness of athletes. Speed endurance develops if the duration of rest and its character don't provide organism rehabilitation in order to repeat further part of the distance. In this connection it is important to take into account the initial level of physical working capacity in the dynamics of a weekly microcycle of training. The working capacity becomes maximal by the 3rd day of the training effects and by the 5th and the 6th day it has the

dynamics of decrease. The key training objectives revelation in weekly microcycles of sports training among young track and field athletes is organized by means of the physical working capacity dynamics during the lesson and microcycle, which includes the achievements till maximum, stabilization and decrease with tiredness at the end of a microcycle, mesocycle. Such dynamics of physical working capacity demands precise content planning of a micro cycle and a training lesson. It is the base for the training lessons modeling in general.

The preparatory part of the training lesson is planned in order to increase the ability of an organism to get ready for the future physical load. Taking into account model characteristics of physical working capacity helps to divide the values of the used physical load into three parts: the 1st- for the preparatory part, the 2nd and the 3rd - for the main part of the training lesson.

Aerobic, anaerobic and mixed abilities of an organism development among young track and field athletes is realized owing to the variants of the training effects planning.

The first variant includes aerobic training planning in a form of running (till 300,500,600,800 m, till 60 minutes of general volume), where 5-10 minutes of an active rest, 5-15 minutes till HR indices less than 100 beats/ min. are included. The presented means of training young sprinters are corrected taking into account the chronogram of quickness, speed favorable periods development.


Thus, planning training means taking into account the chronogram of favorable periods of young track and field athletes' physical qualities and functional state development helps to estimate and correct the training tasks. It should be noted that physical working capacity changes are closely connected with the level of physical qualities. High indices of physical qualities demonstration don't guarantee sports success, but there is the connection between potentialities and the functional abilities of an organism and the effectiveness of their development. It is necessary to take onto account the specificity of the kind of sport in order to select a gifted child exactly for the definite kind of sport.


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Submitted: 10.04.2022 Author's information:

Sergey R. Minabutdinov - director of the Sports Club, Udmurt State University, 426034, Russia, Izhevsk, Universitetskaya str, House 1, e-mail: rifkatgandbol@mail.ru

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