Научная статья на тему 'Rational use of additional rehabilitation means in the training process of sprinters'

Rational use of additional rehabilitation means in the training process of sprinters Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
sprint / sports training / rehabilitation means / pedagogical experiment

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Lyudmila A. Marchik, Yuliya D. Romanova, Elena M. Novikova

Each great International track and field competition is characterized by higher results in sprint. That is why the specialists have to search for new means and methods of the training and competitive activity effectiveness increase in qualified sprinters. It is impossible to achieve personal records without constant training load volume and intensity increase. At the same time, the working capacity of an athlete is restricted by the definite limits of human abilities. Materials. The system of sports training analysis, as the range of ideas, views, orientations, means, methods and other structural elements with the definite character of interactions between them, proves its multifunctional influence on an organism in accordance with the regularities of its development. Each of the components, which form the content of sports training, has a specific influence on physiological systems. That is why none of the used means can substitute the other during the set aim achievement. Research methods. Information sources, concerning rehabilitation means use, analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Results. Sports results increase in the qualified sprinters (17-20 years old) are connected with the ability of a sprinter to preserve an optimal level of working capacity. It is achieved by a complex of different rehabilitation means use after an intensive muscle work. Under the means influence there is energetic reserves of the working muscles, the amount of the plastics materials increase, bone tissue strengthening and other qualitative changes. They help a sprinter achieve a new level of functioning. It helps to increase a working capacity. It is the main condition for sports results increase. Conclusion. Physical and technical readiness indices increase is conditioned by an effective choice of means. The diversity of it creates the conditions for a quick physiological systems rehabilitation and successful adaptation to more difficult training tasks. Rehabilitation processes intensification provides an optimal regimen of life, rational nutrition. It gives an organism micro- and macro-elements, vitamins, energetic substances and reliable bath procedures.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Rational use of additional rehabilitation means in the training process of sprinters»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-44-49

Rational use of additional rehabilitation means in the training process of


Lyudmila A. Marchik*, Yuliya D. Romanova, Elena M. Novikova

IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-9387-3390 marchik.liudmila@mail.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-2583-7873, ryu.12.03@mail.ru ORCID:0000-0001-9869-6170, elenovik.73@mail.ru

Abstract: Each great International track and field competition is characterized by higher results in sprint. That is why the specialists have to search for new means and methods of the training and competitive activity effectiveness increase in qualified sprinters. It is impossible to achieve personal records without constant training load volume and intensity increase. At the same time, the working capacity of an athlete is restricted by the definite limits of human abilities. Materials. The system of sports training analysis, as the range of ideas, views, orientations, means, methods and other structural elements with the definite character of interactions between them, proves its multifunctional influence on an organism in accordance with the regularities of its development. Each of the components, which form the content of sports training, has a specific influence on physiological systems. That is why none of the used means can substitute the other during the set aim achievement. Research methods. Information sources, concerning rehabilitation means use, analysis and summarizing, pedagogical experiment, testing, statistical data handling. Results. Sports results increase in the qualified sprinters (17-20 years old) are connected with the ability of a sprinter to preserve an optimal level of working capacity. It is achieved by a complex of different rehabilitation means use after an intensive muscle work. Under the means influence there is energetic reserves of the working muscles, the amount of the plastics materials increase, bone tissue strengthening and other qualitative changes. They help a sprinter achieve a new level of functioning. It helps to increase a working capacity. It is the main condition for sports results increase. Conclusion. Physical and technical readiness indices increase is conditioned by an effective choice of means. The diversity of it creates the conditions for a quick physiological systems rehabilitation and successful adaptation to more difficult training tasks. Rehabilitation processes intensification provides an optimal regimen of life, rational nutrition. It gives an organism micro- and macro-elements, vitamins, energetic substances and reliable bath procedures.

Keywords: sprint, sports training, rehabilitation means, pedagogical experiment.

For citation: Lyudmila A. Marchik*, Yuliya D. Romanova, Elena M. Novikova. Rational use of additional

rehabilitation means in the training process of sprinters. Russian Journal of Physical education and Sport.

2021; 16(3): 38-41. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-44-49.


The aim of the present research work is theoretical and experimental importance foundation of sprinters' motor abilities preservation and rehabilitation.

The technique of running 100 and 200 meters has specific peculiarities and should be considered as systematically organized, dynamically interacting range of different structural components. They provide maximal speed development. Quickness is the most difficult quality from the leading motor-coordinating qualities. The ratio of the running steps length and frequency is only an external part.

It reveals the character of neurophysiologic and biomechanical processes in an organism during the competitive distance overcoming [1, 2].

The speed is conditioned by the activity of peripheral motor apparatus with its multilink kinematic system and also central mechanisms of movements control. The content of it presents motor, vegetative and sensory centers. It proves that this motor-coordinating quality should be considered as a function of the whole organism [3 - 4, 6 ]. The muscles of a sprinter work more successfully in anaerobic conditions during macro-energetic phosphprous-containing adenosine triphosphate

(ATP) compounds and creatine phosphate use. The intensity of it's rehabilitation is the main for the speed of the running steps preservation from the start to finish.

During 100 and 200 meters running an athlete fulfills from 15 to 20 surface respiratory cycles in terms of lung ventilation 50-60 l/min. Depending on the speed of movements oxygen demand can be 6 - 13 liters, oxygen debt is more than 90% of an oxygen demand. It proves great importance of anaerobic abilities increase in terms of high aerobic indices, the absence of which leads to rehabilitation processes increase of the working muscles [5, 7].

Under the influence of systematic training loads sprinters' blood circulation system improves. At rest heart rate in the average is 60 beats a minute, heart rhythm less than 50 beats a minute was revealed only among 10% of runners, 18% among the average distance runners and 30% among long distance runners. Heart rate rehabilitation among sprinters happens 20-30 minutes later.


During the conversation we stated that, as a rule, coaches offer their students the definite kinds of rehabilitation, taking into consideration personal experience of the specialists recommendations. Answering the question "Why do sprinters prefer the following: general, local and acupuncture; active rest, hypoxic trainings? During the additional means of rehabilitation choice some use the influence on biologically active points, others prefer uv radiation or oxygen cocktails", ignoring bath procedures. The athletes and coaches explained that bath is a perfect hygienic means, but doesn't provide the expected effect. Underestimation of this traditional means of rehabilitation, checked by centuries kind of rehabilitation, for health improvement is conditioned by insufficient information about the character of bath procedures influence on physiological systems.

Bath is able to control the mechanisms of blood circulation regulation in the system of capillaries, improve muscles provision with energetic substances and oxygen. It increases tonus of physiological systems, increases energetic balance of an organism, its infections resistance. Hot bath

procedures in case of their systematic use:

- activate exchange processes;

- train the system of hypodermic coverings thermoregulation;

- improve the activity of perspiratory glands;

- clean from the accumulated wastes;

- normalize blood pressure; increase visual acuity, improve adaptive mechanisms of an athlete; provide quick adaptation to unusual conditions of competitions organization. A rational use of birch twigs with a gradual increase of power and frequency of the striking influences has a positive influence on cardiorespiratory system, decreases the content of lactic acid in the working muscles. Owing to this tiredness decreases, immunity increases, immune bodies are created [1, 7].


In order to check the effectiveness of bath inclusion into the complex of rehabilitation means among the qualified runners at 100 and 200 meters running we organized the pedagogical experiment. 24 sprinters (II, I category and Candidate of masters of sport) at the age of 17-20 took part in the research. The control (CG) and the experimental groups (EG) included 12 people each. Testing the level of their physical, special speed and technical readiness and a functional state was held using the following control exercises: for physical readiness: 30 and 1000 meters running from a high start; standing long-jump, shot put (weight 3 kg). As special speed oriented readiness indices check the following exercises were used: 60, 100, 300 and 600 meters running from a high start; standing triple and tenfold jump. The level of technical readiness was estimated according to linearity of running and the volume of body vibrational motions front-back and in side direction. The mark was given according to 5point system by the group of experts (5 experienced track and field coaches).

The initial indices analysis in the sprinters from the CG and EG didn't reveal considerable differences according to all kinds of training ^>0,05). Before the pedagogical experiment during the conversation we revealed that 4 runners from the CG go to the bath sometimes, considering it not only the means of rehabilitation, but also a specific rest. In the EG there were three runners,

who went to bath. The athletes were offered to find the information concerning the traditions of the Russian bath attendance, the demands claimed on bath procedures use: water temperature and the steam room temperature; the duration and peculiarities of birch twigs use; duration of rest between the sessions of birch twigs use, alternation of the influence of hot and cold water on the body.

In the EG bath was attended regularly once a week. Own feelings and impressions athletes wrote into the diary. In terms of adaptation to bath procedures the athletes were offered more contrast hot and cold baths; time of birch twigs influence in the definite tempo and rhythm increased, the power of birch twigs influence also increased. Bath was also attended 3-4 days before the competitions.

Bath procedures use was the addition to other rehabilitation means: active rest, massage and self-massage; hypoxic training. In the CG we used the same kinds of rehabilitation, apart from bath. After the pedagogical experiment we organized the control test according to all kinds of sports training. Comparative analysis of the research results showed that physical, special speed and technical readiness indices and a functional state improvement was in both groups: CG and EG, with the advantage of the runners from the EG. In the CG with the initial results in 30 meters running from a high start 3,14±0,22 s by the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved till 3,11±0,19 s ^>0,05), in the EG with the initial results 3,15±0,19 s by the end of the pedagogical experiment the results were the following: 3,08±0,08 s ^>0,05).

In CG with the initial results of a standing triple jump fulfillment 7,69±0,57 m, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices increased till 7,86±0,15 m ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 7,71±0,69 m, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased till 8,08±0,64 m ^<0,05). The same character of more considerable physical readiness indices increase among EG athletes was revealed according to other tests.

The dynamics of special speed readiness indices in sprinters of the CG and the EG was the following: in the CG with the initial results in 60 meters running from high start 8,20±0,50 s, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the

results improved till 8,12±0,61 s ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 8,2±0,29 by the end of the pedagogical experiment the results increased till 7,72±0,61 s ^<0,05). With the initial results in 600 meters running from a high start in the CG 1.41.1±0.2.30 s by the end of the pedagogical experiment increased till 1.39.2±0,55 s ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 1.41.2±3,50 s by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices increased till 1.35.6±0,27 s ^<0,05). The same character of more valid physical readiness indices increase in EG was revealed according to other tests.

The level of technical readiness in the runners of the CG and the EG changed. In the CG with the initial results of the running steps linearity 2,89±0,16 points by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices increased and were 2,97±0,12 points ^>0,05); in EG with the initial results - 2,87±0,22 points, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the increase was till 3,21±0,16 points ^<0,05).

Systematic use of these procedures, taking into account individual peculiarities of the runners from the EG, led to their functional state improvement. With the initial results of MOC in the CG- 52,79±4,85 ml/min/kg by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved till 53,81±4,75 ml/min/kg ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 53,34±3,85 ml/min/kg, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the results improved and were 56,76±4,95 ml/min/kg ^<0,05).

In CG with the initial results of vital capacity - 3,63±0,19 l, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices were - 3,74±0,28 l ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results - 3,65±0,25 l, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices improved till 3,98±0,26 l ^<0,05). In the CG with the initial results of heart rate - 73,93±4,53 s, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the indices decreased till 72,19±5,63 s ^>0,05); in the EG with the initial results 73,64±6,07 s, by the end of the pedagogical experiment the results were 65,03±4,93 s ^<0,05).

Moreover, the runners from the EG had the need for bath procedures use. In their diaries of self-control they mentioned the feeling of cheerfulness, revitalization after each bath attendance.


Thus, the results of the pedagogical experiment showed that the system of sports training improvement among qualified 17-20 year-old runners is necessary to consider as a difficult process, in which its structural components have the influence on the effectiveness of the training and competitive activity. The working capacity indices in sprinters are mainly conditioned by the complex of rehabilitation means, the choice of which should correspond with individual characteristics of an athlete. It demands analysis of each rehabilitation means character use after an intensive muscle load and the expediency of its use together with other means.

During the pedagogical experiment we received the results, which prove that bath procedures have considerable resources for relaxation and rehabilitation of the working groups of muscles, their unteroxydiert metabolism products purification, cardiovascular activity and other functional systems intensification and should be actively used together with rehabilitation means of the organism.


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Submitted: 15.08.2021 Author's information:

Lyudmila A. Marchik - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Lenin's square, House 4, e-mail: marchik.liudmila@mail.ru

Yuliya D. Romanova - Postgraduate, IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Lenin's square, House 4, e-mail: ryu.12.03@mail.ru

Elena M. Novikova - Postgraduate, IN. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk, 432700, Russia, Ulyanovsk, Lenin's square, House 4, e-mail: elenovik.73@mail.ru

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