Научная статья на тему 'The peculiarities of motives influence on the level of results among men and women in veteran swimming'

The peculiarities of motives influence on the level of results among men and women in veteran swimming Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
sport / swimming / motive / “Masters” category / result / questionnaire / correlation analysis / methods of mathematical statistics

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Olga A. Khorosheva, Evgenia A. Raspopova

Veteran swimming unites men and women over 25, who go in for swimming and participating in competitions of “Masters” category. In order to take part in competitions of “Masters” category there is no need to have sports career in swimming, when you are young, many sportsmen start going in for swimming at the age of maturity. The definite part of sportsmen veterans are sportsmen, who have achievements in the past and who want to keep fit. Competitions among sportsmen-veterans are held regularly in this country and abroad, sportsmen compete in different age categories – since 25 and further with the interval of 5 years. Material. The peculiarities of motivation determination among men and women to regular exercises and high results achievement in swimming of “Masters” category. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey, correlation analysis, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents the results of the indices analysis of the possibility to realize the motives (PRM) and motives importance among men and women, who go in for swimming in “Masters” category. The results of interconnections between the indices of the possibility to realize the motives (PRM) and the motives importance and the level of sportsmen-swimmers’ sports achievements in “Masters” category (men and women) are presented. Conclusion. Veteran swimming, both for men and women, is interesting most of all by the possibility to go in for the most absorbing kind of sport, it means that the main motive, which stimulates to train is “Satisfaction in the process of activity”.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The peculiarities of motives influence on the level of results among men and women in veteran swimming»

DOI 10.14526/01_1111_174


Olga A. Khorosheva — postgraduate student, Evgenia A. Raspopova — doctor of pedagogics, professor Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, 32, Balaclava Avenue, Moscow, 117303, Russia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. Veteran swimming unites men and women over 25, who go in for swimming and participating in competitions of "Masters" category. In order to take part in competitions of "Masters" category there is no need to have sports career in swimming, when you are young, many sportsmen start going in for swimming at the age of maturity. The definite part of sportsmen veterans are sportsmen, who have achievements in the past and who want to keep fit. Competitions among sportsmen-veterans are held regularly in this country and abroad, sportsmen compete in different age categories - since 25 and further with the interval of 5 years. Material. The peculiarities of motivation determination among men and women to regular exercises and high results achievement in swimming of "Masters" category. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey, correlation analysis, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The article presents the results of the indices analysis of the possibility to realize the motives (PRM) and motives importance among men and women, who go in for swimming in "Masters" category. The results of interconnections between the indices of the possibility to realize the motives (PRM) and the motives importance and the level of sportsmen-swimmers' sports achievements in "Masters" category (men and women) are presented. Conclusion. Veteran swimming, both for men and women, is interesting most of all by the possibility to go in for the most absorbing kind of sport, it means that the main motive, which stimulates to train is "Satisfaction in the process of activity ". Keywords: sport, swimming, motive, "Masters" category, result, questionnaire, correlation analysis, methods of mathematical statistics.

Veteran swimming unites men and women over 25, who go in for swimming and participating in competitions of "Masters" category. In order to take part in competitions of "Masters" category there is no need to have sports career in swimming, when you are young. Many sportsmen start going in for swimming at the age of maturity and take part in competitions in order to achieve the definite results for themselves. The definite part of sportsmen veterans are sportsmen, who have achievements in the past and who want to keep fit, going in for a favorite kind of sport.

Competitions among sportsmen-veterans are held regularly in our country and abroad, sportsmen compete in different age categories - since 25 and further with the

interval of 5 years. The number of participants is different, depending on age and gender.

What stimulates adults to continue training and take part in competitions? What stimulates sportsmen-veterans to improve the results from competition to competition? What are the differences in motivation of men and women? These questions in studied by us literature were not considered earlier and it determines the urgency of this research work.

Aim: To determine the peculiarities of motivations among men and women to regular exercises and high results achievement in "Masters" category swimming. Objectives: 1. To compare the indices of the possibility to realize motives (PRM)

and the importance of motives among sportsmen-swimmers (men and women), who take part in "Masters" category competitions.

2. To determine the most important indices of the possibility to realize motives among sportsmen-swimmers (men and women), which mostly influence the level of result in swimming.

Research methods and research organization.

According to the methodology by V.I. Dominyak a questionnaire survey was held in a group of swimmers, who take part in "Masters" category competitions (30 men and 30 women).

According to the results of a questionnaire survey the following results were revealed: 1) the indices of the possibility to realize motives (PRM), which are estimated according to the fact whether the motive, in the opinion of the respondents, presents in this activity or not (in this case in veteran swimming); 2) the indices of the motives importance, which reflect the degree of a motive importance for the respondent, irrespective of the fact, whether this motive presents in the activity or not;

According to the results of the competitions the best results of the swimmers

from the studied group at the main distance were determined, which were classified according to the table of points, used in "Masters" category swimming International competitions.

Received as the result of the research indices were handled with the help of mathematical statistics methods. The mean values of the possibility to realize motives (PRM) and motives importance and also the correlation matrix between the indices of the possibility to realize motives, motives importance and the results of sportsmen in points were calculated (both among men and women).

Research results and their discussion. Mean values of the possibility to realize motives (PRM) comparison and this index correlation with the results level among men and women is presented in table 1.

The presented results analysis shows, that women have a high level of such kind of motives as "Communication with colleagues" and "Take satisfaction in the process of activity". Men also point out that veteran swimming gives them satisfaction in the process of activity, but also they value such kind of motives as "competitive excitement" and "leisure-time interests satisfaction".

Table 1 - Mean values comparison of the possibility to realize motives (PRM) and their correlation

with the results evel (in points) among men anc women

Motive The possibility to realize the motive (PRM) Result correlation PRM

Women Men Women Men

Material wealth 3 3 0,367 0,334

Sense of stability, integrity 5,9375 4 0,474 0,405

Communication with colleagues 8,1875 6,6 0,143 0,826

Respect of other people and social prestige 7 4,6 0,078 0,575

Promotion, career advancement 3,375 3,4 0,425 0,520

Own sports competence increase 6,375 6 0,369 0,449

Take satisfaction in the process of activity 8,25 8 -0,075 0,560

Take satisfaction in the aim, activity results achievement 7,8125 6 0,426 0,406

Control over other people, other people management 3,75 3,7 0,143 0,572

Sense of freedom, independence in making decisions 7,875 7 0,477 0,499

Sense of success 7,1875 7 0,071 0,519

Sense of being helpful 6,1875 6 0,462 -0,526

Competitive excitement 7,375 8 0,104 -0,047

Possibility of full activity self-realization 7 7 0,351 -0,390

Leisure-time interests satisfaction (family, friends, hobby and others) 6,9375 8 0,223 0,117

Held correlation analysis of interconnections of the studied motives with the level of results showed, that women didn't have validly significant interconnections of these indices. Among men there were valid interconnections of some PRM indices with the results of competitions.

The interconnections of sports result with the following motives were revealed: "Communication with colleagues" (r=0,826,

with p < 0,05); "Respect of other people and social prestige" (r=0,575, with p <0,05); "Promotion, career advancement" (r=0,520, with p <0,05); "Take satisfaction in the process of activity" (r=0,560, with p <0,05); "Control over other people, other people management" (r=0,572, with p <0,05); "Sense of success" (r=0,519, with p < 0,05); "Sense of being helpful" (r=-0,526, with p <0,05).

Motive Importance of a motive Correlation of motives

importance and a result

Women Men Women Men

Material wealth 5,47 5,7 0,636 0,517

Sense of stability, integrity 7,53 6,6 0,512 0,096

Communication with colleagues 7,53 6 -0,136 0,553

Respect of other people and social prestige 7,125 7 -0,049 -0,334

Promotion, career advancement 5 5,7 0,346 0,754

Own sports competence increase 6 7 0,165 0,615

Take satisfaction in the process of activity 9,1 9 0,112 0,198

Take satisfaction in the aim, activity results achievement 8,2 6,7 0,247 -0,374

Control over other people, other people management 5 5 0,251 0,205

Sense of freedom, independence in making decisions 7,8 6,7 0,267 0,741

Sense of success 7,8 7,6 0,029 -0,518

Sense of being helpful 7 6,6 0,130 -0,215

Competitive excitement 7,3 8,3 -0,053 -0,112

Possibility of full activity self-realization 6 7,1 0,301 -0,271

Table 2 - Mean values of motives importance comparison with correlation with the result level (in

points) among men and women

Leisure-time interests satisfaction (family, friends, hobby and others) 7,9 7,8 0,230 -0,326

Thus, the held analysis proves that the indices of the possibility of motives realization among men are mainly connected with the results of competitive activity, than among women.

The results of mean values of motives importance, which reflect the importance of these motives personally for a sportsman, are presented in table 2. The presented results analysis shows that men and women highly appreciate the importance of the motive "Take satisfaction in the process of activity".

Women also highly appreciate the motive "Take satisfaction in the aim achievement" and men -"Competitive excitement".

The results of a correlation analysis of motives importance indices with the level of results among men and women revealed validly significant interconnections of the motive "Material wealth" both among men and women (among women r=0,636, with p <0,05 and among men r=0,517, with p <0,05).

Among women there is a positive interconnection of the motive "Sense of stability, integrity" (r=0,512, with p <0,05) with the level of the result.

Among men there are interconnections between the results and the importance of the following motives: "Communication with colleagues" (r=0,553, with p <0,05); "Promotion, career advancement" (r=0,754, with p <0,05); "Own sports competence increase" (r=0,615, with p <0,05); "Sense of freedom, independence in making decisions" (r=0,741, with p <0,05); "Sense of success" (r=-0,518, with p <0,05).

The indices comparison of the possibility to realize the motives among men and women showed, that the general motive, which stimulates to sports activity, is the motive "Take satisfaction in the process of activity". It helps to suppose that the veterans are going in for this kind of sport because it is interesting for them. Women also consider this kind of activity as the possibility to communicate with their friends. It is proved by

a valid correlation interconnection of this motive with the level of results.

For men veteran swimming is interesting because there is a "competitive excitement" in it and it satisfies leisure-time interests, being a hobby.

Correlation analysis of PRM with the results of competitions helps to suppose that trainings bring satisfaction and pride in constant self-overcoming and high results achievement. For sportsmen-veterans it is important when people around admit their success, it stimulates them to achieve higher results. For men high results in veteran swimming are important as they influence career. Many swimmers-veterans work in the sphere of physical culture and sport and high results provide their career advancement and it gives a sportsman an opportunity to manage other people.

The absence of interconnection of these indices among women is conditioned by a lower level of ambitions. Women go in for veteran swimming in order to satisfy their personal needs.

The indices of the motives importance for further sports activity among veterans-swimmers almost coincided with the indices of the possibility to realize motives, in particular the motive "Take satisfaction in the process of activity" both for men and women. It proves that veterans-swimmers will train because they like swimming, the process itself. For men competitive excitement is also important, for women - results improvement.

Revealed during correlation analysis valid interactions with sports achievements help to define the motives, which would provide interest increase in veteran swimming.

Both men and women pointed out that good prizes and other material values would stimulate them to go in for swimming further.

For women the opportunity to take part in competitions and train is important, but it is difficult because of economic and family factors.

For men in order to improve results in swimming it is important to communicate with the friends in club and friends, with whom they trained earlier. It is important to realize that he is able to fulfill self-realization, that "his game is not over".

Men show better results if they see the prospects of improving their position in society that is why correlation between this index and the result is strong enough.

Most swimmers-veterans have long sports career in swimming or other kind of sport. Being professional sportsmen they were always under control of their trainers and they were not responsible for their deeds. That is why, starting to compete in "Masters" category, most sportsmen don't realize the fact that now they are responsible for their training activity, that they should make decisions independently. Own freedom understanding in regulating training process improves the level of results.

However, negative interconnection with the results of the motive "Sense of success" (r=-0,518, with p <0,05) proves that sportsmen-veterans understand that excessive desire to win can be negative for their health state and deprive of the opportunity to train.


Thus, veteran swimming, both for men and women, is interesting most of all by the possibility to go in for the most absorbing kind of sport, it means that the main motive, which stimulates to train is "Satisfaction in the process of activity".

The only factor, which influences the increase of results, in the opinion of men and women, is the motive "Material wealth". Sportsmen suppose that valuable prizes can stimulate to train more and compete better, are

able, at least partially, compensate the recourses, spent during the training process and for the trip to competitions.

Men determine more motives, which influence high results achievement, than women.

For men the motive "Communication with colleagues" mostly determines the increase of achievements. Communication with friends stimulates men-swimmers to take part in competitions longer period and the desire to "show their best" stimulates them to train harder and it leads to higher results achievement.


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Submitted: 18.11.2016 Received: 21.11.2016

Olga A. Khorosheva - postgraduate student, Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, 32, Balaclava Avenue, Moscow, 117303, Russia

Evgenia A. Raspopova - doctor ofpedagogics, professor Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, 32, Balaclava Avenue, Moscow, 117303, Russia, E-mail: [email protected]

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