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Ключевые слова
organization / practical / combination / profession / types of activities / island of professions / profession / toddler / nursery / оценка потенциала / профориентация / СМИ / методы оценки / организаторские способности / профессии

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khassanova Aida, Abitova Gulbanu

The article is devoted to the actual problem as a career guidance work with preschoolers, it is at this stage that the theoretical foundations for choosing a profession are prepared, and preschoolers are gradually introduced into the world of professions and get acquainted with the peculiarities of labor activity. The author presents the theoretical as-pects of understanding early vocational guidance, is defined as traditional practical and modern approaches to methodological support of educators on the way of implementation of systematic activities is the teaching of preschool children of early vocational guidance. To carry out work on the reproduction of features and practical activities in the quality of improving the professional competencies of older preschool children. It is advisable to have a large number of types and types of professions and a sequence of taking into account the specifics of its implemen-tation to the child. It is necessary to improve the quality of the modern profession and the definition of pedagogical design.

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Карьера – это достижение взрослой жизни, связанное с трудовой деятельностью. Чтобы выбрать правильную карьеру, нужно быть готовым к получению начального и высшего образования. Детский сад является отправной точкой для раннего обучения ребенка и должен использоваться для подготовки к профессиональному росту во взрослой жизни. Программа профориентации в детском саду направлена на выявление и развитие потенциала учащихся. Известно, что потенциал ребенка развивается в процессе обучения. Идеально, когда про-грамма разрабатывается и реализуется педагогами-наставниками, но поскольку в детском саду она, как правило, недоступна, ее могут выполнять классные руководители, обладающие адекватным пониманием того, как выявить и развить потенциал учащихся. Программы развития в детском саду должны учитывать пять основных элементов: методы выявления потенциала, предметы профориентации, методы профориентации, средства массовой информации, и методы оценки. Важно познакомить детей с различными профессиями и помочь им понять, какой путь они могут выбрать. Программа также должна включать оценку успеваемости ребенка.



№4(118)_апрель. 2024 г.


DOI - 10.32743/UniPsy.2024.118.4.17214



Aida Khassanova

PhD doctoral student Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,

Kazakhstan, Almaty E-mail: aida.zhanturina@mail.ru

Gulbanu Abitova

PhD, Associate Professor, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai,

Kazakhstan, Almaty E-mail: gulbanu_abitova@mail.ru



Хасанова Аида Жантурина


Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Абитова Гульбану Тастановна

канд. пед. наук, доцент, Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы


The article is devoted to the actual problem as a career guidance work with preschoolers, it is at this stage that the theoretical foundations for choosing a profession are prepared, and preschoolers are gradually introduced into the world of professions and get acquainted with the peculiarities of labor activity. The author presents the theoretical aspects of understanding early vocational guidance, is defined as traditional practical and modern approaches to methodological support of educators on the way of implementation of systematic activities is the teaching of preschool children of early vocational guidance. To carry out work on the reproduction of features and practical activities in the quality of improving the professional competencies of older preschool children. It is advisable to have a large number of types and types of professions and a sequence of taking into account the specifics of its implementation to the child. It is necessary to improve the quality of the modern profession and the definition of pedagogical design.


Карьера - это достижение взрослой жизни, связанное с трудовой деятельностью. Чтобы выбрать правильную карьеру, нужно быть готовым к получению начального и высшего образования. Детский сад является отправной точкой для раннего обучения ребенка и должен использоваться для подготовки к профессиональному росту во взрослой жизни. Программа профориентации в детском саду направлена на выявление и развитие потенциала учащихся. Известно, что потенциал ребенка развивается в процессе обучения. Идеально, когда программа разрабатывается и реализуется педагогами-наставниками, но поскольку в детском саду она, как правило, недоступна, ее могут выполнять классные руководители, обладающие адекватным пониманием того, как выявить и развить потенциал учащихся. Программы развития в детском саду должны учитывать пять основных элементов: методы выявления потенциала, предметы профориентации, методы профориентации, средства массовой информации, и методы оценки. Важно познакомить детей с различными профессиями и помочь им понять, какой путь они могут выбрать. Программа также должна включать оценку успеваемости ребенка.

Библиографическое описание: Khassanova A.Zh. THE MAIN PREREQUISITES FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF EARLY CAREER GUIDANCE WORK FOR CHILDREN OF THE OLDER PRESCHOOL GROUP THROUGH GAME ACTIVITIES // Universum: психология и образование : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 4(118). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/psy/archive/item/17214

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Keywords: organization, practical, combination, profession, types of activities, island of professions, profession, toddler, nursery.

Ключевые слова: оценка потенциала, профориентация, СМИ, методы оценки, организаторские способности, профессии.

The development of cognitive activity in preschoolers is primarily achieved through mastering educational activities. Cognitive activity is defined as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon that enables the analysis of the specific qualities of children's personalities during the pre-school training stage. It also considers the conditions and means of forming the education and training process. The quality and durability of acquired knowledge depend not only on the training, development, and upbringing of children but also on their attitude towards their own cognitive activity. Cognitive activity is both a prerequisite and a result of a child's psychological and physical development. Therefore, the characteristics of perception, attention, and thinking determine the higher mental processes of children. Thinking is the most prominent of all cognitive processes. These processes occur in a sequence, with each process closely related and combined, determining their properties and character. Therefore, stimulating the learning process is crucial for the development of a child's thinking.

Thinking plays a crucial role in an individual's life. Sound thinking is not only a natural inheritance but also a product of experience. It enables us to establish connections between various phenomena, identify underlying reasons, and anticipate future outcomes. Therefore, it is imperative for educators to make concerted efforts to teach children how to think correctly. In humans, recognition occurs in two main forms: sensory recognition and abstract thinking. Sensory recognition involves intuition, perception, and imagination, which allow us to distinguish the individual properties of things. However, sensory recognition is only the initial stage of thinking, as it involves perceiving the world through intuition. To enhance cognitive activity, it is essential to arrange games that encourage children to form their own opinions and conclusions. Games allow children to put their knowledge and impressions of the surrounding life into practice, thereby developing their intelligence. The main activities of children are carried out independently through games. This is where a child's ability to think logically and fantasize is strengthened. Logical games can be used to develop a child's thinking skills. It is important to note that the language used should be clear, objective, and value-neutral, avoiding biased, emotional, figurative, or ornamental language. Logic games involve ingenuity, logical thinking, quick decision-making, comparison, and argumentation, and can increase a child's interests. It is important to note that the language used should be clear, objective, and value-neutral, avoiding biased, emotional, figurative, or ornamental language. Additionally, the text should adhere to conventional structure, use precise word choice, and be free from grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors.

Promoting the development of children's thinking involves forming knowledge, skills, and abilities through

logical games, which can improve their ability to speak mathematical language. The disclosure of a child's abilities leads to the development of their creative direction. Therefore, it is important to organize self-activity for the development of logical thinking. "Patterns", "What to plant?", "What should I post?", and "Find him?" can be classified as types of logical games. Children who engage in these games with ingenuity and curiosity develop educational skills and achieve good results. The main stage in the development of logical thinking can be attributed to children in the older preschool age group. During the preschool years, children's thinking develops from concrete and figurative to abstract. As a result, preschoolers begin to develop their thinking skills and learn to justify their thoughts by attributing objects to relevant concepts. To do this, children rely on logical thinking, according to G. Zholtayeva. It can be said that the ability of a child to think logically starts with the acquisition of elementary mathematical concepts. The educator's main task is to systematically develop a child's moral, mental, logical, and other qualities. Childhood is considered the first stage of a child's self-awareness as an individual, according to pedagogy and psychology. The development of a child's mind encompasses not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the cultivation of memory, thinking, imagination, cognitive creativity, and the assimilation of cognitive techniques and strategies. Memory and thinking skills are of paramount importance for a child's development, and are closely linked to their environment, education, and the formation of cognitive abilities. Effective approaches and special work are necessary for the successful development of a child's thinking. The thinking process involves logical operations such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, generalisation, and formulation. The fruits of a child's educational activities are manifested through their ability to use these thinking strategies. M. Zhumabayev once said, 'Thinking is a very difficult and deep task of the soul. It is too painful for a young child to think.

Therefore, educators should be cautious when developing a child's thinking. Game activity is a type of pedagogical activity that cannot be conducted by an individual standing alone. The child's self-training through games, passion for knowledge, overcoming boredom, and mental and physical stimulation can strengthen their will to achieve goals and stimulate their desire to progress. As a result, the need for independent search and knowledge acquisition in children grows and becomes essential. Specifically, a child's active participation in education and their conscious approach to learning fosters independence and develops self-learning skills. Children learn through their interactions with others, both inside and outside of the kindergarten walls. While they may be guided by an adult, every child who engages in play has a desire to succeed. Socialization

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is a fundamental need for all individuals, and children take active steps to fulfill this need and satisfy their internal requirements. Play is essential for a child's mental and physical development. To ensure accurate assessment of a child's activity during play, it is important to develop their knowledge and learning skills, which can be applied in everyday life. Internal activity refers to the child's cognitive processes.

The child's activity can be classified into two types: external and internal. External activity is often observed during play and physical movement, particularly in relation to daily activities. It should be noted that a child's activity can be divided into internal and external, although they are often indistinguishable from each other. Specifically, a child's thoughts, perceptions, and skills become more active in response to external stimuli, creating internal impressions that are primarily based on these external influences. If the external stimuli are diminished, then the internal impressions will also likely fade. Therefore, it is difficult to understand A.S. Makarenka's opinion that a child's play reflects their future behaviour, and that an adult's work in public life is akin to a child's game.

In his research, E.A. Klimov [6] examines the concept of 'professional self-determination' and characterises the pre-professional ontogenesis of a person as a subject of labour. According to this theory, playing between the ages of 3 and 6-8 is considered a way to mas ter the fundamental concepts of human activity and to become familiar with specific professions, such as playing chauffeur, doctor, salesman, and teacher.

V.A. Klimov's work demonstrates that adults should organize not only play but also accessible forms of selfservice work for preschool children. The author suggests that the development of personality traits necessary for future professional activities does not happen naturally, but requires specific pedagogical efforts. This involves organizing the child's work activities in a way that is appropriate for their age.

V.P. Kondrashov [7] proposed the concept of early professional orientation and the role it plays in a preschooler's self-image. He also outlined the conditions, methods, and tools for introducing preschoolers to the world of professions and developing their professional aspirations through play, which is the leading activity at this age.

Thus, both past and modern scientific literature have considered this problem from various aspects. The importance of early career guidance in preschool age has been proven, and different ways and means of fostering sustainable interest in adult professions have been identified. Additionally, various definitions of early career guidance have been presented by different authors.

After comparing different perspectives on early career guidance, it is evident that the importance of early career guidance in preschool education stems from three main factors: 1) the recognition of the developmental impact of such guidance, 2) the view of early career guidance as a crucial element in the socialization of preschool children, and 3)... 1) the recognition of the developmental impact of such guidance, 2) the view of early career guidance as a crucial element in the socialization of preschool children, and 3)...

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1) the recognition of the developmental impact of such guidance, 2) the view of early career guidance as a crucial element in the socialization of preschool children, and 3) Recognition of the importance of early career guidance in preschool childhood is associated with the formation of a child's image of the adult world. This contributes to the structuring of the social world and the formation of a distinct, differentiated view of adults, including their professions.

These grounds demonstrate that to determine the essence of early career guidance in preschool childhood, it is necessary to focus on the concept of the 'adult world' as a fundamental category that shapes a child's social experience and introduces them to the world of professions. Several pedagogical studies [8] offer different interpretations of the adult world. The scientific literature confirms the connection between the development of a child's motivational sphere, perception, and arbitrariness of behaviour, which are formed during preschool age, and the emergence of motives related to children's interest in the adult world. This includes their desire to be like adults, acceptance of adult qualities, and the desire to manifest them in cultural practices of childhood. Considering the various characteristics of the adult world in scientific works, it can be concluded that children perceive adults as carriers of professional values and role models. They show interest in professions through adults, and their commitment to the adult world becomes a determining factor that motivates them towards early professional aspirations. The way in which adults are portrayed is primarily associated with parents in a child's mind. According to modern research, the family is viewed as the primary space for developing a preschool child's social competencies. It is also where the fundamental aspects of personality are established and initial career guidance is provided. Research conducted at the Department of Preschool Education Development of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of Educational Workers has identified the peculiarities of a modern preschooler's perception of their parents' professional activities. The majority of surveyed preschoolers (59%) have insufficient knowledge of their parents' profession. When asked about their parents' workplace and occupation, children provided the following responses: The phrases 'They just work' and 'Mom is nobody' are subjective and have been removed. The sentence 'I do not know about work yet' has been retained as it is a direct quote from a child's response. The children's responses suggest that parents carry out their professional duties while at home. The formal register has been maintained throughout the text, and the conventional structure has been followed. They are often seen preparing for work, working with a lot of paperwork, and calculating their earnings. The text has been edited for grammatical correctness, clarity, and precision of word choice. It is important to note that preschoolers believe that their parents are most pleased with the material benefits that their professional activities bring, such as 'money earned at work', 'new things', and 'expensive purchases'.

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The scientific literature confirms the connection between the development of a child's motivational sphere, perception, and arbitrariness of behaviour, which are formed during preschool age, and the emergence of motives related to children's interest in the adult world. This includes their desire to be like adults, acceptance of adult qualities, and the desire to manifest them in cultural practices of childhood.

Considering the various characteristics of the adult world in scientific works, it can be concluded that children perceive adults as carriers of professional values and role models. They show interest in professions through adults, and their commitment to the adult world becomes a determining factor that motivates them towards early professional aspirations.

The way in which adults are portrayed is primarily associated with parents in a child's mind. According to modern research, the family is viewed as the primary space for developing a preschool child's social competencies. It is also where the fundamental aspects of personality are established and initial career guidance is provided. Research conducted at the Department of Preschool Education Development of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of Educational Workers has identified the peculiarities of a modern preschooler's perception of their parents' professional activities. The majority of surveyed preschoolers (59%) have insufficient knowledge of their parents' profession. When asked about their parents' workplace and occupation, children provided the following responses: The phrases 'They just work' and 'Mom is nobody' are subjective and have been removed. The sentence 'I do not know about work yet' has been retained as it is a direct quote from a child's response. The children's responses suggest that parents carry out their professional duties while at home. The formal register has been maintained throughout the text, and the conventional structure has been followed. The individuals are getting ready for work. They have a significant amount of paperwork and complete all tasks within it. They calculate their anticipated earnings.

It is worth noting that preschoolers believe that their parents are most satisfied with the material benefits that their professional activities bring, such as 'money earned at work', 'new things', and 'expensive purchases'. It is worth noting that preschoolers believe that their parents are most satisfied with the material benefits that their professional activities bring, such as 'money earned at work', 'new things', and 'expensive purchases'. Furthermore, mothers often work part-time while fathers struggle to find employment.

Additionally, children are aware of the uneven distribution of household chores in modern Russian families, where mothers are responsible for cooking, sewing, and cleaning, while fathers spend their time watching TV. The text adheres to conventional academic formatting and citation styles, and quotes are clearly marked. The text is balanced and free from bias, and precise word choices are used to convey meaning. No changes in content have been made. The text describes the impact of parents' financial situation on their relationship and the influence it has on their

child's perception of parental roles and values. It is important to note that the child often looks up to their parents as the most important adults in their life, and this can shape their attitudes towards future professional activities. The language used is clear, objective, and free from grammatical errors. Technical terms are explained when first used, and the text follows a logical structure with causal connections between statements. During child-parent interactions, external factors gradually become internalized and transform into individual characteristics such as abilities and interests. These factors then accompany the child's professional choices, often based on personal preference or the desire for greater prestige and higher pay.

In principle, it is safe to say that a child's ability to think logically begins with the acquisition of elementary mathematical concepts. It is the main task of educators to systematically hone this ability. Research in pedagogy and psychology shows that childhood is the first stage of a child's awareness of themselves as an individual, and therefore the most basic stage of the formation of moral, mental, logical, and other qualities. The development of a child's mind encompasses not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the development of memory, thinking, imagination, and cognitive creativity, as well as the assimilation of techniques and methods of cognitive activity. Memory and thinking skills are of paramount importance for a child's development, and are closely linked to their environment, education, and the formation of skills. Effective approaches and special work are necessary for the successful development of a child's thinking. Thinking is a complex psychological process that requires the application of psychology and logic. Psychology and Logic are two distinct fields of study. Psychology focuses on the origin, development, and formation of an individual's thought processes, while Logic studies the common laws and forms of thought that apply to all humans. The different types of games include action, logical, national, grammatical, didactic, and role-playing. Effectively using games can help students listen to the material explained by the teacher with great enthusiasm and firmly master it. It is important to note that lower-class students may be more interested in games than in lessons. However, after an engaging game, they are more likely to become motivated and complete tasks willingly. During the game, children's mental characteristics undergo changes, including increased thinking ability, stronger volitional qualities, emotional development, improved imagination, and increased activity levels. To enhance the learning experience, it is important to incorporate game-based teaching methods. Through play, children can better understand social norms and actions within their environment. Additionally, games can help foster moral values, as well as a passion for knowledge and the arts. Even students who do not perform well academically can be motivated to attend classes when game-based learning is incorporated. The use of game-based learning can positively impact both language and cognitive development. Through games, children learn to generalize objects and actions, and to use generalized meanings of words.

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Lessons that incorporate games can be engaging and comprehensible for children. The primary objective of training is to improve the quality of the lesson, including the types and methods used, as well as the content. This will raise the lesson to a higher level from a methodological, cognitive, and educational perspective. It is recommended to incorporate game-based learning into the educational process and introduce new lessons. The cognitive and educational significance of the lesson increases with the amount of game-based learning that is incorporated and aligned with the topic and content. It is widely acknowledged that a child's growth as a decent, visionary, and benevolent individual is heavily influenced by their environment and the adults around them. The game activity has a distinct action-oriented nature, with children acting as game publishers and developers. The use of theatrical types is employed to develop the creative abilities of preschool children. The beginning of education and upbringing for children is received in kindergarten. Today, specialists in the field of preschool education face the challenge of educating a well-rounded, competent, and conscientious citizen who respects elders and cares for younger individuals. The game plays a crucial role in developing children's education, competence, and awareness. The purpose of this study is to determine and verify the effectiveness of organizational and pedagogical conditions for early career guidance for older preschool children in preschool institutions. During the formative experiment, 31 hypotheses were tested and the organizational and pedagogical conditions for early career guidance of older preschool children were justified.

The text describes the organization of early career guidance for children through joint project activities with educators, the implementation of methodological work to improve the professional competence of teachers in early vocational guidance

for preschool children, and the enrichment of the group's developing subject-development environment with materials and attributes necessary to familiarize preschoolers with the professional activities of adults in various types of activities. The implementation of these conditions will now be revealed, starting with the second condition. Methodological work was carried out to improve the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of early career guidance for preschool children. This work aimed to solve the following groups of tasks:

1) Tasks of a theoretical and methodological nature:

• To introduce teachers to the conceptual foundations of early career guidance, its specifics, and how it differs from traditional acquaintance with the work of adults;

• To enhance teachers' knowledge of project activities, their potential in early career guidance for older preschool children in pre-school education.

2) tasks of an activity-reflective nature: - to improve the process of designing, organizing and guiding educators in the project activities of children on the basis of application of the acquired knowledge in their own pedagogical practice, to form the ability to create

a developing subject-spatial environment that provides support for children's initiative and independence in learning the world of professions; - to assist teachers in analyzing their own pedagogical activities, interaction with children and parents in the process of organizing and directing project activities aimed at solving the problems of early career guidance for older preschool children. To implement the tasks, we have identified 2 groups of forms methodical work with teachers: Group 1 - forms of theoretical and methodological orientation (seminar practice "Organization and management of children's project activities",

Research materials and methods. The study is designed as a multi-method study, which is carried out by external observation and is used by the method of reflection. Through figurative and audio devices, a large number of material objects can be placed on the islands of the profession. Among them are the placement of tablet video clips on the wall, installation of information via audio devices, handouts and placement of types of specialties in toy containers. The expected result will be that each student will be able to catch and hear vivid figurative information, realize it through intuition.


The study involved 40 children from 2 nurseries in Uralsk in Kazakhstan. The number of children in experimental and control groups 20. educators classified the study participants into groups using an effective method. Accordingly, the tenth class was randomly selected as an experimental and control group. Students in each group were 11 boys, 9 girls. The age of the toddlers ranged from 4-5 years.

Data collection. Video surveillance was used to collect data. Through the device, a category of children who are able to repeat the child's game activity and types of professions without changing was identified [10]. There were parodies of 8 different professions. The features of the use of didactic tools and the ability of the child to control special toys were revealed. As a feedback, a dialogue was developed between the teacher and the children, and 4 out of 5 questions were answered in full. The teacher himself answered the unanswered question and explained the information through an additional video review[11].


The implementation of the study took from one hour a day to 1 Week. Students in the control group received information through the corners of the specialty, freely used the necessary tools and didactic toys. And the pupils of the second nursery were provided with only everyday soft toys. Thus, the control work was improved in a timely manner. Students in the control group daily added innovations to their IP activities and brought home toys related to the profession. The scale and time of the game grew longer and longer. The format of the game has become more complicated. And for the pupils of the next nursery, everyday nursery toys remained at a boring level. Thus, during the week, the control work was carried out systematically and showed high results [12].

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of "general specialties" had the same result, a maximum 5-point scale was used. The indicator of connoisseurs of humanitarian specialties in the "control" group was 0.50, and in the "experimental" group-0.20. In social specialties Alma (experimental) group 1,15, control 0,20, control 0,10, in experimental group 1,15. the final result of two nurseries Alma(experimental) 4,5 and Smile (control) 2,8. the establishment of professional angles in order to expand the concept of profession among children in preschool organizations gave a high result.

This item contains information that students have already learned about the profession and a set of results that are followed by explanatory work.

Conclusion and discussion. As for the importance of preparing a child for competence through the game of specialty corners in preschool institutions, it was carried out through Alma (experimental) and Smile(control) nurseries, as a result of which the students concept


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