DIRECTING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN TO PROFESSION AT THE EARLY AGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and innovation
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preschool education / healthy / modern educational programs / technologies / comprehensive intellectual

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — N. Djamilova, D. Isabekova, O. Abduqodirova

As a result of the changes taking place in the field of preschool education, conditions are being created for the students to be well-rounded in all respects and become mature specialists in various professions in the future

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1N.N.Djamilova, 2D.Isabekova, 3O.Abduqodirova

1Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor TSPU 2' 3Researchers https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8397033

Abstract. As a result of the changes taking place in the field of preschool education, conditions are being created for the students to be well-rounded in all respects and become mature specialists in various professions in the future.

Keywords: preschool education, healthy, modern educational programs, technologies, comprehensive intellectual.

As a result of the changes taking place in the field of preschool education, conditions are being created for the students to be well-rounded in all respects and become mature specialists in various professions in the future.

"State standard of preschool education and upbringing" states: Organization of preschool education system based on modern requirements, healthy and all-round development of children, effective education and upbringing in the educational process we aim to introduce forms and methods and raise a spiritually mature generation. Expanding the network of preschool educational organizations, providing qualified pedagogic personnel, fundamentally improving the level of preparation of children for school education, implementing modern educational programs and technologies in the educational process, providing children with comprehensive intellectual, moral, in order to create conditions for aesthetic and physical development, goal 39 of the "Development Strategy Project of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" is to bring the quality of education to a new level in the preschool education system, Non-state education Decree No. PD-3276 "On measures to further develop the activities of providing services", Decree No. PD-3261 "On measures to fundamentally improve the preschool education system", Decree No. PD-3305 "On the organization of activities of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan", Decree No. PF-5198 "On measures to fundamentally improve the management of the preschool education system".

Laws, decisions, programs created for quality education of children indicate a modern approach to the educational process. Fundamental renewal and improvement of the education system in our country, including the preschool education system, has become one of the priority directions of our state policy. During these years, strong legal and institutional foundations for the development of this field have been created in our country. The head of our state, Sh.M.Mirziyoev, in his speech at the solemn ceremony dedicated to the 26th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan: "Our goal in the next 3-4 years is to fully include children of kindergarten age in our country in pre-school education organizations, and we will certainly do this. we will achieve," he said. According to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, such a goal was set in Section IV of the new Development Strategy of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. IV. Conducting a fair social policy, developing human capital. Goal 37: It was emphasized that every citizen should be given the opportunity to study for a specific profession at the expense of the state.[1]

One of the important areas of vocational guidance is professional information. The child should understand how diverse the world of professions is, each of them is unique. Accordingly, it is important to form interest in choosing a profession in older children of preschool age. Taking into account the interests and abilities of children, it is necessary to form their interest in choosing different professions in the future. Developing children as well-rounded individuals and introducing them to professions in pre-school educational organizations means preparing the child so that he can bravely enter an independent life in time and choose his own career path. Pre-school education is a rapidly developing education. lim field, which has been the focus of attention of experts and researchers in the field of education in the whole world and in our country. At present, fundamental reform of the preschool education system is being carried out in Uzbekistan.

In this regard, there was a need to make changes and additions to the state curriculum (2018) and create a second edition.

The improved second edition of the state curriculum "First Step" for preschool educational organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan was created for preschool educational organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the state requirements for the development of children of primary and preschool age.

The following factors became the basis for revising the first edition of the state curriculum:

• Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On preschool education and upbringing" adopted in 2019 and the main principles of preschool education and upbringing defined in it, as well as the main directions of state policy in preschool education ;

• Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" adopted on September 23, 2020;

• experience gained in using the first edition of the program and its analysis;

• Taking into account the opinions and suggestions determined as a result of a national survey conducted in 2021 among experts of preschool education management bodies, pedagogues and methodologists of state, non-state and alternative forms of PSO in all regions of our republic;

• international experience accumulated over the past years in creating preschool education programs.[2] Namely, the classification of educational programs according to the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education, Clause 106. Values and Competencies of the Finnish Curriculum. British Columbia Preschool Program Competencies; Competence for the Australian Preschool Education System Programr.

• The state curriculum is aimed at the formation of a child as a well-rounded person and is a basic document that defines the goals, tasks, principles, expected results, content and organization of the education and upbringing process.

This document is also the basis for the development of alternative, partial, adapted programs of preschool education.

From a young age, children imagine what kind of profession they will have in the future. Children tell their parents about their dreams for the future. These interests often change. Social factors contribute to the change of these interests. secret, including:

• Relationships with family, educators, friends, peers, etc.;

• Self-awareness, including self-esteem and self-development;

• Interests, experiences, values, attitudes, hopes and dreams;

• Education, knowledge and skills;

• Cultural and other social influences, such as gender, ability level, and race or ethnicity.

"Why focus on early career guidance?" when we asked the question, both educators and parents expressed their opinions.

Parents say that children talk about growing up from a very young age, imagine the future with dreams and hopes. Also, educators say that because choosing a profession and making decisions is a complex process, information about professional development is given early. slave. Parents and educators believe that it is necessary to start the natural process early in accordance with the child's age and level of development.


In their works and researches, Uzbek scientists have expressed their views on the career guidance of children. In the textbook "Pre-School Pedagogy" developed by R. Kadirova, Sh. Q. Toshpolatova, N.M. Qayumova, M.N. Azamova, views and opinions on introducing preschool children to the work of adults are presented.

In it, the main focus is on respect for the profession, appreciation of work, and labor education in children by introducing them to the work of adults. In addition, N. N. Djamilova, D. R. Babaeva, M. N. Agzamova, G. Nazarova, I. Toychieva have also carried out work in this regard. However, no scientific research has been carried out on the formation of interest in choosing a profession among children of preschool age. A number of scientific works have been carried out by western scientists to introduce older children to the professions.

C.A. Kozlova emphasized the role of visual methods in forming children's ideas about professions: viewing illustrations, showing films, showing examples. He followed the principle of gradation in expanding preschool children's ideas about professions.

T. A. Markova and V. G. Nechayeva attached great importance to the excursion. They believed that the excursion is the best way to form ideas about professions of preschool children[7].


The main goal of early career orientation of children is to develop the emotional attitude of the child to the professional world, to give an opportunity to show his strengths and abilities in various activities and professions.

A child who has received such knowledge, first of all, develops work skills, respects the work of adults in various professions; secondly, his worldview is expanding, and finally, it helps the child's interest and inclination towards a certain profession to be manifested early.

Based on the thematic planning of the "Ilk Qadam" State Curriculum, scientific methodical recommendations and the development of training on professions have been developed on the technology of introducing professions in older age groups and forming interest in choosing a profession in older children of preschool age.

To develop children as well-rounded individuals and introduce them to professions in preschool educational organizations It means preparing the child so that he can boldly enter an independent life in time and choose his own career path.

This methodical recommendation recommended by us is the method, methods and approaches created for career guidance in older age groups.

№ Modern professions Tools used Tasks

1 Illustrator Computer. an artist who creates illustrations for texts in books, newspapers, magazines, and other printed publications. Briefly convey the essence of what is written through a drawing.

2 Programmer Computer, planshet. A programmer codes the computer how to perform a task.

3 Graphik designer Computer, planshet. A graphic designer is engaged in decorating the environment with graphic tools. His field of activity is books, newspaper and magazine pages, websites and advertising, interactive computer programs. He writes site interfaces, books, magazines, newspapers, booklets and other printed products. works on layouts. Produces souvenirs, designs packaging materials. Creates various products: fonts, logos, symbols, trademarks, etc.

4 Architector Pencil, eraser, white paper, computer . design of buildings and structures; preparation of estimates and drawings; development of project documents; perform calculations and enter data into tables; creating design schemes; negotiating with project authors and clients; implementation of copyright control of the construction process.

5 Meteorologist a meteorologist is a specialist who studies the weather. The responsibilities of representatives of this profession are to observe the changes that occur in the atmosphere.

6 Translater Book, pen, notebook a specialist engaged in translation work, i.e. creating a written or spoken equivalent text in another language (translation language) to a written or spoken text in one language (source language).

7 Journalist Microphone, notebook Ularning vazifalari ma'lumot to'plash va yangi yangiliklarni etkazib berishni o'z ichiga oladi..

8 Manager Book, note book a qualified specialist who is not the owner of an enterprise or company, has received special training, and knows the rules of management in depth - a hired manager;

9 Stewardess The main task of the flight attendant is to provide high-quality service to passengers on board. At the same time, the flight attendants must observe the safety rules by the same passengers, they are responsible for the safety of people during the flight, and in case of emergency, they must provide first aid. meets with, checks boarding tickets

10 Composer Piano, violin, pencil, paper, guitar, Composer's profession requires musical-creative ability from the artist as well as special (in the field of composition) thorough knowledge. The composer creates musical works with the help of notation, tries to express a new, individual artistic content.

11 National Guardsman Automatic, military uniform A person serving in the law enforcement military structure of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan .

12 Archaeologist brush and shovel, magnifying glass and brush, knife, map, camera A historian is a person who studies the past of a human society based on the monuments of ancient material culture. An archaeologist can work in research institutes and also teach at universities. His scientific activity, like other scientists, is primarily expressed in scientific discoveries, written works and scientific titles.

13 Advocacy Paper, pen, law books. A lawyer (lat. advocatus, advocare — to call for help) is a person who provides legal assistance. Participates in criminal investigations, investigative actions and court hearings, civil cases in court, economic disputes in economic courts, or cases of administrative violations by judges or authorized bodies (officials), and has the authority established by law.

14 Veterinarian Medicines, syringe, microscope, pharmacy A specialist in the prevention and elimination of animal diseases, protecting the population from diseases common to humans and animals

15 Businessman Business plan, business building, company, computer, phone A person engaged in any economic activity that benefits society in order to gain income, assuming responsibility

16 Doctor Thermometer, syringe, medicine, pharmacy A doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents various diseases in children and adolescents .

17 Stylist Comb, scissors, fabric, sewing machine, hair dryer, iron, ruler, pencil, various work tools depending on the type It comes from the Greek stylos (writing stick) and originally referred to a person who mastered the art of literary style. A stylist is a practical design professional. For example, in the fashion and beauty industry: hair stylist -hair stylist, makeup stylist - makeup stylist, nail stylist - manicure stylist, clothing stylist - fashion stylist.

18 Borderer Machine gun, pistol, mine, military uniform, machine gun, tank A military officer guarding state borders; border guard

19 Gardener vase, spade A person who takes care of flowers and trees

20 Dietologist Gloves. Mask, tonometer, syringe, pharmacy, A dietician is a doctor who treats diseases with the help of diet.

21 Lawyer Paper, pen, law books, computer A lawyer is a professional who has legal knowledge, knows how to use it, and even teaches it to others. All specializations in this field allow you to occupy and teach any position in the field of law. A lawyer can work in the following areas of law: forensic examination, law, law enforcement activities, legal provision of national security.

22 Guide Microphone, Mobile phone, camera A guide is a guide, a tour guide who accompanies tourists or tour participants and explains the sights they visit.

23 Meteorologist Thermometer, meteorological device, radiolocation methods, meteorological satellites, electronic calculators A metaphysician who studies the Earth's atmosphere and the physical processes that occur in it

24 Teacher Blackboard, chalk, notebook, magazine, television A pedagogue with high qualities who educates the young generation

25 Cosmonaut Rocket, scandifer (suit), gloves Cosmonaut (cosmos and Greek nautes - one who swims in the sea), an astronaut is a specially trained person who flies into space in a spaceship, tests and uses space equipment; a profession that appeared after the man's flight into space (1961).

26 Florist Florists are modern "florists" who create beautiful compositions from flowers, original decorations and wreaths for decorating bouquets and rooms. The duties of a florist include the following services: - creation and implementation of bouquets and flower compositions; - interior design; - decorating showcases and sales rooms; - decoration of banquet halls, exhibition centers and luxury apartments; - taking care of potted and freshly cut flowers


Introducing older preschoolers to professions is a pedagogical process aimed at a specific


The main purpose of introducing adults to the professions of preschoolers is:

- providing accurate knowledge and understanding of professions;

- arousing interest and desire for professions;

- inculcating the importance of all professions and its importance in the life of society in the mind of the child;

- education to appreciate and respect the work of adults.

When forming interest in the profession in older children before school, educators should guide them to this profession, taking into account the interests and abilities of each child. What kind of person children will be in the future and what profession they will take are clearly visible in the pre-school age? Our goal is to raise a mature generation that will contribute to the development of our country. For this reason, it is important to form children's interest in choosing a profession from preschool age. The main goal of early career orientation of children is to develop the emotional attitude of the child to the professional world, to give him the opportunity to show his strengths and abilities in various activities and professions. A child who has received such knowledge, first of all, develops work skills, respects the work of adults in various professions; secondly, his worldview expands, and finally, it helps the child's interest and inclination towards a certain profession to appear early. Therefore, the task of introducing children to professions involves preparing the child so that he can boldly enter an independent life in time and choose his own career path, that is, we are talking about professional self-determination. In a children's institution, the child's self-determination is directly realized, because it is not related to the choice and development of a profession, but prepares and leads to it. Thus, the main goal is the gradual formation of the child's readiness to independently plan, analyze and implement his professional development path.[3]


Therefore, it would be appropriate to attract modern pedagogical technologies to the preschool education system, to develop methodological manuals, recommendations, programs, and technologies that serve to effectively organize the education system by researchers at the end of scientific research. In short, the role of the family and preschool education organizations is of great importance in the formation of the child's personality and the harmonious implementation of the profession. Of course, these activities ensure the continuity of the students, further educational processes, and create a foundation for the formation of the child's personality. Many authors point out that the development of game technologies is related to the emergence of creative abilities in children, which develop during the game. To create a creative idea of a preschool child in the game, to implement it, to combine his knowledge and imagination, to express his thoughts and feelings in his sincere abilities, to create an image, to think it up in the process of role-playing and it is expressed in the ability to bring it to the surface and so on. Our use of electronic game technology in forming the interest of older children in the profession in preschool educational organizations will be an expected innovation in this field. Research on the problem of electronic game technology in the formation of interest in the profession of older children before school has not yet been carried out, and this issue has been emphasized only in the works and research works of pedagogic scientists.


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