A.T. Holliev1
Uzbekistan. Like other cultures, it is damaged by various pests. Depending on morphological features and lifestyle, pests of the grapes damage the various organs of the bushes: the root system, the trunk, young shoots, buds, flowers and berries. Green shoots, leaves and fruits of grapes damage hawk moths. On the above-ground part of the grapevine, there is a grape mealybug, a comma-like shieldworm, and an acacia false guard. Vine leaves are damaged by ticks, cherries, cicadas.
Key words: Main pests of grapes, vine mite, vine mealybug, leaf borer, cicadaes, methods of control.
Most of the vineyards in Central Asia are located in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. High-quality table grape varieties are grown here and delivered to other countries.
Like other sectors of the national economy, viticulture is being developed with the help of intensive technologies. The increase of the share of Horaki grape varieties in relation to all vineyards is being implemented on the basis of the plan. The vineyards are being expanded and renewed. Particularly high-yielding and high-quality table grape varieties ripening in different periods, as well as winter varieties resistant to cold, diseases and pests are being cultivated. For example, modern agrotechnical methods allow grafting a new young branch to an old root system [1,2.].
In recent years, consistent measures have been taken to reform agriculture and introduce market mechanisms to this sector.
According to estimates, from grape products compared to the income from cotton fiber grown per hectare
7 times, 6 times more from cherries, 5 times more from walnuts.
One of the important factors of obtaining a high-quality and abundant harvest from agricultural crops, especially in the field of fruit and viticulture, is the protection of cultivated fields from pests, diseases and weeds. It is known from many years of farming experience that 25-30% of the crop is lost every year due to pests, diseases and weeds [3,4,5].
The most effective method in the fight against harmful organisms is the combined use of chemical, biological, agrotechnical and other methods. Each of the above-mentioned methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and by using them together in harmony, the effectiveness of protective measures can be increased.
In the following years, along with the increase of vine areas, during the period of high-abundance harvest, the crop is dying significantly due to the harmful effects of the main pests. As a result of these pests damaging the branches, leaves, and fruits of the vine, the quality of the crop will deteriorate sharply.
It is based on the analysis of the distribution, damage, morphological signs, survival and countermeasures of the main vine pests with the help of literature, to give conclusions and suggestions.
The vine mite is one of the main pests of vines found in all grape-growing districts of our republic. This pest is widespread throughout the world and can be found in all regions of our republic.
The vine mite (Eriophyes vitis Nal.) belonging to the Eriophyidae family of the four-legged mites of the main family Eriophyoidea Reibev. It is widespread in almost all regions of Uzbekistan. The vine mite overwinters under the bark and around the buds. It wakes up in spring (April-May) and begins to damage the new leaves. It goes through the following stages during its life: egg, larva, 1st nymph, 2nd nymph and adult. Fertilized eggs produce both female and male offspring, and unfertilized eggs produce
1HoUiev Asamiddin Turaevich - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan.
only male offspring. Gives several joints in the season. Vine mite mainly favors local varieties of grapes, some varieties are not damaged at all. Damaged vines lag behind in development, the quality of the crop deteriorates, and the amount of yield decreases(picture-1).
Sometimes the spider mite, which is abundant on some vines, drops the leaves of the vine and prevents the grapes from ripening; if there are few mites, the leaves turn red and do not fall, and the grapes, although ripe, have little juice. Reduces the yield of vines that have lost power due to mite sucking. This mite is similar in size and shape to the cotton spider mite (Tetranychus telarius L.); Tetranychus sr., the tick is white or light pinkish-white in color.
Pic. 1. Vine leaf infested with vine mite (Eriophyes vitis Nal.)
Vine mealybug (Pseudococcus citri Risso, Planococcus ficus Sign) and Comstock worm (Pseudococcus Comstocki Kuw) cause damage. Both insects are described together because their structure and lifestyle are close to each other. In the external structure of these insects, sexual dimorphism, that is, different formations, is clearly visible. The female is wingless, shapeless, 3.5-4 mm thick, has a flat body, and around it there are 17 pairs of waxy threads of sufficient length. The last pair of these setae is longer than the rest and has the shape of a "tail". Females of both species are distinguished by the same feature: the Comstock worm has long, half-length growths, while the grape mealworm has shorter growths (a third or a quarter of the body).
Pic. 2. Vine mealybug - Pseudococcus citri Risso (Planococcus ficus Sign) and its damage to the plant
Comstock worm in its juvenile larval form, and mealy grape worm in its egg form, hibernates mainly under the bark and in various sheltered places. Larvae of the Comstock worm, and adult females of the grape mealybug emerge from the village in the spring, in late March-early April. Larvae of these pests can damage various parts of plants with their stinging and sucking mouthparts. Damaged plants lag behind in growth and development, the yield is of poor quality and decreases to 50-70%. The presence of mealybugs can be detected by sap dripping from the vines or by the presence of crawling ants and wasps.
One of the main measures to combat pests in vineyards is the correct determination of agrotechnical measures. In particular, cleaning the vineyards from weeds and their residues, carrying out humming at the right time, smoothing the rows, removing the cut branches from the vineyard in the fall, and giving 2000-2500 m3 of irrigation water in the winter will give an effective result.
In the chemical fight against pests - Vertumek 3.6% em.k. (0.2 l/ha); Emamectin Extra 3.6% em.k. (0.3 l/ha); Pilarmectin 1.8% e.c. (0.25 l/ha); and Avaunt 15% discount. (0.3 l); Detsis 2.5% em.k. (0.4-0.6 l) can be used to achieve the intended result.
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© A.T. Holliev, 2022.