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state / administration / current / elements

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Abdurahimov A.A.

In this article highlights of the main issues of ICT in public administration in Uzbekistan current state of implementation of elements.

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UDK 37.02

Abdurahimov A. A. master student National University of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, Tashkent city THE MAIN ISSUES OF ICT IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN UZBEKISTAN CURRENT STATE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF


Annotation: In this article highlights of the main issues of ICT in public administration in Uzbekistan current state of implementation of elements.

Key words: state, administration, current, elements.

Without denying the importance of reforming the state apparatus and ensuring reliable regulatory regulation of the relevant processes, we must recognize that, nevertheless, the availability of information and communication technologies, the relevant infrastructure and professionally trained professionals to work in these systems are the main conditions that ensure the successful solution of the tasks for the introduction of management "electronization" systems. Therefore, the word is only talking about the introduction of these systems.

The experience of many countries shows that in the current dynamic developing world ICT is a locomotive of economic development, contributes to the attraction of investments into the country, the creation of new jobs, the introduction of advanced technologies into production and management, the reduction of output in information exchange, the formation of agreements between market participants. That is why the government of Uzbekistan distinguishes the introduction of information and communication technologies as an important priority of socioeconomic development of the country. It is known that the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PE-3080 of May 30, 2002 and the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 200 of June 6, 2002 directed to the realization of this task in practice. They identified strategic priorities for the development of Information Society, adopted and implemented the program of development of computerization and information and communication technologies in 2002-2010. The main directions of this large-scale work are as follows:

- development of the national segment of the telecommunications infrastructure and the Internet network;

- elimination of the existing backwardness from the level of developed countries in terms of equipping the population with computer equipment and related network resources;

- restoration of the national industry of software;

- formation of national resources necessary for the organization of;

- Development of standardization and certification of ICT and related technical means; - provision of information security;

- priority financing of related investment and innovation projects and

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provision of loans. Thus, as can be seen from the comment made by us, all the necessary conditions for the implementation of ICT projects and systems in public administration in Uzbekistan are actively and purposefully formed. In the next chapter, we will try to consider the general readiness of Uzbekistan for the implementation of these systems according to the generally accepted criteria.

Without a doubt, it is too early to talk about the availability of fully functioning infrastructure in the country for the introduction of ICT systems in public administration. At the stage of formation of corporate network of Public Administration bodies, Electronic Document Management System, automated processing systems of information of citizens and business subjects. However, the evaluation will look much more optimistic if the overall preparation criteria that were considered before by us are addressed. In other words:

- the signs of clear vertical guidance to the computerization processes established in the next two years are evident in the form of the Coordination Council on the development of computerization and ICT and the agency for communication and information;

- the policy of the state in this area is established and the resources necessary for its implementation are determined by qualified management;

- public administration and related technical services have qualified personnel who have the necessary skills and are prepared to work professionally with the appropriate programming and technical tools. That is, the general preparation for the introduction of ICT in public administration according to the three most important of the four criteria, the country has a sufficient level of readiness to introduce these technologies in prinsipial terms. Under these circumstances, as mentioned in the previous section, the availability or absence of fully functional technologies does not play a serious role, since the relevant software hardware and corporate network resources can be established directly during the implementation of ICT systems. On top of this, the situation in many positions is changing dynamically and allows us to speak with confidence about the sufficiently wide range of services that provide online access of business entities and citizens to relevant public information.

At a later time, the level of technical and technological equipment of Public Administration bodies is growing. In particular, according to the results of the research conducted by the communication and Information Agency of Uzbekistan, an average of 1 computer in the country corresponds to 3 civil servants in the public administration bodies, while 1 computer connected to the Internet accounts for about

10 percent of the central government employees and about 7 percent in the internal departmental system of Official information resource of the government of Uzbekistan on the Internet - portal of state power of the Republic of Uzbekistan www.gov.uz established. The portal can be used in three languages: Uzbek, English and Russian. Although this Portal now only has the characteristics of information dissemination and does not have the web decisions and tools necessary for interaction in G2G, G2C and G2B, it also serves as an interface

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for access to the main pages of several state bodies.

Many central government agencies and Local Government Area authorities have their own websites and local computer networks. In practice, each office develops and supports its own information systems. True, it is necessary to note that only 7 percent of them have their own corporate networks, the established information systems exist mainly for the performance of departmental tasks, they do not practically communicate with other departments and do not provide information to all interested users. However, this situation is changing dynamically, giving an opportunity to talk about the fact that in the public administration began to practically realize separate segments of the main pillars of ICT.

In particular, in order to increase the effectiveness of customs policy implementation in the country since 2004 and to introduce a unified system of taking into account customs clearance, a unified automated information system of the state customs office of the Republic of Uzbekistan is being introduced. This system is called upon to provide automated technological processes of collection, storage, processing and issuance of Information, quick access to a single database of customs bodies at all levels, Real-time monitoring of all procedures that occur with goods under customs control. The implementation of this project greatly simplifies the procedure for controlling the passage of tokens and the implementation of foreign economic relations with business entities. The Central Archive is the main module of the automated system of accounting for customs operations. To it are connected all departments of the state customs office, customs posts. In a single automated information system, all customs control procedures are taken into account not only by customs authorities, but also by other institutions that are involved in the operations of goods impeachment. That provides access to the Central Archive to external users, the agency for foreign economic relations, the Central bank and several commercial banks, the state tax office.

Of course, all this - so far only the first steps. Establishing horizontal interdepartmental relations, many problems of personnel provision of several units of the state apparatus remain unresolved. Issues of information security need to be resolved more diligently. The lack of targeted financing of related projects from the state budget is one of the serious reasons for the low rate of introduction of ICT into the activities of government agencies. However, despite this, informatization and information integration of various spheres of society in Uzbekistan has become an irreversible process in many directions now. This makes it possible to say not only that the country is ready to introduce the act in public administration, but also that its individual have begun to be realized practically at the level of ensuring public access to relevant state information.

"Мировая наука" №1(34) 2020



1. The e-Government Handbook for Developing Countries. A Project of InfoDev and The Center for Democracy & Technology», 2002, www.cdt.org/egov.

2. The Connected Republic. Changing the Way We Govern. 2004, Cisco Systems, Inc., Internet Business Solutions Group

3. «Электрон хукумат - риторикадан реаллик сари» тадкиккоти материаллари, Accenture компанияси, 2001 йил

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