THE LIFE OF PRESCHOOL: YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Scientific progress
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Ключевые слова
holistic personality / quality of education / road map / Third Renaissance / subsidies / innovation / investment / international standards / reforms.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Botir Shermatovich Ruzmatov, Shahrizoda Khusanovna Makhkamboyeva

This article describes the current state and shortcomings of preschool education, the ongoing reforms on this issue and the focus on preschool children, the reorganization of the preschool education system, more will be devoted to the work to be done in the coming years.

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Botir Shermatovich Ruzmatov Shahrizoda Khusanovna Makhkamboyeva

Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute


This article describes the current state and shortcomings of preschool education, the ongoing reforms on this issue and the focus on preschool children, the reorganization of the preschool education system, more will be devoted to the work to be done in the coming years.

Keywords: holistic personality, quality of education, road map, Third Renaissance, subsidies, innovation, investment, international standards, reforms.


The organization of harmoniously developed personality has always been an important requirement and the main goal of society. Today, preschool education is one of the most important issues in the world. In particular, Uzbekistan is carrying out radical reforms to develop preschool education and pay more attention to the education of the younger generation. If we look at the past of preschool education institutions, instead of acting as a kindergarten yesterday, kindergartens have become an institution where parents look after the child while at work, low coverage, lack of buildings. It was urgent to solve complex problems, such as inefficiency, use for other purposes, incomplete methodological repairs, social protection of teachers and low salaries. In addition, UNICEF's first global report on preschool education found that most countries in the world did not invest enough in preschool education. According to official figures, more than 1,600,000 children live in Uzbekistan. About 70% of pre-school children are not covered by pre-school education, which means that two out of three children do not have access to the essential investments they can make in their education and suffer from inequality from the first years of their lives. means that they can see. Children covered by pre-school education acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills faster than children who do not receive such education. It is unfortunate that the number of staterun preschools has decreased by 45% over the last 20 years, with only 818,000 of the 2.45 million children enrolled in kindergartens. The poor condition of the infrastructure and material and technical base of pre-school education institutions did not allow to ensure full coverage of children with pre-school education.


The need to use a creative approach to quality management in education and the lack of a systematic vision of the object of quality management in preschool education,

the need for objective assessment of the quality of education and the lack of appropriate assessment technologies are proof of our opinion. Deficiencies such as delays in the development of the sector, delays in the opening of non-governmental kindergartens, and incomplete construction in local kindergartens have led to a number of shortcomings. The study shows that the current system of preschool education management has failed to identify and address existing problems in a timely manner, as well as to develop and implement innovative solutions for further development of the sector.

Preschool education plays a particularly important role due to the fact that the comprehensive development of preschool children, in which the formation of a perfect human foundation and the period of its emergence is defined as a unique period, is a "qualification" (Latin qualios-quality). It is considered as a decisive factor in the formation of a person capable of ensuring the dynamics of important social processes of the time, including the need to prioritize personal development (E.Sh. Kurbanov, EASeytkhalilov), the transition to a model of sustainable development of society . The favorable conditions created for the development of public-private partnership in the field of preschool education have laid a solid foundation for further increasing the number of non-governmental preschool institutions and expanding the range of services they provide. It is necessary to address the issues of ensuring the coverage of preschool education, replenishment of preschool educational institutions with modern teaching materials and literature, the involvement of qualified teachers and management staff in the field. In order to ensure the gradual full coverage of children with preschool education, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree on September 30, 2017 "On radically improving the management of the preschool education system." The Ministry of Preschool Education was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the system of preschool education". The Presidential Decree provides for the implementation of large-scale measures to address the existing problems in reforming the system of preschool education. The concept of development of the system of preschool education of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 provides for: Introduction of innovations, advanced pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the system of preschool education. The document will be implemented in stages on the basis of a separate "road map" approved annually, based on the results achieved, targets and key directions for the relevant period (2019-2024 and 2025-2030).


The Ministry of Preschool Education traditionally reports twice a year. Over the past 3 years, we have reached 1.5 million children with preschool education, which is twice as much as in 2017. It is planned to increase the coverage to 59.5% by the end of

this year. The number of preschool education institutions is also growing. If in 2017 the total number of preschool organizations was 5,000, now their number has exceeded 14,000. The process of building new preschools and renovating old ones is underway throughout Uzbekistan. Under the 2020 programs, 18 facilities are to be completed, 129 vacant facilities are to be commissioned, and 261 public preschools are to be renovated. This will create an additional 32.7 thousand new seats. In particular, in his recent Address to the Oliy Majlis of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, he said about education:

"We have set ourselves the great goal of building the foundations of the Third Renaissance in our country, and for this we need to create an environment and conditions that will educate new Khorezmians, Beruni, Ibn Sino, Ulugbeks, Navoi and Baburis. The development of education, healthy lifestyle decisions, the development of science and innovation should serve as the main pillars of our national idea. In short, from birth to 30 years of age A comprehensive and continuous education will be created

to support it in all respects and help it to find its rightful place in life____The following

large-scale work on radical reform and further development of the areas identified in the name of 2021 we must do: First, from the moment a child is born, it is at the very preschool age that mental activity increases, moral-aesthetic and physical qualities are formed. Therefore, our strategic goal for the development of preschool education in the coming years is to create the necessary conditions for the full coverage of every child of kindergarten age in this area of education. We need to increase preschool coverage to 65% by the end of next year and 75% by the end of 2023. An additional 2,000 private kindergartens will be established with a budget subsidy of 600 billion soms, bringing the share of the private sector to 25%. Also, in 2021, 560,000 6-year-old children or 82% of them will be covered by the free school preparation system.

Alternative forms of pre-school education will be further expanded in remote villages, including a model of home-based pre-school education for children with disabilities in partnership with UNICEF and the World Bank. "Indeed, the most effective investment is in education. Because the development of society, its future is determined by mature, qualified personnel. Improving the education system is to increase their knowledge, to raise the level of quality. At this point, I would like to recall the book "Late After Three" by Masaru Ibuka, a Japanese researcher and child psychologist. According to him, children learn what adults learn with difficulty through play. In fact, recent research has shown that the greater the capacity of the human brain, the earlier education and upbringing are given to a child, the more positive it will be.

The pandemic focused on two main issues:

Maintaining the health of staff and children, ensuring uninterrupted education under the "First Step" (for children aged 3-5) and "Aqlvoy" (for children aged 6) programs, preventing the spread of COVID-19 On March 16, 2020, the Ministry of

Preschool Education suspended 14,000 pre-school education institutions, including 6,000 public, 6,700 family, 753 private and 692 PPP-based preschools. In order to ensure that children do not stop learning about the environment at home, several issues of the Online Kindergarten program have been prepared and aired on Bolajon TV. The video lessons were shown daily in Uzbek and Uzbek from April 1 to June 15. In addition, the programs were aired on Telegram channels and social networks. A special TV program called "Alphabet of Health" was prepared and shown with the participation of staff, teachers, psychologists and speech pathologists. The reorganization of the pre-school education system means, first of all, the creation of a more appropriate order for the pre-school education organization. Therefore, the preschool organization should be accepted as an organization that can meet the basic requirements of the state in the education of children.


District (city) pre-school education departments are conducting educational seminars and explanatory work on improving the use of information and communication technologies in education in public preschool organizations to increase the effectiveness of education in preschool education. These activities provide practical skills to correct errors in the Open EMIS system.

It also envisages the creation and development of alternative forms of pre-school education, along with traditional forms of pre-school preparation for the education of children aged 5-6 years. As a result of the implementation of the tasks set by the resolution, special attention will be paid to the system of preschool education and its development, modern advanced forms of teaching, new pedagogical and information technologies, effective forms of education and methods will be introduced, the material and technical base of preschool education organizations will be improved, and the possibility of 100% coverage of children aged 5-6 in preschool education will be created. The creation of such an educational environment at the foundation of education ultimately focuses on the perfection of the free-thinking individual. The system of preschool education at the level of international standards will be created as a result of studying the experience of the countries of the world in the field of preschool education and using them taking into account our national mentality.


In this regard, it is the duty of all of us, as a representative of this nation, to recognize the hard work of a large team under the leadership of our esteemed President in the ongoing reforms in the preschool education system.


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2. Mirziyoyev Sh.M. Together we will build a free and prosperous democratic state of Uzbekistan - Tashkent. "Uzbekistan" NMIY, 2017

3. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 30, 2017 No PF-5198 "On measures to radically improve the system of preschool education."

4. Report on the activities of the UNICEF Office in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2019.

5. "Preschool pedagogy" Sh.Sadikova "Tafakkur bostoni" Tashkent-2013.

6. Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis on January 6, 2021.

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