THE LEXICOGRAPHICAL ASPECTS OF LEGAL TERMS IN GERMAN AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
clauses / monosemantic / synonyms / antonyms / terminology / lexemes / lexicology / pedagogical terminology / lexical layers / legal terms / legislation / negative emotional connotation

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Baxriddinova Muyassarxon Rahimovna

This article is dedicated to the lexicographical aspects of legal terms in German and Uzbek languages. It is evident that terms are commonly utilized in many realms including technology, science, art, literature and law. They have been studied for many years by plenty of scholars since they own primary and secondary meanings. The advancement of cutting-edge technologies has brought about many changes in terminology as well and various terms have appeared in every field. Indeed, law is a very broad area with its differently used words, phrases and word combinations.

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Baxriddinova Muyassarxon Rahimovna Tashkent State University of Law

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the lexicographical aspects of legal terms in German and Uzbek languages. It is evident that terms are commonly utilized in many realms including technology, science, art, literature and law. They have been studied for many years by plenty of scholars since they own primary and secondary meanings. The advancement of cutting-edge technologies has brought about many changes in terminology as well and various terms have appeared in every field. Indeed, law is a very broad area with its differently used words, phrases and word combinations.

Keywords: clauses, monosemantic, synonyms, antonyms, terminology, lexemes, lexicology, pedagogical terminology, lexical layers, legal terms, legislation, negative emotional connotation


A word has many meanings, and it can have a primary and secondary meaning. The term does not have this feature. The term is a word, but it differs from ordinary words in the accuracy of its meaning and in its uniqueness. The term is used in a specific special field of science and in the speech of its representatives. For example, terms such as crime, punishment, trial, accused, aggression, recidivism, genocide, terrorism, custody, the Senate, speaker are found only in jurisprudence.

The set of terms and the area that studies the terms is called terminology. The term originates from the Latin word terminus (limit, border).

The vocabulary of the language of law consists mainly of terms, but in order to express and form legal concepts, some norms of such a language process are faced with certain requirements. This is due to the specifics of the term.

The term performs a nominative function - its meaning is equal to a concept within the framework of the norms of a literary language. Since the term is monosemantic in the terminological system, its meaning is equivalent to the concept. That means, terms are special formal unified words that express the same meaning as a word. A single word with multiple meanings represents several concepts.

In linguistics, especially in lexicology, it is emphasized that lexemes, which are the main lexical unit of a language, exist not in isolation from each other, but in interconnection, in various semantic connections. This principle has led to the creation of different lexical strata. According to a certain pattern, lexical layers are

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grouped. It is important that, depending on the purpose of the study, one or another principle of grouping terms is used.

Material and methods

Based on the analysis of the collected materials and generalized classifications of terminological groups proposed by M. Kasimova and Sh. Kochimov, it was found that the legal terms of the Uzbek language should be classified as follows:

I. Terms denoting individuals.

This thematic group, in turn, can be divided into smaller subgroups: a) terms denoting persons working in the field of jurisprudence: lawyer, prosecutor, judge, representative, lawyer, shareholder, prosecutor general, guarantor, criminologist, financier, notary, convoy, criminologist, judge, secretary of state; b) terms for punishable persons: accused, bully, aggressor, accused, criminal, immoral, bandit, aggressor, poacher, butler, gangster, drug addict, killer, hijacker, accused, suspect.

II. The terms designating "types of crimes": murder, theft, bribery, rape, robbery, intimidation, slander, extortion and killer.

III. Terms for criminal proceedings: interrogation, investigation, search, sentencing, trial, court, guilty plea, testimony, etc.

IV. The terms denoting the concept of "judicial authorities" are as follows: court (supreme court, local court), prosecutor's office, college of advocates, tribunal, police, etc.

Jurisprudence consists of several industries, each of which has its own peculiarity and specificity. The meaning of the terms in each area of jurisprudence is invaluable. Legal field terms can also be grouped in relation to the object they represent. These include:

a) terms expressing concepts related to civil matters - individual, legal entity, entrepreneur, creditor, guardianship, trusteeship, property rights, pledge, gift, limited liability company, limited liability company;

b) terms related to the state system and management activities - state law, constitutional law, official power, state court, public associations, public organizations, Oliy Majlis, confederation, ministry, monopolistic activity;

c) terms related to crime - recidivist, fine, imprisonment, drug addiction, murder, terrorism, extortion, looting, espionage, poaching;

d) terms related to economic issues - economic court, procedural inheritance, state duty, economic contract, economic company, commercial law;

e) terms related to housing issues - ownership, lease, municipal fund, share fee, storage certificate (reservation), compensation;

f) terms related to issues of administrative responsibility - administrative responsibility, administrative penalties, environmental impact assessment, confiscation, administrative coercion;

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g) terms related to tax issues - income tax, tax object, royalties, subsidies, discounts, declaration, value added tax, invoice, excise tax, land tax, environmental tax;

h) terms related to issues related to labor legislation - labor agreement, collective agreement, collective agreement, right to employment, work book, employer, disciplinary action, labor standards.


In connection with the development of society and language, some legal terms should serve as a new direct symbol of the state, a specific event, thing, subject, reality, etc., therefore they enter into grammatical relations in the language of legislation. In this context, they can be grouped as follows:

1) legal terms for persons associated with the legal field: prosecutor, recidivist, drug addict, killer, spy, thief, extortionist, heir, investigator, judge, lawyer;

2) terms describing the event, the course of events in the legal field: court proceedings, amnesty, coercion, confiscation, search, appeal, imprisonment, release, proceedings, conviction, investigation, interrogation, etc .;

3) legal terms denoting the name of legal documents: order, act, subsidy, certificate, license, sanction, declaration;

4) terms denoting socio-political processes related to law: agreement, referendum, elections, monitoring;

5) terms indicating cases directly related to financial means: fine, tax, duty, pension, alimony, salary, fee, scholarship, allowance, bonus;

6) terms defining the status and system of punishment: imprisonment, death penalty, colony.


In systemic lexicology, the issue of determining the relationship of lexical units in the center of lexical-semantic groups occupies an important place. It should be noted that the types of semantic connection are different. These include synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, partonymy, degrees, functionalism, hierarchy.

Therefore, the terms in the legal terminological system have a hyponymic relationship to each other.

The definition of thematic groups of legal terms gives a clear idea of the special terminology of any field of science.


In legal terminology, polysemy is characterized by abundance. It became clear that to limit polysemy, a thesaurus is needed, which is considered a negative phenomenon.




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14. Sharipova N. E. The crosscultural analyses of Uzbek, English and German proverbs JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal ISSN No: 2581 -4230 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 11, Nov. -2020



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