Ученый XXI века • 2016 • № 6-2 (18)
A. Yusupov1, B.Q.Nomonov 2
The article investigates the life and composition of Kipchak tribes; the role of the Kipchaks in the history of Fergana Region and the influence on the ethnic process.
Keywords: ethnic process, active part in the formation of Uzbek and other nations, the difference versions about the appearance of the Kipchaks, the analysis of that period statistical materials.
As one other Turkish ethnos, the Kipchaks took active part in the formation of Uzek, Kyrghyz, Kazakh, Karakalpak ethnos and ethnicities and is considered an important component of it.
There are different versions and ideas forwarded about the appearance of the Kipchaks in the Fergana Valley. A group of the researchers, especially, N. A. Aristov, thinks that the Kipchaks came within the army of Shaybanids at the beginning of the XVI-century whereas V.P.Nalivkin considers that the major part of the Kipchaks settled in Fergana in the XVII-century [1]. K.Sh.Shoniyozov, touching upon the topic of the Kipchaks settling in the valley, comes up it with a more exact date, the late 20's and the early 30's of the XVIII -century. He says that a big group of Kipchaks that escaped the Kalmyks' pursue ended up in the mountainous areas of Northern Fergana at that period [2].
Thus, the Kipchaks' settlement occurs within several centuries. Probably some of there group had already been here before the Shaybanids' army.
The main part of the Kipchaks had taken up stable life style of peasantry by the XIX-century. However, the major part of the Kipchaks were leading a half-nomadic life style connecting their traditional cattle breeding with peasantry until the beginning of the XX-century. Meanwhile these half-nomadic Kipchaks preserved and followed the principles of ethnic formation and division into the tribes.
The analysis of that period statistical materials shows that, the Kipchaks' mixing up with the Uzbeks and Kyrgyz accelerated towards the ends of XIX-century and the beginning of the XIX-century. For example, if the number of the Kipchaks was seventy thousand, towards 1917 there were 42.2 thousand and by 1926 the number decreased to 33.6 thousand people.
The main part of the Fergana Kipchaks lived around the villages of Andijan uyezd [Tsarist Russia times area equalling nowadays' provinces]; Andijansay, the bottom part of the Narin River, Mayli-say and Karadarya.
Some definite part settled in the area of Namangan uyezd, Kasansay, Sumsar, Chodak, Padishah-Ota, lived by the Narin, the Gava streams as well as nearby the Yangi-ariq canal.
There were some Kipchak villages in Shakhansay and Aravansay in the territory of Fergana uyezd [Tsarist Russia times area equalling nowadays' provinces] and around the the Sukh and Isfara river deltas.
Based on the field materials of the years 1961-1970 K.Sh.Shoniyazov pointed out most of the villages the Kipchaks dwelt in. Especially, he determined some villages in the Fergana valley, such as, in Pap, Buvayda, Frunze (Dangara nowadays) districts, in Chust, Kasansay, Narin, Uchkurgan, Narin, Chinabad, Izboskan districts where they lived [3].
Some groups of the Kipchaks settled in places of the Valley that are in the Republic of Tajikistan now. They lived densely in Qirquduq, Kuprikboshi, and Oqjar villages belonging to Asht district. As we mentioned above, greater part of the Fergana
1Юсупов Ахроржон - преподаватель факультета английского языка, Кокандский государственный педагогический институт, Узбекистан.
2Нуманов Баходирхан Кодирханугли - студент факультета английского языка, Кокандский государственный педагогический институт, Узбекистан.
Исторические науки и культурология
Kipchaks mixed in with that of the Kyrgyz. Kyrgyz-Kipchaks settled mainly in the eastern and southern areas of the valley. Majority part of the Kipchaks also mixed up with the Kyrgyz. The main part of Kyrgyz-kipchaks mainly settled in the eastern and southern part of the valley [4].
Besides that T.S.Tolstova affirms that a few small groups of the Kipchaks mixed up with the Karakalpaks in the valley area. [5] Dividing into clans and tribes is characteristic ethnic qualities of the Kipchaks. According to K.Sh.Shoniyazov the Kipchaks living in the valley area were divided into four big groups in the XIX-XX centuries. They were Bular-Kipchakdar (or pure Kipchaks), Kyrgyz-Kipchaks, Chinese-Kipchaks and Sart-Kipchaks [6].
These Kipchaks were also divided into many clans. The clans such as kugay, buzoch, kumushoy, ulmas, yashiq, jaydoq, puchugoy, elatan, bugoz, ogim, toz, sirmoq, yettiqashqa, qutluq-said, cherek, kukmuyin, turtaygir, (or four brothern), turt-toy, tovuldi, changroqchi, chiyal, kulon, oq-buyra, qorabovur, boshqirt, tikan,qora-tikan, sari-kipchak, qoramoyun could be found in the Fergana Valley.
Ya.R.Vinnikov also mentioned that the biggest among the valley Kipchaks clans were yeti qashqa, ulmas, kulon, elatan and yashik, yaydoq, puchuqoy, quy-quloq, bugoch, ogin, jikan,turtoylik, sirmoq, tuyachi, saroy, yorboshi, qozi, kumushoy [7].
Among the above-mentioned clans were the most enormous clans in the valley that were called through ethnonims yeti qashqa, ulmas, kulon, elatan, and yashiq [8]. We should stress that there are so many ethnonimic clans to define and to register all of which is a difficult task. Moreover most of them are found among the Turkish language clan and tribes' components too.
1. Nalivkin V.P. Kratkaya istoriya Kokandskogo xanstva (short history of the Kokand Khanate)... P. 17
2. Shoniyozov K.Sh. Etnicheskiye istorii uzbeksogo naroda.(Ethnic history of the Uzbek people).. -P. 103.
3. See elaborately to the settlement of the Kipchaks Fergana valley: Shaniyazov K.Sh. K. Etnicheskoy istorii uzbeksogo naroda. (ethnic history of the Uzbek people)... - P. 109, 114; Vinnikov Ya. R.. Sovremennoe rasselenie narodov ... — P. 389;
4. Gubaeva S.S. Etnicheskiy sostav naseleniya Ferganyy (ethnic component of the population of Fergana)... - P. 71-74.
5. Vinnikov Ya. R. Rodo -plemennoy sostav israsselenie kyrgyzov (clan-tribal component and settlement of the Kyrgyz)- P. 159.
6. Tolstov L.s. Karakalpaki za predelami Horezmskogo (The Karakalpaks beyond Khorezm )... - P. 39.
7. Shaniyaz Sh.K. etnicheskoy istorii uzbekskogo naroda.(Ethnic history of the Uzbek people)... - P. 116.
8. Vinnikov Ya. R. Sovremennoe rasseleniye narodov I etnograficheskix grup.(modern settlement of peoples ) ... - P. 402.
9. Shaniyazov K. Sh K etnicheskoy istorii uzbekskogo naroda (Ethnic history of the Uzbek people)... — P. 143.
© A. Yusupov, B.Q.Nomonov, 2016
УДК 908
А. Юсупов, Б.К. Нуманов
Аннотация: В статье исследуется жизнь и состав кипчаковедческих, роль кыпча-ков в истории Ферганской области и влияние на этнические процессы.
Ключевые слова: этнические процессы, активное участие в формировании узбекского и других народов, разница версий о появлении половцев, анализ этого периода статистических материалов.
© А. Юсупов, Б.К. Нуманов, 2016