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Instinctive Management / Special Education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sara A. Ghareeb, Abdulnaser A.Fakhrou, Ibrahim Ali Al-Baher

This study aimed to identify the instinctive management level in Kuwaiti private schools due to some variables from the point of view of special education teachers working there. The study population consisted of (410) teachers who were chosen in a cluster-random manner, and it followed the descriptive survey method. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed, and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that the level of instinctive management in special education schools from the point of view of special education teachers working there was average. They also showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤ 0.05) according to the variable of gender in favor of the female category; however, there were no statistically significant differences according to the variable of educational qualification, and there were no statistically significant differences according to the variable of years of experience. Due to these results, the study recommended that the administrations of special education schools give the utmost importance to instinctive management, so that it works to encourage studies and research from time to time to study the work environment in which instinctive management would thrive in all its circumstances and variables.

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1sa.ghareeb@paaet.edu.kw, assistant Professor, College of Basic Education, Department of Psychology public Authority for Applied Education and Training, - Kuwait, Kuwait 2afakhrou@qu.edu.qa, associate professor, College of Education, Department of psychological Sciences

Qatar University, Doha, Qatar 3i.albahr@aau.edu.jo, Researcher, College of Educational and Psychological Sciences Department of Administration, Curricula and Teaching Methods, Amman Arab University, Amman, Jordan


This study aimed to identify the instinctive management level in Kuwaiti private schools due to some variables from the point of view of special education teachers working there.

The study population consisted of (410) teachers who were chosen in a cluster-random manner, and it followed the descriptive survey method. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed, and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that the level of instinctive management in special education schools from the point of view of special education teachers working there was average. They also showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a< 0.05) according to the variable of gender in f avor of the female category; however, there were no statistically significant differences according to the variable of educational qualification, and there were no statistically significant differences according to the variable of years of experience.

Due to these results, the study recommended that the administrations of special education schools give the utmost importance to instinctive management, so that it works to encourage studies and research from time to time to study the work environment in which instinctive management would thrive in all its circumstances and variables.

Keywords: Instinctive Management; Special Education.


Countries of the world as a whole seek to build their educational system within foundations and principles that guarantee them success and achieve goals in a step towards achieving the highest levels of quality and superior quality in various fields and at all levels. All world leaders are interested in education as it is considered the most effective tool, capable of building the foundations of societies and advancing them, and improving the capabilities and capacities of their children. Therefore, the only guarantee for the advancement of education is to provide a number of social dimensions that join together to form a prudent leadership that eventually takes into account all workers in the various administrative levels. These dimensions should be positive and dynamic, be able to ensure the progress of academic work in a balanced manner, and enable the educational-learning process to achieve its:

vision, mission, values, and goals, in order for educational institutions to be able to carry out their duties and responsibilities towards society, as well as students who make up the selected elite from all layers of that society. All this requires the various educational leaders to strive to ensure the stability of the teaching-learning environment, so that it constitutes a real incubator of science and knowledge, and is able to provide society with elite students in all its institutions: economic, social and educational, in a way that contributes to raising their level and advancing their services.

Therefore, it is important to ensure a distinguished level of educational leadership in our educational institutions, which are witnessing a state of low degree of communication between workers and their educational administration and a weak level of their involvement in decision-making, in addition to the absence of some rewards that contribute to raising the level of psychological and morale among workers. These might include studying the conditions and the psychological and material variables that play a prominent role in reshaping the structure of the educational organization with all its contents of: values, principles, trends, and inclinations, in which the individual works in a way that guarantees the proper investment of the available resources, and in a way that leads to the successful achievement of the goals of the organization. Consequently, it was necessary that instinctive management should be activated in order to improve the system of values, trends, and material aspects prevailing in organizations, and the extent of their impact on the psychological and sociological aspects of workers within a single organization (Abu Rahma, 2017).

Numerous studies and research confirm that the importance of recognizing the nature of instinctive management in any institution with its various dimensions emerges in seeking to adopt procedures and practices that raise the level of positive aspects, correct negative aspects, and try to mitigate their impact, in addition to improving the psychological health and morale of its employees. This guarantees a state of satisfaction, work instinct, and striving to fulfill duties to the fullest, in addition to satisfying a number of individual and collective needs and desires (Al-Bahr, 2020).

As such, instinctive management provides dynamic aspects of work, and move them from the fixed static state to the flexible dynamic state, while having the predominance of participatory among workers within a state of positivity and organizational health in mind. This occurs in a way that achieves renewal and continuous development, and guarantees a wide area of investment of the capabilities and skills available to improve employees, qualifying them, and upgrading their skills (Al-Taweel, 2010).

Instinctive management is hard work and has a clear challenge, as it requires the use of many skills and techniques for success, and sometimes requires administrators to use different techniques to gain professional credibility or even to adopt characteristics consistent with the required tasks, in addition to thinking about experience and adopting tacit knowledge. Therefore, all factors motivate more feelings of readiness for leadership, and that they have the ability to maintain passion and strength in the leadership life. When the leadership work is integrated, the leader tends to: intellectual work, emotional intelligence, relational skills and insight, and a great deal of strength of character (Davis, 2011).

Therefore, instinctive management is nothing but a set of characteristics that characterize the dominant administration, which develops through its practice of leadership work based on instinctive values and work to acquire them over time, through which it can influence subordinate individuals by directing them to the right path that will serve organization and subordinates, and achieves the desired goals in a distinctive way in the way through which the administrator can prove his worth in the surrounding community (Drasin, 2014).

Instinctive management aims to take appropriate decisions that serve the goals of the organization with the least possible efforts and costs and the highest levels of cooperation and intimacy through strong and effective investment in the organization's employees, as they are the foundation, spirit, and mind of the organization through which they interact (Vasavada, 2012).

In order to achieve the objectives of the organization, it is necessary to enable the educational administrator to play a distinguished role in sustainable development by giving him the real role in the organization in which he works, in addition to working to raise the level of workers through: training, support, development, realizing their needs, and developing their experience level. Also, this happens by improving the value of performance by evaluating workers in a manner characterized by: intimacy, affection, motivation, and clarifying the tasks that workers must carry out perfectly (Yip, 2015).

Also, the organization must work to establish a number of elements that contribute effectively to activating instinctive management in the departments and sections operating in the organization by building the ability to work long hours, establishing a state of independence and freedom, and working to build a work system that is characterized by: dynamism, flexibility, the ability to take initiative, make decisions, take control, and work to possess: foreseeing, strength of perception, sound expectation, stamina, and composure (Lumby, J., & Azaola, 2014).

However, we find many factors that affect instinctive management, such as: the culture of the organization, the organizational structure, the level of distributive, procedural, interactive, and evaluative justice prevailing in the organization, as well as the level of control and practice, work coordination and the degree of harmony between workers on the one hand, and management on the other hand. Moreover, there are factors such as the ability to motivate, appreciate efforts, value superior achievement, and good formal and informal relations between workers (Kumar, 2013).

Based on the foregoing, the instinctive management aims to rearrange the educational institution in all its dimensions, and to overcome the dilemmas that may stand in its way in a way that guarantees a state of work instinct and demand for it. This provides a calm work environment that is characterized by stability for individuals and the institution, and in a manner that efficiently achieves: The institution's vision, mission, and effective goals, as the individuals working under this leadership feel their importance at work, and in a way that contributes to the development of their capabilities and the spirit of honest competition among them in order to reach the successful achievement of educational goals. All of this happens within a framework of mutual trust between them and: management of the institution, affection, intimacy, instinct work, and sincerity in performing it to the fullest (Al-Saud, 2015).


Any educational institution seeks to achieve the highest levels of efficiency in work and effectiveness in the performance of its employees, so that it provides everything that would raise the level of workers, and in a way that guarantees a high level of interaction and active participation in achieving the duties and tasks assigned to them. In Kuwaiti private education, the researcher noticed a discrepancy in the level of instinctive management that should be available to the special education teachers working there to ensure the proper completion of their work and in a manner that guarantees the highest levels of interaction and integration in their jobs. So, it was of great importance to research the nature of the prevailing control, formal and informal relations, and the applicable appreciation, in a way that contributes to establishing a base for instinctive management in those institutions, and perhaps what confirms this is the results of the studies of: Rahmoun (2013), Abu

Rahma (2017), and Mehta (2018). This study seeks to identify the degree of instinctive management in Kuwaiti private schools, by answering the following questions:

The first question: What is the level of instinctive management in Kuwaiti private education schools from the point of view of special education teachers working there due the variables of administrative control, formal and informal relations, and appreciation?

The second question: Are there statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a < 0.05) between the arithmetic means of the responses of the study sample towards the level of instinctive management in Kuwaiti private education schools due to the variables of: (gender, years of experience, and educational qualification)?


It is hoped that the results of this study will benefit:

- Adding new knowledge in the field of instinctive management and ways to activate it from the theoretical point of view.

- Assistance in the educational field and decision and policy makers in the Ministry of Education by ensuring renewal and development within schools, spreading a state of sincerity among their employees in performing the duties and tasks entrusted to them to the fullest, and working to advance their energies and capabilities from the practical point of view.


This study included the following terms:

- Instinctive management: It is leadership that derives its vitality from the values of instinct based on: unlimited giving, sacrifice, self-denial, and work to invest in the state of emotional intelligence of workers in order to reach the completion of tasks within a state of psychological stability and material satisfaction (Al-Saud, 2010).

- Special education: It is an organized process that is supervised by individuals or private institutions in aspects of its: planning, implementation, and financing, so that it aims at acquiring the educated person the general foundations that build knowledge, and this is done in an organized and intentional manner and with specific and known goals (Al-Bahr, 2016).



- Human delimitation: Special education teachers working in Kuwaiti private schools.

- Temporal delimitation: the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 AD.

- Spatial delimitation: Kuwaiti private schools.


This part will include a presentation of the previous Arabic and foreign studies that have been viewed, arranged historically from oldest to newest, as follows:

Ali (2012) conducted a study aimed at identifying the factors influencing leadership that adopts instinctive values in the organization and its role in the knowledge participation of workers in public educational institutions in Sudan. The study structure and hypotheses were based on the literature of the study, and the parameters were based on previous studies. The stratified random sample was used, and a questionnaire was designed to collect data, as (150) questionnaires were distributed, and (100) valid questionnaires were retrieved for analysis, with a response rate of 67%.

The results of the study showed that there are no influence relationships between the factors influencing the adopted leadership, the instinctive values, and the cognitive participation of the employees. Therefore, the study recommended the need to reconsider the level of mutual trust, the performance motivation system, the centrality in decision-making, and the degree of formality at work.

Rahmoun (2013) conducted a study aimed at identifying the reality of the dominant management and its relationship to the job performance of the administrators working in the faculties and institutes of the University of Batna. The study sample consisted of (106) administrators, and the descriptive approach was used. It indicated that the dominant management in the faculties and institutes of the University of Batna came with an average degree, and there was a correlation between leadership based on instinctive values and job performance of administrators with a high degree.

The study of Maataa (2014) aimed to identify the concept of instinctive leadership based on human instinct in the light of the work of teachers, adding a mixture of instinct and authority, and providing educational activities that increase students' sense of meaning and commitment. The study sample consisted of (356) teachers in Finland, and it recommended to put more though into providing students with success experiences by employing motherhood-based leadership in the school.

Alkhader (2015) conducted a study aimed at identifying the reality of management based on intimacy and instinct and its relationship to voluntary work turnover in Sudanese educational institutions.

The study sample consisted of workers in Sudanese educational institutions, which amounted to (471) members, and the descriptive analytical approach was used in the study.

The study concluded that there is a positive relationship between the technology used and the optional work turnover, and the existence of a negative relationship between the nature of work conditions and the optional work turnover, and the existence of a positive relationship between the applied organizational structure and the optional work turnover. Also, it concluded that the optional work turnover in private educational institutions was higher than non-governmental educational institutions.

Parveen (2016) also conducted a study aimed at exploring the reality of leadership based on instinctive values at Sargodha University.

The sample of the study was (150) employees, and Chi Square and Gamma test were applied to interpret the results of the study.

The study concluded that there are statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of gender in favor of females, and that there are no statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of years of experience.

Nassar (2016) conducted a study aimed at identifying the impact of the instinctive management style on organizational commitment from the point of view of administrative workers at Al-Aqsa and Islamic Universities in the Gaza Strip. The analytical descriptive approach was used, and the study population

consisted of all (406) administrative workers. A stratified random sample was selected based on the university. The study concluded that the impact of instinctive management on organizational commitment from the point of view of administrative workers at Al-Aqsa and Islamic Universities in the Gaza Strip was at an average degree.

The study of Al-Dulaimi (2016) aimed to demonstrate the impact of the characteristics of women's management on the development of psychological capital, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the analytical descriptive approach was used for its suitability to the nature of this study, and the questionnaire was adopted as a main tool for this study. After testing its validity and reliability, it was distributed to the study sample consisting of (379) individuals from teachers and administrators. The study reached several results, the most important of which are:

The level of practicing the characteristics of women's leadership was high in private education schools in Amman Governorate, and the level of psychological capital was average for subordinates, and the strength of experience for women's leadership was high; furthermore, there was a statistically significant effect of the characteristics of women's leadership on the development of psychological capital, and the effect of the characteristics of women's leadership in developing psychological capital increased due to the strength of experience in private education schools in Amman.

The study of Abu Rahma (2017) aimed to identify the ways of activating instinctive management in UNRWA and its relationship to the level of achievement motivation among its employees. The study population consisted of the employees of the agency, who were (2280) employee, and the study sample consisted of (305) employees. The descriptive analytical method was used in the study.

The results of the study showed that the level of the study sample's perceptions about the aspects of instinctive management was high, and it also showed that there was a statistically significant direct correlation between the instinctive management of the organization and the level of achievement motivation among UNRWA employees.

Al-Hajjar (2017) conducted a study aimed at identifying the concepts of authentic leadership and its characteristics based on: instinct, self-awareness, ethical perspective, transparency of relationships, balanced treatment, and self-discipline. It was conducted to indicate the degree of high school principals' participation of authentic leadership in Gaza and how it is related to some variables.

The study sample consisted of (90) male and female principals, (474) male and female teachers, and the study concluded that the degree of principals' practice of authentic leadership was average.

Mehta (2018) also conducted a study aimed at building a measure of successful instinctive leadership in social institutions in South America by focusing on the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and philosophical aspects.

The study sample consisted of (130) managers, and the study suggested thirteen principles that cover: the motivations, qualities, attitudes, and behavior of leaders as a whole, so that they come within the concept of instinct, and the competence of instinct that can be practiced consciously is highlighted to be a source of leadership in the organization.


The current study benefited from previous studies in knowing the appropriate methodology and statistical processes, to identify the theoretical framework for the subjects of the study and its variables through it, and in building the study tool, especially: the study of Alkhader (2015), the study

of Al-Hajjar (2017), and the study of Abu Rahma (2017). The current study agrees with previous studies in reviewing the concepts of instinctive management since it was similar to them in this aspect, especially with the study of Abu Rahma and Alkhader (2015) in some study variables such as oversight, formal and informal relations. Nonetheless, it was distinguished from those studies in its focus on special education teachers working in private education schools, as well as its focus on variables that previous studies did not address.


The descriptive survey method was used to achieve the objectives of the study.

Study population: The study population consisted of all special education teachers working in private education schools who were (2280), and table (1) shows the distribution of the study population according to the study variables.

Table (1): The distribution of the study population according to the variables of the study

Variables Variable Number Total

Gender Male 1456 2280

Female 854

Educational Qualification Postgraduate 303 2280

Bachelor's 1123

Diploma 854

Years of Experience Five years or less 1353 2280

More than five years 927

Source: Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, 2020.


According to the Stephen Thompson equation, the minimum size of the stratified random sample representing the community was calculated at the level of significance (a<0.05), so it was (400) teachers, and in anticipation of waste in the sample, the actual sample size was determined as (450) teachers.

The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the study sample, which is located in Kuwaiti private education schools, and (410) questionnaires were retrieved out of (450) questionnaires. Table (2) shows the distribution of the representative study sample that was extracted according to the Thompson equation according to the study variables.

Table (2): The distribution of the sample according to the variables of the study

Variables Variable Number Total

Gender Male 134 410

Female 276

Educational Qualification Postgraduate 88 410

Bachelor's 175

Diploma 147

Years of Experience Five years or less 272 410

More than five years 138


The study tool was developed by referring to the theoretical literature and some previous studies, such as: Alkhader's study (2015) and Al-Hajjar's study (2017), in order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions.

The study tool consisted in its initial form of (32) items, and in its final form of (26) items distributed over three areas, namely: The field of administrative control: it consisted of (8) items.

And the field of formal and informal relations: it consisted of (11) items.

And the field of appreciation: it consisted of (7) items.

In order to verify the validity of the tool, the validity of the content was applied, as it was presented in its initial form to (9) arbitrators specialized in the educational administration, and they were asked to express an opinion on the items of the study tool in terms of the wording of the items, their suitability for the field in which they were placed, and whether to approve them, amend their wording, or delete them for lack of importance. Their observations were taken into account regarding: amendment, deletion, addition, and merging of items, as the number of its items decreased to (26) items.

To verify the stability of the tool, the internal consistency coefficient was used according to the Cronbach Alpha equation to extract the stability of the study tool according to the fields. Table (3) shows the stability coefficients of the tool fields:

Table 3: Cronbach Alpha stability coefficients for the study tool domains



Cronbach Alpha

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1 Administrative Control 0.92

2 Formal And Informal Relationships 0.91

3 Appreciation 0.89

Table (3) shows that the stability coefficients were acceptable. In order to judge the degree of availability regarding instinctive management in private education schools due to some variables, the following scale was adopted: a low degree of availability (2.33 or less), a medium degree of availability (2.34-3.67), and a high degree of availability (3.68 or more).


The results related to the answer to the first question, which was: What is the degree of availability regarding instinctive management in Kuwaiti private education schools from the point of view of special education teachers working there due to the variables of administrative control, formal and informal relations, and appreciation?

To answer this question, the arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated for the responses of the study sample in general and for each field of the study, and Table (4) shows that.

Table 4: Arithmetic means, standard deviations, and ranking of the degree of instinctive management in special education schools from the point of view of special education teachers

working there due to some variables

Number Field Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Ranking Availability

3 Administrative Control 3.69 0.72 1 High

2 Formal And Informal Relationships 3.58 0.83 2 Average

1 Appreciation 3.45 1.07 3 Average

Grand Total 3.56 0.78 Average

It is noted from Table (4) that the degree of instinctive management in private education schools was average, as the arithmetic mean was (3.56) and standard deviation was (0.78), and the fields were average except for the field of administrative control.

In the first rank came the field of administrative control, with an arithmetic mean of (3.69) and a standard deviation of (0.72), and in the last rank came the domain of appreciation, with an arithmetic mean of (3.45) and a standard deviation of (1.07). As for the items of each field, the results were as follows:

1. The field of administrative control: the arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated for the items of this field, and Table (5) shows this:

Table 5: Arithmetic means, standard deviations, rankings, and degree of availability for the field of

administrative control

Num ber Item Arithme tic Mean Standard Deviation Ranki ng Availab ility

2 The administrative control in the school is flexible 3.93 0.92 1 High

4 Administrative control in the school aims to improve performance 3.91 1.03 2 High

5 The school administration uses the method of guidance and correction in its supervision 3.90 1.03 3 High

1 The school's administrative control system contributes to achieving the school's objectives 3.86 0.94 4 High

6 The information obtained through monitoring methods in the school is accurate 3.81 0.95 5 High

8 Administrative control depends on admonition and blame 3.80 0.97 6 High

3 The school's administrative control system aims to provide the necessary information to make the necessary decision 3.72 1.00 7 High

7 Administrative control in the school generates a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of self-confidence 3.56 1.18 8 Averag e

Grand Total 3.69 0.72 High

Table (5) shows that the degree of instinctive management in private schools in the field of administrative control was high, as the arithmetic mean was (3.69) and the standard deviation was (0.72). The items of the field were high, except for one item, which came with an average degree, as the arithmetic means ranged between (3.93-3.56).

In the first rank came item (3), which states: "The administrative control in the school is flexible", and in the last rank came item (7), which states: "Administrative control in the school generates a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of self-confidence" to an average degree. This is due to the confidence of the school administration in the special education teachers working in its school, and their ability to interact with it, and that the supervision is proceeding properly, so that it aims to improve

performance and not catch errors, in addition to the availability of a high degree of affection and intimacy between the school administration and the working special education teachers. Moreover, the efficiency of the organizational structure in terms of the administrative levels that the administrative control process goes through, which leads to the possibility of making sure that the work is moving in the right direction within a framework of clear specialties, authorities, and responsibilities.

2. The field of formal and informal relations: the arithmetic averages, standard deviations, rankings, and the degree of availability were calculated for the items of this field, and Table (8) shows this.

Table 8: Arithmetic means, standard deviations, rankings, and availability in the field of formal and

informal relationships arranged in descending order

Number Item Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Ranking Availability

4 The school administration enables me to participate in the school meetings 3.77 1.06 1 High

9 My efforts in my work are appreciated by the school administration 3.72 1.12 2 High

5 The school administration aims to keep me informed of everything that is going on in the school 3.67 1.01 3 Average

1 My views are respected by the school administration when making decisions 3.61 1.11 4 Average

3 The school administration allows me to participate in the school's development process 3.60 1.09 5 Average

6 The school administration aims to perpetuate the continuity of teachers' work in the school 3.56 1.14 6 Average

8 I feel fair in the school where I work 3.52 1.21 7 Average

10 The school administration allows participation in the preparation and development of my colleagues 3.49 1.13 8 Average

2 The school administration provides support when the work pressure increases 3.46 1.11 9 Average

11 I can share experiences with my colleagues 3.37 1.17 10 Average

7 The school allows me to establish relationships with other schools 3.32 1.23 11 Average

Number Item Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Ranking Availability

regarding studies and research

Grand Total 3.57 0.91 Average

Table (8) shows the degree of instinctive management in Kuwaiti private education schools in the field of formal and informal relations. It was average with an arithmetic mean of (3.57) and a standard deviation of (0.90). The items of this field were average, and item (4) came in the first rank, which was : "The school administration enables me to participate in the school meetings". Item (7) came last, which states: "The school allows me to establish relationships with other schools regarding studies and research". This is due to the weak solidarity of the teachers in the school, their weak sense of the importance of advancing the educational process, their weak sense that they are going through the same conditions, and the weak ability of the school administration to establish a state of interaction with teachers in a way that meets their ability to establish a number of conditions that guarantee real harmonization within the school.

3. Field of appreciation: The arithmetic means, standard deviations, order and degree of availability were calculated for the items of this domain, and Table (7) explains this.

Table 7: Arithmetic means, standard deviations, rankings, and degree of availability in the field of


Number Item Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Ranking Availability

1 Moral appreciation in school enhances my performance 3.57 1.25 1 Average

3 The school where I work has a safe, positive atmosphere 3.53 1.19 2 Average

2 Financial appreciation in school enhances my performance 3.35 1.29 3 Average

7 The rewards offered by the school administration enhance the teachers' loyalty to the continuity of work in the school 3.27 1.19 4 Average

5 The school management takes into account the responsibilities related to the workload when promotions 3.23 1.15 5 Average

4 Outstanding achievement in my school is valued 3.08 1.24 6 Average

Number Item Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation Ranking Availability

6 The school administration encourages teachers to suggest new systems related to appreciation 3.02 1.23 7 Average

Grand Total 3.29 1.01 Average

It is noted in Table (7) that the degree of instinctive management in Kuwaiti private education schools within the field of appreciation was average, as the arithmetic mean was (3.29) and the standard deviation was (1.01). All items of the field were average, as the arithmetic mean ranged between (3.57-3.02).

Item (1) came in the first rank, which states: "Moral appreciation in the school enhances my performance". Item (6) came in the last rank, which states: "The school administration encourages teachers to suggest new systems related to appreciation". This may be due to The weak ability of the administrative leadership to estimate the total work and tasks carried out by the teacher, which is represented by teaching and community service. The researcher also attributes this to the belief of the school administration in the available appreciation systems, that they are sufficient, and satisfy the human needs of the teachers working in the school, and that there is no justification for new systems related to raising the prevailing level of appreciation. Furthermore, this may be due to the high expectations of teachers regarding their need to assign them exciting work. It is clear from the items in the field of appreciation the desire of teachers to use and develop their abilities, and to obtain positive and negative feedback through feedback channels to know the results of the tasks they perform, in addition to the need for teachers to be more motivated to assume a leadership position among their colleagues at work.

The results related to the answer to the second question, which reads: Are there statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a < 0.05) between the arithmetic means of the responses of the study sample towards the degree of instinctive management in Kuwaiti private education schools due to some variables attributed to the following variables: (sex , years of experience, and educational qualification)?


A. Gender variable: The arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated, and the (t-test) was tested according to the variable of gender, and Table (9) shows that.

Table (9): Arithmetic means, standard deviations, and t-test according to the variable of gender

Field Gender Number Arithme tic Mean Standard Deviation T value Significance Level

Administra Female 276 3.86 0.77 2.745 **0.006

Male 134 3.61 0.86

tive Control Total 410 3.73 0.81

Formal And Informal Relationshi ps Female 276 3.58 0.92 0.892 0.373

Male 134 3.49 0.91

Total 410 3.53 0.91

Appreciati on Female 276 3.36 1.02 2.152 **0.032

Male 134 3.12 0.98

Total 410 3.36 1.00

Grand Total Female 276 3.63 0.82 2.559 0.011**

Male 134 3.43 0.83

Total 410 3.53 1.65

** The difference is statistically significant at the significance level (a < 0.05).

To determine whether the differences between the means are statistically significant at the level of significance (a < 0.05), a t-test was applied, as the results in Table (9) indicate that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a < 0.05) according to the variable of gender based on the calculated (T) value, which amounted to (2.559) with a level of significance of (0.011), where the difference was in favor of females as evidenced by their higher arithmetic averages. This may be attributed to the woman's ability to manage the school, especially since she finds herself in an institution in which: the values of education, educating young people, and taking great care of them, are evident; also, this is clear in her ability to exercise administrative control and allow the rest of the workers to participate in expressing their observations on the progress of work, and trying to discover any tendency to deviate from the goals of work, and providing everything that would raise the level of workers in the school to develop and rehabilitate them. Women's management is not limited to running the school's affairs only, but rather interacts with workers, so that they feel their needs and are kind to them. This was confirmed by Kathleen Stanford in her talk about her theory tagged as: instinctive management, and at the same time working to create a state of official relations mixed with informal relationships, while using emotional intelligence and encouraging them to manage their emotions properly and urging them to express them in their workplaces to get to know their human nature before employment; moreover, rewards, especially material ones, are highly accepted by females, which is due to the duplication of her expenses, as she has her own expenses on the one hand, and on the other hand, the woman participates in contributing to covering the expenses of her house and securing its requirements, and therefore, the appreciation, especially the financial one, appears more clearly among the females than the males.

The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the field of (formal and informal relations), and this may be due to the predominance of a high degree of interaction between special education teachers working in special education schools.

B. Years of experience variable: Arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated, and a t-test was calculated according to the variable of years of experience. Table (10) shows that.

Table (10): Arithmetic means, standard deviations, and t-test according to the variable of years of


Field Years of Experienc e Number Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation T value Significance Level

Administrative Control Five years or less 272 3.73 0.77 -1.777 0.076

More than five years 138 3.88 0.86

Total 410 3.80 0.81

Formal And Informal Relationships Five years or less 272 3.46 0.92 -2.438 **0.015

More than five years 138 3.69 0.91

Total 410 3.57 0.91

Appreciation Five years or less 272 3.29 1.02 0.059 0.953

More than five years 138 3.29 0.98

Total 410 3.29 1.00

Grand Total Five years or less 272 3.53 1.64 -1.284 0.200

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More than five years 138 3.63 1.67

Total 410 3.58 1.65

** The difference is statistically significant at the significance level (a < 0.05).

To determine whether the differences between the means are statistically significant at the level of significance (a < 0.05), a t-test was applied, as the results in Table (10) indicate that there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (a < 0.05) according to a variable of years of experience based on the calculated (T) value, which amounted to (-1.284), with a level of significance of (0.200), as the difference was in favor of those whose years of experience amounted to more than five years, as evidenced by the high arithmetic averages. This may be attributed to the

prevailing management style that is characterized by democracy and consultative, which was reflected in the high level of participation of teachers with more than five years of experience in participating in administrative control, as well as the continuous interaction between this category of teachers because their tasks intersect with each other. This forced them to avoid complexity in interaction and solidarity with each other and with the school administration, which makes the school administration more aware of the level of difficulties and obstacles that teachers are exposed to, and thus, provides more attention to their affairs, provides a large amount of capabilities, and works on their: development, improvement, motivation, appreciating their efforts, and improving their standard of living.

C. Academic qualification variable: The arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated according to the variable of educational qualification, and Table (11) shows that.

Table 11 : Arithmetic means and standard deviations according to the educational qualification


Field Educational Qualification Number Arithmetic Mean Standard Deviation

Administrative Control Postgraduate 88 3.81 0.60

Bachelor's 175 3.90 0.89

Intermediate Diploma 147 3.77 0.81

Total 410 3.78 0.77

Formal And Informal Relationships Postgraduate 88 3.56 0.88

Bachelor's 175 3.69 0.92

Intermediate Diploma 147 3.49 0.91

Total 410 3.75 0.91

Appreciation Postgraduate 88 3.33 1.09

Bachelor's 175 3.43 1.00

Intermediate Diploma 147 3.29 0.98

Total 410 3.27 1.02

Grand Total Postgraduate 88 3.61 1.59

Bachelor's 175 3.69 1.73

Intermediate Diploma 147 3.54 1.61

Total 410 3.57 1.44

From Table (11), it is noted that there are apparent differences between the arithmetic averages, according to the variable of educational qualification, as those in the (Bachelor's) category obtained the highest arithmetic average of (3.69), and those in the (Postgraduate studies) category came in the second rank, with an arithmetic mean of (3.61), and in the last rank came those in the (Diploma) category, as the arithmetic mean was (3.54). To determine whether the differences between the means are statistically significant at the level of significance (a < 0.05), One Way ANOVA was applied, and the results of the analysis of variance were as shown in Table (12).

Table (12): One Way ANOVA to find the significance of differences according to the variable of

educational qualification

Field Source of Contrast Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean of Squares F Value Significance Level

Administrativ e Control Between Groups 1.982 3 0.661 1.005 0.391

Within Groups 305.594 349 0.572

Total 307.576 352

Formal And Informal Relationships Between Groups 2.295 3 0.765 0.906 0.438

Within Groups 290.198 349 0.831

Total 292.493 352

Appreciation Between Groups 5.069 3 1.690 1.646 0.178

Within Groups 233.309 349 0.668

Total 238.378 352

Grand Total Between Groups 3.076 3 0.316 0.633 0.56

Within Groups 295.151 349 0.311

Total 352

** The difference is statistically significant at the significance level (a < 0.05).

The results in Table (12) indicate that there are no statistically significant differences at the level (a < 0.05), according to the variable of educational qualification based on the calculated F-value, which was 0.633, and with a significance level of (0.56), as well as in most fields. This is due to teachers' interest in: rewards, material gains, interaction, and participation in administrative control in a way that meets their aspirations and helps them develop their capabilities and capacities, so that they can achieve their hopes and professional expectations. The differences were in favor of teachers who hold a bachelor's degree when compared to teachers who hold an intermediate diploma in the field of administrative control, and in favor of teachers who hold a bachelor's degree when compared with teachers who hold an intermediate diploma in the field of formal and informal relations, and in favor of teachers who hold a bachelor's degree when compared with teachers who hold an intermediate diploma in the field of appreciation. To know the return of the differences according to the variable of educational qualification in the fields, the Scheffe test for differences was used, as shown in Table (13).

Table (13): Scheffe test for post-differences attributed to the variable of educational qualification

Educational Qualification Arithmetic Mean Postgraduate Bachelor's Intermediate Diploma High School

3.61 3.69 3.54 3.45

Postgraduate 3.61 - 0.955 0.954 0.710

Bachelor's 3.69 0.955 - 0.497 0.256*

Intermediate Diploma 3.54 0.954 0.497 0.835

The difference is statistically significant at the level (a < 0.05).

It appears from Table (13) that the difference came: in favor of the category of teachers who hold the category of (Bachelor's) when compared with teachers who hold the category of (Intermediate Diploma).


Based on the previous results, the researchers recommended the following:

1. The Kuwaiti Ministry of Education should focus more on instinctive management, in terms of: periodically studying the conditions of its workers, and their economic, social, and psychological problems related to the educational work environment.

2. To work on: strengthening financial and moral appreciation systems, appreciating superior effort, and rewarding outstanding achievement.

3. To focus on positive administrative control that aims to improve performance, not to catch errors, and to work on the involvement of teachers working in it, as they are partners in the educational work.

4. To consolidate a state of relationships based on: trust, affection, and intimacy between teachers and those in charge of administration by creating a healthy school atmosphere, and consolidating advisory management.



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