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Peshawar / Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring / Authority / Principal/Teacher Absenteeism / Basic Facilities of Schools / Dropout Rate of Students

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Shazma Kanwal, Mushtaq Ahmad

The current study investigated the role of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority on school excellence at girls higher secondary level in district Peshawar. In this study the independent variable was Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority that considered the factor that affect the school excellence. while the dependent variables were Principal/Teacher Absenteeism, basic facilities of schools, dropout rate of students in schools. The current study has chosen quantitative research design. The current study selected Principals, teachers and students at higher secondary level grade 11th and 12th in district Peshawar schools, while a sample of 17 principals, 160 teachers and 369 students at grade 11th and 12th were chosen from the population through multistage cluster sampling. A total of 546 questionnaires were administered and all were filled from the respondents. The results of the study showed that all variables are positively and significantly correlate with each other. There have been positive and significant effects of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority (independent variable) on Principal/ Teachers absenteeism, basic facilities of schools and dropout rate of students (Dependent variables). The study recommends that the data collection monitoring assistants (DCMA) may also check the teaching learning process in schools to make the monitoring system more effective for school improvement.

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1Data collection monitoring assistant (DCMA), Email: shazmakanwal.dcma.peshawar@gmail.com 2Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Abasyn University, Peshawar, Email:



The current study investigated the role of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority on school excellence at girls higher secondary level in district Peshawar. In this study the independent variable was Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority that considered the factor that affect the school excellence. while the dependent variables were Principal/Teacher Absenteeism, basic facilities of schools, dropout rate of students in schools. The current study has chosen quantitative research design. The current study selected Principals, teachers and students at higher secondary level grade 11th and 12th in district Peshawar schools, while a sample of 17 principals, 160 teachers and 369 students at grade 11th and 12th were chosen from the population through multistage cluster sampling. A total of 546 questionnaires were administered and all were filled from the respondents. The results of the study showed that all variables are positively and significantly correlate with each other. There have been positive and significant effects of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority (independent variable) on Principal/ Teachers absenteeism, basic facilities of schools and dropout rate of students (Dependent variables). The study recommends that the data collection monitoring assistants (DCMA) may also check the teaching learning process in schools to make the monitoring system more effective for school improvement. Keywords: Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring, Authority, Principal/Teacher Absenteeism, Basic Facilities of Schools, Dropout Rate of Students.


According to Suharto (as cited in Zahran, 2022) Monitoring refers to superintend and watching over the activities of occurring program. Shah defines (as cited in Zubair, Iftikhar, Atif, & Khan, 2022) Monitoring is a continuing practice that involves collecting information, ensuring accountability, and presenting an accurate status of allocated tasks. In 2005, the Punjab government set in motion the Smart Monitoring System (SMS) to monitor government schools and institutions, employing 950 field officers known as Monitoring and Evaluation Assistants (MEAs). Subsequently, in the Education Policy of 2009, provisions were made to introduce monitoring and inspection systems at the provincial and district levels to ensure the delivery of quality education (Samad & Ali, 2020). In December 2013 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority was established from the support of Department for International Development (DFID) with main aim to monitor education system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority major duty was to visit government level schools and reporting their issues to the government. In March 2014 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority started monitoring schools of Elementary and secondary Education Department on monthly basis (Provincial Co-ordination Committee EMA Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,2020). The monitors input data into smartphones, which is then assessed by the monitoring unit head office in each district. The district monitoring officer (DMO), who is hired through the provincial management services (PMS), serves as the head of the monitoring unit. (Ashfaq, 2014).


Pakistan's education system is globally ranked low, facing challenges such as low primary enrollment, shortage of skillful teachers, outdated curriculum, and insufficient resource management, causing an overall underperformance (Farrukh, Lee, & Shahzad, 2019). Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government is

attentive to improve the province education quality (Samad & Ali, 2020). For this purpose, KPEMA is established to monitor the school performance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The female education at higher secondary level (grade 11th and 12th) plays an important role in education system so, present research investigating Education Monitoring Authority role on school excellence factors like decrease in principals & teachers absenteeism, provision of basic facilities and to decrease students' dropout rate in Girls Higher Secondary schools. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government focuses upon rising educational standards, which is highly required in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


The primary objectives of this study are:

> To identify the effect of Education monitoring authority on Principals & Teachers Absenteeism in Girls Higher Secondary Schools Peshawar.

> To determine effect of Education monitoring authority on the Basic Facilities in Girls Higher Secondary Schools Peshawar.

> To explain effect of Education Monitoring Authority on Dropout Rate of students in Girls Higher Secondary Schools Peshawar.


H01: There is no significant effect of the Education monitoring authority on principals, teacher's absenteeism.

H02: There is no significant effect of the Education monitoring authority on the basic facilities of girl's schools.

H03: There is no significant effect of the Education monitoring authority on dropout rate of students. LITERATURE REVIEW

This study was conducted to ''Investigating the Role of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority on School Excellence at Girls Higher Secondary Level''. To complete this objective, there is a need for intensive literature review for factor exploration. This section covered the school excellence, teaching staff absenteeism, basic facilities of schools, dropout rate of students and education monitoring authority in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. School Excellence

To increase and improve the performance of the schooling system an exponential factor has been introduced that was monitoring of synchronization of all the factors working inside the school system. Different studies have been conducted on monitoring in developing countries to improve the school performance. Rick based monitoring was introduced by European countries. It is a unique monitoring process. According to Hooge & Honingh, (2014) the effectiveness of schools are increased by rick base monitoring to developed good governance in schools like improved student ratio and teaching quality etc.

The factors those were highly recommended to be monitored were:

• Teachers Absentee

• Basic facilities of schools

• Dropout rate of students Teaching Staff Absenteeism

Teacher absence is a major issue in schools across the world. It is estimated that up to 40% of teachers in the United States are absent without excuse at least once during the school year. Anecdotal evidence suggests that teacher absence is even more common in primary schools, with some estimates suggesting that up to 80% of teachers are absent without excuse on a routine basis. One of the most significant impacts of teacher absence is that it has a major impact on student learning (Black, Seder, & Kekahio, 2014). The study of Kadri et al., (2021) determined that principal and teachers' skills can play major role in the education sector in any country of the world.

Basic Facilities of Schools

School facilities management involves the organized process of managing and maintaining the facilities within an educational institution. Its main goal is to ensure the effective use of these facilities to achieve educational objectives both in the present and future, considering the available

resources (Lawanson & Gede, 2011). Education monitoring authority monitor the availability and nonavailability of the basic facilities (Samad & Ali, 2020).The basic facilities are as electricity, water and boundary wall.

Dropout Rate of Students

All students who quit school for any cause other than death before they have completed their education programs and have not transferred to another is known as drop out (AEPAM, 2017). Drop out was characterized differently by various scholars. As stated by Mughal & Aldridge, (2017) dropout is "a word used for the youth, who for whatever cause other than death discontinue schools and leaving their education unfinished''.

A variety of factors contribute to children dropping out of school, and research has identified these factors in relation to country-specific sociopolitical cultural and economic environments. Jimerson n, (2018) stated it as; the dropout rate in secondary school is influenced by illiteracy and poverty as well as a lack of enthusiasm and a lack of comprehension. In rural regions of Pakistan, poverty is a major influence in the dropout rate of secondary school children especially females (Umoh, 2018). There are several reasons for a student to leave school, such as a long distance from a school, heavy families, overcrowded classrooms and physical punishment. The ratio of promotion of the girls from primary school to high and higher secondary is very low. 10% of all registered girls are promoted to high school each academic year, according to (Stearns, 2018).

Mughal, Aldridge, & Monaghan, (2019) emphases on the dropping out issue from school in poor and developing countries, which is a barrier to achieving the recommended educational targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The study was conducted in Pakistan, where 73% of children aged 5-16 drop out before reaching to the 10th grade the researchers talk to 18 secondary school dropped-out boys to discover the social and cultural backgrounds around their dropping out and the challenging economic, social, and family stresses placed on them. The results demonstrated that a variety of 'push' and 'pull' factors, that functioned at individual, family, and structural levels, influence children's readiness and capability to go to school. The research highlights the importance of listening to the personal stories of dropped out children to plan better and more productive policy responses.

Nawaz, Hussain, & Khan, (2019) examined the viewpoints of various stakeholders, including HODs, teachers, district monitoring officers, and data collection monitoring assistants, on the practical impact of the Independent Monitoring Unit (IMU) in improving secondary school education. This research takes a quantitative approach, and data was gathered from the stakeholders. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyze the data, and the results showed that the IMU plays an important role in improving education at the secondary level, specifically in terms of increasing student enrollment and encouraging school leaders in this area. However, the IMU appears to neglect the crucial task of preventing student dropouts. RESEARCH DESIGN

The quantitative type of the research was used in the current research.

Research Population and sample

The study population included 4710 female students at grade 11th and 12th, 268 female teachers and 18 principals at grade 11th and 12th level in government girls' higher secondary schools in district Peshawar. Sample size was selected through multiple stage cluster sampling technique and for sample size the Yamane formula has used.

Table 1 Population and Sample

Principals Teachers Students Total

Population 18 268 4710 4996

Sample 17 160 369 546

Data Collection Instrument

The three questionnaires were designed for Principals, Teachers and students and each questionnaire have 4 variables (one independent variable and 3 dependent variables) and each variable comprised of 6 items. Procedure of Data Collection

The data collected through questionnaire included demographic information. A total of 546 questionnaires were distributed and all were filled by the respondents and able to use in the study. Thus the response level was 100 percent. Data Analysis

Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 21. Demographic analysis was used to find the demographics of the respondents. Reliability Analysis was done and for the normality of the data descriptive analysis was done. Finally, Correlation and Regression analysis was done in order to investigate the effect of KPEMA on school excellence at girls higher secondary level. Descriptive Analysis

Below table presents the mean and standard deviation of the variables of the study.

Table:2 Principal Questionnaire Descriptive Analysis

S.no Variable

1 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority

2 Teacher Absenteeism

3 Basic Facilities of School 4 Dropout Rate of Students

Mean Std. Deviation

349 0756

3.32 0.35

3.35 0.39

3.50 0.49

As shown in the above table the value of the mean for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 3.49,while the value of standard deviation for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is 0.56.similarly, value of the mean for the Teacher Absenteeism is measured as 3.32,while the value of standard deviation for the Teacher Absenteeism is 0.35,value of the mean for the Basic facilities of school is measured as 3.35,while the value of standard deviation for the Basic facilities of school is 0.39,value of the mean for the Dropout rate of students is measured as 3.50,while the value of standard deviation for the Dropout rate of students is 0.49.All these values shows that the values of the mean for all the variables are greater than the standard value of 3 while the standard deviation value of all the variables is greater than the required value of 0.3, thus meaning that the data for the variables was normally distributed.

Table: 3 Teachers Questionnaire Descriptive Analysis




Std. Deviation

1 Principal Absenteeism/Regularity

2 Basic Facilities

3 Dropout Rate of Students

4 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring



3.80 3.65



0.60 0.56


As shown in the above table the value of the mean for the Principal Absenteeism/Regularity is measured as 3.80,while the value of standard deviation for the Principal Absenteeism/Regularity is 0.60.similarly, value of the mean for the Basic facilities is measured as 3.80,while the value of standard deviation for the Basic facilities is 0.60,value of the mean for the Dropout rate of students is measured as 3.65,while the value of standard deviation for the Dropout rate of students is 0.56,value of the mean for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 3.61,while the value of standard deviation for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is 0.55.All these values shows that the values of the mean for all the variables are greater than the standard value of 3 while the standard deviation value of all the variables is greater than the required value of 0.5, thus meaning that the data for the variables was normally distributed.

Table:4 Students Questionnaire Descriptive Analysis

S.no Variable

1 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring


2 Principal/Teacher


3 Dropout Rate of Students

4 Basic Facilities

Mean Std. Deviation

"3751 055

3.75 0.59

3.58 0.56

3.15 0.81

As shown in the above table the value of the mean for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 3.51,while the value of standard deviation for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is 0.55.similarly, value of the mean for the Principal/Teacher Absenteeism is measured as 3.75,while the value of standard deviation for the Principal/Teacher Absenteeism is 0.59,value of the mean for the Dropout rate of students is measured as 3.58,while the value of standard deviation for the Dropout rate of students is 0.56,value of the mean for the Basic facilities is measured as 3.15,while the value of standard deviation for the Basic Facilities is 0.81 .All these values shows that the values of the mean for all the variables are greater than the standard value of 3 while the standard deviation value of all the variables is greater than the required value of 0.5, thus meaning that the data for the variables was normally distributed. Correlation Analysis

The below table presents the results of the correlation analysis of the study.

Table 5 Principal Questionnaire Correlation Analysis







Teacher Basic FacilitiesDropout Rate Absenteeism of Schools of Students



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Teacher Absenteeism



Basic 0.906** 0.951** 1

Facilities of


0.955** 0.884** 0.887** 1

Dropout Rate of Students

*p< .05 **p< .01

As shown in the above table, value of correlation coefficient between the Teacher Absenteeism and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.913,which is showing that Teacher Absenteeism has a very high positive relationship (as mentioned by the scale of Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2009) with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority, value of correlation between the Basic facilities of schools and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.906,which is showing that Basic facilities of schools has also a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority, value of correlation coefficient between Dropout rate of students and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.955,which is showing that Dropout rate of students and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority has a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority. The overall results show that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority plays an important role in School Excellence factors.

Table 6 Teachers Questionnaire Correlation Analysis


Khyber Principal Basic Pakhtunkhwa Absenteeism Facilities Education /Regularity Monitoring Authority

Dropout Rate of Students











Basic Facilities



Dropout Rate of Students


0.206 '


*p< .05 **p< .01

As shown in the above table, value of correlation coefficient between the Principal Absenteeism/regularity and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.179,which is showing that Teacher Absenteeism has a low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority, value of correlation between the Basic facilities of




schools and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.181,which is showing that Basic facilities of schools has also a low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority, value of correlation coefficient between Dropout rate of students and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.917, which is showing that Dropout rate of students and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority has a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority. The overall results show that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority plays an important role in School Excellence factors.

Table 7 Students Questionnaire Correlation Analysis Variables Khyber Principal/T Dropout Basic Facilities

Pakhtunkh eachers Rate of wa Absenteeis Students Education m

Monitoring Authority

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority 1

Principal/Teach ers Absenteeism 0.190** 1

Dropout Rate of students 0.692** 0.345** 1

Basic Facilities 0.157** 0.355** 0.372** 1

*p< .05 **p< .01

As shown in the above table, value of correlation coefficient between the Principal/Teacher Absenteeism and the Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.190,which is showing that Teacher Absenteeism has low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority, value of correlation between the Dropout rate of students and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.692,which is showing that Basic facilities of schools has a moderate positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority, value of correlation coefficient between Basic facilities and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.157,which is showing that Dropout rate of students and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority has a low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority. The overall results show that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority plays an important role in School Excellence factors. Findings

Descriptive Analysis concerned to Principal Questionnaire

> Finally, value of mean for the dropout rate of students is measured as 3.50, while the value of standard deviation for the dropout rate of students is 0.49.

Descriptive Analysis concerned to Teachers Questionnaire

> Finally, value of mean for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority d is measured as 3.61, while the value of standard deviation for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is 0.55.

Descriptive Analysis Concerned to Students Questionnaire

> Finally, value of the mean for the Basic Facilities is measured as 3.15, while the value of standard

deviation for the basic facilities is 0.81. Correlation Analysis Concerned to Principal Questionnaire

• Value of correlation coefficient between the Teacher Absenteeism and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.913, which is showing that Teacher Absenteeism has a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority,

• Value of correlation between the Basic facilities of schools and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.906, which is showing that Basic facilities of schools has also a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

• Value of correlation coefficient between Dropout rate of students and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.955, which is showing that Dropout rate of students and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority has a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

Correlation Analysis Concerned to Teachers Questionnaire

• Value of correlation coefficient between the Principal Absenteeism/regularity and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.179, which is showing that Teacher Absenteeism has a low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

• Value of correlation between the Basic facilities of schools and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.181, which is showing that Basic facilities of schools has also a low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

• Value of correlation coefficient between Dropout rate of students and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.917, which is showing that Dropout rate of students and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority has a very high positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

Correlation Analysis Concerned to Students Questionnaire

• Value of correlation coefficient between the Principal/Teacher Absenteeism and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.190, which is showing that Teacher Absenteeism has low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

• Value of correlation between the Dropout rate of students and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.692, which is showing that Basic facilities of schools has a moderate positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

• Value of correlation coefficient between Basic facilities and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority is measured as 0.157, which is showing that Dropout rate of students and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority has a low positive relationship with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.


Based on the indicated finding the following conclusions were drawn;

The current study investigated the role of KPEMA on school excellence at girls higher secondary level. In view of first objective, the study resulted that KPEMA were having positive effects on reducing principal and teachers' absenteeism in girls higher secondary school Peshawar. Second objective revealed that basic facilities in girls higher secondary schools in Peshawar is positively affected by KPEMA. While results of third objective shows that KPEMA has significant effects on dropout rate of students at girls higher secondary level in Peshawar.so the null hypothesis Ho1, Ho2 and H03 were rejected and alternate hypothesis was accepted.


Below are some of the implications of the study.

> The findings of the study provide some information to the Principals about the role of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority in school excellence at girls higher secondary level. This study can be beneficial for girls higher secondary school teachers as it emphasizes the importance of regular attendance of teachers in school.

> Current research can provide useful insights about the role of KPEMA in reporting the problems of principal teacher absenteeism, basic facilities of schools and dropout rate of students in girls higher secondary schools to the education department and to the Government. Indeed, this research can help government girls higher secondary schools to improve their school excellence factors monitored by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Education Monitoring Authority.

> This research can help the monitoring system to overcome their problems. Moreover, this research aims towards providing proper direction to departments.


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