THE INFLUENCE OF THE HEIGHT OF STEM AND LOWER PODS OF PEA PLANTS ON PEA YIELD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
pea / grain / plant height / legumes / yield / flexibility / stability / stress / pattern. / горох / зерно / высота растений / бобовые / урожайность / гибкость / устойчивость / стресс / закономерность.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Kh.A. Nurgaliev, B.Kh. Amanov

The pea plant stands out among cereal crops for its nutritional value. Peas are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins (especially group B) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc), which make them a valuable nutritional product. Chickpeas also contain the amino acid lysine, which is often lacking in vegetarian diets. In addition, chickpeas have a low glycemic index, which helps control sugar and blood sugar levels. Today, it is important to choose varieties suitable for climate change. Selection by morphological characters using foreign collections and local varieties is widely introduced in selections aimed at the selection of productivity in chickpea cultivation. In our research, when we analyzed the height of plants and lower pods from morphological characters, it was noted that the yield increased in samples with lower plant height and lower pods. Among the samples, samples 12134, 12117 and 12108 with high yield, short height and low location of lower pods were selected and recommended for use in selection work.

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Горох выделяется среди злаковых культур своей пищевой ценностью. Горох богат белком, углеводами, витаминами (особенно группы В) и минеральными веществами (железо, калий, магний, цинк), что делает его ценным пищевым продуктом. В нуте также содержится аминокислота лизин, которой часто не хватает в вегетарианских диетах. Кроме того, нут имеет низкий гликемический индекс, что помогает контролировать уровень сахара и сахара в крови. Сегодня важно выбирать сорта, подходящие для изменения климата. В селекциях, направленных на отбор продуктивности при возделывании нута, широко внедряется отбор по морфологическим признакам с использованием зарубежных коллекций и местных сортов. В наших исследованиях при анализе высоты растений и нижних стручков по морфологическим признакам отмечено, что урожайность увеличивается у образцов с меньшей высотой растений и меньшими стручками. Среди образцов выделены и рекомендованы для использования в селекционной работе образцы 12134, 12117 и 12108 с высокой урожайностью, низкой высотой и низким расположением нижних стручков. Ключевые слова: горох, зерно, высота растений, бобовые, урожайность, гибкость, устойчивость, стресс, закономерность.


Ethiopia. //Journal of Central European Agriculture. 2011. №12(2), - P. 344-352.

5. Jehanzeb Farooq, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Anwar, Muhammad Riaz, Khalid Mahmood, I. Valentin Petrescu-Mag. Multivariate analysis for CLCuD and various morphological traits in some advanced lines of cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. // Advances in Agriculture & Botanies International Journal of the Bioflux Society. 2015, Volume 7, Issue 3. P. 241-247.

6. Khasan Muminov, Ziroatkhon Emazarova, Bakhtiyar Amanov. Cluster analysis of valuable economic traits in amphidiploid cotton hybrid plants. EuroAsian Journal of Bio Sciences Eurasia J. Bio.sci. Volume 14. Issue 2. (2020). Scopus.P.4973-4981.

7. Lokesh Kumar Meena, Chandra Sen, Saket Kushwaha. Cluster Analysis to Form Similarity for Major Selected

Crops in Rajasthan, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.Volume 6. Number 4. 2017. P. 2673-2682.

8. Пирназаров Е.Б., & Аманов Б. X. (2024). Спектрофотометрический анализ фотосинтетических пигментов в местных и зарубежных образцах Sesamum indicum L. Современная биология и генетика, 2(8), 48-56.

9. Омонов O.K., Курбанбаев И .Д. и Аманов Б.К. (2023). Some biochemical performance of collection samples belonging to Helianthus annuus L. Современная биология и генетика, 5(3), 44-51.

10. Omonov, О., Amanov, В., Muminov Kh, В. A., & Tursunova, N. (2023). Physiological and biochemical composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet, 55(6), 2159-2167.

UDK. 581.132



Kh.A. Nurgaliev1

doctoral student of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology, Tashkent Branch B.Kh. Amanov2 2Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Chirchik, Uzbekistan

Abstract. The pea plant stands out among cereal crops for its nutritional value. Peas are rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins (especially group B) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc), which make them a valuable nutritional product. Chickpeas also contain the amino acid lysine, which is often lacking in vegetarian diets. In addition, chickpeas have a low glycemic index, which helps control sugar and blood sugar levels. Today, it is important to choose varieties suitable for climate change. Selection by morphological characters using foreign


collections and local varieties is widely introduced in selections aimed at the selection of productivity in chickpea cultivation. In our research, when we analyzed the height of plants and lower pods from morphological characters, it was noted that the yield increased in samples with lower plant height and lower pods. Among the samples, samples 12134, 12117 and 12108 with high yield, short height and low location of lower pods were selected and recommended for use in selection work.

Key words: pea, grain, plant height, legumes, yield, flexibility, stability, stress, pattern.


Х.А. Нургалиев1

Самаркандская государственная ветеринарная медицина, Университет животноводства и биотехнологии.Ташкент, Чиланзарский р-н, микрорайон 20, дом

Б.Х. Аманов2

2Чирчикского Государственного Педагогического Университет, г. Чирчик,


Аннотация. Горох выделяется среди злаковых культур своей пищевой ценностью. Горох богат белком, углеводами, витаминами (особенно группы В) и минеральными веществами (железо, калий, магний, цинк), что делает его ценным пищевым продуктом. В нуте также содержится аминокислота лизин, которой часто не хватает в вегетарианских диетах. Кроме того, нут имеет низкий гликемический индекс, что помогает контролировать уровень сахара и сахара в крови. Сегодня важно выбирать сорта, подходящие для изменения климата. В селекциях, направленных на отбор продуктивности при возделывании нута, широко внедряется отбор по морфологическим признакам с использованием зарубежных коллекций и местных сортов. В наших исследованиях при анализе высоты растений и нижних стручков по морфологическим признакам отмечено, что урожайность увеличивается у образцов с меньшей высотой растений и меньшими стручками. Среди образцов выделены и рекомендованы для использования в селекционной работе образцы 12134,12117 и 12108 с высокой урожайностью, низкой высотой и низким расположением нижних стручков.

Ключевые слова: горох, зерно, высота растений, бобовые, урожайность, гибкость, устойчивость, стресс, закономерность.


Pea (Pisum sativum L.) is an annual herbaceous crop belonging to the legume family. Among the legumes, Pisum sativum L. is the oldest pea and

is a self-pollinated (2n=2x=14) food crop [1]. Pisum sativum L was cultivated in the Mediterranean region, primarily in the Middle East [2]. Today, chickpea is considered as a high-yielding and nutritionally rich crop, cold-tolerant

legume cultivated worldwide for food, industry, and forage [3]. According to I.V. Savchenko and others, Canada, France, China, Russia, as well as India, Ukraine, and Germany are among the leading pea growing countries in the world [4]. The pea crop is planted in early spring, while it makes better use of the autumn and winter moisture reserves in the soil, and is less affected by diseases and pests [5].

In recent years, the negative impact of the global climate change process has been reflected in one of the most important sectors, agriculture. Plants live under the complex influence of abiotic and biotic factors that occur during development. It is determined by genotype-environment interaction. The manifestation or value of a trait caused by genotype - environment interaction is called the normal reaction of the genotype. An increase in the response of the genotype, that is, adaptation to changing environmental conditions and the formation of high yield characteristics is one of the most effective methods in solving selection and agrotechnological problems [7, 8]. In this regard, the study and assessment of the ecological adaptability of genotypes in the selection of pea productivity, the scope of their use, adaptation to natural and climatic conditions is an urgent issue of modern processes in pea cultivation.

Cultivation of high-tech pea varieties involves overcoming the above-mentioned shortcomings. Of

course, among the morphological traits of the pea plant, plant height, height of the first branches above ground level, leaf structure and other parameters are important factors in increasing productivity [6, 9]. According to other studies, the plant leaf from the morphological traits is considered as the main organ that contributes up to 50% of the positive effect on the yield [10].

The purpose of our research is to evaluate the effect of plant height and lower pod height on the yield of pea plant.

The object of the research and its methodology. Scientific experiments were carried out for 3 years at the "Dormon" experimental field of the Institute of Genetics and Plants Experimental Biology by planting seeds of foreign collection samples of pea by 20 grams in 3 replications on 3 m2 plots.

The following methods were used in the conducted research: Kwon and Torrie methods based on inheritance and correlation [11].

The principles and procedures of statistics were calculated based on Celik and Torrie's method [12].

The results of the research. The productivity of the pea plant is one of the main important directions of the selection breeding process.

Morphological traits are very important in increasing productivity. Because the resistance of the genotype in external environmental conditions is manifested in the phenotype. Therefore, from a theoretical point of view, the selection of

resistant high-yielding varieties based on the phenotype will create an important basis for saving the volume and time of genetic research. In the studied samples of foreign collection of peas, plant height and height of lower pods showed different differences in the effect on productivity. That is, in the analysis of the general average parameters of the samples with low plant height and low location of the first pods, it was found that the yield increased. According to the plant height, 13 samples 12108, 12109, 12131, 12119, 12107, 12125, 12118, 12120, 12129, 12115,

12111, 12112 and 12103 ranged between 50,0-57,6 cm. The plant height of the rest of the samples was below 50.0 cm. The height of the lower pods was recorded in 12 samples and varied in the range of 20.0-21.8 cm. In the remaining samples, it was noted that theindicator was below 20.0 cm. When analyzing the productivity in 3 m2 area, it was observed that samples 12134, 12117 and 12108 yielded in the range of 702-760 g. While the samples 12116, 12128, 12133. 12121, 12124, 12114, 12127, 12125, 12111 and 12103 was noted to yield up to 600-690 g (table-1).


Morpgological and yield parameters

No Catalog no. Plant height, cm Lower pod height, cm Yield in 3 m2, g

1 12101 42,3±1,58 19,3±1,15 595±20,2

2 12102 49,1±2,6 17,7±0,93 527±18,7

3 12103 57,6±0,88 21,8±0,96 622±64,9

4 12104 47,1±1,25 18,5±1,29 422±70,7

5 12105 48,9±0,92 20,5-1,06 512±38,9

6 12106 47,3±1,17 20,3±0,86 500±40,4

7 12107 50,5±1,67 19,8±1,02 527±96,7

8 12108 52,9±0,78 18,5±1,12 702±59,1

9 12109 53,5±1,80 18,9±1,04 380±40,4

10 12110 49,3±1,82 19,8±1,14 415±2,88

11 12111 57,3±0,99 21,3±0,72 645±25,9

12 12112 57,3±0,81 21,7±1,00 507±30,3

13 12113 43,8±1,43 17,3±1,01 557±33,1

14 12114 47,6±1,22 17,8±0,93 632±4,33

15 12115 50,1±3,29 21,0±0,63 467±18,7

16 12116 40,7±1,07 13,9±0,41 652±45,3

17 12117 46,9±1,02 17,3±0,58 760±20,2

18 12118 50,9±1,49 20,1±0,97 437±38,9

19 12119 52,7±1,52 19,4±0,97 562±25,6

20 12120 52,3±1,07 20,1±0,87 582±62,6

21 12121 47,8±1,36 16,8±0,79 690±2,75

22 12122 44,7±0,86 16,2±0,55 517±37,4

23 12123 48,9±1,80 19,8±1,18 575±23,0

24 12124 48,1±0,56 17,3±0,89 600±49,0

25 12125 52,5±1,11 20,0±0,75 602±53,4

26 12126 47,1±1,23 18,6±0,75 537±18,7

27 12127 47,3±1,06 18,5±0,67 622±12,9

28 12128 37,3±0,77 14,7±0,73 615±23,0

29 12129 50,8±1,28 20,7±0,51 487±4,33

30 12130 49,2±1,13 20,0±0,66 597±4,31

31 12131 50,4±1,20 19,2±0,89 437±28,0

32 12132 49,5±0,64 19,9±1,16 385±36,3

33 12133 45,6±0,55 16,2±0,51 640±3,91

34 12134 43,1±1,13 15,4±1,02 742±17,1

35 12135 47,7±1,05 20,3±0,77 300±34,6

36 12136 46,4±0,98 15,4±0,63 428±40,1

In our experiments, the tall plants of the samples 12103, 12111 and 12125 had a plant height of 57.6 cm, 57.3 cm and 52.5 cm, respectively, and the height of the lower pods was 21.8 cm, 21.3 cm and 20.0 cm which yielded 622 g, 645 g and 602 g, respectively. The higher plant height and higher height of lower pods of these 3 samples may be due to genetics or influence of environmental factors. In the rest of the samples, higher plant height and higher height of the lower pods were distinguished by the fact that they had an insignificant effect on the yield.

On the contrary, in high-yielding samples 12116 (yield 652 g, plant height 40.7 cm, lower pod height 13.9 cm), 12128 (yield 615 g, plant height 37.3 cm, lower pod height 14.7 cm), 12134 (yield 742 g, plant height 43.1 cm, lower pod

height 15.4 cm), 12133 (yield 640 g, plant height 45.6 cm, lower pod height 16.2 cm), 12121 (yield 690 g, plant height 47.8 cm, lower pod height 16.8 cm), 12117 (yield 760 g, plant height 46.9 cm, lower pod height 17.3 cm), 12124 (yield 600 g, plant height 48.1 cm, lower pod height 17.3 cm), 12114 (yield 632 g, plant height 47.6 cm, lower pod height 17.8 cm), and 12127 (yield 622 g, plant height 47.3 cm, lower pod height 18, 5 cm) lower plant height and the height of the lower pods led to an increase in yield. Only in sample 12108 (yield 702 g, plant height 52.9 cm, height of lower pods 18.5 cm) it was noted that the height of the plant is a characteristic of the variety, and it was observed that the height of the lower pods is low despite the height of the plant. In general, it was noted that the lower plant height and lower pod height

had a higher percentage than the higher plant height arid higher height of lower pod in relation to the total number of samples.

When we analyzed the effect of traits on each other graphically, it was noted that the height of the lower pods

increased along with the height of the plants. Correspondingly, the yield index was found to be lower in the samples with higher plant height and higher location of lower pods, as shown in diagram 1.



70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

\£j oo ^t vo- es as t~> ci t-> -5}- (N *ä ^ ® c— o> (S o c*> ist- .10 o ^'.Qfio n in a in 1-1 IS .ra

1—1 <N CI rn (N im IN —I —« r-l O 1—1 O O rs (N O CI O —i O i— <N tf) (N f*l <-> r I O CI O fS —i —i O

1 3 ni2 liosidorlik. g ---O' simlik bo'yi. sm ---Pasiki diikkak balanclligi

Diagram-1. - Yield in 3m2, g — Plant height, cm — Height of lower pod

On the contrary, it was found that the yield was higher in samples with lower plant height and lower pod height. It was observed in the results of the analysis that in relation to the total number of samples the yield is higher in the samples with lower plant height and lower height of pods located lower.

Conclusion. In the conducted studies, it was found that the height of the lower pods increased along with the high plant height of the samples. Correspondingly, it was found that the yield index was lower in the samples with high plant height and lower pods located higher. Among the samples, 12134, 12117 and 12108 samples with

high yield, low height and low location of lower pods were selected for selection breeding process.


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14. Омонов O.K., Курбанбаев И .Д. и Аманов Б.К. (2023). Some biochemical performance of collection samples belonging to Helianthus annuus L. Современная биология и генетика, 5(3), 44-51.

15. Omonov О., Amanov, В., Muminov Kh, В. A., & Tursunova, N. (2023). Physiological and biochemical composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet, 55(6), 2159-2167.

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