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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sun Jinwei

The paper chose 304 college teachers as research objects, examined the effects of work values and achievement motivation on teachers' job burnout. The results showed that: In the four dimensions of job burnout, there was a significant negative correlation between emotional exhaustion and achievement motivation, a significant negative correlation between dehumanization and cognitive exhaustion and achievement motivation and work values, a significant positive correlation between personal accomplishment and achievement motivation, work values. From the regression analysis of achievement motivation and work values on job burnout, achievement motivation can negatively predict emotional exhaustion. Achievement motivation and work values can negatively predict dehumanization, cognitive exhaustion, and positively predict personal accomplishment.

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UDC 159.9

postgraduate student Sun Jinwei

Smolensk State University (Smolensk)



Annotation. The paper chose 304 college teachers as research objects, examined the effects of work values and achievement motivation on teachers' job burnout. The results showed that: In the four dimensions of job burnout, there was a significant negative correlation between emotional exhaustion and achievement motivation, a significant negative correlation between dehumanization and cognitive exhaustion and achievement motivation and work values, a significant positive correlation between personal accomplishment and achievement motivation, work values. From the regression analysis of achievement motivation and work values on job burnout, achievement motivation can negatively predict emotional exhaustion. Achievement motivation and work values can negatively predict dehumanization, cognitive exhaustion, and positively predict personal accomplishment.

Key words: teachers, job burnout, work values, achievement motivation.

Аннотация. В статье в качестве объектов исследования были выбраны 304 преподавателя колледжа, изучалось влияние трудовых ценностей и мотивации достижения на профессиональное выгорание учителей. Результаты показали, что: по четырем измерениям профессионального выгорания наблюдалась значительная отрицательная корреляция между эмоциональным истощением и мотивацией достижения, значительная отрицательная корреляция между дегуманизацией и когнитивным истощением, а также мотивацией достижения и ценностями работы, значительная положительная корреляция между личными достижениями и мотивацией достижения, трудовыми ценностями. Из регрессионного анализа мотивации достижения и трудовых ценностей при выгорании на работе следует, что мотивация достижения может негативно предсказывать эмоциональное истощение. Мотивация достижения и трудовые ценности могут негативно предсказывать дегуманизацию, когнитивное истощение и положительно предсказывать личные достижения.

Ключевые слова: учителя, профессиональное выгорание, трудовые ценности, мотивация достижения.

Introduction. According to the definition put forward by Freudenberger and Maslach (1981), job burnout can be regarded as a state of physical and mental exhaustion in terms of physiology, emotion, behavior and so on,when an individual is unable to cope with the outside world and exceeds the excessive requirements of personal energy and resources [1]. The decrease of personal accomplishment is the self-evaluation dimension of burnout. Since the three-dimensional model of job burnout was put forward, it has been widely recognized by the theoretical community. Most of the relevant studies have followed this model, which has been proved to be stable across cultures and industries [2].

Work values are the persistence of the goals of relevant work things when individuals are engaged in work. It has been found that the more positive teachers' work values tend to be, the more competent they will be in teaching, have a more positive attitude towards education, and will be more committed to teaching innovation. On the contrary, college teachers' work values tend to be more negative, and they may have more negative feelings about education, so they can not go all out on teaching, which leads to teachers' job burnout and reduced work efficiency. Therefore, the impact of teachers' work values on their job burnout is worthy of in-depth discussion.

In order to adapt to social development, the teaching staff in China has been under great pressure from the reform of the educational system. Faced with the changed educational objects and environment, teachers are especially psychologically full of pressure and job burnout. This not only affects the physical and mental health of teachers themselves, but also seriously affects the healthy growth of students and the quality of talent training. Therefore, strengthening the research on college teachers' job burnout has become a new topic for teachers' team building and improving teachers' quality.

Motivation is the intrinsic motivation that triggers human behavior, while achievement motivation refers to an individual's persistent tendency to pursue success in people, things, and things (Atkinson, 1960), which plays an important role in individual activities [3]. One manifestation of burnout is a reduced sense of achievement.

The main content of the article. This study selects teachers from several major colleges and universities in Zhengzhou City as the research object, and conducts random cluster sampling. A total of 320 questionnaires are distributed, 304 questionnaires are returned, and 18 questionnaires that are answered with a single answer or filled out with certain rules are excluded. Finally, 286 valid questionnaires were obtained. After coding the valid questionnaires, SPSS 26.0 was used for statistical analysis.

Occupational burnout adopts Wang Fang and Xu Yan (2003) on the basis of Maslach Burnout Inventory-ES, combined with the actual situation of college teachers in China, and the "Occupational Burnout Scale for college Teachers" has been tested and has good reliability. and validity [4].

The work values survey adopts the work values scale, which was prepared by Professor Wu Tiexiong of Taiwan in 1994. The full scale has 7 subscales, and each subscale has 7 questions, with a total of 49 questions. The six point scale was used to answer the questions. The subjects were asked to answer the questions according to their subjective feelings [6]. After a large number of empirical studies, the scale has been proved to have excellent validity and reliability.

If it is completely consistent with your own situation, score 4 points, and if it is completely inconsistent, score 1 point. The score of achievement motivation is composed of the score of pursuing success minus the score of avoiding failure. The scale has good validity and reliability. The variable with significant predictive power of emotional exhaustion dimension to emotional exhaustion is achievement motivation, with a predictive coefficient of 10.8%. в coefficient is negative, indicating that the higher the score of achievement motivation, the lower the score of emotional exhaustion and the lower the level of burnout.

Table 1

Emotional exhaustion and progressive diversification of achievement motivation and values

Enter regression model variables multiple regression coefficients(R) decisive factor(R2) В t

achievement motivation 0.328 0.108 -0.328 -5.031

The variables of dehumanization dimension that can predict dehumanization are purpose value, achievement motivation and tool value - social interaction, stability and freedom from anxiety. The predictive coefficient of the target value is 8.7%, p coefficient is

negative, indicating that the higher the goal value score is, the lower the impersonality score is, and the lower the burnout level is. After the achievement motivation is added, the predictive regression coefficient increases to 17.7%, p coefficient is negative, indicating that the higher the score of achievement motivation, the lower the score of impersonality, and the lower the level of burnout.

Table 2

Dehumanization and the gradual plural return of achievement motivation and values

enter regression model variables multiple regression coefficients(R) coefficient of determination R2 B t value

purpose value 0.294 0.087 -0.236 -2.956**

Interaction 0.337 0.114 -0.316 -3.966**

Stable 0.394 0.155 -0.261 -3.142**

Achievement motivation 0.420 0.177 0.158 -2.345*

Cognitive exhaustion dimension has predictive power for cognitive exhaustion. Dignity dimension and achievement motivation in values. The prediction coefficient of dignity is 12.3%. After adding achievement motivation, the prediction regression coefficient is improved to 17.8%. The p coefficient is negative, indicating that the higher the score of dignity and achievement motivation, the lower the score of cognitive exhaustion and the lower the level of burnout.

Table 3

Cognitive exhaustion and achievement motivation, gradual multivariate return of values

Enter regression model variables multiple regression coefficients(R) coefficient of determination R2 B t value

Dignity 0.350 0.123 -0.273 -4.128**

achievement motivation 0.422 0.178 -0.247 -3.746**

The variables of the personal achievement dimension that are predictive of personal achievement are purpose value and achievement motivation. The coefficient of goal value predicting personal achievement is 13.5%. After adding achievement motivation, the prediction coefficient increases to 17.6%, and the p coefficient is positive, indicating that the higher the goal value and achievement motivation score, the higher the personal achievement score, the lower the level of burnout.

Table 4

The gradual multiple regression of personal achievement, achievement motivation and values

enter regression model variables multiple regression coefficients (R) coefficient of determination R2 ß t value

purpose value 0.368 0.135 0.294 4.402

achievement motivation 0.419 0.176 0.215 3.215

General characteristics of college teachers' job burnout. The survey found that the average scores of the emotional exhaustion, dehumanization and cognitive exhaustion dimensions of teacher burnout were 2.51, 1.82 and 1.96, respectively, which were all less than the median value of 3; the average score of the individual sense of achievement dimension is 4.02, which is greater than the median value of 3. This shows that the phenomenon of teacher burnout is universal to a certain extent, but the overall severity is not high. This is basically consistent with the research results of other scholars Liu Weiming, Wu Xinchun, etc. [8] but it is different from our expected results. The main reason is that the reduction of work efficiency caused by severe job burnout will cause individuals to leave or be replaced by schools, which is not easy to be detected in general subject teachers. In addition, the vigorous development of the manufacturing industry in the Shandong Peninsula provides more chance for the survival of college, which to a certain extent makes most college teachers full of hope for their job prospects, and to some extent plays down the effects of job burnout. For the purposes of this study, the high sense of achievement, low dehumanization and relatively high emotional exhaustion exhibited by college teachers may also be a precursor to a stress imbalance, with satisfactory job performance based on excessive on an expenditure basis [9]. If you continue to work in this state without making necessary adjustments, it will inevitably exacerbate job burnout. Predictive relationship between job values and achievement motivation on teachers' job burnout.

Findings. The results of this study show that the purpose value of work values can negatively predict dehumanization, positively predict personal accomplishment, and its dignity sub-dimension can negatively predict cognitive exhaustion; The social interaction of tool value and the two sub-dimensions of stability and freedom from anxiety can negatively predict dehumanization. This is in line with Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, that is, people have physical and security material needs, as well as the spiritual needs of belonging and love, self-esteem and self realization. Meeting material needs is an external incentive, while meeting spiritual needs is an internal incentive. The existing research also shows that people with higher education level pay more attention to the needs of development and autonomy, hoping that they can not only make achievements in their jobs, but also display their talents and realize their self-worth [10]. This study also found that achievement motivation has significant explanatory power to all dimensions of teacher burnout, among which the explanatory power to the dimension of emotional exhaustion is the strongest (the predictive coefficient is 10.8%). According to Atkinson's theory of expected value, individuals pursue success and avoid failure under the influence of achievement motivation. Individuals with high achievement motivation tend to pursue success more than avoid failure, while individuals with low achievement motivation tend to pursue success less than 137 avoid failure. Research shows that people with high achievement motivation are most likely to choose tasks that they expect to have a 50% probability of success, which will provide them with the greatest practical challenges.


1. Wang, Fang. Occupational exhaustion of primary and secondary school teachers and its relationship with social support / Fang Wang Yan Xu // Journal of Psychology. - 2019. - 36 p.

2. Lixiaoli. Compilation and application of job burnout scale for college teachers. / Lixiaoli // Papers of the 12th National

Academic Conference on Psychology. - 2021. - 267 - 280 p.

3. Yan, Xu A Study on the Characteristics of Occupational Exhaustion of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in China / Yan Xu // Personality and Social Psychology Beijing. - 2018.

4. Wu, Tiexiong. Research on the development of the work values scale / Wu Tiexiong Kunchong, Li Youxing, Liu Huimin Ou // Youth Counseling Committee of the Executive Yuan. - 2021.

5. Ye, Renmin. Measurement and Analysis of Achievement Motivation / Renmin Ye // Psychological Development and Education. - 2018.

6. Liuyang, Zhu. Analysis on the influencing factors of teachers' job burnout . / Zhu Liuyang // Educational theory. - 2020. -P. 25-37

7. Ren, li. The influence of teachers' work values and achievement motivation on job burnout / li Ren // Journal of Anyang Normal college. - 2019.

8. Sheng, Qing. A study on the relationship among teachers' work values, achievement motivation and work engagement / Qing Sheng, Lifang Lu // Educational practice. - 2021.

9. Zhaohui, Laifang. A study on the relationship between work stress, work values and happiness of college teachers / Laifang Zhaohui // Education management. - 2019. - P. 321-338

10. Xie, Wenjun. Research on the Relationship between college Teachers' Work Values and Work Performance / Wenjun Xie, Guofeng Qu // Guangxi Normal college. - 2021.

11. Ma, Junchao. The Psychological Structure and Verification of college Teachers' Work Values / Junchao Ma // Hubei Social Sciences. - 2020. - P. 219-226


УДК 159.9

кандидат психологических наук, доцент Урусова Асият Муссаевна

Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет имени У.Д. Алиева (г. Карачаевск); аспирант 1 курса Чотчаев Абдул-Азиз Алхазович

Карачаево-Черкесский государственный университет имени У.Д. Алиева (г. Карачаевск)



Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются проблемы развития конструктивной этнокультурной идентичности в подростковом возрасте. Разработка данной проблематики в психологической науке вызвана осознанием роли межкультурной компетентности и развивающей этнокультурной образовательной среды в процессе становления этнокультурной идентичности подростков. Проведен теоретический анализ научных трудов ученых по исследованию роли этнокультурного образования в сохранении этнокультурной идентичности личности посредством приобщения к языку и культуре своего этноса в гармоничном сочетании с ценностями мировой культуры. Авторы убедительно обосновывают тот факт, что ведущими в процессе становления этнокультурной идентичности подростков являются развитие межкультурной компетентности, развивающая этнокультурная образовательная среда, слаженное взаимодействие всех компонентов структуры этнокультурной идентичности. Выявлена необходимость разработки стратегии формирования позитивной этнокультурной идентичности у подростков, возвращения к этнокультурным корням, всемерной поддержки индивидуальной значимости переживания принадлежности к своей этнокультуре. Информационный мир приводит к изменениям в формировании этнокультурной идентичности подростков, риски связаны с поликультурализмом и неопределенной этнокультурной идентичностью молодежи. Аутентификация подростка с этнокультурой детерминирует его мировосприятие, объясняет мотивационные и ценностные координаты, и определяет систему норм и правил поведения. Неопределенная этнокультурная идентичность, как и ее отсутствие приводят к унификации культуры и формированию личности вне культурного контекста, без опоры на традиционные ценности своего этноса и самобытность. Предлагаются различные стратегии взаимодействия в системе психолого-педагогического сопровождения процесса развития этнокультурной компетентности подростков, базовыми компонентами которой являются когнитивный, эмоциональный и поведенческий.

Ключевые слова: этнокультурная идентичность, подросток, этническая культура, межкультурная компетентность, этнокультурное образование, самоактуализация, этнокультурная идентификация, цифровая среда.

Annotation. The article deals with the problems of the development of a constructive ethno-cultural identity in adolescence. The development of this issue in psychological science is caused by the awareness of the role of intercultural competence and the developing ethno-cultural educational environment in the process of formation of the ethno-cultural identity of adolescents. A theoretical analysis of the scientific works of scientists on the study of the role of ethno-cultural education in the preservation of the ethno-cultural identity of the individual through familiarization with the language and culture of one's ethnic group in harmony with the values of world culture has been carried out. The authors convincingly substantiate the fact that the development of intercultural competence, the developing ethnocultural educational environment, and the coordinated interaction of all components of the structure of ethnocultural identity are the leading factors in the process of formation of the ethnocultural identity of adolescents. The necessity of developing a strategy for the formation of a positive ethno-cultural identity in adolescents, a return to ethno-cultural roots, and all-round support for the individual significance of the experience of belonging to one's own ethno-culture has been identified. The information world leads to changes in the formation of the ethnocultural identity of adolescents, the risks are associated with polyculturalism and the uncertain ethnocultural identity of young people. Authentication of a teenager with ethnic culture determines his worldview, explains motivational and value coordinates, and defines a system of norms and rules of behavior. An indefinite ethno-cultural identity, as well as its absence, lead to the unification of culture and the formation of a personality outside the cultural context, without relying on the traditional values of one's ethnic group and originality. Various strategies of interaction are proposed in the system of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of ethnocultural competence of adolescents, the basic components of which are cognitive, emotional and behavioral.

Key words: ethnocultural identity, teenager, ethnic culture, intercultural competence, ethnocultural education, self-actualization, ethnocultural identification, digital environment.

Введение. Россия вошла в историю изначально как полиэтничное государство, и сегодня на его территории проживают представители различных этносов. Поэтому современные институты социализации относят к приоритетным задачам российского общества и образования как консолидацию, так и формирование этнокультурной идентичности личности,

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