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Ключевые слова
Teachers / Achievement motivation / Burnout / Relationship / Study / образование / учителя / мотивация / мотивация достижения / мотивация достижения успеха / эмоциональное выгорание

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Сунь Цзинвэй

Motivation theory suggests that achievement motivation can be divided into success-seeking achievement motivation avoidance achievement motivation. This paper uses a theoretical and practical analysis method to investigate and analyze 171 teachers, and concludes that success-seeking achievement motivation is negatively related to burnout and failure-avoidance achievement motivation is positively related to burnout The more organizations emphasize the leadership behavior of weighted rewards, the negative relationship between success-seeking achievement motivation and burnout diminishes, and the positive relationship between failure-avoidance achievement motivation and burnout diminishes. The more organizations emphasize the leadership behavior of exception management, the negative relationship between success-seeking achievement motivation and burnout increases, and the positive relationship between failure-avoiding achievement motivation and burnout increases.

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В этой статье используется теоретический и практический метод анализа для изучения мотивации достижения учителей. Делается вывод, о том, что мотивация достижения успеха отрицательно связана с выгоранием, а мотивация достижения избегания неудач положительно связана с эмоциональным выгоранием. Подчёркивается, что лидерское поведение учителей взаимосвязано с мотивацией достижения успеха, при этом эмоциональное выгорание уменьшается, а положительная связь между мотивацией достижения, направленной на избегание неудач, и эмоциональным выгоранием уменьшается.


(3) Expand the "Base System" of School Education

The "base system" is the formal school system from kindergarten to higher education (general schools and vocational schools). As the name implies, the "base system" is the foundation of a high-rise building. Schools need to shift from simply teaching students book knowledge to focusing on laying a foundation for lifelong learning. The basic tasks of elementary school education should do its utmost to respect, protect and develop children's innate interests and enthusiasm in learning. In the whole learning process, it is necessary to "continuously" cultivate the consciousness and ability of individuals to participate in lifelong learning, so as to lay a foundation for their learning after ending their normal school education.

In addition, efforts should be made to realize "all-together learning for old and young", so as to realize the openness of school education and also to achieve lifelong education (Wu Zunmin, 2015). At the same time, college adults' education or continuing education colleges should change their training mode and reform their curricula to respond to the concept of lifelong learning. The government should also focus on transforming TV universities and vocational universities into open universities and making them the backbone for lifelong education.

It should be noted that although China has made positive achievements in promoting the concept of lifelong learning and promoting the construction of lifelong learning education system for all Chinese people, there are still many problems and deficiencies. First, the society and leaders at all levels need to deepen their understanding of the importance and systematization of lifelong learning. Second, the connection of general education, vocational education, continuing education and other levels of education is not enough; Third, the legislation of lifelong education lags behind, the policy is not perfect, and there is a lack of effective incentive mechanism; Fourth, due to the lack of a quality evaluation and monitoring system, the quality of lifelong learning still needs to be improved; Fifth, the technology, means and methods required by the lifelong learning education system are still relatively backward.


[1] [South Africa] Paul Cilias (2006). Complexity and postmodernism [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press.

[2] Ting-zhu Chen (2004). Higher Education in learning Society [M]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University Press.

[3] Mei-lu Sun (2011). On two Ways of Community Education Development [J]. Hubei large Journal of College of Adult Education, (5): 15-17.

[4] Zun-min Wu (2016). The Basic Concept of Lifelong Education [J]. Jiangsu Open University Acta Geographica Sinica, (1):75-79.

[5] Zun-min Wu (2015). Strategies and Thoughts on the Whole Construction of Lifelong Education system in China [J]. Journal of Jiangsu Open University, (6):5-9.

[6] Ke-ming Hao (2003) Economic Globalization and the Construction of Lifelong Learning System in China [J]. Peking University Education Review, (1): 31-36.

[7] Ke-ming Hao (2006) Stepping into Learning Society - Research on the Construction of Lifelong Learning System and Learning Society [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHERS' ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION AND BURNOUT Sun Jinwei (Henan MS, Zhengzhou - №JH, China^^AS^ffiS), doctoral student, 1968068632@qq.com

Abstract: Motivation theory suggests that achievement motivation can be divided into success-seeking achievement motivation avoidance achievement motivation. This paper uses a theoretical and practical analysis method to investigate and analyze 171 teachers, and concludes that success-seeking achievement motivation is negatively related to burnout and failure-avoidance achievement motivation is

positively related to burnout The more organizations emphasize the leadership behavior of weighted rewards, the negative relationship between success-seeking achievement motivation and burnout diminishes, and the positive relationship between failure-avoidance achievement motivation and burnout diminishes. The more organizations emphasize the leadership behavior of exception management, the negative relationship between success-seeking achievement motivation and burnout increases, and the positive relationship between failure-avoiding achievement motivation and burnout increases.

Keywords: Teachers; Achievement motivation; Burnout; Relationship; Study.


Сунь Цзинвэй (провинция Хэнань, город Чжэнчжоу, Китай), докторант, 1968068632@qq.com

Аннотация. В этой статье используется теоретический и практический метод анализа для изучения мотивации достижения учителей. Делается вывод, о том, что мотивация достижения успеха отрицательно связана с выгоранием, а мотивация достижения избегания неудач положительно связана с эмоциональным выгоранием. Подчёркивается, что лидерское поведение учителей взаимосвязано с мотивацией достижения успеха, при этом эмоциональное выгорание уменьшается, а положительная связь между мотивацией достижения, направленной на избегание неудач, и эмоциональным выгоранием уменьшается.

Ключевые слова: образование; учителя; мотивация; мотивация достижения; мотивация достижения успеха; эмоциональное выгорание.

With the accelerated pace of society, burnout has become an important research area in organizational behavior and occupational psychology at home and abroad. The field of burnout is a kind of psychological exhaustion caused by work. Burnout is a kind of psychological exhaustion caused by work. If a person is engaged in some repetitive and mechanical work or under heavy pressure of work for a long period of time, he or she will gradually develop a tired and bored mentality, resulting in a decrease in productivity and work motivation. This leads to a decrease in productivity and motivation.

1. Theoretical basis

1. 1 Achievement motivation

Achievement motivation originated from Murray's "need to achieve" in 1938, and the real research started with the book "Achievement Motivation" co-authored by McClelland and others. McClelland also suggested that each person's achievement motivation is different, but basically at a relatively stable level, and that the level of achievement motivation affects The individual's choice of career. Numerous studies have confirmed that the level of individual achievement motivation has predictive effects on job performance, work engagement, job satisfaction, and turnover tendency. The American psychologist Atkinson's achievement motivation theory suggests that individual achievement motivation can be divided into two parts: (1) the tendency to pursue success. (2) The tendency to avoid failure. That is, achievement motivation involves the individual's expectation of success and the fear of failure. Individuals who are motivated by the pursuit of success tend to be courageous, not afraid of difficulties, and tend to choose moderately difficult work; individuals who are motivated by the avoidance of failure tend to be afraid of setbacks, avoid failure, and tend to choose very easy or very difficult work. The most significant contribution of this theory is that it proposes that achievement motivation is composed of success-seeking motivation and failure-avoidance motivation, which is very helpful for later scholars to study the influence of achievement motivation on employee behavior [1].

1.2 Burnout

The term "burnout" was first introduced in 1974 by Freudenberger, an American psychoanalyst, and refers to the state of physical and mental fatigue and exhaustion of individuals who encounter various conflicts in the work process [2].

Chemises emphasized the influence of organizational factors on burnout from the perspective of organizational behavior and argued that burnout is essentially caused by the "mismatch" between individual effort and reward. Meshach, an American scholar, proposed three dimensions of burnout in 1981: emotional exhaustion (stress dimension of employees), depersonalization (interpersonal dimension of employees), and low personal fulfillment (self-evaluation dimension of employees) [3].

1.3. Theory of the relationship between achievement motivation and burnout

Domestic and foreign scholars have conflicting views on the relationship between achievement motivation and burnout. Freudenberger (1974), a foreign scholar, believes that if achievement motivation is too strong and individuals pursue goals far beyond their abilities, it is likely to cause burnout. On the contrary, domestic scholars Huang Zhengbao and Zheng Yingyao proposed that employees with strong achievement motivation are able to be active, overcome difficulties, and show great resilience and perseverance, and therefore are less likely to suffer from burnout. Although the conclusions are different, the studies mentioned here all take achievement motivation as a whole to explore its relationship with burnout. In contrast, this paper introduces the Atkinson model of achievement motivation mentioned earlier and divides achievement motivation into two tendencies: (1) achievement motivation with a tendency to pursue success. (2) Achievement motivation with a tendency to avoid failure [4].

2 Research design and testing

2.1 Research hypothesis

In this paper, we believe that employees with strong achievement motivation of pursuing success can face difficulties, are not afraid of setbacks, go forward and have the perseverance to accomplish their work goals, so they tend not to have burnout on their work; employees with strong achievement motivation of avoiding failure tend to avoid difficulties and setbacks, are afraid of failure, want to do things by the book, and are prone to burnout. Based on this, the following hypotheses are proposed.

H1: Achievement motivation with a tendency to pursue success has a significant negative effect on burnout.

H2: Achievement motivation with the tendency to avoid failure has a significant positive influence on burnout.

2.2 Research method

Theoretical research method. The theoretical aspects of achievement motivation and organizational psychology were used to sort out and analyze burnout behavior in order to find the theoretical and practical relationship between the three.

Empirical analysis method. In this paper, teachers in a school were selected and randomly issued questionnaires, and relevant analysis was conducted.

2.3 Research Subjects

In this paper, teachers in a university were used as the research subjects, and the questionnaire was randomly distributed with the consent of the research subjects by using the random sampling method. The process of filling out the questionnaires required the research subjects to complete them independently, and the questionnaires were collected on the spot. A total of 190 questionnaires were distributed, and 171 valid questionnaires were collected, with a recovery rate of 90%. Among the valid questionnaires, 91 were males and 80 were females; 69 had college education or below, 83 had bachelor's degree, and 19 had master's degree or above; 66 had been in employment for 2 years or below, 84 for 3-5 years, and 21 for 6 years or above.

2.4 Data analysis

The mean and standard deviation of each factor and the correlation coefficient between the factors are listed in the table, as shown in the table.

(P = -0.617, p < 0.001), which initially verified H1 and H2.

Variable Mean Standard deviation 1 2 3 4

Pursuit of success 2.742 0.4375 1

Avoid failure 2.50 0.491 0.119 1

Burnout 2.1973 0.6971 0.586*** 0.617*** 0.268** 1

Table 1 Mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient

3. Results

The results of the study showed that employees with stronger success-seeking achievement motivation had a lower level of burnout; employees with stronger failure-avoidance achievement motivation had a higher level of burnout. The more the organization emphasizes the leadership behavior of weighted rewards, the negative relationship between success-seeking achievement motivation and burnout is weakened; the positive relationship between failure-avoidance achievement motivation and burnout is enhanced.

4. Research findings and outlook

4.1.According to the data analysis of the control variables in this paper, teachers' years of in-service can negatively affect burnout. For teachers with longer years of service, they are more experienced, have harmonious interpersonal relationships, and work more efficiently, while for teachers with shorter years of service, they lack the ability to adapt to the workplace, and according to the survey, some new teachers start to develop burnout after six months of work. Therefore, administrators should provide a comprehensive training program for employees with shorter years of service, which should also cover various aspects such as mental health, interpersonal relationships, and stress resistance.

4.2 Managers should match teachers to their jobs. Matching people and jobs is the basis for effective human resource allocation. According to the conclusion of this paper, managers should have a clear understanding of the types of teachers' achievement motivation and clearly distinguish whether they are inclined to pursue success or avoid failure. After identifying achievement motivation, managers should pay special attention to teachers with achievement motivation of avoiding failure tendency, because these teachers are prone to suffer from burnout in the process of completing teaching and research work, which is not beneficial to teachers, students and schools.


1. Atkinson, J.W. Motivational determinants of risk-taking behavior. Psychological Review, 1957 64:359-372.

2. Freudenberger H J. Staff burn-out. Journal of Social Issues,1974,30 (1):159-165.

3. Moore J.E. One road turnover, An examination of work exhaustion in technology professionals. MIS Quarterly, 2015,24(1): 141-175.

4. Maslach C.L., M P. Early pred ictors of job bur nout and engagement. Journal of Appl ied Psychology, 2008,93(3): 498-512.

5. Ye ren min, Hagtvet K.A. Measurement and analysis of achievement motivation [J]. Psychological Development and Education, 2018, (3).


Сунь Цзиньвэй (провинция Хэнань, город Чжэнчжоу, Китай), докторант, 1968068632@qq.com

Анисимова Оксана Анатольевна (Смоленск, Россия), кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры педагогики и психологии, Смоленский государственный университет. E-mail: anisimov-am@mail.ru

Аннотация. Эмоциональное выгорание является серьезным препятствием для профессионального развития учителей. Профессиональная деятельность учителей связана с чрезмерной и ненормированной неделей, большим объемом нагрузка, низким доходом и отсутствием продвижения по службе. Эти явления являются ключевыми факторами выгорания учителей. Создание гармоничной образовательной среды, стандартизация научной системы сертификации, активное и неуклонное обучения, создание разумной системы оплаты труда учителей являются эффективными мерами по вмешательству и предотвращению выгорания учителей.

Ключевые слова: подбор персонала по должности; учитель; профессия учитель; выгорание на работе; анализ работы.

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