
TEACHERS' JOB BURNOUT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PERSON-POST MATCHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
person-post matching / job burnout / job analysis / подбор персонала по должности / учитель / профессия учитель / выгорание на работе / анализ работы

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sun Jinwei, Anisimova Oksana Anatolievna

Burnout is a serious obstacle to teachers' professional development. From the perspective of job matching, excessive workload, poor interpersonal environment, low income and lack of job development and promotion are the main causes of teacher burnout. Creating a harmonious and relaxed educational environment, standardizing a scientific teacher certification system, actively and steadily implementing teacher training, and establishing a reasonable teacher compensation system are effective measures to intervene and prevent teacher burnout.

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Эмоциональное выгорание является серьезным препятствием для профессионального развития учителей. Профессиональная деятельность учителей связана с чрезмерной и ненормированной неделей, большим объемом нагрузка, низким доходом и отсутствием продвижения по службе. Эти явления являются ключевыми факторами выгорания учителей. Создание гармоничной образовательной среды, стандартизация научной системы сертификации, активное и неуклонное обучения, создание разумной системы оплаты труда учителей являются эффективными мерами по вмешательству и предотвращению выгорания учителей.


The results of the study showed that employees with stronger success-seeking achievement motivation had a lower level of burnout; employees with stronger failure-avoidance achievement motivation had a higher level of burnout. The more the organization emphasizes the leadership behavior of weighted rewards, the negative relationship between success-seeking achievement motivation and burnout is weakened; the positive relationship between failure-avoidance achievement motivation and burnout is enhanced.

4. Research findings and outlook

4.1.According to the data analysis of the control variables in this paper, teachers' years of in-service can negatively affect burnout. For teachers with longer years of service, they are more experienced, have harmonious interpersonal relationships, and work more efficiently, while for teachers with shorter years of service, they lack the ability to adapt to the workplace, and according to the survey, some new teachers start to develop burnout after six months of work. Therefore, administrators should provide a comprehensive training program for employees with shorter years of service, which should also cover various aspects such as mental health, interpersonal relationships, and stress resistance.

4.2 Managers should match teachers to their jobs. Matching people and jobs is the basis for effective human resource allocation. According to the conclusion of this paper, managers should have a clear understanding of the types of teachers' achievement motivation and clearly distinguish whether they are inclined to pursue success or avoid failure. After identifying achievement motivation, managers should pay special attention to teachers with achievement motivation of avoiding failure tendency, because these teachers are prone to suffer from burnout in the process of completing teaching and research work, which is not beneficial to teachers, students and schools.


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Сунь Цзиньвэй (провинция Хэнань, город Чжэнчжоу, Китай), докторант, 1968068632@qq.com

Анисимова Оксана Анатольевна (Смоленск, Россия), кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры педагогики и психологии, Смоленский государственный университет. E-mail: anisimov-am@mail.ru

Аннотация. Эмоциональное выгорание является серьезным препятствием для профессионального развития учителей. Профессиональная деятельность учителей связана с чрезмерной и ненормированной неделей, большим объемом нагрузка, низким доходом и отсутствием продвижения по службе. Эти явления являются ключевыми факторами выгорания учителей. Создание гармоничной образовательной среды, стандартизация научной системы сертификации, активное и неуклонное обучения, создание разумной системы оплаты труда учителей являются эффективными мерами по вмешательству и предотвращению выгорания учителей.

Ключевые слова: подбор персонала по должности; учитель; профессия учитель; выгорание на работе; анализ работы.


Sun Jinwei (Henan Mffi, Zhengzhou - ^PH, China^^AR^^H), doctoral student, 1968068632@qq.com

Anisimova Oksana Anatolievna (Smolensk, Russia), Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Аssociate Professor of the Department of pedagogy and psychology, of the Smolensk State University. E-mail: anisimov-am@mail.ru

Abstract. Burnout is a serious obstacle to teachers' professional development. From the perspective of job matching, excessive workload, poor interpersonal environment, low income and lack of job development and promotion are the main causes of teacher burnout. Creating a harmonious and relaxed educational environment, standardizing a scientific teacher certification system, actively and steadily implementing teacher training, and establishing a reasonable teacher compensation system are effective measures to intervene and prevent teacher burnout.

Keywords. person-post matching; job burnout; job analysis.

1. Theoretical basis

The term job burnout was first coined by Freudenberger in the 1970s to describe a set of negative symptoms experienced by individuals at work [1]. In 1981, the famous scholar Meshach proposed that job burnout is "a symptom of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal achievement of individuals in the occupational field that serves people [2]." Since the teaching profession is a typical People are the occupations of their service objects, so teachers are a high-risk group of job burnout. The author intends to probe into the root causes of teachers' job burnout from the perspective of person-post matching, so as to provide targeted solutions for the prevention and intervention of teachers' job burnout.

2 The root cause of teacher burnout: the violation of person-post matching

The principle of human-post matching is one of the basic theoretical basis of modern human resources management and development, which means that according to the differences in individual quality, each person is arranged to the most suitable position, and the individual quality and the job position are consistent. So as to achieve the purpose of people making the best use of their talents. The specific content of man-post matching includes four aspects: matching job requirements with people's qualities; matching job remuneration with people's requirements; matching between people; matching between jobs and jobs. As far as the current university practice is concerned , the violation of the principle of person-post matching is mainly manifested in the following aspects[3].

2.1The excessive workload and the work requirements do not match the individual's quality

At present, on the one hand, the education and personnel department advocates the principle of streamlining and strictly controls the staffing of teachers; on the other hand, due to the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the workload of teachers is increasing. In addition to completing teaching tasks, most teachers also undertake certain management tasks. Problems such as students' violation of discipline, school violence and Internet addiction have greatly increased the management burden of teachers. In addition, teachers also need to play the roles of the students' elders, psychological counselors and intimate friends, and the effective performance of each role requires teachers to spend a lot of time and energy, which also increases the workload of teachers.

2.2 A bad interpersonal environment and the matching between people is destroyed.

First, many school administrators are accustomed to a paternalistic leadership style, with simple and rude working methods , and arbitrarily acting in various decisions involving the vital interests of teachers , resulting in a serious confrontation between teachers and administrators. Second, the relationship with colleagues was originally one of the main sources of social support in teachers' work, but because teachers' work is a typical mental worker, it is prone to fierce competition, which leads to complex interpersonal relationships between teachers and aggravates teachers' psychology. pressure. Third, the teacher-student relationship is originally a very good interpersonal relationship, but because students are constantly developing individuals, it is often

difficult for teachers to accurately grasp students' thoughts and behaviors, so it is very easy to feel frustrated .

2.3 The low work return does not match the individual requirements

The effect of teacher education is long-term and complex. It is generally difficult for teachers to see the effect of their work in the short term, and they cannot obtain psychological satisfaction in time, which is not conducive to the maintenance of professional positive emotions and the enhancement of their sense of efficacy. In addition, the social status of teachers, especially the social status of primary and secondary school teachers, is low, resulting in low spiritual remuneration for teachers. Third, teachers' remuneration is still at the middle level of the society, which is low compared with teachers' contribution, which easily leads to teachers' inner imbalance [4].

2.4 The insufficiency of job analysis: the violation of job-job matching First, compared with other occupations, the professional characteristics of teachers are more obvious . The responsibilities of teachers' work, the requirements of work, the place and time of work, and the conditions of work are very clear. However, when it comes to schools at different levels and regions, the specific positions of teachers are different, and the nature and content of work are obviously different. Many teachers do not have teaching qualifications. Therefore, these unqualified teachers will naturally have a sense of frustration and negative emotional experience due to their incompetence in the teaching tasks they undertake, which will lead to job burnout .

3. Propose strategies to alleviate job burnout from the perspective of person-post matching

3.1 Create a harmonious and relaxed educational environment

Due to traditional and realistic factors, teachers bear too many social expectations. This social expectation is finally transformed into teachers' work pressure through a series of media. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a harmonious and relaxed educational environment. First of all, the relationship between superiors and subordinates and the relationship between colleagues are the micro interpersonal relationships of teachers' work, which have a positive effect on maintaining teachers' physical and mental health and good working conditions. From a psychological point of view, a good interpersonal relationship itself is an effective social support, which plays an important role in relieving individual stress. If school administrators respect teachers and work in a democratic way, and colleagues trust, respect, support and cooperate with each other, then teachers will be highly motivated to work. This not only reduces the burnout of teachers' work, but also helps them experience the joy of work. Secondly, the teacher-student relationship is the most important pair of interpersonal relationships in teacher education activities. Traditionally, "we are accustomed to emphasizing the responsibility of teachers, but ignoring students' respect and concern for teachers. A healthy and interactive teacher-student relationship not only helps to reduce the negative work emotion of teachers, but also helps to increase the positive work emotion of teachers.

3.2 Standardize the scientific teacher qualification certification system

The primary task of standardizing the teacher qualification certification system is to establish a scientific content system for teacher qualification certification, the core of which is to clarify the basic requirements of effective teaching and management activities for teachers' quality. The quality of teachers includes professional ideal, knowledge level, educational concept, teaching monitoring ability, teaching behavior and strategy in structure. From the current educational reality in our country, the content of teacher training should mainly focus on three aspects. One is the advanced educational concept, which is mainly reflected in the teacher's view of students and the teacher's educational values. The second is the conditional knowledge of teachers, that is, teachers' knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, which involves the question of how teachers teach". The third is modern teaching methods, which is one of the basic skills of teachers' teaching. Therefore, "education authorities at all levels should strive to create a good organizational environment to promote the rapid transformation of training effects."

3.3 Establish a reasonable teacher compensation system

First, to establish a reasonable teacher compensation system, we must first improve the

psychological compensation of teachers. The main content of teachers' psychological remuneration is the respect and recognition of the whole society for the teaching profession and its practitioners. In particular, it should be pointed out that all teachers should be respected and recognized, not just those teachers with outstanding teaching achievements. Second, the core of establishing a reasonable teacher remuneration system is to ensure teachers' economic remuneration. Third, ensuring the relevant rights and interests of teachers is an integral part of establishing a reasonable teacher remuneration system. This includes two levels of content, one is the rights and interests that teachers should have as an ordinary citizen, such as property rights, as stipulated in the Constitution and various specific regulations. On the other hand, "China's "Teachers Law" and related education regulations stipulate the special rights and interests of teachers as a professional practitioner, such as the right to education. In practical life, the rights and interests of teachers at these two levels are often closely linked. Therefore, we should actively take various measures to protect the rights and interests of teachers from being violated, protect the interests of teachers from damage , and create a good social environment and public opinion atmosphere for teachers to teach with peace of mind.


1. Li Yongxin. Job burnout and its measurement. Psychological Science "2018" (3). p. 16-29.

2. Li Yongxin, Zhao Guoxiang. Research on the evaluation of professional reputation of college students . Journal of Xinyang Normal University ,2015, (1). p. 235-272.

3. Shen Jiliang. Teacher human resources development and management. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2016. p. 321-353.

4. Wang Peng, Yang Huadong, Shi Kan. A preliminary study on the influencing factors of training transfer effect. Psychological Science "20 19 "(1). p. 64-70.

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