и увеличить прибыль как в отношении качества, так и количества производственного процесса. Список использованной литературы:
1. Бузов Б.А. Материаловедение в производстве изделий легкой промышленности (швейное производство): учебник. - М.: «Академия», 2010. - 448 с.
2. Бузов Б.А. Теоретические основы метода подготовки и выбора материалов для швейных изделий.
- М.: Изд. МТИЛП, 1983. - 47 с.
3. Голубева Е.В., Тихонова Т.П., Иванова А.Г. Конечно-элементный подход к оценке деформационных характеристик деталей одежды // Известия вузов. Технология легкой промышленности. 2011, № 3 - С. 72-79.
3. Жихарев А.П. Практикум по материаловедению в производстве изделий легкой промышленности.
- М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2004. - 464 с.
4. Комиссаров И.И., Шаммут Ю.А., Корнилова Н.Л., Тойчубекова Г.М. Методика определения условного модуля упругости текстильного материала // Технология текстильной промышленности, 2014, № 3, с. 19-24.
© Ашырова А., Ораздурдыева А., 2022
УДК 004.056
Дурдыева Дженнет
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан Дурдыева Гулялек Студент,
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан
В данной работе рассматривается вопрос особенностей развития технологий защиты данных и их особенности. Проведен перекрестный и сравнительный анализ влияния различных факторов на рост эффективности в образовательном процессе по средством внедрения технологий по защите информации.
Ключевые слова
Анализ, метод, оценка, образование, технология.
Durdyeva Jennet
International University for the Humanities and Development,
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan Durdyeva Gulalek Student,
International University for the Humanities and Development,
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan
This paper discusses the issue of features of the development of data protection technologies and their features. A cross-sectional and comparative analysis of the influence of various factors on the growth of efficiency in the educational process through the introduction of information security technologies was carried out.
Analysis, method, evaluation, education, technology.
The educational process concerns the least protected from propaganda members of society - children and adolescents. Therefore, the information security system of an educational institution should not only ensure the safety of databases and the arrays of confidential information contained in them, but also guarantee the impossibility of access to the walls of the school and institute of any propaganda, both illegal and harmless, but involving the impact on the minds of students in institutions. Secondary complete general and higher education.
The concept of information security of an educational institution includes a system of measures aimed at protecting the information space and personal data from accidental or intentional penetration in order to steal any data or make changes to the system configuration. The second aspect of the concept will be the protection of the educational process from any information that is in the nature of propaganda prohibited by law, or any type of advertising.
As part of the arrays of legally protected information at the disposal of an educational institution, three groups can be distinguished:
• personal information relating to students and teachers, digitized archives;
• know-how of the educational process, which is in the nature of intellectual property and protected by law;
• structured educational information that provides the educational process (libraries, databases, training programs).
All this information can not only become an object of theft. Deliberate penetration into them can violate the safety of digitized books, destroy knowledge repositories, make changes to the code of programs used for education.
It should be the responsibility of the persons responsible for the protection of information to maintain the integrity and integrity of the data and to ensure that they:
• available at any time for any authorized user;
• protect against any loss or unauthorized changes;
• confidentiality, inaccessibility to third parties.
Information security threats
A feature of threats is not only the possibility of stealing information or damaging arrays by any deliberately acting hacker groups, but also the very activity of teenagers, intentionally, maliciously or mistakenly capable of damaging computer equipment or introducing a virus. There are four groups of objects that may be subjected to intentional or unintentional impact:
• computer equipment and other hardware that can be damaged as a result of mechanical impact, viruses, for other reasons;
• programs used to ensure the health of the system or in the educational process, which may be affected by viruses or hacker attacks;
• data stored both on hard drives and on separate media;
• the staff responsible for the performance of IT systems;
• children exposed to external aggressive informational influence and capable of creating a criminal situation at school. Recently, the list of such situations has expanded significantly, which indicates a possible targeted psychological attack on the minds of children and adolescents.
Threats aimed at damaging any of the system components can be both accidental and deliberate. Threats that do not depend on the intent of staff, students or third parties include:
• any emergencies, such as a power outage or flooding;
• personnel errors;
• software failures;
• failure of equipment;
• problems in communication systems.
All these threats to information security are temporary, predictable and easily eliminated by the actions of employees and special services.
Deliberate threats to information security are more dangerous and in most cases cannot be foreseen. Their perpetrators may be students, employees, competitors, third parties with the intent to commit a cybercrime. To undermine information security, such a person must be highly qualified in relation to the principles of operation of computer systems and programs. Computer networks, the components of which are located separately from each other in space, are exposed to the greatest danger. Disruption of communication between the components of the system can lead to a complete undermining of its performance. An important problem may be copyright infringement, the deliberate theft of other people's developments. Computer networks are rarely subjected to external attacks in order to influence the minds of children, but this is not excluded.
From the point of view of penetrating the information security perimeter and committing the theft of information or creating a disruption in the operation of systems, unauthorized access is necessary. Ways of unauthorized access There are several types of unauthorized access:
1. Human. Information can be stolen by copying to temporary media, forwarded by e-mail. In addition, if you have access to the server, changes to the databases can be made manually.
2. Program. To steal information, special programs are used that provide copying of passwords, copying and intercepting information, redirecting traffic, decrypting, and making changes to the operation of other programs.
3. Hardware. It is associated either with the use of special technical means, or with the interception of electromagnetic radiation through various channels, including telephone.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Бабаш, А.В. Информационная безопасность. Лабораторный практикум: Учебное пособие / А.В. Бабаш, Е.К. Баранова, Ю.Н. Мельников. — М.: КноРус, 2016. — 136 c.
2. Гафнер, В.В. Информационная безопасность: Учебное пособие / В.В. Гафнер. — Рн/Д: Феникс, 2017. — 324 c.
3. Громов, Ю.Ю. Информационная безопасность и защита информации: Учебное пособие / Ю.Ю. Громов, В.О. Драчев, О.Г. Иванова. — Ст. Оскол: ТНТ, 2017. — 384 c.
4. Запечников, С.В. Информационная безопасность открытых систем. В 2-х т. Т.2 — Средства защиты в сетях / С.В. Запечников, Н.Г. Милославская, А.И. Толстой, Д.В. Ушаков. — М.: ГЛТ, 2018. — 558 c.
5. Малюк, А.А. Информационная безопасность: концептуальные и методологические основы защиты информации / А.А. Малюк. — М.: ГЛТ, 2016. — 280 c.
© Дурдыева Дж., Дурдыева Г., 2022