THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATING TODAY'S YOUTH IN THE SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Man / patriotism / interests of the country / youth / nation / concept of the country / mutual solidarity. / Человек / патриотизм / интересы страны / молодежь / нация / концепция страны / взаимная солидарность.

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Kaipbergenova, D. O., Hasanov, M. N.

In this article, the importance of educating today's youth in the spirit of patriotism and the concept of patriotism are approached and interpreted from different angles. Patriotism means that a person appreciates his motherland and spends his energy and energy for this motherland, regardless of its field. Although this definition does not cover all aspects of patriotism, the definition is correctly understood if the word patriotism is approached in a broad sense. There are thoughts and opinions about educating young people in the spirit of patriotism.

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В данной статье важность воспитания современной молодежи в духе патриотизма и понятие патриотизма рассматриваются и интерпретируются с разных сторон. Патриотизм означает, что человек ценит свою Родину и отдает свои силы и энергию ради этой Родины, независимо от ее сферы. Хотя это определение не охватывает всех сторон патриотизма, оно правильно понимается, если подходить к слову патриотизм в широком смысле. Есть мысли и мнения о воспитании молодежи в духе патриотизма.





In this article, the importance of educating today's youth in the spirit of patriotism and the concept of patriotism are approached and interpreted from different angles. Patriotism means that a person appreciates his motherland and spends his energy and energy for this motherland, regardless of its field. Although this definition does not cover all aspects of patriotism, the definition is correctly understood if the word patriotism is approached in a broad sense. There are thoughts and opinions about educating young people in the spirit of patriotism.

Keywords: Man, patriotism, interests of the country, youth, nation, concept of the country, mutual solidarity.

В данной статье важность воспитания современной молодежи в духе патриотизма и понятие патриотизма рассматриваются и интерпретируются с разных сторон. Патриотизм означает, что человек ценит свою Родину и отдает свои силы и энергию ради этой Родины, независимо от ее сферы. Хотя это определение не охватывает всех сторон патриотизма, оно правильно понимается, если подходить к слову патриотизм в широком смысле. Есть мысли и мнения о воспитании молодежи в духе патриотизма.

Ключевые слова: Человек, патриотизм, интересы страны, молодежь, нация, концепция страны, взаимная солидарность.


Patriotism means love and loyalty to the country, service for the country, sacrificing your whole life and potential, if necessary, your life. Patriotism is one of the universal feelings and spiritual values characteristic of all peoples, nations and peoples, and has been refined over the centuries. From a historical point of view, patriotism is a set of feelings related to the fate of the Motherland, the struggle of peoples for the integrity and independence of the territory in which they live in the

Senior lecturer of Tashkent state technical university

named I. Karimov HASANOV M.N.

Researcher of the department of social sciences




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process of socio-economic development of people. To be proud of the country's past and present, to care and worry about its future, to protect its interests. It is clear that any country that thinks about the future of its country should make it a priority to educate young people as patriots. Therefore, young people are the main wealth of every state and nation, which ensures the future of the nation. In this sense, we should never forget that educating young people in the spirit of patriotism is very important for us.

Being a patriot is the duty of every person living in this country. But to be a patriot, it is not enough to be educated and loving. Being physically fit, strong and brave is also required. This activity puts the issue of military patriotism on the agenda. Therefore, as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted, "Today, it is a very important task to educate young people in the spirit of military patriotism and to strengthen their civic position.

The situation in our region and the world is becoming increasingly tense. Threats and threats to our national security and peaceful and peaceful life are increasing.

Therefore, increasing alertness and awareness, strengthening our mutual solidarity and unity, and being ready to adequately respond to any threats is becoming an acute necessity of life.

Protecting the minds of the young generation from negative influences, returning the lost to the right path is the main duty of every citizen of Uzbekistan who considers himself a patriot, especially young people".[1]

This urgent issue continues as a continuous process in our country. Today, the work of educating young people in the military-patriotic spirit is established on a legal basis and is carried out in accordance with general military regulations and other legal documents. In particular, in working with the population, on the basis of the "Patriotic" organization, support in training young people for professions that are in high demand in the labor market, and at the same time, promotion and campaigning work to improve their military knowledge, skills and qualifications are also regularly carried out. is set to .


It is known that the role of military-patriotic education is important in raising a physical and healthy generation. This military-patriotic education is a component of general education, aimed at selflessly protecting the Motherland and strengthening the power of the country. Therefore, in the "Concept of educating young people in the military-patriotic spirit" announced on February 23, 2018, it is necessary to educate


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young people in the spirit of national ideals and loyalty to the Motherland, to protect the Motherland in their hearts and minds.

The main tasks are to deeply inculcate the fact that it is an honorable and sacred duty, to be proud of our ancient history and culture, and to be proud of our national heroes who selflessly fought for the independence and prosperity of our beloved Motherland.

A question arises here. Children learn about their country during their studies at school. Is it necessary to organize events based on separate programs for them? The condition is that a person does not become a patriot just because he said that he became a patriot, or that he studied at school and was full of strength. He should be taught and educated about patriotism as well as control. Otherwise, the self-interested "benevolent forces" in quotation marks will seek to mislead them in their own interests. These "benevolent forces" teach us to sing other people's songs, dance to other people's music, and read other people's books. As a result, young people become devotees not of their own country, but of another country. As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev lamented, "Think for yourself, dear friends, if our youth do not read our newspapers and magazines, if they do not know our national literature and art, how can they be a patriot? What is their way of thinking and worldview formed at the expense of?".

Therefore, we must preserve the atmosphere of kindness, peace and prosperity in our country as the apple of our eye, show respect for our national values while strengthening military-patriotic education among the young generation, and inculcate feelings related to the homeland based on historical and modern qualities. must

When it comes to patriotism, it is appropriate to dwell on the essence of this virtue. First, let's start with the dictionary meaning of virtue:

Patriotism is love for the motherland, where one was born and grew up, to love it, to respect it, to appreciate it. This is to inculcate the concepts of motherland, independent Uzbekistan into one's mind and achieve loyalty to it.

Patriotism is the desire of every citizen to contribute to the development of the country.

Patriotism is to look at our nation, its traditions, language and culture with love and respect and to contribute to its development, to be a true lover of our country.

Patriotism is preserving the material and cultural heritage of the Uzbek people, knowing their history and significance today and passing them on to the next generation.

Patriotism is a person's loyalty to his nation, parents, family, faith.


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Patriotism is an expression of a person's love for his country and people. It is to understand, preserve and practice the existing spiritual and moral qualities and virtues of the social and spiritual environment in which one lives.

Patriotism means putting the interests of the country above one's personal interests and serving those interests.

Patriotic qualities are manifested in the literal perfection of a person. Including

The main sign of patriotism is selflessness. Self-sacrifice does not mean that self-sacrifice is the only sign of self-sacrifice. Loyalty to the motherland, feeling responsible for each of its elders. Also, in life, in science, in general, in all spheres of social life, all the efforts made for the development of the Motherland are manifestations of selflessness.

Courage is the highest form of patriotism. Courage is mostly about courage. In life, in social relations, for the motherland, for the people, for the nation, for the family, for friends and brothers, to make decisions without fear. It is the true manifestation of courage to sacrifice one's life, if necessary, in emergency situations.

In general, there are many signs and characteristics of patriotism and it can be described as you wish. But the change of times, the diversity of views show the need to analyze the modern characteristics of patriotism. It is known that in the dangerous period of today's globalization, the issue of educating young people in the spirit of not only patriotism, but military patriotism has become a priority.

In this sense, the essence of patriotism is the defense of the Motherland. Therefore, the Motherland is the most sacred and dearest abode for all of us. There is a great philosophy behind it. In particular, the country where we were born and raised, the peaceful corners where we spent our innocent childhood, the gardens that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, the kind people who are famous for their humanity, generosity and hospitality. our people. So, all of these are our Motherland. It is the duty of each of us to love and honor this homeland, appreciate it, preserve it, so to speak, protect it. Fulfilling this duty is a duty and a debt for each of us.

If we approach this work seriously, the number of patriots in our country will increase. So that, as their number increases among us, there will be a firm belief that we are invulnerable and can live in peace. This means an unlimited opportunity to ensure the prosperous future of our country. Just imagine, today in some parts of the world the sounds of war are ringing in our ears. Today, no one can guarantee that the impact of those wars will not be heard from those close to us. Therefore, on January 19, under the chairmanship of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the following opinions were expressed at the meeting of the video selector on the issues


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of fundamental improvement of the system of spiritual and educational work and strengthening the cooperation of state and public organizations in this regard:

"It is known that today in the world there is a sharp struggle and competition, and the conflict of interests is increasing. Globalization processes have created new opportunities for humanity, as well as unexpected problems is issuing. Threats and dangers against national identity and moral values are increasing.

Deliberate instability is being created in some regions and the mood of protest is growing.

In such a dangerous situation, it is necessary to be alert and alert, to live thinking about the peace of our people and the interests of our country."

So, to be a patriot, it is necessary to always be alert and vigilant. It is no secret that global changes in the ideological landscape of the world in recent years can damage the national statehood of any country. The only way to prevent such dangers is to educate patriotism in the youth.

Therefore, educating young people in the spirit of patriotism is an urgent issue that will never lose its importance. This process remains the primary task for peoples who wish to have a happy future for their homeland in all eras, times and places.

After all, the Motherland inherited from our ancestors belongs to all of us. The patriotism of our ancestors, who preserved this homeland and handed it down to us with their patriotism, should be an example for us. They sacrificed themselves for the Motherland with pride, honor and glory. Only Sheikh Najmuddin Kubra's great heroism has been passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of pride over the centuries. Najmuddin Kubro, a brave and brave son of the country, did not want to hand over the flag of the country to the enemy and died while holding it tightly in his hands. Dozens of generals such as Tomaris, Spitamen, Muqanna, Temur Malik, Amir Temur, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, who were true patriots and raised the flag of the country, will forever remain in the history of our country as examples for our generations.


Educational institutions play an extremely important role in educating young people in the spirit of patriotism. Education of students of higher educational institutions in the spirit of patriotism is carried out through spiritual-educational and educational activities held in the educational institution. Patriotism is not big or small or early or late. Therefore, the fact that we can contribute to the education of young people in the spirit of patriotism is patriotism itself.


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