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Ключевые слова
Educational field / category / state policy / Social integration / Education / concept / democratization / Social integration / Enlightenment. / Образовательное поле / категория / государственная политика / Социальная интеграция / Образование / концепция / демократизация / Социальная интеграция / Просвещение.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Jumaniyozova, N. S.

This article, as the modern era of globalization puts new demands on education, especially on the organization, management and content of the higher education system, for this, the higher education system is also maximally adapted to the requirements arising from the uncertain processes of globalization and the rapid technological and informational development of society. will have to respond to the level. The prospects for the implementation of the state policy on OTM are explained by a specific product.

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В данной статье, поскольку современная эпоха глобализации предъявляет новые требования к образованию, особенно к организации, управлению и содержанию системы высшего образования, для этого система высшего образования также максимально адаптирована к требованиям, вытекающим из неопределенных процессов глобализации. и быстрое технологическое и информационное развитие общества. придется реагировать на уровень. Перспективы реализации государственной политики в области ОТМ объясняются конкретным продуктом.





This article, as the modern era of globalization puts new demands on education, especially on the organization, management and content of the higher education system, for this, the higher education system is also maximally adapted to the requirements arising from the uncertain processes of globalization and the rapid technological and informational development of society. will have to respond to the level. The prospects for the implementation of the state policy on OTM are explained by a specific product.

Keywords: Educational field, category, state policy, Social integration, Education, concept, democratization, Social integration, Enlightenment.

В данной статье, поскольку современная эпоха глобализации предъявляет новые требования к образованию, особенно к организации, управлению и содержанию системы высшего образования, для этого система высшего образования также максимально адаптирована к требованиям, вытекающим из неопределенных процессов глобализации. и быстрое технологическое и информационное развитие общества. придется реагировать на уровень. Перспективы реализации государственной политики в области ОТМ объясняются конкретным продуктом.

Ключевые слова: Образовательное поле, категория, государственная политика, Социальная интеграция, Образование, концепция, демократизация, Социальная интеграция, Просвещение.


Today, work aimed at improving the quality of education is gaining momentum all over the world. Because the development and perspective of the society largely depends on personnel, the tendency to realize that education plays the main role in this has increased. In this regard, it is important to achieve the quality and effectiveness of education. In the following decades, we witness that various approaches to understanding the philosophical nature of the reforms implemented in

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our country in recent years. In particular, there are many scientific studies focused on cognitive analysis.

As the modern era of globalization puts new demands on education, especially on the organization, management and content of the higher education system, the higher education system must respond to the demands arising from the uncertain processes of globalization and rapid technological and informational development of society. will have to give. Today, the establishment of a new concept of education in the higher education system of our country and the effective use of not only traditional, but also innovative approaches in teaching and educating young people based on modern knowledge and working in mutual cooperation lead to the achievement of the expected results. will definitely come. The essence of the new state policy of Uzbekistan in the field of education is to ensure the priority of education as the most intellectual potential "branch" of the economy. The main goal of the state policy in the field of higher professional education is to form an adequate model of education that meets all the challenges of the 21st century, to recognize the leading role of society in the formation of a new Uzbekistan. This requires the state and society to assume special responsibility for the current state of education, the effectiveness of its modernization, and the preservation of the best traditions and models of the classical world higher education system. The reforms of the higher education system implemented in our country in recent years are significant as they are ultimately aimed at improving the quality of higher education. This, in turn, will further improve the system of training highly qualified personnel that meets the high requirements of the formation of civil society and recognized models, the fundamental reform of the education system and the deepening of modernization processes, advanced modern technologies, innovative education. and researching educational processes.


There is no single approach or methodology aimed at explaining the philosophical essence of the concept of quality of education in scientific and philosophical literature. According to theoretical philosophers and practitioners who study the higher education system and its processes, it is very difficult to give a single definition of the quality of education. Because there are a number of objective and subjective factors affecting it, the only fails to provide a definition. I mean, it is clear to all of us that such factors as the peculiarities of each region, the mentality of the nation, historical roots, the stages of the educational system formed since long history, the influence of culture and civilizations do not leave their influence. Also, if


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we take into account that there is no ideal education system in the world, due to the reforms implemented in this regard and the development of social relations in society day by day, life puts new and new demands on us, which requires constant improvement of the "Quality of Education". The emergence of new discoveries and inventions even creates the need to implement social changes in education.

Among the factors of ensuring the quality of education, experts include the following: a) educational institutions; b) professors and teachers; c) students, graduates; g) parents; d) consumers, personnel orders. In 1998, the "World Declaration of Higher Education for the 21st Century" was adopted at the World Conference on Higher Education organized by UNESCO. In this declaration, the concept of quality of education was defined as follows: "Quality is a multidisciplinary concept in the field of higher education, which includes all functions and types of activities, educational and academic programs, scientific which includes research and scholarships, provision of educational institutions with mature and qualified personnel, regular independent work of students, buildings, structures, material and technical base, devices and equipment, and employment of graduates system". If we turn to the opinions of scientists, Jim Collins says: "The leaders of large companies began the process of reorganization by getting the necessary people into their team and getting rid of the unnecessary people. After that they chose which way to swim. The main idea is that personnel decide everything, and who is more important than what. Because personnel is a strategy, it is an organizational structure, it is a tactic. Companies today need to build their foundations to move to a new quality level. In my opinion, the fundamental answer to this question is the question of personnel. In a word, these thoughts of Jim Collins are consistent with the saying that today the quality of personnel training should be consistent with the quality of education. For this, it is necessary to train highly qualified personnel capable of carrying out innovative activities in educational institutions. In a word, it is impossible to achieve success in any field without careful preparation of personnel and without appreciation of them.

The development of science, technology and technology in modern society requires the higher education system to find a solution to the following tasks, including: a) quality and guaranteed training of personnel; b) ensuring the mobility of professors and teachers; g) it is possible to criticize the improvement of methods of evaluation of educational programs in the activities of higher education institutions and others.

Over the past three years, several legal and regulatory documents have been developed and are being actively implemented in our country to improve the quality


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of the higher education system. As one of such important strategic documents, if we pay attention to the philosophical essence and content of the priority tasks defined in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 8, 2019 "On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" , in which to determine the priorities of the systematic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to raise the process of training highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high moral and ethical qualities to a new level in terms of quality, to raise higher education to a new level we witness that modernization, development of the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies is defined as the main goal. Based on the purpose of the decree, it is envisaged to implement the following tasks on the basis of consistency. That is: "developing public-private partnership in the field of higher education, increasing the level of coverage with higher education from 50 percent based on the organization of activities of state and non-state higher education institutions in the regions, creating a healthy competitive environment in the field; based on international experiences, introduction of advanced standards of higher education, including gradual transition from education focused on theoretical knowledge to practical skills formation in educational programs; tasks such as raising the content of higher education to a new level in terms of quality, establishing a system of highly qualified personnel training that will make a worthy contribution to the sustainable development of the social sphere and economic sectors, and can find their place in the labor market" among them.

It can be said that in addition to increasing the quality of the higher education system by actively implementing the tasks defined in the decree in the future, it will undoubtedly serve to increase the prestige and reputation of our country in the world and to achieve the level of development of the world's leading countries. It is also stipulated in the decree that by increasing the level of coverage of higher education, one of the main laws of philosophy is to introduce quality personnel by switching to "quantity changes with quality changes" and create a healthy relationship between personnel. The development of a competitive environment ultimately serves to a certain extent to meet the needs of society for quality personnel.

For this, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the educational process and improve the quality of education by introducing modern pedagogical technologies of teaching into the educational process. In this regard, President Sh.M. Mirziyov gave the following instructions: "...in my opinion, it is necessary to solve two main tasks: the first is to significantly strengthen the material and technical base of scientific institutions at the level of advanced foreign centers and in accordance with the


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requirements of scientists . In this, of course, the needs of the state and its target tasks must be taken into account;

• second - to develop and implement specific measures for all-round support of academicians, including financial incentives, and to develop and implement a system of specific measures in this regard tasks were defined.

Important practical steps have been taken to expand the participation of the higher education system in order to develop the higher education system, to provide the consistently developing economy of our country with highly qualified personnel, and to solve the issues of strategically integrated development of all regions and sectors.

Psychologist TV Volodina said that "in order to improve his professional activity, a teacher should perceive the pedagogical process as a system." Therefore, the quality of personnel trained in the higher education system largely depends on the professional dedication of professors and teachers working in the higher education system.

If we study the existing problems in Uzbekistan's higher education system based on statistical data, we can see that there are social problems that are waiting for a sufficient solution. If we analyze as of January 1, 2013, the coverage of the number of students in the higher education system was 9%, which is low compared to regional and international standards. is in stark contrast to the situation at secondary levels (where nearly 100% of the school-age population is covered). The centralized planning system determines the number of students in higher educational institutions (universities and institutes) and their fields of study. The number of places in higher education institutions in each direction is determined by state decisions, and students are selected based on the results of national tests conducted by the State Test Center under the Cabinet of Ministers. With a secondary education system of almost 100% and a higher education system of 9%, 9 out of 10 school leavers fail to enter university, demand for higher education is high and competition for every university place is over 6. 60% of students entering universities are men (in recent years, unlike other countries in the region, the percentage of women in universities has decreased. There were various reasons for this). Although such issues have led to partial changes in the next three years, they still cannot fully meet international standards. Because of this, it can be shown that a number of bureaucratic barriers still remain. Modernizations in 2019 did not stop the shortage of highly educated personnel in Uzbekistan. It is worth noting that graduates of the higher education system often do not work in their specialties (for example, only 57% of graduates of pedagogical universities are employed in the field of education, and in the field of construction,


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higher educational institutions of construction occupy three quarters of all positions intended for its graduates, the rest are occupied by graduates of other universities). Low levels of coverage and weak links between employers, industry and universities also limit the economy's ability to innovate, adapt technologies and create added value. Clearly, much work needs to be done to prepare universities to meet the demands of a changing economy and to bridge the gap between supply and demand for university graduates.

To sum up, the internal management of Uzbekistan's higher education system is indeed fragmented (this has also been noted by international experts), while the responsibilities of many organizations involved in the management process are being duplicated. For example, the President's Office has a special department headed by a State Counselor responsible for developing education policy. Parliament has a special education committee that oversees the development of education policy and analyzes the results of its implementation. One of the Deputy Prime Ministers is responsible for issues related to the development of education, and a special department in the Cabinet of Ministers oversees the development of education, health and social development and higher education (Social Complex ) there is. The Cabinet provides overall direction to the department and approves state education standards. The Ministries of Economy and Labor are responsible for providing enough graduates to the labor market. According to their forecasts, admission quotas to universities are set by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education governs universities and other ministries, such as the Ministry of Finance, which is tasked with state funding of universities, and the Academy of Sciences, which is responsible for making strategic recommendations on academic affairs in the field of higher education. serves as an intermediary in communication. That is, it shows the difficulty of ensuring their accountability in the higher education system.


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