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Ключевые слова
future teachers / developing interest / integration / pedagogical technologies / subjects / relevant methods / ICT / Brainstorming / profession / professional orientation. / будущие учителя / развитие интереса / интеграция / педагогические технологии / учебные предметы / актуальные методы / ИКТ / мозговой штурм / профессия / профессиональная ориентация.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ismatova Nigina Bahodirovna

this article discusses methods for developing the interest in the profession of future teachers as a basis for the modern educational system. In current conditions, professional educational organizations focus on creating conditions for the development and formation of personal and professional skills, competitiveness in the labor market, and the development of creative personalities who can adapt to modern conditions. This may correspond to a person with a professional orientation and developed professional interests, who has a direct emotional, practical, and cognitive attitude towards the profession. Under favorable conditions, this can lead to a person's focus on a specific professional area and ensure successful professional performance. The article emphasizes the importance of developing a student's professional interests in a professional educational institution not only through academic activities, but also through extracurricular efforts.

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в данной статье рассматриваются методы развития интереса к профессии у будущих учителей как основы современной системы образования. В современных условиях профессиональные образовательные организации ориентированы на создание условий для развития и формирования личностных и профессиональных навыков, конкурентоспособности на рынке труда, а также развитие творческих личностей, способных адаптироваться к современным условиям. Это может соответствовать человеку с профессиональной ориентацией и развитыми профессиональными интересами, который имеет непосредственное эмоциональное, практическое и когнитивное отношение к профессии. При благоприятных условиях это может привести к тому, что человек сосредоточится на определенной профессиональной области и обеспечит успешную профессиональную деятельность. В статье подчеркивается важность развития профессиональных интересов студента в профессиональном учебном заведении не только посредством академической деятельности, но и внеучебной деятельности.




Исматова Нигина Баходировна - преподаватель, кафедра педагогики, Бухарский государственный педагогический институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются методы развития интереса к профессии у будущих учителей как основы современной системы образования.

В современных условиях профессиональные образовательные организации ориентированы на создание условий для развития и формирования личностных и профессиональных навыков, конкурентоспособности на рынке труда, а также развитие творческих личностей, способных адаптироваться к современным условиям. Это может соответствовать человеку с профессиональной ориентацией и развитыми профессиональными интересами, который имеет непосредственное эмоциональное, практическое и когнитивное отношение к профессии. При благоприятных условиях это может привести к тому, что человек сосредоточится на определенной профессиональной области и обеспечит успешную профессиональную деятельность. В статье подчеркивается важность развития профессиональных интересов студента в профессиональном учебном заведении не только посредством академической деятельности, но и внеучебной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: будущие учителя, развитие интереса, интеграция, педагогические технологии, учебные предметы, актуальные методы, ИКТ, мозговой штурм, профессия, профессиональная ориентация.




Abstract: this article discusses methods for developing the interest in the profession offuture teachers as a basis for the modern educational system.

In current conditions, professional educational organizations focus on creating conditions for the development and formation ofpersonal and professional skills, competitiveness in the labor market, and the development of creative personalities who can adapt to modern conditions. This may correspond to a person with a professional orientation and developed professional interests, who has a direct emotional, practical, and cognitive attitude towards the profession. Under favorable conditions, this can lead to a person's focus on a specific professional area and ensure successful professional performance. The article emphasizes the importance of developing a student's professional interests in a professional educational institution not only through academic activities, but also through extracurricular efforts.

Keywords: future teachers, developing interest, integration, pedagogical technologies, subjects, relevant methods, ICT, Brainstorming, profession, professional orientation.


Methods of developing future teachers' interest in the profession is the basic matter of the current educational system. The state program for the development of education sets a goal for vocational education — to significantly increase the contribution of vocational education to the socio-economic and cultural modernization of Uzbekistan, to increase its global competitiveness, and to ensure that every student is in demand by the economy and society. Taking this into account, the leading direction of the work of a professional educational organization in the current situation is to create conditions for the formation and development of student's personal and professional qualities that ensure competitiveness in the labor market, as well as the development of a creative personality able to adapt to modern conditions. A worker (employee) with a professional orientation, striving to master and improve his professional activity, and having a developed professional interest, can meet these requirements. Professional interest

is a direct emotional practical and cognitive attitude to the profession, which, under favorable conditions, turns into a person's orientation towards a specific professional activity. Professional interest invariably accompanies successful professional activity. The development of the professional interest of students of a professional educational organization can and should be formed, in our opinion, not only in education but also in extracurricular activities. In this regard, the system of educational activities is considered by us as the basis for the development of the professional interest of students of secondary vocational education institutions. Modern reference literature reveals the concept of "interest" in multiple interpretations: "Interest is the real reason for social actions, underlying the direct motives of individuals, social groups, classes involved in them"; "the attitude of a person to an object as something valuable and attractive for her". Despite the many approaches to determining interest, the opinions of researchers converge in determining its parameters and characteristics, among which there is a positively colored and selective appeal of the student to different sides of the teaching. Thus, interest is a unity of intellectual, emotional, and volitional manifestations of personality, the core of which is thought processes. From the perspective of the problem of our research, we need to define the essence of the concept of "professional interest". It should be noted that students' professional interest is formed in activities related to their future profession.

Also, the term integration in the education sphere could be cited clearly. Currently, the problem of integration is being revisited in the process of organizing education:

• much attention is being paid. Integration in modern educational places

• to have a more effective and rational impact on readers

• a contribution to improving the work and developing the creative potential of teachers.

Integration is development in an interconnected way, to unite into a single whole means to unite into a single whole. The integration of different parts is the process of combining elements into a single whole. Integration processes in organized systems-in this case, the Integrity System increase the level and organization.

Integration processes underlie the attachment of previously unrelated elements in emerging systems, as a result of which the system becomes a single whole and increases the level of organization between elements and components. This leads to a complicated relationship. The structure combined into a single whole will have different degrees of autonomy.

The main part

The problem of integrating education is becoming more and more apparent and it forces scientists, methodologists, and teachers to look for effective ways to implement it. Therefore, the problem of integration in education is significant for theory and practice. Its relevance for educational institutions is determined by new social demands. This is science and production in connection with changes in the field of education. Currently, there is a rapidly increasing trend towards the integration of science and education in the training of specialists, to the integration of the activities of the university and the main employers of its graduates. The defining incentive for such development is the aggravation of the need for highly qualified and proactive workers, which is characteristic of a knowledge-based society. The integration of science and education makes it possible to train specialists based on real scientific research and the most modern experimental basis.

Integration is most often understood as the process of data exchange between two software products.

Integration reduces the complexity of the operator's work and reduces the number of manual input errors.

To do this, you need to strive to ensure that no data needs to be re-entered. At the same time, unsynchronized data may remain in each system if this data is not used in the second system.

As a result, integrating pedagogical subjects and teaching students by using some technologies, claim a crystal definition for the pedagogy of a subject itself. Pedagogy of a subject deals with how to teach that subject, what methods, techniques, teaching aids can be used in teaching that particular subject.

Accordingly, in the context of the implementation of the requirements of today's education, current technologies become the most relevant:

1. Information and communication technology

2. Technology for the development of critical thinking

3. Design technology

4. Technology of developmental learning

5. Health-saving technologies

6. Technology of problem-based learning

7. Gaming technology

8. Modular technology

9. Workshop technology

10. Case technology

11. Integrated learning Technology

12. Pedagogy of cooperation.

13. Technologies of level differentiation

14. Group technologies.

15. Traditional technologies (class-based system)

Some of the technologies are clearly defined as the aim of these technologies should be evidence for the development of teaching effectively.

ICT, or information and communications technology (or technologies), is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing. Among the goals of IC technologies, tools and systems is to improve the way humans create, process and share data or information with each other. Another is to help them improve their abilities in numerous areas, including business; education; medicine; real-world problem-solving; and even leisure activities related to sports, music, and movies.

There is no single, universal definition of ICT because the technologies, devices and even ideas related to ICT are constantly evolving. However, the term is generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components and applications. When combined, these help people and organizations interact in the digital world.

Critical thinking is the ability to doubt incoming information and your beliefs. The skill helps to think clearly and rationally, look for a logical connection between facts, and formulate strong arguments. The basis of critical thinking is the ability to reason. Critical thinkers ask questions, question ideas and statements, and do not accept them as truth. To become a critical thinker, you need to be an active researcher, not a passive recipient of information. A person with undeveloped critical thinking makes a decision quickly, without hesitation, relying on feelings and intuition, skimming through information, not reflecting on arguments, and not looking for evidence. A person with developed critical thinking thinks about his reaction before making a decision and doubts incoming information and his beliefs until he finds evidence. It is especially important to develop critical thinking for young people to be able to make decisions correctly in a rapidly changing huge information flow. The modern information flow is a constant feed of messages in which news, advertising, useful content, and propaganda are mixed. If you believe everything that is written and said, you can be deceived to manipulate or impose someone else's opinion.

What tasks does the design method solve?:

Teaches students to set their own goals and achieve them.

Formation of skills for working with data.

Training in the application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Experience in conducting research and presenting the result.

Working on a project can be individual or group, the second option also involves the development of communication skills.

Case study

A method of studying and analyzing real situations that may take place in the direction being studied. In the process, students learn to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, correctly assess the facts and correlate them with their knowledge, declare and argue their position. To solve the case, you need to analyze the proposed situation and the optimal solution.


Coaching is mentoring. Coaches can be teachers themselves, and more competent students, young professionals. Coaching is not focused on overall development, but on achieving clearly defined goals.

The coach's task is to assist the student in finding the most appropriate way to solve the problem. He must help the ward to find and realize his growth zones and teach him to move forward in them.

Business Game

The method consists in modeling all kinds of situations and aspects of the chosen field of activity. It is used to translate the acquired theoretical knowledge into a practical field.

What tasks does the Business Game solve?:

• The development of students' necessary competencies, skills, abilities and knowledge.

• Analysis of processes and interactions at different levels.

• The introduction of new working methods.

• Building permanent and project teams.

• Reducing mistakes made in real life.

• Development of communication skills.


The method involves a collective discussion of the task. Here, students freely express their opinions and ideas. The teacher's task is to set a goal, and explain the goals and rules. Students need to write down ideas that arise, which are then subject to joint discussion.

What tasks does the method help to solve?:

• Students' interest is developing.

• Theory flows into practice.

• Quick assimilation of the curriculum.

• Gaining experience in creative activity, the ability to listen and hear.

• Developing the ability to solve non-standard tasks.

• The development of students' intellectual abilities.

• Acquisition of communication skills in a team. Business Game

The method consists in modeling all kinds of situations and aspects of the chosen field of activity. It is used to translate the acquired theoretical knowledge into a practical field. What tasks does the Business Game solve?:

• The development of students' necessary competencies, skills, abilities and knowledge.

• Analysis of processes and interactions at different levels.

• The introduction of new working methods.

• Building permanent and project teams.

• Reducing mistakes made in real life.

• Development of communication skills. The intelligence card

An intelligence map is a diagram centered on a key topic or task, and related ideas diverge from it. The method allows you to visually see the connection between the central task and its components. It helps memorize information faster and more meaningfully, making it easier to perceive complex concepts. Intelligence cards help you come up with ideas, launch projects, learn languages, plan vacations, and the list could go on. Mythologems

When using the mythologem method, a search is made for unusual ways to solve the task that may arise in real conditions. The method is based on the development of a non-existent scenario that is similar to a possible real one. Students develop a creative approach to solving problems. Creative thinking develops, and stress levels are relieved in case of problems in real life.

Whereas, it should be reminded that the current task requires a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activity of a teacher implementing a new standard. Learning technologies are also changing, and the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) opens up significant opportunities to expand the educational framework for each subject in an educational institution.

In these conditions, traditional education, which implements the classical model of education, has become unproductive in some cases. Teachers faced a problem - to turn traditional education aimed at accumulating knowledge, skills, and abilities into the process of developing a student's personality. Conclusion

Moving away from the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the learning process allows you to eliminate the monotony of the educational environment and the monotony of educational process, create conditions for changing the types of activities of students, and allow you to implement the principles of health conservation. It is recommended to choose the technology depending on the subject content, the objectives of the lesson, the level of preparedness of students, the possibility of meeting their educational needs, and the age category of students.

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