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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Grygorenko Tetyana Vladimirovna, Koval Valentina Alexandrovna, Zakharevych Mykola Anatoljevich

The article highlights the need to improve the teachers of philology professional training, taking into account various philosophical, pedagogical, psychological concepts and theories. Methodological guidelines in the the problem study, which form the basis for the further theoretical study of the specific features of the teachers of philology professional training in the formation of communicative and educational environment are determined. Emphasis is placed on the philosophy of modern communication as a new trend of modern philological education. Organizational and pedagogical measures for improving the teachers of philology professional training in a communicative and educational environment are substantiated. The social and pedagogical portrait of a modern teacher-philologist is described as a culturally tolerant person who is aware of national roots, respects the values of other cultures, has a high level of scientific culture and aesthetic taste. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the content, forms, teaching methods providing a systematic vision of the harmonious development of a cultural personality of a teachers of philology.

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UDC 378.018.8:373.5.011.3-051:80 Щ

DOI' 10 34671/SCH HBR 2021 0502 0002 lfcdesee(https://crealivecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)


© The Author(s) 2021 ORCID: 0000-0002-4616-6853 ResearcherlD: AAP-6105-2020

GRYGORENKO Tetyana Vladimirovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Ukrainian Language and Methodology Department Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (20301, Ukraine, Uman, 28 Sadova street, e-mail: tetyana.hryhorenko@udpu.edu.ua) ORCID: 0000-0002-7698-3600 Researcher ID: F-2186-2019

KOVAL Valentina Alexandrovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Ukrainian Language and Methodology Department Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (20301, Ukraine, Uman, 28 Sadova street, e-mail: kovalv61@gmail.com) ORCID: 0000-0003-3013-8644 ResearcherID: AAR-5227-2020

ZAKHAREVYCH Mykola Anatoljevich, PhD in Education, Associate Professor at Department of Vocational Education and Technology by Profiles Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (20301, Ukraine, Uman, 28 Sadova street, e-mail: zakharuman@gmail.com) Abstract. The article highlights the need to improve the teachers of philology professional training, taking into account various philosophical, pedagogical, psychological concepts and theories. Methodological guidelines in the the problem study, which form the basis for the further theoretical study of the specific features of the teachers of philology professional training in the formation of communicative and educational environment are determined. Emphasis is placed on the philosophy of modern communication as a new trend of modern philological education. Organizational and pedagogical measures for improving the teachers of philology professional training in a communicative and educational environment are substantiated. The social and pedagogical portrait of a modern teacher-philologist is described as a culturally tolerant person who is aware of national roots, respects the values of other cultures, has a high level of scientific culture and aesthetic taste. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the content, forms, teaching methods providing a systematic vision of the harmonious development of a cultural personality of a teachers of philology.

Keywords: communicative and pedagogical competence, a teacher of philology, pedagogical discourse, lingual didactics, educational and communicative environment.


© Автор(ы) 2021

ГРИГОРЕНКО Татьяна Владимировна, доктор педагогических наук, доцент кафедры украинского языка и методики его обучения Уманский государственный педагогический университет имени Павла Тычины (20301, Украина, Умань, ул. Садовая, 28, e-mail: tetyana.hryhorenko@udpu.edu.ua) КОВАЛЬ Валентина Александровна, доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры украинского языка и методики его обучения Уманский государственный педагогический университет имени Павла Тычины (20301, Украина, Умань, ул. Садовая, 28, e-mail: kovalv61@gmail.com) ЗАХАРЕВИЧ Николай Анатольевич, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры профессионального образования и технологий по профилям Уманский государственный педагогический университет имени Павла Тычины (20301, Украина, Умань, ул. Садовая, 28, e-mail: zakharuman@gmail.com) Аннотация. В статье актуализирована необходимость совершенствования профессиональной подготовки учителей-филологов с учетом разных философских, педагогических, психологических концепций и теорий. Определены методологические ориентиры в исследовании данной проблемы, формирующие основу для дальнейшего теоретического изучения особенностей профессиональной подготовки учителей-филологов в условиях формирования образовательно-коммуникативной среды учреждения высшего образования. Акцентируется внимание на философии современной коммуникации как нового ориентира современного филологического образования. Обоснованы организационно-педагогические методы для совершенствования профессиональной подготовки учителей-филологов в условиях образовательно-коммуникативной среды. Отмечена необходимость совершенствования содержания, форм, методов организации обучения, обеспечения системного видения гармоничного развития личности учителя-филолога, который осознает свои национальные корни, с уважением относится к другим культурам, имеет высокий уровень научной культуры и эстетического вкуса.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативно-педагогическая компетентность, учитель-филолог, педагогический дискурс, лингводидактика, образовательно-коммуникативная среда.


Problem Statement. Its connection with major scientific and practical tasks. Dynamic development of current society, intercultural association and many communication means, as well as New Ukrainian School, provoke the problem of the teachers of philology substantial training. Current society and school wait for a teacher of philology to be of highly developed culture and social responsibility, to obtain

research culture, creative thinking, public speaking and communicative art. Integral comprehension of specific features for a teacher of philology professional skills, his social and pedagogical mission in society cause the need to modernize the philological education system in general and improve teachers of philology professional training particularly. The teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature of new generation appears as an intelligent and language educated

XyMaHrnapHH EamaHCKH rocœgBaHHH. 2021. T. 5. № 2(12) ISSN print: 2603-4859; ISSN online: 2683-1090_

personality. He is aware of national and cultural language skills, preserves and proceeds Ukrainian cultural and historical traditions; is a true patriot, professional teacher and educator (educate a nationally comprehensive individual, an active resident of Ukraine), creative unique and spiritual guide. Proceeding from the above, the necessity to improve teachers of philology professional training including various concepts, approaches and principals are being actualized, as well as by providing perfect balance of the purpose, structure, stages, forms and methods of studying organization in educational and communicative environment of an institution of higher education.

Review of the current literature that describes the problem and the author relies on; display previously unexplored part of the whole issue. In the sphere of theory and methodology it is obvious to highlight the philosophical works of H. Ball, I. Ziaziun, V. Kremen, S. Sarnavska, L. Sytnychenko, K. Yaspers and others. Among practical and methodological aspects of teachers of philology professional training there are the works of L. Bazyl, N. Bibik, O. Dubliichuk, O. Pometun, T. Pushkar, O. Semenoh, T. Symonenko, V. Shabes and others. The studies on the problem of communication and communicative competence formation by F. Batsevych, M. Vasylyk, H. Onufrienko and others are of scientific and practical value. The psychologists H. Andrieeva, V. Kan-Kalyk, R. Krychevskyi, O. Leontiev and L. Petrovska explore psychological specify of the speech and language, different aspects of an individual's interpersonal correlation, of small groups, intragroup relations, conflicts etc.

Significance of the study. On the one hand, scientific and pedagogical literature review proves the importance of the would-be teachers of philology training, but on the other hand, explains that few reserves for its effective providing at the institutions of higher education have been used. Especially, it is stated that complex research on the would-be teachers of philology training in the educational and communicative environment of institutions of higher education is absent, as well as forming of their readiness for professional and communicative work. The following conflicts that were found while providing scientific research and causing the problem solving: between the New Ukrainian School real need of creative teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature, who are able for quick adaptation in current conditions of dynamic professional activity, and the real readiness of the graduates for pedagogical and communicative presenting; between the need of pedagogical science and practice of scientifically proved system of would-be teachers of philology training and the lack of its theory and methodology study; between the need for the content modernization of would-be teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature training based on the knowledge interdisciplinary integration and established approaches for its structuring and selecting; between the need to establish optimal pedagogical conditions and traditional approaches for theoretical and practical study organizing of would-be teachers of philology; between substantial positive foreign experience results on would-be teachers of philology training and appropriate level of its use in the native institutions of higher education; between the need to use innovative forms, means, methods, modern IT teaching technologies and the real state of their realization in the educational and communicative process of an institution of higher education; between the available educational and resource potential in the educational and communicative process at an institution of higher education and the appropriate level of its use in the traditional system would-be teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature training.

Thus, the significance of the problem solving on social, professional and educational, scientific and theoretical, practical and pedagogical levels reasons the subject of the study.

Forming the study purpose. The purpose of the article is to explain the ways for improving would-be teachers of philology training in the educational and communicative environment of institutions of higher education._

Objectives statement. The study develops and explains theoretical and methodological principals for would-be teachers of philology training in the educational and communicative environment of institutions of higher education.


To realize the stated objectives, the purpose effecting and hypothesis proving the following research methods are used: theoretical - analysis, synthesis, classification of the scientific literature on pedagogy, psychology, philology and comparative pedagogy in order to justify theoretical principals of would-be teachers of philology training in the educational and communicative environment of institutions of higher education; comparison and summarizing - for explaining native and foreign experience of would-be teachers of philology training; empirical - observational (self-observation, observation, reflexing), diagnostic (polling, testing, discussion, survey, experts estimation, self-analysis) - in order to state reasons, values, needs, knowledge level, describing and removing defects of would-be teachers of philology training at institutions of higher education.


The main material and the complete explanation of the stated results. Informatization as a global social and economic tendency is substantially changing the communication mechanisms and promoting the information availability. The main task lays not only in critical comprehension and processing of the information, but in the ability to share one's thoughts and ideas. Here informatization means implying and use of IT technologies. The process may also touch social, spiritual and cultural life. Today the term 'communication' is used not only as a verbal contacts including subject-subject correlation. It also describes the general connection of any objects of material and spiritual worlds. But information society provokes the skills for the information processing that is taking more available. It also promotes influencing and convincing with the use of different communication means.

The realization of the state policy in the sphere of secondary general education restructuring 'New Ukrainian School' before 2029 states the implementation of some changes in the system of school education. Proceeding from the above facts, the educational innovations need the appropriate reaction of the institutions of higher education that train would-be teachers, and the Ukrainian language and literature teachers particularly (Kontseptsiia 'Nova Ukrainska Shkola', 2016). Combination of the art of language and speech, speech culture and professional communication, emotions and speech behavior requires a high level of a teacher of philology professional competence.

Today the studying system at institutions of higher education doesn't form the appropriate conditions for creative and communicative skills effective development of would-be teachers of philology. As a result, the school deals with 'passive' teachers who are not ready to provide professional activity in speed condition of IT technologies development. The following problems are extremely urgent: reformation of the content and approaches for their professional training, switching over the study process to its result, orientation of the teaching content and teaching organization on the modern methodological approaches and principals, foreign experience consideration, the use of innovative interactive pedagogical technologies, of modern methods, methodological approaches, forms and teaching modes that may promote the would-be teachers of philology readiness for professional work in school IT and educational environment.

One of the important innovations is the forming educational and communicative environment that provokes the maximum level of teaching communication and individual-ization via wide use of IT technologies (ICT). They help to form stable cognitive interests and motives among students, reduce the time consumption for the material comprehending, reduce tension, promote cognition and self-work, develop creative skills and communication. Here educational and communicative environment is explained as a deliberately

formed innovative system that includes correlated components that provide the integration of language, speech and communicative training based on creative combination of modern pedagogical and IT technologies.

We claim that at the middle of 20th century in philosophy and social culture there appeared 'communicative explore' (Sarnovska, 2000). The representatives of a communicative philosophy J. Habermas, O. Apel, H. Gadamer, C. Cherry and others explain the communication to be a specific type of social relations. They underline the importance of the new aesthetics of humans' relations (macro aesthetics), orientation on the universal values that may help people to get on well. Thus, J. Habermas states that naturally communication provides for each communication participant to identify the importance of his communication partner. Generalization of communicative aesthetics stays as an substantial condition to get over the limits of 'spoilt', 'monologue-based' communication, transfer to true, human, dialogical communication and formation of public society. J. Habermas states non-mercantile moral behavior, self-consciousness, self-identification, freedom and dignity to be the most significant humanistic values that are necessary for this activity and indicators of a human nature (Habermas, 2000).

The new approach in modern philosophical aspect of 'communicative philosophy' explores the human's every day speech communication. It means that communication becomes a paradigm that comes after the being philosophy and a consciousness philosophy. It is emphasized to include an aesthetics dimension into a philosophical and social theory - subject-subject relations (Kushnir, 2013).

In accordance with O. Apel, a responsibility is of a substantial importance for humans' integration into a 'communicative association'. Following the O. Apel's aesthetics of responsibility, every person should carry the responsibility not only for his own destiny but for the destiny of the whole society. The philosopher in his work 'The Explanation of the Aesthetics of Responsibility' claims that '... the clarifying of the communicative association idea provokes us for progressive realization and political conditions that provide a discourse organization of collective responsibility for collective actions in national and international limits'(Sytnychen-ko, 1996).

Here they are the specific courses that play a significant role in communication teaching and interpersonal communication mending in would-be teachers of philology training. But the practice proves that the content of the linguistic and literature block courses doesn't fully guarantee the communicative strategies and tactics studying. Thus, there appears the problem of philological education content modernization and formation of the appropriate communicative environment. Insomuch, for example, linguistics studies the problems of verbal communication - language and speech formation and development (oral and written, dialogue-based and monologue-based) as the most important mean of human communication. Semiotics, that is somewhere between linguistics, logics, philosophy etc, explores communication as a sign transferring or signs exchange, masters sense formation, interpretation and comprehension (Osnovy teorii kommunikacii, 2013). For its part, we state the following courses to be among the selective: 'The Theory of Language Communication', 'Communicative Strategies and Tactics', 'Intercultural Communication', 'Cross Cultural Interaction', 'Rhetoric'. They study different communication aspects in the context of information, group and mass communication. The scholars F. Batsevych, M. Vasylyk, L. Matsko, O. Yashenkova highlight that while there are the changes in a social organization the role of a personality is being changed as well. Here we proclaim his ability to correlate with the other people using different communication strategies and tactics. Thus, M. Vasylyk stresses while there the information civilization is developing the role and importance of humanism in a social life is getting more significant as well. Here it is a dialogue that is proclaimed to be the most appropriate and potentially effective communicative

form. He says that a true dialogue definitely foresees that people will underline the significance and value the position of his communication partner, try to understand one another. The dialogue is obvious to be promoted as the most optimal communicative form that proclaims the position of the other side as a value, an active interaction participant, reasons the increasing role of his participants' communicative competence (Osnovy teorii kommunikacii, 2013).

Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates considered the communication to be the space for real human's nature display. Here are his words, 'Speak, so I can see you'. Ancient Roman rhetorician Quintilianus gave his students the following instruction, 'If you want to be a good rhetorician, be a good person first' (Kolotilova, 2007). Aristotle was more convincing, 'There are three reasons that provoke to trust the speaker, as there are only few things we completely believe - intelligence, virtue and kindness... If the listeners seem the speaker combines all these qualities, they will definitely trust him' (Appelrot & Platonova, 2015).

Comparison of the results with the results of other studies. Today scholars L. Matsko, H. Mykhalska, O. Oliinyk, O. Semenoh, O. Yashenkova share the same personal qualities of a teacher of philology with the ancient sources: a respect for the partner, natural behavior, kindness, sincerity, objectivity, interest and tolerance. They prove the importance of a true interest for the partner, the ability to find the thing that may combine people that is the ability to break the limits of one's own selfishness - to correlate with the others having no egocentric settings (Matsko & Matsko, 2006). In accordance with the L. Mamchur, language competence is a skill for language norms on phonological, semantic (lexical and grammatical), structural and syntax levels; communicative competence always depends on many factors: communicative intentions (remembering of the pronounced speech and constant communicative correlation); following the communicative purpose; examining the personality of the partner and mutual connection considering his psychological specific features (temper, habits, hobbies) and social status; maintenance of the true communication process and its control; abilities and skills to finish the communication etc. The author proclaims communicative competence to be a combination of knowledge about the communication in different situations with different communication partners, comprehension ad control of verbal and non-verbal correlation, abilities and skills to imply them into the communication as an addresser and an addressee. Some scholars consider communicative competence may include language, discourse, social and linguistic, illocutionary, strategic, social and cultural competences (Mamchur, 2013).

We state that improving teachers of philology training requires substantial pedagogical operations and current organizational and pedagogical tasks solving in the educational and communicative environment particularly:

• improving education content while using modern theoretical and practical works on rhetorical (communicative) skills;

• using innovative educational technologies, forms of teaching organization (projecting and holding integrated (binary) lessons), methods and modes of communicative skills improvement (demonstrative lectures, public performances, master-classes, debates, trainings etc);

• implementing specifically developed courses (specific courses) on the development of would-be teachers of philology communicative skills;

• attracting teachers and scholars to learn and solve communicative and pedagogical tasks, increasing the quality of scientific, educational and methodological works of communicative direction;

• extending the association with foreign researches (participating in international conferences, forums, seminars, publishing in foreign periodicals, studying and using international experience);

• forming professionally oriented communicative tasks (considering the subject of individual works in accordance with the professional orientation);

Хуманитарни Балкански изследвания. 2021. Т. 5. № 2(12) ISSN print: 2603-4859; ISSN online: 2683-1090_

• designing and implementing specific multimedia technologies: video courses, Internet resources, forums, social networks, cloud technologies etc;

• attracting students and teachers to out-of-class rhetorical performance.

Table 1 - Interactive methods for would-be teachers of philology training in the educational and communicative environment

Name of the method Content

'Brain storm' The purpose includes generating ideas in order to solve a certain problem. Students express their opinions on the issue by turns. The spoken is not criticized and discussed up to the end of opinions expressing. The method is used on the motivation stage for developing students' creative abilities and skills to express their opinions. To work the situation or simply key notions of the problem raised are given. The students' task is to analyze the situation, form the variant for its solving, and compare their result with the information given by the teacher.

'Microphone' Students stand on their position and explain it by turns. The teacher listens attentively, analyzes the mastering level and expresses his thoughts. Observing of the following rules are necessary for academic group's effective work: to outline precisely formed question or issue; to give the group the stuff that may represent an imaginary microphone, students will pass it one another by turns; to propose students speak briefly and quickly, no more than 1-2 minutes; the speaker is the person with the 'imaginary' microphone, the answers are not to be commented and estimated; when somebody is speaking, the others are not to do the same or shout out of their places. The advantage of the method lays in the opportunity of each student to express his opinion. But it isn't successful sometimes because with a big group of students it is impossible for each person to exclaim.

'Case method' The point of the method lays in the certain cases use (situations; their texts are called 'cases') for joint analysis and discussion. The work on the case is divided nto two main stages: self-study work and work in a classroom. The scheme for the lessons with case method use include several stages: Stage 1 - the teacher hands students out the cases he has previously prepared not later than a day before. Students perform independent case analysis; find additional information and literature for its accomplishment. Stage 2 - the lesson starts with the students' knowledge control, finding the central problem to be solved. The teacher controls the work of small groups, helps avoid direct consulting. Each group chooses 'a speaker' who expresses the group's opinion. While discussing there may appear some questions for the one who is speaking, additions of the group members. The teacher follows the discussion process, via voting the joint variant for the problem solving is selected. In the concluding stage the teacher informs on the problem solving in the real life or explains his own variant, surely stresses the best results, estimates the work of each small group and every student.

'Projects method' It is aimed at systemic and consecutive performance of the problem situations that require the participant of educational process to express search attempts that are for developing and forming appropriate ways to project design, their indispensable protection and results analysis. Projects method provokes problem solving that requires certain knowledge; develops critical thinking; forms the skills to work with information; helps to accomplish cognitive and creative tasks in cooperation, tests different social roles.

'Choose the position' Every student is given the opportunity to exclaim, explain his position, find and perform the most convinced arguments, compare them with the others' evidences. The work is organized in the following way: the discussed issue is proposed for the students to choose their own position on it. The posters are placed in the opposite corners. The one says, 'Agree', the second goes with 'Disagree', the third - 'I'm not sure; I don't have a certain position'. The participants are to describe the rules for the exercise accomplishing and discuss them. Several students are chosen to explain their position. The next stage is inquiring about the information whether any participant has changed the opinion or switched the micro group (sit at the other poster). Students are to justify the reasons of their transfer, claim the most convinced arguments for their own and opposite side.

'Change the position' The method helps to discuss disputed issues involving every student. The work is organized in the following way: the discussed problem is previously formed before the group. The students are combined in pairs, later - in fours. They are to distribute the problem position ('Yes' or 'No') among the pairs: one pair explains one position, the second - the opposite. Here every student is to perform his own opinion. The next stage is to switch the position and repeat again. As a result the four is either to agree or conclude they lack the information. The conclusions are made by the whole group.

'Marry-goes-around' In a classroom students sit in two rounds: inner and outer. The inner circle is fixed, the outer - movable. Participants of the inner circle based on the obtained data form their own statements and give convincing arguments to support the position. Here appears the dispute with the students of the outer circle who are always in move in order to collect the information.

'Relay race' The method is the best use for interactive exercising of solving problems. The work is organized in the following way: the group is divided into 2-3 teams. Sitting in a raw they receive a paper with tasks (they must be similar) for each raw. The task solving is performed in a line.

'Aquarium' The method is the best use for theoretical knowledge control. The work is organized in the following way: 4-5 students are placed in the middle of the classroom and perform a certain task. The rest students listen and observe if the discussion s held according to the rules. Later all students agree or disagree in the statement. Then the place in the aquarium is taken by the other group.

'Dramatizing method' It provides the conditions for maximum didactic process adaptation to the reality. Specific feature of the method includes the participants' involving in the certain didactic situation that completely coincides with the professional activity and needs solving. It gives the students the roles of certain real officials. A role sharing between the students is also of great importance here. There are two forms of dramatizing: previously prepared and improvised dramatizing.

'Work in pairs' The method includes the work on the joint tasks. It helps to accomplish tasks quickly, exchange opinions, discuss events, information, hold an interview, questioning etc.

'Work in small groups' It is roles sharing (a speaker, secretary and reporter). The speaker is a group leader and observes the regulations keeping, exclaims the tasks, sets a reporter and encourages the group. A secretary records the work results.

'Auction' The method is used while exercising material. The nature is to sale the terms that are pronounced to be lots. Students should explain their meaning. Thus, the lot is given to the person who speaks the most precise determination.

'2+2=4' Two pairs work individually on the exercise or task for 2-5 minutes. While discussing, they agree at the joint decision that is to be presented. The obtained experience is to be shared between pairs. It is possible to organize students in four, eight or release group discussion.

'Learn while studying' The method helps students to be active participants at studying and sharing their knowledge with others. They receive the cards with the information to be transferred. It may be used on lectures while explaining new material.

'Press method' It is used while discussing disputed issues and accomplishing the exercises that require precise explanation of the position. In the beginning the material with 4 stages is handed out. While arguing it is necessary to prove one's position giving examples, additional arguments, facts that prove the evidence and generalize the opinion on each stage.

'Talk show' The method implies a structured discussion involving every student. It helps to control the discussion process, estimate the participation of each student. Its purpose lays in gaining the skills of public speaking and discussing, expressing and defending personal position, forming civil and personal activity. In the beginning the students are announced the subject of the discussion; 2-5 experts are invited. The students are to form questions to the experts ad decide their position on the problem raised. The name and the leader of the talk show are stated. During the process the experts ask each other questions and provide the dispute.

'Debates' It is a complicated way to discuss problems. The students are divided into groups. Each of them is to convince the opponents, win over to change their position. The other variant includes joint problem solving. In this case students should express their position and attentively listen to the opponent in order to find common moments. At the preparatory level students should share the roles, organize correct time management and form question to other groups. The judges are invited to estimate the presentations.

'Round table' The method includes conversation when many students participate who exchange opinions with each other and the audience. It is useful before the test.

'Role playing' It is an imitating form of interactive studying that require less time on its designing and implementing. The game is extremely effective while solving psychological and pedagogical tasks and situations. The purpose includes the development of students' analytical skills, implanting the skill to make correct decisions. Every game is held according to the scheme: students are introduced into the situation and receive a new task to perform certain roles. After the role playing students discuss the process. The games form contributory mental and emotional mood, the atmosphere of relaxed communication and correlation between a teacher and a student.

'Puzzle' The students are divided into teams to work with the studying material that consists of logical blocks. Being introduced with the material, each participant chooses the piece to learn perfectly. They meet with others and exchange the nformation - so called 'experts' meeting'. Then a student comes back to his own team to share the new facts he has just learnt. Following this scheme, a team may combine all parts of the puzzle.

The source: is systematized by the author having analyzed the literature

Functioning and active participation of the students of philology profession in University, interuniversity oratorical clubs, visiting the events in the system of non-formal education may promote the comprehension of the importance of communicative skills for personal and professional development. Involving students into active organization and practical participating in University clubs will provoke a communicative environment where the information, opinions and values exchange is held. It can also contribute to personal and professional development.

Modern ICT modes are a basis for restructuring an educational process including personal possibilities of the students of philology profession, their interests, abilities, educational and life experience. We support the position of M. Kademiia

- among main tasks of forming and developing IT educational environment at institutions of higher education he states the following: to meet students' personal educational needs via the increase training level in the sphere of IT; to form a universal information space through the integration of separate subsections and services; to perform a dynamic combination of all communicative modes via universal forms of information saving, processing and transmitting; to develop material and technical, educational and methodological basis of educational institutions; to improve the system of its information and methodological support to run educational institutions. In accordance with R. Hurevych, information and educational environment is a system that includes various components and accumulates communicative, computer, organizational resources, as well as intelligent and cultural potential of institutions of higher education, functional infrastructure and provides students' and teachers' activity with universal technological modes (Hurevych et al., 2012).


The Study Conclusion. We agree with the scholars in appropriateness of educational and communicative environment forming at institutions of higher education and proving that the environment may help to form a successful intelligent and creatively developed personality of a teacher of philology; promote operative interactive access to the information and realize educational communications. Educational and communicative environment includes different subjects

- studying subjects, information educational resources, computer educational modes, pedagogical methods and technol-

ogies. Improving would-be teachers of philology training in the educational and communicative environment involves the support of information exchange, interactive dialogue, and realization of inner and outer systemic communication, coordination of communicative and pedagogical activity, fixing and correction of educational results.

Perspectives of further research of the issue. The study doesn't deplete all aspects of the issue. The obtained theoretical and practical results make the basis for further problem studying in the context of specific features of effective coordination organization ways with foreign educational institutions; for finding the trends for implementation of resource-oriented teaching for would-be teachers of philology training; providing professional development of would-be teachers of philology in the educational and communicative environment of institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education; design and implementation of diagnostic and analytical instruments to estimate the development levels of communicative and pedagogical competence of teachers of philology in blended learning.


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Received date: 12.02.2021

Revised date: 14.04.2021

Accepted date: 27.05.2021

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