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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dzhedzhula O.

The priorities of 21st century education are aimed at personal development. In such conditions, the problem of using the problem of using information technology for professional and personal self-development of the student is becoming increasingly important. The article considers the features of educational information university environments, the creation of a web portfolio, the introduction into the educational process of modern forms of education that comprehensively provide professional and personal self-development of students.

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Рисунок 2 - Схема решения задачи на нахождение неизвестного слагаемого с использованием отрезков

4. Прибавление и вычитание чисел 2, 3 и 4 по частям.

5 + 2 = 7 - 2 = 6 + 3 = 8 - 3 = 5 + 4 = 9 - 4 =

5 + 1 + 1 7 - 1 - 1 6 + 2 + 1 8 - 2 - 1 5 + 2+ 2 9 - 2 - 2

В рамках этого этапа работы мы представили игры, благодаря которым, дети подробно анализировали условия задачи, подходя к вопросу (цели) самостоятельно решили поставленную проблему.

Таким образом, сделаем следующие выводы: вычислительная деятельность направлена на формирование счета у детей старшего дошкольного возраста и дает получить определенный объем знаний.

Список литературы

1. ЗайцевВВ. Магемагикадлядегей дошкольного возраста / ВВ. Зайцев. - М.: Владос, 1999. -62 с.

2. Колесникова.Е.В Математика для детей 67 лег. - М.: ТЦ Сфера, 2006

3. Леушина А.М. Формирование элементарных математических представлений у детей дошкольного возраста. - М., 1974

4. Михайлова З.А. Игровые занимательные задачи для дошкольников. - М.: Просвещение, 2009


Dzhedzhula O.

Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Head of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Technologies, Professor


The priorities of 21st century education are aimed at personal development. In such conditions, the problem of using the problem of using information technology for professional and personal self-development of the student is becoming increasingly important. The article considers the features of educational information university environments, the creation of a web portfolio, the introduction into the educational process of modern forms of education that comprehensively provide professional and personal self-development of students.

Keywords: professional and personal self-development, information technologies, information educational environment.

Prospects for further successful development have only countries in which intellectual professions have become widespread, and investment in human development is a priority. However, the employment problems of university graduates, the imperfect system of university funding and the lack of a reliable and consistent system of higher education reform have a negative impact on the quality of training. Modern education is developing in the conditions of rapid informatization, globalization and integration of society, which radically change the labor market and the requirements for higher education. Economic and social problems at the global and national levels are exacerbated by a number of factors that can be addressed at the university level by updating the content of education, introducing innovative forms and technologies of learning. The main vector of educational reforms should be a change in the priorities of higher education pedagogy, which should be aimed at preparing a person for life, the development of his personal qualities.

A characteristic feature of modern society is its human-oriented orientation, according to which the most important indicator of progress is the individual development of the individual, his abilities, thinking, satisfaction of cognitive needs and wants. Therefore,

future professionals should be created to constantly update their knowledge, professional skills and abilities, enrich the experience of cognitive and practical activities, supported by relevant value orientations.

To date, the format of the educational process does not contribute to the comprehensive development of personality. The traditional focus of didactic tasks on the system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities is outdated. In today's changing world, the training of future professionals for self-educational activities is becoming relevant. It is no coincidence that the paradigm of competence has become the conceptual basis of higher education in most countries of the world.

Studies of the problem of self-development attract the attention of many modern scientists and are widely studied in the works of L.S. Vyhotskoho, O.M. Leon-tyeva, S.L.Rubinshteyna, A. Maslou, K. Rodzhersa, V.I. Slobodchykova, H.A. Tsukerman, B.M. Master-ova, P.F. Kaptyeryeva, L.M. Kulikovoyi, V.H. Maral-ova, T.V. Tykhonovoyi, L.I. Zyazyun, H.K. Selevko, V.I. Andryeyeva, L M. Mitinoyi, K. Albukhanovoyi Slavskoyi, I. D. Bekha, S. B. Kuzikovoyi. However, the potential of information technology for professional and personal self-development of students while studying at the university requires detailed research.

Professional and personal development is seen as a dynamic integrative process aimed at positive changes in the personal and professional characteristics of the future specialist, providing a new level of needs, readiness for professional activity and self-realization of the student while studying at university.

The purpose of self-development of the future specialist is to master a qualitatively new level of professional competence, professional skill, which provides the ability to improve life in the modern world. It is the growth, formation, integration and realization of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills, but the main thing is the active qualitative transformation of one's inner world by a specialist.

Professional development involves growth, formation of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, knowledge and skills, active and qualitative transformation of the inner world of the individual, leading to a fundamental restructuring and lifestyle, including creative self-realization in the profession.

Modern humanistic priorities of higher pedagogical education require the development of the subjectivity of future teachers, their independence, creative activity, strengthening responsibility for their own professional development [1].

The main thesis of most studies of Ukrainian scientists is the idea of determining the development of personality by activity, and therefore a person is studied from the standpoint of its relevance to the profession and successful activity in it. Personality development occurs in the process of successful mastery of professional activities related to the subject. For a person, the profession is a source of livelihood and a means of personal self-realization. Professionalization affects the personality, can stimulate it or, conversely, destroy it, thus acting as a factor in the self-development of the individual. In professional activity it is almost impossible to separate the personal beginning from professional. In this regard, the content of professional activity coincides as much as possible with the awareness of the main human need - to be human, the need for self-realization, self-realization.

Analyzing current trends in the educational paradigm, the results of research on the formation of professional competence, we reveal the essence of mechanisms that promote the holistic development of the individual, provide its purposeful self-improvement, starting from the student years, based on the potential of information technology.

Information and communication technologies have significant potential for professional and personal self-development, as they provide access to innovative

forms of education. Among the modern educational brands are e-learning (E-learning), mobile learning (M-learning), pervasive learning (U-learning), blended learning (Blended learning). Non-formal education is becoming more and more attractive for students [2, 3].

According to the results of the study "School's Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020: An Imagining Exercise on the Future of Learning", conducted by the European Commission Joint Research Center together with the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies identified 3 levels of educational trends [1]: macro-trends ( due to the emergence of new skills and competencies, demographic change and globalization), meso-trends (development of non-formal education, education reform, in particular through the introduction of distance learning technologies, changes in corporate learning based on the flow of formal to non-formal learning); micro-trends (recognition of non-formal learning and the tendency to provide different levels of complexity of the learning context for different generations) recognition of non-formal learning and the tendency to provide different levels of complexity of the learning context for different generations [2].

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) create new opportunities for professional personal self-development. After all, during independent learning, systematic thinking develops; ability to work in new conditions; self-control skills; discipline, critical thinking of information; ability to work with modern media; ability to work remotely.

Information technology allows each student to create a personal educational environment conducive to the development of personal qualities. At the same time, students can choose technologies according to the level of their own information awareness.

Morse N. and Spivak S. identify the best technologies on which to build a personal learning environment: Twitter (1st place), Google Docs (2nd place), YouTube (3rd place), Google Search (4th place), Evernote (virtual notebook) (6th place), Dropbox (file store) (7th place), WordPress (blogs, website creation) (8th place), Facebook (9th place), Google+ & Hangouts (10th place), Moodle (11th place), LinkedIn (12 place), Skype (13th place), Wikipedia (14th place), Prezi (15th place), Google Schola (35th place), Coursera (38th place), Skydrive (43rd place), etc. [4, p.277]. According to the results of the annual international survey of participants in the educational process by determining the rating "Top 100" of the best educational tools (conducted by Jane Hart) Morse N. and Spivak S. proposed the author's classification of the most popular technologies (Fig. 1) [4, p.279].

Fig. 1. Classification of information technologies by types of activity (according to Morse N. and Spivak S.)

A survey of students at Vinnytsia National Agrarian University confirms that each of them uses at least 8 of the above technologies. In terms of distance learning, the use of the Zoom cloud platform is growing rapidly, characterized by simplicity, the ability to organize video conferencing from anywhere. Scaling conferences for mobile phones have the same functions as a personal computer. Modern communication platforms contribute to the development of planning skills, the culture of remote communication and increase the overall level of information competence.

A survey of students shows that they are almost unfamiliar with the methods of professional and personal self-development. Only 4% of students purposefully use the techniques of professional and personal self-development; 65% of students accidentally came across information about such methods; 21% of students were not interested in this problem. Therefore, it is important for group mentors to conduct trainings, seminars to develop relevant knowledge and skills. One of the methods we offer for students of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University is to create a web portfolio.

Web portfolio is an innovative technology, which is characterized by: hypertext construction of a web resource, which allows you to implement the relationship between the components of the portfolio model most clearly in the form of cross-references; structure, openness, platform independence, portability and flexibility of web resources, which allow to modify web resources, search and compare analysis and build various visualizations of content (summary tables, diagrams, etc.); communicative orientation of web resources [5].

We offer students to include the following sections in the electronic portfolio of professional and personal self-development (Table 1).

The proposed structure is indicative, because the portfolio of professional and personal self-development on the one hand is a way to assess the professional growth of the student, and on the other technology that provides a harmonious combination of personal self-development and self-realization in the process of professionalism.

Table 1


Component Characteristic

Data about the teacher CV, goals of portfolio work, life philosophy, future professional credo, list of competencies - formed and those that need to be worked on

Achievement diplomas, certificates, thanks, awards - the actual confirmation of the results of educational activities

Scientific publications outline the range of scientific interests, include electronic versions of scientific papers, create a list of published works

Strategy of professional and personal self-development I-concept of the future specialist, comparison of the I-real and I-ideal, creating a portrait of the ideal specialist, identifying strengths and weaknesses of self and positive and negative aspects of professional activity, goal setting, development of specific tasks, planning self-development activities, self-control results and correction, characteristics of forms of introspection and reflection

Useful tools list of online services, educational platforms, mass open online courses, interesting blogs, links to relevant information that will be useful in the process of professional and personal self-development

Educational materials electronic textbooks, video and audio materials, collections of tasks, study cards - all that will ensure effective mastery of the subjects studied by the student

Changes in the needs of the modern educational process, aimed at the comprehensive development of personality, necessitate the design of fundamentally new in their functionality university information and learning environments [6, 7].

The idea of the educational environment of Vin-nytsia National Agrarian University (VNAU) is based on the use of a program of end-to-end computer training of students, provides the opportunity to create individual learning trajectories and promotes professional and personal development of students. The management system of Socrates University has a unique structure that effectively teaches and communicates the student through a personal account. The student's personal office contains: the student's study card (which contains all the educational information from each discipline); electronic tests; own WEB-accounting program; library resources; WEB-chat, microblogs, student forums and more.

Professional and personal self-development of students requires a comprehensive approach. Information technologies have significant potential for professional and personal self-development. We consider the most effective university information and educational environments, development of electronic portfolios, introduction of modern educational brands into the educational process (e-learning), mobile learning (M-learning), pervasive learning (U-learning), blended learning Blended learning).


1. Fritsyuk VA Professional self-development of the future teacher: monograph / V. A. Fritsyuk. - Vin-nytsia: Nilan Ltd., 2016. - 364 p.

2. Duhnich Y. European Studies 2020 Smart education [Electronic resource]. 2014. URL: http://www.smart-edu.com/learning-in-europe-2020.html.

3. Theory and practice of blended learning: a monograph / V.M. Kukharenko S.M. Berezenska, K.L. Buhaychuk, N. Oliynyk, T.O. Oliynyk, O.V. Rybalko, N.H. Syrotenko, A.L. Stolyarevs'ka; for order. V.M. Kukharenko - Kharkiv: "Miskdruk", NTU "KPI", 2016. - 284 p.

4. Morse N., Spivak S. Formation of a modern cloud-based personalized educational environment taking into account the ICT competence of the participants of the educational process // Open educational e-envi-ronment of a modern university, № 3 (2017). - P.274-282.

5. Its SV Technology of using web-portfolio in the training of future foreign language teachers. Access mode: http://eprints.zu.edu.ua/11268/1/Its.pdf.

6. Bratko M.V. Educational environment of higher education institution: functional aspect / M.V. Bratko // Pedagogical process: theory and practice. - 2015.Vip. 1-2.- P. 11-18. - Access mode: http://nbuv.gov.ua/ UJRN / pptp_2015_1 -2_4.

7. Bykov V. Educational environment of modern pedagogical systems [Electronic resource] / V. Bykov // Electronic collection of scientific works of the Zaporozhye regional institute of postgraduate pedagogical education. - 2010. - №1. - Access mode: http://vir-tkafedra.ucoz.ua/el_gurnal//pages/ vyp1 /Bykov.pdf.



Zakharina A.

lecturer of the Tourism, Hotel and Catering Business Department, Classic Private University (Zaporizhzhia),


The article states that the level of training of future tourism specialists for animation activities in the recreational and health sphere does not meet contemporary requirements. It was emphasized that higher school needs to change curricula, reduce the volume of humanitarian education, and enhance study of professional and practical disciplines.

Keywords: training, future tourism specialists, specialists of hotel and tourism enterprises, animation activities.

Problem setting. The world space internationalization, political and legal, social and economic, as well as cultural rapprochement of countries have become the leading tendencies of modern social development. One of the means of integration is the tourism industry, which, in addition to the performing of traditional functions of leisure and recreation, appears to be an equal participant in economic processes. The tourism industry has a great influence on the nation economy: it serves as a source of foreign currency inflow; ensures the growth of population employment; contributes to

the diversification of the economy by creating industries serving accommodation means, food companies, transport, medical services, educational institutions, etc.

Thus, one of the most important tasks of Ukrainian system of professional education is the training of tourism specialists at the level of world standards, which involves solving a number of complex problems related to improving the quality of education, involving representatives of tourism, hotel and catering business in the management of the training process for tourism specialists, improvement of monitoring of staffing needs of the

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