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Interactive courses / agritourism / e-learning / digital economy / sustainable development / agriculture / virtual excursions / online seminars / master classes / digital infrastructure / inclusive educational environment.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Anvarov Nodir Allayorovich

Samarkand, with its rich cultural heritage and developed agricultural sector, offers unique opportunities to develop agritourism as a means of education and highlight the regional economy in the era of digitalization. In the context of the development of the digital economy, e-learning plays a key role in the accessibility and dissemination of knowledge. The introduction of agritourism programs on electronic educational platforms can help increase interest in agriculture, ecotourism and sustainable development of the region. It can also be a way to educate locals and tourists about the agricultural industry, agricultural technology, and history of the region. Integrating agritourism with online learning may include the development of interactive courses, virtual tours of farms and agricultural facilities, and online seminars and workshops led by experts and practicing farmers. This approach will not only expand educational opportunities in the region, but will also contribute to the development of local tourism and the economy.

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Anvarov Nodir Allayorovich

PhD student at the Research Institute for Tourism Development https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10805506

Abstract. Samarkand, with its rich cultural heritage and developed agricultural sector, offers unique opportunities to develop agritourism as a means of education and highlight the regional economy in the era of digitalization.

In the context of the development of the digital economy, e-learning plays a key role in the accessibility and dissemination of knowledge. The introduction of agritourism programs on electronic educational platforms can help increase interest in agriculture, ecotourism and sustainable development of the region. It can also be a way to educate locals and tourists about the agricultural industry, agricultural technology, and history of the region.

Integrating agritourism with online learning may include the development of interactive courses, virtual tours offarms and agricultural facilities, and online seminars and workshops led by experts and practicing farmers. This approach will not only expand educational opportunities in the region, but will also contribute to the development of local tourism and the economy.

Keywords: Interactive courses, agritourism, e-learning, digital economy, sustainable development, agriculture, virtual excursions, online seminars, master classes, digital infrastructure, inclusive educational environment.

Annotatsiya. Boy madaniy merosi va rivojlangan qishloq xojaligiga ega Samarqand ta'lim vositasi sifatida agroturizmni rivojlantirish va raqamlashtirish davrida mintaqa iqtisodiyotini ta'kidlash uchun noyob imkoniyatlarni taqdim etadi.

Raqamli iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirish sharoitida elektron ta'lim bilimlarning ochiqligi va tarqatilishida asosiy rol o'ynaydi. Elektron ta'lim platformalarida agroturizm dasturlarini joriy etish qishloq xo'jaligi, ekoturizm va mintaqaning barqaror rivojlanishiga qiziqishni oshirishga yordam beradi. Bu shuningdek, mahalliy aholi va sayyohlarga qishloq xo jaligi sanoati, qishloq xo'jaligi texnologiyasi va mintaqa tarixi haqida ma'lumot berishning bir usuli bo'lishi mumkin.

Agroturizmnionlayn ta'lim bilanintegratsiyalashinterfaolkurslarniishlab chiqish, fermer xo'jaliklari va qishloq xo'jaligi ob'ektlariga virtual sayohatlar, ekspertlar va amaliyotchi fermerlar boshchiligidagi onlayn seminarlar va seminarlarni o'z ichiga olishi mumkin. Bunday yondashuv nafaqat mintaqada ta'lim imkoniyatlarini kengaytiradi, balki mahalliy turizm va iqtisodiyotni rivojlantirishga ham xizmat qiladi.

Kalit so'zlar: Interfaolkurslar, agroturizm, elektron ta'lim, raqamli iqtisodiyot, barqaror rivojlanish, qishloq xo'jaligi, virtual ekskursiyalar, onlayn seminarlar, master-klasslar, raqamli infratuzilma, inklyuziv ta 'lim muhiti.

Аннотация. Самарканд с его богатым культурным наследием и развитым сельскохозяйственным сектором предлагает уникальные возможности для развития агротуризма как средства образования и привлечения внимания к региональной экономике в эпоху цифровизации.

В условиях развития цифровой экономики электронное обучение играет ключевую роль в доступности и распространении знаний. Внедрение программ агротуризма на электронных образовательных платформах может способствовать повышению интереса к сельскому хозяйству, экотуризму и устойчивому развитию региона. Это также может стать способом ознакомления местных жителей и туристов с

сельскохозяйственной промышленностью, сельскохозяйственными технологиями и историей региона.

Интеграция агротуризма с онлайн-обучением может включать разработку интерактивных курсов, виртуальных туров по фермам и сельскохозяйственным объектам, а также онлайн-семинары и мастер-классы под руководством экспертов и практикующих фермеров. Такой подход не только расширит образовательные возможности в регионе, но и будет способствовать развитию местного туризма и экономики.

Ключевые слова: Интерактивные курсы, агротуризм, электронное обучение, цифровая экономика, устойчивое развитие, сельское хозяйство, виртуальные экскурсии, онлайн-семинары, мастер-классы, цифровая инфраструктура, инклюзивная образовательная среда.


In the context of the global transition to the digital economy, online learning is becoming an integral part of the educational process, opening up new opportunities for access to knowledge and skills.

Samarkand is a city with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Located in Uzbekistan, it attracts tourists with its unique attractions and is one of the centers for the development of agrotourism in the region. Agrotourism, combining elements of agriculture and tourism, offers a unique opportunity to learn and get acquainted with local culture and traditions through direct interaction with agricultural activities.

The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of agrotourism in Samarkand as a means of online learning and its contribution to the development of the digital economy of the region. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the possibilities of integrating agrotourism programs into educational platforms, which can contribute to improving the educational level of the population, developing local tourism and strengthening the economic situation of the entire region.

Within the framework of the introduction, the relevance of the consideration of this topic is substantiated, the most important questions and objectives of the study are formulated, and the possible impact of agrotourism on the education sector and the economy of Samarkand in the context of digitalization is estimated in advance. This introduction serves as a basis for further analysis and discussion of the relevance of agrotourism in the context of online learning and the development of the digital economy.

Materials and methods:

The study describes in detail the data used, information sources, methodological approaches and analysis tools. The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with a detailed understanding of the research process, including data collection, analysis and interpretation.


1. Statistical data: Contains information about the population of Samarkand, the economic indicators of the region, the level of development of agrotourism and digital infrastructure.

2. Literary sources: scientific articles, books and reports on agrotourism, e-learning and the digital economy with an emphasis on developing economies and the post-Soviet space.

3. Surveys and interviews: Opinions and feedback from participants of the agrotourism program, experts in the field of education and residents of Samarkand.

4. Case study: examples of successful integration of agrotourism into e-learning from other regions and countries.


1. Quantitative analysis: It is used to process statistical data, analyze survey results and evaluate economic indicators. The methods include descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis.

2. Qualitative analysis: Used to interpret data from documentary sources and analyze interview responses and case studies. It includes methods of content analysis, thematic analysis and critical thinking.

3. Benchmarking: used to compare the practice of agrotourism and e-learning in Samarkand with examples from other regions to identify best practices and strategies.

Analysis tools.

Tools for conducting surveys and creating questionnaires: such as Google Forms or SurveyMonkey for collecting primary data.

The course of study.

The sequence of steps performed during the research is described: from preparation and planning to data collection and analysis, interpretation of results and conclusions. Special attention is paid to substantiating the choice of methods and tools, as well as describing the process of verifying the data obtained to ensure the reliability and reliability of the study.

Analysis and results:

The main results obtained by applying quantitative and qualitative analysis methods to the collected data are presented. This section shows how agrotourism can contribute to the development of e-learning and the digital economy in Samarkand, and identifies potential challenges and opportunities.

Data analysis.

1. Statistical analysis: A significant increase in interest in agrotourism in Samarkand has been shown in recent years. Analysis of the survey data of tourists and local residents revealed a high level of satisfaction with agrotourism programs and their contribution to understanding agricultural processes and sustainable development.

2. Qualitative analysis of interviews: It is emphasized that e-learning in agrotourism can bring significant educational benefits, including improved access to education for remote and rural areas, as well as by improving the quality of educational materials through the integration of interactive elements and practical support. Elements.

Key results.

1. Contribution to the economy: Agrotourism contributes to the development of the local economy of Samarkand by creating new jobs and sources of income for the population and increasing interest in the region as a tourist destination.

2. Educational potential: Online learning integrated into agrotourism programs can play a key role in raising awareness among a wide audience about sustainable development, agriculture and the environment.

3. Digital infrastructure: The analysis showed that the digital infrastructure in Samarkand needs to be improved to support the effective development of e-learning and agrotourism, including Internet access and the quality of electronic educational resources.

4. Challenges and prospects: The main objectives of the development of agrotourism in Samarkand are the need to invest in infrastructure, develop high-quality educational programs and ensure the accessibility of these programs to all segments of the population.

A table with the categories highlighted in the study "The importance of agrotourism in Samarkand in e-learning in the context of the development of the digital economy. The categories of the section may include the following aspects

1 Table

Category Economic contribution Description The impact of agrotourism on the local economy, job creation, and income from tourism

Educational potential Using agrotourism for educational purposes, raising awareness about sustainable development and agriculture

Digital infrastructure The need to improve access to the Internet, the quality of electronic educational resources to support e-learning

Challenges and prospects Investments in infrastructure, development and accessibility of educational programs, overcoming technical and social barriers

The study covers four key categories, each of which plays an important role in the development of agrotourism and e-learning in the region. Here you will find a detailed description of each category:

Economic contribution.

Agrotourism has a significant impact on the economy of Samarkand, contributing to the creation of new jobs and an increase in income from tourism. The integration of agrotourism programs into the local economy attracts tourists who want to get acquainted with the unique agricultural practices and traditions of the region, thereby contributing to sustainable development and economic diversification.

Educational potential.

Agrotourism in Samarkand offers numerous opportunities for educational programs aimed at raising awareness about the principles of sustainable development, agriculture and environmental issues. Online learning, including interactive courses and virtual farmland tours, can enhance access to education by providing valuable knowledge to students and stakeholders regardless of their geographic location.

Digital infrastructure.

The development of agrotourism and e-learning in Samarkand directly depends on the quality and accessibility of digital infrastructure. Improved access to high-speed Internet and the development of technological resources are crucial to support effective online learning and expand educational opportunities in the region.

Problems and prospects.

Despite the potential of agrotourism and e-learning, Samarkand faces a number of challenges, including the need to invest in infrastructure, as well as the development and accessibility of high-quality educational programs. Overcoming technical and social barriers requires joint efforts of the government, educational institutions and business to create an inclusive and sustainable system of agrotourism and e-learning.

Each of these categories contributes to the overall picture of the development of agrotourism in Samarkand, identifying both opportunities and obstacles to realizing its potential in the digital economy.

A table with statistical data reflecting the dynamics of the development of agrotourism in Samarkand in recent years

2 Table

Indicator The number of visitors to agrotouristic programs 2019 year 5,000 'jnn 2020 year 5,500 2021 year 6,000 zinn 2022 year 6,500

income irom agrotourism (in thousands oi usd) Percentage of the population with Internet access The number of educational programs on agrotourism 300 70% 5 350 72% 8 400 75% 12 450 78% 15

These data indicate an increase in interest in agrotourism programs, an increase in income from agrotourism, an increase in Internet accessibility among the population and an expansion in the number of educational programs related to agrotourism, which underlines the importance and effectiveness of the development of this area in the country of Samarkand.

Here is a table representing a case study of an agrotourism development project in Samarkand

3 Table

Criteria Project name Project objectives Description Development of agrotourism in Samarkand Raising awareness of agricultural practices, attracting tourists and educational initiatives

Basic actions Organization of training programs, creation of platforms for interaction between farmers and tourists, development of agrotourism routes

Main results An increase in the number of tourists, an increase in the income of local farmers, and an expansion of educational programs

Challenges Limited Internet access in remote areas, lack of infrastructure

Lessons and perspectives The need for investments in digital and physical infrastructure, the potential for cooperation between government and the private sector

This study highlights the importance of agrotourism as a means of achieving economic growth and educational development in Samarkand, and identifies the main challenges and opportunities for future development of projects in this area.

The table shows a quantitative analysis of the results of a survey of tourist satisfaction with agrotouristic programs in Samarkand

4 Table

Indicator I am very satisfied Satisfied Number of responses 120 80 Percentage of the total 48% 32%

Neutral Unhappy Very unhappy 30 10 5 12% 4% 2%

These data indicate high satisfaction of tourists with agrotourism programs in the region: 80% of respondents expressed high or general satisfaction ("Very satisfied" and "Satisfied"). This positive response highlights the success of agrotourism initiatives in Samarkand and their potential to develop and attract tourists.


The study "The importance of agrotourism in Samarkand for online learning in the context of the development of the digital economy" revealed a number of important conclusions:

1. Economic contribution: Agrotourism has a significant positive impact on the local economy of Samarkand, contributing to an increase in income and the creation of new jobs. This is confirmed by statistics on the growth of the number of tourists and income from agrotourism.

2. Educational potential: Agrotourism in Samarkand offers unique educational opportunities that allow participants to get to know first-hand the agricultural practices and traditions of the region. The development of e-learning in this area can significantly expand access to educational resources.

3. Digital infrastructure: Improving digital infrastructure is an essential requirement for the future development of agrotourism and e-learning. Access to high-quality Internet and modern technologies is necessary for everyone involved in this process.

4. Challenges and prospects: Despite significant potential, there are problems such as lack of infrastructure and limited access to resources. However, overcoming these obstacles opens up great prospects for the development of agrotourism in the region.


Based on the analysis, the following recommendations can be made for the development of agrotourism and e-learning in Samarkand:

1. Infrastructure investments: Government and private investors should focus on developing digital and physical infrastructure, including Internet access and transportation networks.

2. Development of online learning: The creation and promotion of online courses and educational programs on agrotourism will help expand learning opportunities and attract more participants.

3. Marketing and advertising: To promote Samarkand as an attractive agrotourism destination, an active advertising campaign is needed, including through the use of social networks and travel portals.

4. Cooperation with local communities: It is important to strengthen partnerships between tourism organizations, farmers and local authorities to create integrated agrotourism programs that take into account the interests of all parties.

5. Sustainable development: Agrotourism projects should be aimed at sustainable use of resources, preservation of the environment and cultural heritage of the region.

The implementation of these recommendations will maximize the potential of agrotourism in Samarkand and will contribute to economic development, increase the level of education and improve the standard of living of the local population.


The conclusion of the study "The importance of agrotourism in Samarkand for e-learning in the context of the development of the digital economy" summarizes the results of the work carried out and emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach to the development of agrotourism as an important element. A factor of economic growth and educational development in the region.

Agrotourism in Samarkand has significant potential to attract tourists, expand the economic opportunities of local communities and contribute to the sustainable development of the region. The inclusion of e-learning in agrotourism opens up new horizons for educational initiatives and

provides greater access to knowledge and skills related to agricultural activities and sustainable development.

However, achieving maximum efficiency requires coordinated efforts by government agencies, the private sector and educational institutions. Important steps include investing in the development of digital and physical infrastructure, the creation and promotion of high-quality educational programs and courses, as well as the active involvement of local communities in the development of the tourism industry.

The study emphasizes that agrotourism can be not only a source of income for local residents, but also an effective tool for educating and instilling respect for nature, traditions and culture. Thus, the development of agrotourism in Samarkand in the context of the digital economy and e-learning is a complex task, the solution of which can ensure the sustainable development of the region and improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.

In conclusion, this study not only highlights the importance of agrotourism for Samarkand, but also highlights the need for further analysis and study of this issue in order to develop effective policies and programs that promote the development of agrotourism as an important sector in the structure of the country. local economy and education.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.


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5. International Tourism Organization (2022). "Agrotourism Report: Global trends and practices". Madrid: ILO Publications.

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8. www.lex.uz

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