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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Zhang Chao

This scientific article reflects the theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of digitalization on the development of the counseling system for depressive disorders in adolescents in modern medicine, due to its increasing role in the sector under study. The relevance and novelty of the research is determined by the need to consider the topic under study and the unprecedented impact of studying the theoretical aspects of digitalization in counseling psychotic depressive disorders in adolescents. Thus, when writing a research paper, we used various methods to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of the modern healthcare system in the Russian Federation for adolescents with signs of psychotic depressive disorders that affect social adaptation of young people from 14 to 18 years old.

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9. Российская молодёжь как объект деструктивного воздействия средств идеологического, информационно-психологического и культурного противоборства Запада / Д.Н. Кравцов, В.Д. Исаев, В.Н. Лебедь, К.А. Восканян // Коммуникология. - 2018. - Том 6. - № 1. - С. 68-83

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11. Сергеев, Н.К. Воспитание гражданской позиции / Н.К. Сергеев, Н.М. Борытко // Известия ВГПУ. Педагогические науки. - 2015. - С. 16-22

12. Федосеева, О.И. Особенности формирования деформаций правосознания у несовершеннолетних / О.И. Федосеева // Педагогика и психология в деятельности сотрудников правоохранительных органов: интеграция теории и практики: материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. - Санкт-Петербург. - 2022. - С. 290-295


UDC 159.9

postgraduate student Zhang Chao

Smolensk State University (Smolensk)


Annotation. This scientific article reflects the theoretical and practical aspects of the impact of digitalization on the development of the counseling system for depressive disorders in adolescents in modern medicine, due to its increasing role in the sector under study. The relevance and novelty of the research is determined by the need to consider the topic under study and the unprecedented impact of studying the theoretical aspects of digitalization in counseling psychotic depressive disorders in adolescents. Thus, when writing a research paper, we used various methods to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of the modern healthcare system in the Russian Federation for adolescents with signs of psychotic depressive disorders that affect social adaptation of young people from 14 to 18 years old.

Key words: medical complex, digitalization, depressive disorders, state support, psychotherapy, digital platform, counseling.

Аннотация. В данной научной статье отражены теоретические и практические аспекты влияния цифровизации на развитие системы консультирования психотерапии депрессивных расстройств у подростков в условиях современной медицины, что обусловлено его возрастающей ролью в исследуемом секторе. Актуальность и новизна исследования определяется необходимостью рассмотрения изучаемой темы и беспрецедентным влиянием изучение теоретических аспектов цифровизации при консультировании психотических депрессивных расстройств у подростков. При написании исследовательской работы использовались различные методы для изучения теоретических и практических аспектов организации современной системы здравоохранения в Российской Федерации для подростков с признаками психотических депрессивных расстройств, влияющих на социальную адаптацию молодых людей в возрасте от 14 до 18 лет.

Ключевые слова. медицинский комплекс, цифровизация, депрессивные расстройства, государственная поддержка, психотерапия, цифровая платформа, консультирование.

Introduction. In today's world, we are witnessing how the impact of digital technologies is changing the very structure of childhood. And an important point in this context is the position of using digital technologies "for good", that is, to make interactive technologies their active assistants in the process of psychological and pedagogical work with children.

In the Russian Federation, the system of compulsory health insurance is currently a guarantee of social protection of the population during medical care. We consider the main stages of digitalization of counseling psychotherapy of depressive disorders in adolescents in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Stages of digitalization

The main content of the article. Currently, most organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal for, use computer information systems in their field of activity. Organizations conducting counseling for the psychotherapy of depressive disorders in adolescents can use computer information systems. This is a procedure for a complete, independent and objective assessment of the organization's security, the state of affairs to ensure its financial and economic security based on the verification of computer

information systems. The purpose is to formulate an objective professional opinion on the degree of security of the organization, on the functioning of computer information systems, and the identified vulnerabilities.

The preservation of health, as a rule, is possible only due to the effective management of public health. Effective management of public health requires high-quality provision of medical services. Therefore, the formation and development of a health protection system should be the highest priority goal for each state. The reforms are applied to timely and modern maintenance of the current health of the population, as well as to improve the living standards of the population in all indicators. At the moment, those developments that are aimed at implementing long-term government programs and projects are widely used among innovative approaches. In comparison with 2022, in 2021, in terms of the receipt of funds, the CHI exceeded 359,514 million rubles, or 42.8%. In turn, the use of funds in 2020 increased by 332,861.9 million rubles, or 41.4%.

Automated processing of accounting information for counseling psychotherapy of depressive disorders in adolescents. Thanks to the automated processing of accounting information, it is possible to quickly obtain various certificates, summary statements, characteristics for each teenager undergoing counseling on psychotherapy of depressive disorders. The development of automated processing of accounting information and its introduction into the production process of the organization allows to improve the efficiency of economic activity and its reflection in accounting registers. As well as, it helps to automate the consultation on psychotherapy of depressive disorders in adolescents.

Now, we consider the main aspects of the influence of the use of computer information systems in counseling for the psychotherapy of depressive disorders in adolescents, presented in Figure 2:

Figure 2. Directions of the impact of the use of CIS

If a healthcare provider uses computer information systems in its economic and financial activities, then a specialist psychotherapist must do the following:

1) possess theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of automatic processing of accounting information;

2) know various kinds of software for the proper functioning of the economic and financial field of the organization;

3) to study the terms in the field of automatic processing of accounting information of the organization and the use of computer information systems;

4) have knowledge in the field of accounting in the organization applying CIS.

Thus, the use of computer information systems for counseling psychotherapy of depressive disorders is an integral part for the proper functioning of an economic entity with this organizational and economic form as a whole.

Innovative approaches and reforms in the field of healthcare services have found wide application. The reforms are applied to timely and modern maintenance of the current health of the population, as well as to improve the living standards of the population in all indicators. At the moment, those developments that are aimed at implementing long-term government programs and projects are widely used among innovative approaches.

In turn, we should note that conducting thorough and uncompromising control over the activities of organizations providing healthcare services also reduces the likelihood of losing the workforce of the younger generation.

In addition, in this regard, the importance of the current internal control mechanism is increasing, as one of the key factors reflecting the psychological state of adolescents from 14 to 18 years old.

It is worth noting that deviant behavior is a consequence of a violation of the emotional and personal sphere of adolescents, against the background of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Adolescents suffering from psychotic depressive disorders use a type of logical memory to perceive the environment, the content of which is remembered for a lifetime, while it can be rapidly forgotten with mechanical memorization if regular practice stops.

Also, information that is interesting to a person in itself is unconsciously remembered: it is either the most valuable (relevant), or it interests involuntary attention, or it is deliberately organized by someone. For voluntary memorization, it is very important that the individual sets a goal to keep in memory and applies a certain conation to this. Reproduction can also be accidental and involuntary. Directly, the relevance of this topic is due to the improvement of the quality of computer information systems, since automated processing of accounting information prevents the possibility of making arithmetic and documentary errors. The system of automated processing of accounting information is characterized by the following features:

1) complete systematization and automation of the collection, transmission and processing of accounting information;

2) the use of not only hard copy for entering accounting information, but also software;

3) presentation of information in the form of reports and tables;

4) control of the computing process of entering accounting and its accounting information;

5) reducing the likelihood of accounting errors.

Thus, the experience of working with adolescent children shows that the use of digital technologies in the process of counseling psychotherapy for depressive disorders opens up huge potential opportunities for their further development, actively helps to enrich their communicative and social experience, and allows them to overcome their intellectual passivity. All this allows you to get additional opportunities for the correctional and developmental process.

Conclusion. Thus, when writing a research paper, we used various methods to study the theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of the modern healthcare system in the Russian Federation for adolescents with signs of psychotic depressive disorders that affect social adaptation of young people from 14 to 18 years old.

As a result of the study, we found that the predominant type of memory in the experimental group is visual, and the level of semantic memory is low. The experimental group does not use logical memorization techniques.

We based the organization of our study on the following diagnostic principle: diagnosis should be carried out on a more favorable day and time for the child.

There were the following two stages of the study:

1. Preparatory - at this stage, we selected techniques aimed at studying logical memory in adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders.

2. Experimental - at this stage, we carried out the diagnosis of the logical memory of adolescents with non-psychotic depressive disorders. We analyzed the experimental documentation.


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